
## 提醒开车慢点句子 (84句)


1. 慢点开车,安全第一!

Drive slower, safety first!

2. 生命只有一次,请谨慎驾驶。

Life is precious, drive carefully.

3. 安全驾驶,从慢速开始。

Safe driving starts with slow driving.

4. 慢点开车,让旅途更美好。

Drive slower, make your journey more enjoyable.

5. 速度不是一切,安全才是。

Speed is not everything, safety is.

6. 不要着急,安全到达最重要。

Don't rush, getting there safely is most important.

7. 慢点开车,让家人安心。

Drive slower, let your family feel at ease.

8. 慢点开车,享受路途风景。

Drive slower, enjoy the scenery on the road.

9. 安全驾驶,是我们共同的责任。

Safe driving is our shared responsibility.

10. 慢点开车,为生命减速。

Drive slower, slow down for life.


11. 雨天路滑,请慢点开车。

The road is slippery in the rain, please drive slowly.

12. 路况复杂,请减速慢行。

The road conditions are complex, please slow down.

13. 弯道较多,请注意减速。

There are many bends, please slow down.

14. 道路施工,请减速慢行。

Road works, please slow down.

15. 行人较多,请注意减速。

There are many pedestrians, please slow down.

16. 儿童活动区域,请减速慢行。

Children's play area, please slow down.

17. 视线不清,请减速慢行。

Visibility is poor, please slow down.

18. 疲劳驾驶危险,请停车休息。

Drowsy driving is dangerous, please pull over and rest.

19. 酒后驾车违法,请勿尝试。

Driving under the influence is illegal, please don't try it.

20. 遵守交通规则,安全驾驶。

Follow traffic rules, drive safely.


21. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“赛车”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become a"race car".

22. 你想让你的车“飞起来”吗?那就慢点开车!

Do you want your car to"fly"? Then drive slower!

23. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“救护车”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become an"ambulance".

24. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“警车”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become a"police car".

25. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“垃圾车”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become a"garbage truck".

26. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“棺材”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become a"coffin".

27. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“玩具”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become a"toy".

28. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“废铁”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become"scrap metal".

29. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“笑话”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become a"joke".

30. 慢点开车,别让你的车变成“噩梦”。

Drive slower, don't let your car become a"nightmare".


31. 慢点开车,为了自己,也为了家人。

Drive slower, for yourself and for your family.

32. 慢点开车,不要让遗憾成为永恒。

Drive slower, don't let regret become eternal.

33. 慢点开车,让生命充满阳光。

Drive slower, let life be full of sunshine.

34. 慢点开车,让爱永驻人间。

Drive slower, let love last forever.

35. 慢点开车,让未来充满希望。

Drive slower, let the future be full of hope.

36. 慢点开车,让幸福常伴左右。

Drive slower, let happiness be with you always.

37. 慢点开车,让人生充满意义。

Drive slower, let life be full of meaning.

38. 慢点开车,让世界充满美好。

Drive slower, let the world be full of beauty.

39. 慢点开车,让生命充满奇迹。

Drive slower, let life be full of miracles.

40. 慢点开车,让梦想照进现实。

Drive slower, let dreams come true.


41. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。慢点开车,安全到达。

The road is long and winding, I will seek it from both the east and the west. Drive slower, get there safely.

42. 人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。慢点开车,珍惜旅程。

Life is like a journey, I am also a traveler. Drive slower, cherish the journey.

43. 行路难,行路难,多歧路,今安在?慢点开车,问路于心。

It is difficult to travel, it is difficult to travel, there are many forks in the road, where am I now? Drive slower, ask your heart for directions.

44. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。慢点开车,发现惊喜。

The mountains are high and the water is deep, it seems there is no way out, but then a willow branch reveals a village ahead. Drive slower, discover surprises.

45. 劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。慢点开车,珍惜眼前人。

I urge you to drink one more cup of wine, for there will be no friends to see you off west of the Yangguan Pass. Drive slower, cherish the people before you.

46. 天涯何处无芳草,何必单恋一枝花。慢点开车,欣赏美好。

Where in the world are there no fragrant grasses? Why single out one flower to love? Drive slower, appreciate beauty.

47. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。慢点开车,放眼未来。

If you want to see a thousand miles, climb to a higher floor. Drive slower, look to the future.

48. 莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。慢点开车,相信自己。

Don't worry about having no friends on the road ahead, who in the world doesn't know you? Drive slower, believe in yourself.

49. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。慢点开车,心心相印。

Friends are within reach even when they are thousands of miles away. Drive slower, share a heart-to-heart connection.

50. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。慢点开车,享受生活。

When life is good, you must enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden goblet stand empty under the moon. Drive slower, enjoy life.


51. 安全驾驶,人人有责。

Safe driving is everyone's responsibility.

52. 生命只有一次,安全驾驶,请勿冒险。

Life is precious, drive safely, don't take risks.

53. 慢点开车,让生命更精彩!

Drive slower, make life more exciting!

54. 为了家人,请慢点开车。

For your family, please drive slower.

55. 为了自己,请慢点开车。

For yourself, please drive slower.

56. 慢点开车,让世界更美好。

Drive slower, make the world a better place.

57. 慢点开车,让未来充满希望。

Drive slower, let the future be full of hope.

58. 慢点开车,让爱永驻人间。

Drive slower, let love last forever.

59. 慢点开车,让幸福常伴左右。

Drive slower, let happiness be with you always.

60. 慢点开车,让人生充满意义。

Drive slower, let life be full of meaning.

61. 慢点开车,让生命充满奇迹。

Drive slower, let life be full of miracles.

62. 慢点开车,让梦想照进现实。

Drive slower, let dreams come true.

63. 遵守交通法规,安全驾驶。

Follow traffic regulations, drive safely.

64. 谨慎驾驶,安全第一。

Drive carefully, safety first.

65. 注意路况,安全驾驶。

Pay attention to road conditions, drive safely.

66. 慢点开车,别让生命留下遗憾。

Drive slower, don't let life leave regrets.

67. 慢点开车,别让事故发生。

Drive slower, don't let accidents happen.

68. 慢点开车,别让生命逝去。

Drive slower, don't let life pass away.

69. 慢点开车,别让幸福溜走。

Drive slower, don't let happiness slip away.

70. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的安全伙伴。

Drive slower, let your car become your safe companion.

71. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的忠实朋友。

Drive slower, let your car become your faithful friend.

72. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的守护天使。

Drive slower, let your car become your guardian angel.

73. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之舟。

Drive slower, let your car become your lifeboat.

74. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之光。

Drive slower, let your car become your beacon of life.

75. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的幸福之源。

Drive slower, let your car become your source of happiness.

76. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的梦想之翼。

Drive slower, let your car become your wings of dreams.

77. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的未来之星。

Drive slower, let your car become your star of the future.

78. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之树。

Drive slower, let your car become your tree of life.

79. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之歌。

Drive slower, let your car become your song of life.

80. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之舞。

Drive slower, let your car become your dance of life.

81. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之画。

Drive slower, let your car become your painting of life.

82. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之诗。

Drive slower, let your car become your poem of life.

83. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之梦。

Drive slower, let your car become your dream of life.

84. 慢点开车,让你的车成为你的生命之爱。

Drive slower, let your car become your love of life.

以上就是关于提醒开车慢点句子84句(提醒开车慢点句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
