
## 白璧微瑕句子 60 句

1. 这篇文章文笔流畅,内容丰富,只是结尾略显仓促,略有白璧微瑕之感。

This article is well-written and rich in content, but the ending is a bit hasty, leaving a slight flaw in the otherwise perfect piece.

2. 他虽然性格急躁,容易冲动,但为人正直,心地善良,算得上是白璧微瑕。

Although he has a quick temper and is prone to impulsive behavior, he is honest and kind-hearted, making him a man of great merit despite his minor flaws.

3. 这幅画色彩明艳,构图精美,只是人物表情略显呆板,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The painting is vibrant in color and beautifully composed, but the characters' expressions seem slightly stiff, leaving a minor flaw in the overall impression.

4. 她才华横溢,学识渊博,只是性格过于孤僻,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She is incredibly talented and knowledgeable, but her solitary nature makes her seem slightly flawed.

5. 这本书情节跌宕起伏,引人入胜,只是文笔略显平淡,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The book's plot is full of twists and turns, captivating the reader, but the writing style is somewhat bland, leaving a minor flaw in the overall experience.

6. 他的表演技巧娴熟,舞台魅力十足,只是表情略显僵硬,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

His performance skills are polished and his stage presence is captivating, but his facial expressions seem slightly stiff, leaving a minor flaw in the overall performance.

7. 这首歌曲旋律优美,歌词动人,只是节奏略显单调,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The song has a beautiful melody and touching lyrics, but the rhythm is somewhat monotonous, leaving a minor flaw in the overall musical experience.

8. 她的身材高挑,气质优雅,只是皮肤略显粗糙,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She is tall and graceful, but her skin is slightly rough, making her seem slightly flawed.

9. 这件衣服设计新颖,做工精细,只是颜色略显暗淡,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The dress is innovative in design and finely crafted, but the color is somewhat dull, leaving a minor flaw in the overall aesthetic.

10. 这款手机功能强大,性能优越,只是续航时间略显不足,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

This smartphone is powerful and performs exceptionally well, but its battery life is slightly lacking, making it seem slightly flawed.

11. 这家餐厅环境优雅,服务周到,只是菜品略显平淡,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The restaurant has an elegant ambiance and excellent service, but the food is somewhat bland, leaving a minor flaw in the overall dining experience.

12. 他的演讲内容深刻,逻辑严谨,只是语速略显缓慢,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

His speech is profound and logically sound, but his pace is somewhat slow, making it seem slightly flawed.

13. 这款游戏画面精美,操作流畅,只是剧情略显单薄,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The game has beautiful graphics and smooth gameplay, but the storyline is somewhat thin, leaving a minor flaw in the overall gaming experience.

14. 这部电影特效震撼,演员演技精湛,只是剧情略显拖沓,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The film has stunning special effects and superb acting, but the plot is somewhat dragged out, leaving a minor flaw in the overall viewing experience.

15. 这首诗意境深远,语言精炼,只是韵律略显不和谐,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The poem is profound in its imagery and concise in its language, but the rhythm is somewhat dissonant, leaving a minor flaw in the overall poetic experience.

16. 这座建筑设计独特,风格鲜明,只是内部装饰略显简陋,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The building has a unique design and distinct style, but its interior decoration is somewhat plain, leaving a minor flaw in the overall architectural experience.

17. 他的为人正直,做事认真,只是有时过于固执,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is honest and dedicated to his work, but sometimes he is too stubborn, making him seem slightly flawed.

18. 他的性格开朗,乐于助人,只是偶尔有些粗心大意,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is cheerful and helpful, but occasionally he is careless and absent-minded, making him seem slightly flawed.

19. 他的学习成绩优异,智力超群,只是偶尔有些懒散,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He excels in his studies and is incredibly intelligent, but occasionally he is lazy, making him seem slightly flawed.

20. 她的口才伶俐,谈吐优雅,只是有时过于强势,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She is articulate and speaks elegantly, but sometimes she is too assertive, making her seem slightly flawed.

21. 他的工作能力强,效率高,只是有时过于计较,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is a strong and efficient worker, but sometimes he is too calculative, making him seem slightly flawed.

22. 他的外表俊朗,气质儒雅,只是略显瘦弱,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is handsome and has a refined demeanor, but he is slightly thin, making him seem slightly flawed.

23. 她的歌喉甜美,音色动人,只是技巧略显生涩,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She has a sweet voice and captivating tone, but her technique is slightly raw, making her seem slightly flawed.

24. 这本书内容精彩,文笔流畅,只是排版略显混乱,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The book is packed with exciting content and features smooth writing, but its layout is somewhat chaotic, leaving a minor flaw in the overall reading experience.

25. 这部电影剧情曲折,人物鲜明,只是结局略显仓促,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The film has a winding plot and vivid characters, but its ending is somewhat rushed, leaving a minor flaw in the overall viewing experience.

26. 这幅画构图巧妙,色彩鲜艳,只是细节略显粗糙,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The painting is cleverly composed and vibrant in color, but its details are slightly rough, leaving a minor flaw in the overall visual impression.

27. 这首歌曲旋律优美,歌词动人,只是伴奏略显单调,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The song has a beautiful melody and touching lyrics, but the accompaniment is somewhat monotonous, leaving a minor flaw in the overall musical experience.

28. 他的性格沉稳,做事严谨,只是有时过于固执己见,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is calm and meticulous in his work, but sometimes he is too stubborn in his views, making him seem slightly flawed.

29. 她的性格温柔,待人友善,只是偶尔有些任性,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She is gentle and kind to others, but occasionally she is somewhat willful, making her seem slightly flawed.

30. 他的学习成绩优异,智力超群,只是偶尔有些粗心大意,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He excels in his studies and is incredibly intelligent, but occasionally he is careless and absent-minded, making him seem slightly flawed.

31. 他的口才伶俐,谈吐优雅,只是有时过于自我,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is articulate and speaks elegantly, but sometimes he is too self-centered, making him seem slightly flawed.

32. 他的工作能力强,效率高,只是有时过于追求完美,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is a strong and efficient worker, but sometimes he is too perfectionistic, making him seem slightly flawed.

33. 他的外表俊朗,气质儒雅,只是略显沉默寡言,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is handsome and has a refined demeanor, but he is somewhat reserved and quiet, making him seem slightly flawed.

34. 她的歌喉甜美,音色动人,只是舞台经验略显不足,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She has a sweet voice and captivating tone, but her stage experience is somewhat lacking, making her seem slightly flawed.

35. 这本书内容精彩,文笔流畅,只是结尾略显草率,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The book is packed with exciting content and features smooth writing, but its ending is somewhat hasty, leaving a minor flaw in the overall reading experience.

36. 这部电影剧情曲折,人物鲜明,只是节奏略显缓慢,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The film has a winding plot and vivid characters, but its pace is somewhat slow, leaving a minor flaw in the overall viewing experience.

37. 这幅画构图巧妙,色彩鲜艳,只是光影效果略显单调,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The painting is cleverly composed and vibrant in color, but its lighting effects are somewhat monotonous, leaving a minor flaw in the overall visual impression.

38. 这首歌曲旋律优美,歌词动人,只是編曲略显平淡,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The song has a beautiful melody and touching lyrics, but its arrangement is somewhat bland, leaving a minor flaw in the overall musical experience.

39. 他的性格沉稳,做事严谨,只是有时过于缺乏幽默感,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is calm and meticulous in his work, but sometimes he lacks a sense of humor, making him seem slightly flawed.

40. 她的性格温柔,待人友善,只是偶尔有些缺乏自信,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She is gentle and kind to others, but occasionally she lacks confidence, making her seem slightly flawed.

41. 他的学习成绩优异,智力超群,只是有时过于缺乏实践能力,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He excels in his studies and is incredibly intelligent, but sometimes he lacks practical skills, making him seem slightly flawed.

42. 他的口才伶俐,谈吐优雅,只是有时过于缺乏耐心,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is articulate and speaks elegantly, but sometimes he lacks patience, making him seem slightly flawed.

43. 他的工作能力强,效率高,只是有时过于缺乏团队合作精神,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is a strong and efficient worker, but sometimes he lacks a team spirit, making him seem slightly flawed.

44. 他的外表俊朗,气质儒雅,只是略显缺乏运动天赋,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is handsome and has a refined demeanor, but he is somewhat lacking in athletic ability, making him seem slightly flawed.

45. 她的歌喉甜美,音色动人,只是略显缺乏舞台感染力,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She has a sweet voice and captivating tone, but she lacks stage presence, making her seem slightly flawed.

46. 这本书内容精彩,文笔流畅,只是逻辑略显混乱,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The book is packed with exciting content and features smooth writing, but its logic is somewhat chaotic, leaving a minor flaw in the overall reading experience.

47. 这部电影剧情曲折,人物鲜明,只是细节略显粗糙,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The film has a winding plot and vivid characters, but its details are slightly rough, leaving a minor flaw in the overall viewing experience.

48. 这幅画构图巧妙,色彩鲜艳,只是主题略显模糊,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The painting is cleverly composed and vibrant in color, but its theme is somewhat unclear, leaving a minor flaw in the overall visual impression.

49. 这首歌曲旋律优美,歌词动人,只是和声略显单调,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The song has a beautiful melody and touching lyrics, but its harmonies are somewhat monotonous, leaving a minor flaw in the overall musical experience.

50. 他的性格沉稳,做事严谨,只是有时过于缺乏冒险精神,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is calm and meticulous in his work, but sometimes he lacks a sense of adventure, making him seem slightly flawed.

51. 她的性格温柔,待人友善,只是偶尔有些缺乏果断性,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She is gentle and kind to others, but occasionally she lacks decisiveness, making her seem slightly flawed.

52. 他的学习成绩优异,智力超群,只是有时过于缺乏创新意识,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He excels in his studies and is incredibly intelligent, but sometimes he lacks an innovative spirit, making him seem slightly flawed.

53. 他的口才伶俐,谈吐优雅,只是有时过于缺乏亲和力,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is articulate and speaks elegantly, but sometimes he lacks approachability, making him seem slightly flawed.

54. 他的工作能力强,效率高,只是有时过于缺乏抗压能力,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is a strong and efficient worker, but sometimes he lacks resilience, making him seem slightly flawed.

55. 他的外表俊朗,气质儒雅,只是略显缺乏自信,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

He is handsome and has a refined demeanor, but he is somewhat lacking in confidence, making him seem slightly flawed.

56. 她的歌喉甜美,音色动人,只是略显缺乏表现力,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

She has a sweet voice and captivating tone, but she lacks expressiveness, making her seem slightly flawed.

57. 这本书内容精彩,文笔流畅,只是细节略显不足,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The book is packed with exciting content and features smooth writing, but its details are somewhat lacking, leaving a minor flaw in the overall reading experience.

58. 这部电影剧情曲折,人物鲜明,只是剪辑略显生硬,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The film has a winding plot and vivid characters, but its editing is somewhat rough, leaving a minor flaw in the overall viewing experience.

59. 这幅画构图巧妙,色彩鲜艳,只是色调略显单调,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The painting is cleverly composed and vibrant in color, but its color palette is somewhat monotonous, leaving a minor flaw in the overall visual impression.

60. 这首歌曲旋律优美,歌词动人,只是编曲略显简单,让人觉得有些白璧微瑕。

The song has a beautiful melody and touching lyrics, but its arrangement is somewhat simple, leaving a minor flaw in the overall musical experience.

以上就是关于白璧微瑕句子60句(白璧微瑕句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
