
## 空我经典句子(50句)

1. **你真的以为,用你的力量就可以改变这个世界吗?**

Do you really think you can change the world with your power?

2. **正义?我早已厌倦了这种虚伪的词汇。**

Justice? I've grown tired of this hypocritical word.

3. **人类,真是令人作呕的生物。**

Humans, such disgusting creatures.

4. **这个世界,从一开始就是黑暗的。**

This world was dark from the beginning.

5. **你的力量,不过是我的影子罢了。**

Your power is but a shadow of mine.

6. **我已经厌倦了无休止的战斗,我想要终结这一切。**

I'm tired of the endless battles, I want to end it all.

7. **我并非是神的使者,也并非是恶魔的化身,我只是... 空。**

I am not a messenger of God, nor an embodiment of the devil, I am simply... empty.

8. **你所追求的正义,不过是一场虚幻的梦。**

The justice you pursue is nothing more than a dream.

9. **无论你做什么,最终都无法改变命运的齿轮。**

No matter what you do, you cannot ultimately change the gears of fate.

10. **我已经失去了希望,也失去了梦想。**

I have lost hope, I have lost my dreams.

11. **我所做的一切,都是为了... 为了什么?**

Everything I've done, what was it all for...?

12. **你以为你是谁?你以为你能够战胜我?**

Who do you think you are? Do you think you can defeat me?

13. **你所见到的,不过是我想要让你看到的而已。**

What you see is only what I want you to see.

14. **这个世界已经腐烂了,唯有毁灭才是唯一的解脱。**

This world has rotted, only destruction is the only way out.

15. **我并不在意人类的未来,因为他们的未来已经注定。**

I don't care about the future of humanity, because their future is already predetermined.

16. **你所拥有的力量,终究会成为你的弱点。**

The power you possess will ultimately become your weakness.

17. **你所做的一切,都只是在徒劳地挣扎而已。**

Everything you do is just a futile struggle.

18. **我早已超脱了人类的道德束缚。**

I have long transcended the moral constraints of humanity.

19. **你是我的对手,也是我的宿命。**

You are my opponent, and my destiny.

20. **你以为你能够理解我吗?你错了。**

Do you think you can understand me? You're wrong.

21. **我所追求的,并非是力量,而是... 终结。**

What I seek is not power, but... the end.

22. **你所看到的,不过是表面的现象而已。**

What you see is just the surface phenomenon.

23. **不要再妄想改变我的决定了,因为我已经决定了。**

Don't try to change my decision anymore, because I have made up my mind.

24. **我并非是唯一的存在,但我是... 最终的答案。**

I am not the only one, but I am... the final answer.

25. **你所看到的,并非真实的自我。**

What you see is not my true self.

26. **你的存在,不过是一场虚幻的梦。**

Your existence is nothing more than a dream.

27. **你所拥有的感情,都是多余的。**

The feelings you possess are all unnecessary.

28. **你永远无法理解我,因为你... 只是一个人类。**

You will never understand me, because you are... just a human.

29. **我并非是邪恶的化身,但我也不算是正义的使者。**

I am not the embodiment of evil, but I am not a messenger of justice either.

30. **我所做的一切,都是为了... 为了自己。**

Everything I've done is for... myself.

31. **你所做的一切,都只是在徒劳地延缓时间而已。**

Everything you do is just delaying the inevitable.

32. **你的力量,不过是一瞬间的闪光而已。**

Your power is nothing more than a momentary flash.

33. **我早已看穿了你的伪装,你所隐藏的秘密,我早已知晓。**

I have long seen through your disguise, the secrets you hide, I already know.

34. **你所追求的,不过是一场无意义的追求。**

What you seek is nothing more than a meaningless pursuit.

35. **这个世界,最终会回归虚无。**

This world will eventually return to nothingness.

36. **你所拥有的,不过是一些过时的力量而已。**

What you possess is nothing more than some outdated power.

37. **你的存在,是错误的,也是多余的。**

Your existence is a mistake, and it is superfluous.

38. **我所做的一切,都是... 为了毁灭一切。**

Everything I've done is for... the destruction of all.

39. **你所拥有的感情,都是弱点。**

The feelings you possess are all weaknesses.

40. **你永远无法战胜我,因为你... 只是一个人类。**

You can never defeat me, because you are... just a human.

41. **你所看到的,不过是一场幻觉而已。**

What you see is nothing more than an illusion.

42. **我并非是无情的,但我也并非是仁慈的。**

I am not heartless, but I am not merciful either.

43. **你所拥有的希望,都是虚假的。**

The hope you possess is all false.

44. **你的命运,早已被决定。**

Your destiny has already been decided.

45. **我所追求的,并非是胜利,而是... 终结。**

What I seek is not victory, but... the end.

46. **你所拥有的力量,终将被吞噬。**

The power you possess will eventually be devoured.

47. **你所做的一切,都是徒劳的。**

Everything you do is in vain.

48. **你所看到的,不过是冰山一角而已。**

What you see is just the tip of the iceberg.

49. **我并非是唯一的存在,但我是... 最终的答案。**

I am not the only one, but I am... the final answer.

50. **你的存在,不过是一场虚幻的梦。**

Your existence is nothing more than a dream.

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