
## 痛批不孝顺的人的句子 (71句)

1. 滴水之恩,涌泉相报,父母养育之恩,何以为报?

2. 孝敬父母是做人的本份,不孝之人,禽兽不如。

3. 父母之爱,无私无求,不孝之人,良心何在?

4. 孝道乃中华民族之美德,不孝之人,愧对祖宗。

5. 父母在,人生尚有来处,父母去,人生只剩归途。

6. 父母辛辛苦苦把你养大,你却如此对待他们,你还有良心吗?

7. 不孝之人,不仅伤天害理,更是自毁前程。

8. 你以为你年轻有为,就理所当然地享受父母的付出吗?

9. 你知道父母为你操碎了心吗?你看看他们的白发,你还有脸不孝吗?

10. 不孝之人,迟早会尝到报应的苦果。

11. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会无动于衷吗?

12. 你以为你能逃脱道德的谴责吗?

13. 父母之爱,比山高,比海深,你竟然敢无情无义?

14. 你以为你给父母几张钞票,就能弥补你的不孝吗?

15. 不孝之人,不仅是道德败坏,更是心灵扭曲。

16. 你以为你对父母的冷言冷语,他们会不伤心吗?

17. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

18. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的责任吗?

19. 不孝之人,终究会被世人唾弃。

20. 你以为你可以永远逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

21. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

22. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

23. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

24. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

25. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

26. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

27. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

28. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

29. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

30. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

31. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

32. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

33. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

34. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

35. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

36. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

37. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

38. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

39. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

40. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

41. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

42. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

43. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

44. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

45. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

46. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

47. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

48. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

49. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

50. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

51. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

52. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

53. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

54. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

55. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

56. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

57. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

58. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

59. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

60. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

61. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

62. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

63. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

64. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

65. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

66. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

67. 你以为你对父母的冷漠,他们会不伤心吗?

68. 你以为你可以用金钱来买断对父母的责任吗?

69. 你以为你对父母的忽视,他们会不难过吗?

70. 你以为你可以逃避对父母的亏欠吗?

71. 你以为你可以心安理得地享受父母的恩情吗?

## 英文翻译

1. A drop of kindness is repaid by a spring of gratitude, how can one repay the kindness of parents who raised them?

2. It is a person's duty to show filial piety to their parents, those who are unfilial are worse than beasts.

3. The love of parents is selfless and without asking for anything in return, those who are unfilial, where is their conscience?

4. Filial piety is a virtue of the Chinese nation, those who are unfilial are ashamed of their ancestors.

5. With parents alive, life has a place to come from, with parents gone, life only has a place to return to.

6. Your parents worked so hard to raise you, yet you treat them this way, do you have a conscience?

7. Those who are unfilial not only harm Heaven and Earth, but also ruin their own future.

8. Do you think because you are young and successful, you deserve to enjoy your parents' contributions?

9. Do you know how much your parents have worried about you? Look at their white hair, do you still have the face to be unfilial?

10. Those who are unfilial will sooner or later taste the bitter fruit of retribution.

11. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

12. Do you think you can escape moral condemnation?

13. Parental love is higher than mountains and deeper than the sea, how dare you be heartless and unrighteous?

14. Do you think you can make up for your unfilial behavior by giving your parents a few banknotes?

15. Those who are unfilial are not only morally corrupt but also have a twisted heart.

16. Do you think your cold words to your parents won't hurt them?

17. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

18. Do you think you can escape your responsibilities to your parents?

19. Those who are unfilial will eventually be despised by the world.

20. Do you think you can forever escape the debt you owe your parents?

21. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

22. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

23. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

24. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

25. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

26. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

27. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

28. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

29. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

30. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

31. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

32. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

33. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

34. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

35. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

36. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

37. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

38. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

39. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

40. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

41. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

42. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

43. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

44. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

45. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

46. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

47. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

48. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

49. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

50. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

51. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

52. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

53. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

54. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

55. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

56. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

57. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

58. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

59. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

60. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

61. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

62. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

63. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

64. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

65. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

66. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

67. Do you think your indifference towards your parents will leave them unmoved?

68. Do you think you can buy off your responsibility to your parents with money?

69. Do you think your neglect of your parents won't make them sad?

70. Do you think you can escape the debt you owe your parents?

71. Do you think you can enjoy your parents' kindness with a clear conscience?

以上就是关于痛批不孝顺的人的句子71句(痛批不孝顺的人的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
