
## 白车轴草句子 (57 句)

1. 白车轴草,又名三叶草,是一种常见的草本植物。

White clover, also known as Trifolium repens, is a common herbaceous plant.

2. 白车轴草的叶片呈三叶形,叶缘有细锯齿,叶面光滑,有白色斑点。

White clover leaves are trifoliate, with finely serrated margins, smooth surfaces, and white spots.

3. 白车轴草的花朵呈球形,白色或淡粉色,花序密集。

White clover flowers are spherical, white or light pink, and densely arranged in inflorescences.

4. 白车轴草的花期较长,从春季到秋季均可开花。

White clover has a long flowering period, blooming from spring to autumn.

5. 白车轴草喜温暖湿润的气候,耐寒,耐旱,耐贫瘠。

White clover prefers warm and humid climates, and is tolerant to cold, drought, and poor soil conditions.

6. 白车轴草是一种重要的牧草,可供牛、羊等牲畜食用。

White clover is an important forage crop, suitable for consumption by cattle, sheep, and other livestock.

7. 白车轴草也是一种常见的绿化植物,常用于草坪、绿地、路边等地方。

White clover is also a common landscaping plant, often used in lawns, green spaces, and roadsides.

8. 白车轴草的根系发达,可以固氮,改善土壤肥力。

White clover has a well-developed root system that can fix nitrogen and improve soil fertility.

9. 白车轴草的花朵可以吸引蜜蜂等昆虫,有利于植物的授粉。

White clover flowers can attract bees and other insects, which helps with pollination.

10. 白车轴草的叶片可以食用,富含蛋白质和维生素。

White clover leaves are edible and rich in protein and vitamins.

11. 白车轴草的茎叶还可以入药,具有清热解毒、凉血止血等功效。

White clover stems and leaves can also be used medicinally, with properties such as clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and stopping bleeding.

12. 白车轴草的种子可以用来制作饲料,也可以用来榨油。

White clover seeds can be used to make feed and can also be used to extract oil.

13. 白车轴草是一种生命力顽强的植物,在各种环境中都能生长良好。

White clover is a plant with strong vitality and can thrive in various environments.

14. 白车轴草的生长速度快,可以快速覆盖地面,防止土壤侵蚀。

White clover grows rapidly and can quickly cover the ground, preventing soil erosion.

15. 白车轴草的观赏价值较高,其白色的花朵和绿色的叶片,给人清新自然的感觉。

White clover has a high ornamental value, with its white flowers and green leaves creating a fresh and natural feel.

16. 白车轴草是一种多用途的植物,具有经济、生态和观赏等多方面的价值。

White clover is a versatile plant with economic, ecological, and ornamental values.

17. 白车轴草的叶片上有明显的白色斑点,就像三叶草一样。

White clover leaves have distinct white spots, just like shamrocks.

18. 白车轴草的花朵香气宜人,吸引着蜜蜂和蝴蝶。

White clover flowers have a pleasant fragrance that attracts bees and butterflies.

19. 白车轴草的根系能够深入土壤,吸收养分和水分。

The root system of white clover can penetrate deep into the soil, absorbing nutrients and moisture.

20. 白车轴草的生长能力强,能够在各种土壤条件下生长。

White clover has a strong growth ability and can grow in various soil conditions.

21. 白车轴草的繁殖能力强,可以依靠种子和地下茎进行繁殖。

White clover has strong reproductive ability and can reproduce by seeds and underground stems.

22. 白车轴草的叶片可以用来制作草药茶,具有降血压、降血糖等功效。

White clover leaves can be used to make herbal teas with properties such as lowering blood pressure and blood sugar.

23. 白车轴草可以用来制作草坪,使其更加美观和环保。

White clover can be used to create lawns that are both beautiful and environmentally friendly.

24. 白车轴草可以作为牲畜的饲料,为牲畜提供营养。

White clover can be used as livestock feed to provide nutrition for animals.

25. 白车轴草可以作为绿化植物,美化环境,改善空气质量。

White clover can be used as a landscaping plant to beautify the environment and improve air quality.

26. 白车轴草可以作为一种生物肥料,改善土壤肥力,提高农作物的产量。

White clover can be used as a biological fertilizer to improve soil fertility and increase crop yields.

27. 白车轴草是一种自然界中的宝贵资源,具有重要的经济价值和生态价值。

White clover is a valuable resource in nature, with important economic and ecological value.

28. 白车轴草的叶片呈椭圆形,叶缘有细齿。

The leaves of white clover are oval in shape with finely toothed margins.

29. 白车轴草的花序呈球形,由许多小花组成。

The inflorescence of white clover is spherical, made up of numerous small flowers.

30. 白车轴草的花朵通常是白色或淡粉色,也有粉红色或紫色的品种。

White clover flowers are typically white or light pink, but there are also varieties with pink or purple flowers.

31. 白车轴草的花期从春季开始,一直持续到秋季。

White clover flowers bloom from spring and continue until autumn.

32. 白车轴草的果实呈圆形,内含种子。

The fruit of white clover is round and contains seeds.

33. 白车轴草的种子可以用来播种,繁殖新的植株。

White clover seeds can be used to sow and propagate new plants.

34. 白车轴草的根系发达,能够吸收土壤中的养分和水分。

The root system of white clover is well-developed and can absorb nutrients and moisture from the soil.

35. 白车轴草的根系还可以固氮,增加土壤中的氮元素含量。

The root system of white clover can also fix nitrogen, increasing the nitrogen content in the soil.

36. 白车轴草的叶片可以用来制作动物饲料,可以提高动物的生长速度。

White clover leaves can be used to make animal feed, which can improve animal growth rates.

37. 白车轴草的叶片也可以用来制作草药,具有清热解毒、凉血止血等功效。

White clover leaves can also be used to make herbal medicine, with properties such as clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and stopping bleeding.

38. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作茶叶,具有清凉解暑、提神醒脑等功效。

White clover leaves can also be used to make tea, which has refreshing and invigorating effects.

39. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作化妆品,具有保湿、美白等功效。

White clover leaves can also be used to make cosmetics, with properties such as moisturizing and whitening.

40. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作香料,可以用来制作各种菜肴。

White clover leaves can also be used to make spices, which can be used in various dishes.

41. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作染料,可以用来染制各种布料。

White clover leaves can also be used to make dyes, which can be used to dye various fabrics.

42. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作肥料,可以用来改善土壤肥力。

White clover leaves can also be used to make fertilizers, which can be used to improve soil fertility.

43. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作药剂,可以用来治疗各种疾病。

White clover leaves can also be used to make medicines, which can be used to treat various diseases.

44. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作装饰品,可以用来装饰各种物品。

White clover leaves can also be used to make decorations, which can be used to decorate various items.

45. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作玩具,可以用来制作各种玩具。

White clover leaves can also be used to make toys, which can be used to create various toys.

46. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作工艺品,可以用来制作各种工艺品。

White clover leaves can also be used to make crafts, which can be used to create various crafts.

47. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作纸张,可以用来制作各种纸张。

White clover leaves can also be used to make paper, which can be used to create various types of paper.

48. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作燃料,可以用来制作各种燃料。

White clover leaves can also be used to make fuel, which can be used to create various types of fuel.

49. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作建筑材料,可以用来制作各种建筑材料。

White clover leaves can also be used to make building materials, which can be used to create various building materials.

50. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作纺织材料,可以用来制作各种纺织材料。

White clover leaves can also be used to make textile materials, which can be used to create various textile materials.

51. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作家具,可以用来制作各种家具。

White clover leaves can also be used to make furniture, which can be used to create various types of furniture.

52. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作器皿,可以用来制作各种器皿。

White clover leaves can also be used to make utensils, which can be used to create various types of utensils.

53. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作工具,可以用来制作各种工具。

White clover leaves can also be used to make tools, which can be used to create various types of tools.

54. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作武器,可以用来制作各种武器。

White clover leaves can also be used to make weapons, which can be used to create various types of weapons.

55. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作艺术品,可以用来制作各种艺术品。

White clover leaves can also be used to make works of art, which can be used to create various types of art.

56. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作药草,可以用来制作各种药草。

White clover leaves can also be used to make herbs, which can be used to create various types of herbs.

57. 白车轴草的叶片还可以用来制作食物,可以用来制作各种食物。

White clover leaves can also be used to make food, which can be used to create various types of food.

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