
## 白娘子许仙句子 (90句)

**Part 1: 初遇 & 相识**

1. 郎君,小女子名叫白素贞,今日有幸与君相遇,实乃缘分天定。 (Young master, I am Bai Suzhen. It is truly destined that we meet today.)
2. 许仙,你为何总是盯着我看? (Xu Xian, why do you keep staring at me?)
3. 这位公子,你为何要如此对我?难道你不知道我是个女子吗? (Sir, why are you treating me like this? Don't you know I'm a woman?)
4. 许仙,你救了我一命,我无以为报,愿以身相许。 (Xu Xian, you saved my life. I have nothing to repay you with, but I'm willing to offer myself to you.)
5. 你不必如此客气,我不过是举手之劳罢了。 (You don't have to be so polite. It was just a small favor.)
6. 你真的不记得我吗?我们以前见过面啊! (You really don't remember me? We've met before!)
7. 许仙,你为何要对我如此冷漠? (Xu Xian, why are you so cold to me?)
8. 我知道你心中有难言之隐,但请你相信我,我不会伤害你的。 (I know you have something to hide, but please trust me. I won't hurt you.)
9. 许仙,你愿意相信我吗? (Xu Xian, are you willing to believe me?)
10. 许仙,我并非妖魔鬼怪,我是一个真心喜欢你的女子。 (Xu Xian, I'm not a demon or monster. I'm a woman who truly loves you.)
11. 许仙,你为何要如此怀疑我? (Xu Xian, why are you so suspicious of me?)
12. 你误会了,我真的不是妖怪。 (You misunderstand me, I'm really not a monster.)
13. 我知道你很害怕,但请你冷静下来,听我解释。 (I know you are scared, but please calm down and listen to my explanation.)
14. 你为何总是躲着我?难道你真的害怕我吗? (Why are you always avoiding me? Are you really afraid of me?)
15. 许仙,我愿意为了你,付出一切。 (Xu Xian, I am willing to give up everything for you.)
16. 许仙,你为何总是对我的身份如此执着? (Xu Xian, why are you so fixated on my identity?)
17. 许仙,你为何总是担心我的安危? (Xu Xian, why are you always worried about my safety?)
18. 许仙,你为何总是为我操心? (Xu Xian, why do you always worry about me?)
19. 许仙,你为何总是对我那么好? (Xu Xian, why are you always so kind to me?)
20. 许仙,你为何总是对我如此温柔? (Xu Xian, why are you always so gentle to me?)

**Part 2: 婚后生活 & 情感**

21. 许仙,你愿意娶我吗? (Xu Xian, will you marry me?)
22. 许仙,我嫁给你,不会后悔的。 (Xu Xian, I won't regret marrying you.)
23. 许仙,我们一起白头偕老吧! (Xu Xian, let's grow old together!)
24. 许仙,我爱你。 (Xu Xian, I love you.)
25. 许仙,你也是爱我的吧? (Xu Xian, you love me too, right?)
26. 许仙,你为何总是沉默不语? (Xu Xian, why are you always silent?)
27. 许仙,你生气了吗? (Xu Xian, are you angry?)
28. 许仙,我们之间是不是有什么误会? (Xu Xian, is there some kind of misunderstanding between us?)
29. 许仙,我不希望你误会我。 (Xu Xian, I don't want you to misunderstand me.)
30. 许仙,我永远不会离开你。 (Xu Xian, I will never leave you.)
31. 许仙,我们永远在一起吧! (Xu Xian, let's be together forever!)
32. 许仙,你放心,我会永远守护着你。 (Xu Xian, don't worry, I will always protect you.)
33. 许仙,你想要什么,我都给你。 (Xu Xian, I will give you whatever you want.)
34. 许仙,我们生生世世在一起吧! (Xu Xian, let's be together in this life and the next!)
35. 许仙,你是我一生中最重要的人。 (Xu Xian, you are the most important person in my life.)
36. 许仙,我爱你胜过一切。 (Xu Xian, I love you more than anything.)
37. 许仙,你是我唯一的依靠。 (Xu Xian, you are my only support.)
38. 许仙,你是我生命中的阳光。 (Xu Xian, you are the sunshine in my life.)
39. 许仙,你是我永远的港湾。 (Xu Xian, you are my forever harbor.)
40. 许仙,你是我一生最美好的相遇。 (Xu Xian, you are the most beautiful encounter in my life.)

**Part 3: 危机 & 挑战**

41. 许仙,你怎么了? (Xu Xian, what's wrong with you?)
42. 许仙,你怎么会突然变得如此虚弱? (Xu Xian, why did you suddenly become so weak?)
43. 许仙,你生病了,我好担心你。 (Xu Xian, you are sick, I am so worried about you.)
44. 许仙,你一定要撑住,我会陪在你身边的。 (Xu Xian, you must hold on, I will be by your side.)
45. 许仙,你千万不要有事! (Xu Xian, please don't be in any danger!)
46. 许仙,我求求你,快醒过来吧! (Xu Xian, I beg you, please wake up!)
47. 许仙,你一定要活着回来! (Xu Xian, you must come back alive!)
48. 许仙,你放心,我会照顾好自己。 (Xu Xian, don't worry, I will take care of myself.)
49. 许仙,我会永远相信你。 (Xu Xian, I will always believe in you.)
50. 许仙,你永远是我心目中的英雄。 (Xu Xian, you will always be the hero in my heart.)
51. 许仙,我不会让你失望的。 (Xu Xian, I will not let you down.)
52. 许仙,我永远不会忘记你。 (Xu Xian, I will never forget you.)
53. 许仙,你为了我付出了太多。 (Xu Xian, you have sacrificed so much for me.)
54. 许仙,我永远都欠你的。 (Xu Xian, I will always be indebted to you.)
55. 许仙,你是我生命中的奇迹。 (Xu Xian, you are a miracle in my life.)
56. 许仙,你是我一生的挚爱。 (Xu Xian, you are the love of my life.)
57. 许仙,你是我永远的依靠。 (Xu Xian, you are my forever support.)
58. 许仙,你是我永远的希望。 (Xu Xian, you are my forever hope.)
59. 许仙,你是我永远的幸福。 (Xu Xian, you are my forever happiness.)
60. 许仙,你是我永远的梦想。 (Xu Xian, you are my forever dream.)

**Part 4: 思念 & 离别**

61. 许仙,我想你。 (Xu Xian, I miss you.)
62. 许仙,你在哪里? (Xu Xian, where are you?)
63. 许仙,你什么时候回来? (Xu Xian, when will you come back?)
64. 许仙,我等你。 (Xu Xian, I'll wait for you.)
65. 许仙,我们还会再见吗? (Xu Xian, will we ever see each other again?)
66. 许仙,我永远记得你。 (Xu Xian, I will always remember you.)
67. 许仙,你永远在我的心中。 (Xu Xian, you will always be in my heart.)
68. 许仙,我们来世再续前缘吧! (Xu Xian, let's continue our story in the next life!)
69. 许仙,我永远不会忘记你对我的好。 (Xu Xian, I will never forget your kindness to me.)
70. 许仙,谢谢你出现在我的生命中。 (Xu Xian, thank you for appearing in my life.)
71. 许仙,我们之间的缘分,是上天安排的。 (Xu Xian, our destiny was arranged by heaven.)
72. 许仙,我永远爱你。 (Xu Xian, I will always love you.)
73. 许仙,我们永远不会分离。 (Xu Xian, we will never be separated.)
74. 许仙,你是我一生中最难忘的人。 (Xu Xian, you are the most unforgettable person in my life.)
75. 许仙,我们之间的爱情,会永远流传下去。 (Xu Xian, our love will be passed down forever.)
76. 许仙,我永远不会忘记你的笑容。 (Xu Xian, I will never forget your smile.)
77. 许仙,我永远不会忘记你的声音。 (Xu Xian, I will never forget your voice.)
78. 许仙,我永远不会忘记你的拥抱。 (Xu Xian, I will never forget your embrace.)
79. 许仙,我永远不会忘记你的爱。 (Xu Xian, I will never forget your love.)
80. 许仙,你永远是我心中最美的风景。 (Xu Xian, you will always be the most beautiful scenery in my heart.)

**Part 5: 经典台词 & 总结**

81. 许仙,你为何如此执迷不悟? (Xu Xian, why are you so stubborn?)
82. 许仙,我真是太傻了! (Xu Xian, I was so foolish!)
83. 许仙,我对不起你。 (Xu Xian, I'm sorry.)
84. 许仙,我错了。 (Xu Xian, I was wrong.)
85. 许仙,你一定要保重。 (Xu Xian, take care of yourself.)
86. 许仙,我们后会有期。 (Xu Xian, we'll meet again.)
87. 许仙,你永远是我的唯一。 (Xu Xian, you will always be my only one.)
88. 许仙,你永远是我的爱人。 (Xu Xian, you will always be my lover.)
89. 许仙,你永远是我的妻子。 (Xu Xian, you will always be my wife.)
90. 许仙,我爱你,今生今世,永不分离。 (Xu Xian, I love you, in this life and the next, we will never be separated.)

## 英文翻译 (English Translation)

**Part 1: First Encounter & Getting to Know Each Other**

1. Young master, I am Bai Suzhen. It is truly destined that we meet today.

2. Xu Xian, why do you keep staring at me?

3. Sir, why are you treating me like this? Don't you know I'm a woman?

4. Xu Xian, you saved my life. I have nothing to repay you with, but I'm willing to offer myself to you.

5. You don't have to be so polite. It was just a small favor.

6. You really don't remember me? We've met before!

7. Xu Xian, why are you so cold to me?

8. I know you have something to hide, but please trust me. I won't hurt you.

9. Xu Xian, are you willing to believe me?

10. Xu Xian, I'm not a demon or monster. I'm a woman who truly loves you.

11. Xu Xian, why are you so suspicious of me?

12. You misunderstand me, I'm really not a monster.

13. I know you are scared, but please calm down and listen to my explanation.

14. Why are you always avoiding me? Are you really afraid of me?

15. Xu Xian, I am willing to give up everything for you.

16. Xu Xian, why are you so fixated on my identity?

17. Xu Xian, why are you always worried about my safety?

18. Xu Xian, why do you always worry about me?

19. Xu Xian, why are you always so kind to me?

20. Xu Xian, why are you always so gentle to me?

**Part 2: Married Life & Emotions**

21. Xu Xian, will you marry me?

22. Xu Xian, I won't regret marrying you.

23. Xu Xian, let's grow old together!

24. Xu Xian, I love you.

25. Xu Xian, you love me too, right?

26. Xu Xian, why are you always silent?

27. Xu Xian, are you angry?

28. Xu Xian, is there some kind of misunderstanding between us?

29. Xu Xian, I don't want you to misunderstand me.

30. Xu Xian, I will never leave you.

31. Xu Xian, let's be together forever!

32. Xu Xian, don't worry, I will always protect you.

33. Xu Xian, I will give you whatever you want.

34. Xu Xian, let's be together in this life and the next!

35. Xu Xian, you are the most important person in my life.

36. Xu Xian, I love you more than anything.

37. Xu Xian, you are my only support.

38. Xu Xian, you are the sunshine in my life.

39. Xu Xian, you are my forever harbor.

40. Xu Xian, you are the most beautiful encounter in my life.

**Part 3: Crisis & Challenges**

41. Xu Xian, what's wrong with you?

42. Xu Xian, why did you suddenly become so weak?

43. Xu Xian, you are sick, I am so worried about you.

44. Xu Xian, you must hold on, I will be by your side.

45. Xu Xian, please don't be in any danger!

46. Xu Xian, I beg you, please wake up!

47. Xu Xian, you must come back alive!

48. Xu Xian, don't worry, I will take care of myself.

49. Xu Xian, I will always believe in you.

50. Xu Xian, you will always be the hero in my heart.

51. Xu Xian, I will not let you down.

52. Xu Xian, I will never forget you.

53. Xu Xian, you have sacrificed so much for me.

54. Xu Xian, I will always be indebted to you.

55. Xu Xian, you are a miracle in my life.

56. Xu Xian, you are the love of my life.

57. Xu Xian, you are my forever support.

58. Xu Xian, you are my forever hope.

59. Xu Xian, you are my forever happiness.

60. Xu Xian, you are my forever dream.

**Part 4: Longing & Separation**

61. Xu Xian, I miss you.

62. Xu Xian, where are you?

63. Xu Xian, when will you come back?

64. Xu Xian, I'll wait for you.

65. Xu Xian, will we ever see each other again?

66. Xu Xian, I will always remember you.

67. Xu Xian, you will always be in my heart.

68. Xu Xian, let's continue our story in the next life!

69. Xu Xian, I will never forget your kindness to me.

70. Xu Xian, thank you for appearing in my life.

71. Xu Xian, our destiny was arranged by heaven.

72. Xu Xian, I will always love you.

73. Xu Xian, we will never be separated.

74. Xu Xian, you are the most unforgettable person in my life.

75. Xu Xian, our love will be passed down forever.

76. Xu Xian, I will never forget your smile.

77. Xu Xian, I will never forget your voice.

78. Xu Xian, I will never forget your embrace.

79. Xu Xian, I will never forget your love.

80. Xu Xian, you will always be the most beautiful scenery in my heart.

**Part 5: Classic Lines & Summary**

81. Xu Xian, why are you so stubborn?

82. Xu Xian, I was so foolish!

83. Xu Xian, I'm sorry.

84. Xu Xian, I was wrong.

85. Xu Xian, take care of yourself.

86. Xu Xian, we'll meet again.

87. Xu Xian, you will always be my only one.

88. Xu Xian, you will always be my lover.

89. Xu Xian, you will always be my wife.

90. Xu Xian, I love you, in this life and the next, we will never be separated.

以上就是关于白娘子许仙句子90句(白娘子许仙句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
