
## 88句提醒对方收货的句子及其英文翻译:


1. 您好,您的包裹已到达,请尽快签收。

Hello, your package has arrived, please sign for it as soon as possible.

2. 您的货物已送达,请注意查收。

Your goods have been delivered, please check them.

3. 请注意查收包裹,如有任何问题请及时联系我们。

Please check your package. If you have any questions, please contact us.

4. 提醒您,您的包裹已送达,请尽快签收。

Reminder: Your package has been delivered, please sign for it as soon as possible.

5. 您的包裹已安全送达,请及时签收。

Your package has been safely delivered. Please sign for it in time.

6. 亲,您的包裹已送达,请及时签收哦!

Dear, your package has arrived, please sign for it in time!

7. 包裹已送达,请您尽快签收,以免耽误您的使用。

The package has been delivered. Please sign for it as soon as possible to avoid delaying your use.

8. 温馨提示:您的包裹已送达,请您及时签收。

Friendly reminder: Your package has arrived, please sign for it in time.

9. 请您尽快签收包裹,以便我们更好地为您服务。

Please sign for the package as soon as possible so that we can better serve you.

10. 您的包裹已到达,请您及时签收,谢谢!

Your package has arrived, please sign for it in time, thank you!


11. 包裹已送达,您收到了吗?

The package has been delivered, have you received it?

12. 您好,您的包裹是否已安全送达?

Hello, has your package been delivered safely?

13. 请问您的包裹已经签收了吗?

Have you signed for your package yet?

14. 您的包裹已经送到,请问您是否已签收?

Your package has been delivered. Have you signed for it?

15. 您是否已收到您的包裹?请确认一下。

Have you received your package? Please confirm.

16. 确认一下,您的包裹是否已签收?

Please confirm, have you signed for your package?

17. 您好,您的包裹已送达,请确认是否已签收。

Hello, your package has been delivered, please confirm whether it has been signed for.

18. 您的包裹已到达,请回复确认您是否已签收。

Your package has arrived, please reply to confirm whether you have signed for it.

19. 确认一下您是否已经收到包裹。

Please confirm if you have received the package.

20. 请告知我们您是否已收到包裹。

Please let us know if you have received the package.


21. 请尽快签收您的包裹,以免造成不必要的损失。

Please sign for your package as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary loss.

22. 您的包裹已送达,请尽快签收,以免影响您的使用。

Your package has been delivered. Please sign for it as soon as possible to avoid affecting your use.

23. 请您尽快签收包裹,谢谢合作。

Please sign for the package as soon as possible, thank you for your cooperation.

24. 您的包裹已送达,请尽快签收,谢谢配合。

Your package has been delivered, please sign for it as soon as possible, thank you for your cooperation.

25. 请尽快签收包裹,以免影响后续配送。

Please sign for the package as soon as possible to avoid affecting subsequent delivery.

26. 为了您的权益,请尽快签收包裹。

For your benefit, please sign for the package as soon as possible.

27. 请尽快签收您的包裹,感谢您的配合。

Please sign for your package as soon as possible, thank you for your cooperation.

28. 为了保证您的包裹安全,请尽快签收。

To ensure the safety of your package, please sign for it as soon as possible.

29. 请尽快签收包裹,以免货物出现问题。

Please sign for the package as soon as possible to avoid any problems with the goods.

30. 您的包裹已经送达,请尽快签收,谢谢支持。

Your package has been delivered, please sign for it as soon as possible, thank you for your support.


31. 您的包裹将在 24 小时内送达,请您做好签收准备。

Your package will arrive within 24 hours, please be ready to sign for it.

32. 您将在 72 小时内收到您的包裹,请做好签收准备。

You will receive your package within 72 hours, please be ready to sign for it.

33. 请在 48 小时内签收您的包裹,谢谢配合。

Please sign for your package within 48 hours, thank you for your cooperation.

34. 请您在 24 小时内签收您的包裹,以免造成不必要的损失。

Please sign for your package within 24 hours to avoid unnecessary loss.

35. 您的包裹将在 3 个工作日内送达,请做好签收准备。

Your package will arrive within 3 working days, please be ready to sign for it.

36. 您的包裹将在 [具体时间] 左右送达,请您做好签收准备。

Your package will arrive around [specific time], please be ready to sign for it.

37. 您将在 [具体日期] 收到您的包裹,请做好签收准备。

You will receive your package on [specific date], please be ready to sign for it.

38. 请您在 [具体时间] 之前签收您的包裹,谢谢配合。

Please sign for your package before [specific time], thank you for your cooperation.

39. 您的包裹预计将在 [时间范围] 内送达,请您做好签收准备。

Your package is expected to arrive between [time range], please be ready to sign for it.

40. 请您在 [时间范围] 内签收您的包裹,谢谢。

Please sign for your package within [time range], thank you.


41. 您好,请确认一下您的收货地址,确保包裹能安全送达。

Hello, please confirm your delivery address to ensure the package is delivered safely.

42. 请确认一下您的收货地址,以便我们及时为您安排配送。

Please confirm your delivery address so that we can arrange delivery for you in time.

43. 您的收货地址是否正确?请再次确认一下。

Is your delivery address correct? Please confirm again.

44. 请告知我们您的收货地址,以便尽快为您安排配送。

Please let us know your delivery address so that we can arrange delivery for you as soon as possible.

45. 请确认一下您的收货地址,以免出现配送错误。

Please confirm your delivery address to avoid delivery errors.

46. 为了确保包裹能安全送达,请您再次确认收货地址。

To ensure the package is delivered safely, please confirm your delivery address again.

47. 请确认一下您的收货地址,以便我们安排配送。

Please confirm your delivery address so that we can arrange delivery.

48. 您的收货地址是否需要修改?请告知我们。

Do you need to modify your delivery address? Please let us know.

49. 请您确认一下收货地址,以免出现送货错误。

Please confirm your delivery address to avoid delivery errors.

50. 请确认一下您的收货地址,确保包裹能准时送达。

Please confirm your delivery address to ensure the package arrives on time.


51. 您好,请确认一下收货人姓名和联系电话,确保包裹能安全送达。

Hello, please confirm the recipient's name and contact number to ensure the package is delivered safely.

52. 请告知我们收货人姓名和联系电话,以便我们及时为您安排配送。

Please let us know the recipient's name and contact number so that we can arrange delivery for you in time.

53. 您的收货人姓名和联系电话是否正确?请再次确认一下。

Is the recipient's name and contact number correct? Please confirm again.

54. 请确认一下收货人信息,以便我们及时为您安排配送。

Please confirm the recipient's information so that we can arrange delivery for you in time.

55. 为了确保包裹能安全送达,请您再次确认收货人信息。

To ensure the package is delivered safely, please confirm the recipient's information again.

56. 请您确认一下收货人姓名和联系电话,以免出现配送错误。

Please confirm the recipient's name and contact number to avoid delivery errors.

57. 您的收货人信息是否需要修改?请告知我们。

Do you need to modify the recipient's information? Please let us know.

58. 请确认一下收货人信息,确保包裹能准时送达。

Please confirm the recipient's information to ensure the package arrives on time.

59. 您好,请告知我们收货人姓名和联系电话,以便安排配送。

Hello, please let us know the recipient's name and contact number so that we can arrange delivery.

60. 请您确认一下收货人信息,以便我们更好地为您服务。

Please confirm the recipient's information so that we can better serve you.


61. 您的包裹需要本人签收,请您做好准备。

Your package requires personal signature, please be prepared.

62. 请您准备好身份证,以便签收您的包裹。

Please have your ID card ready to sign for your package.

63. 请您准备好您的收货码,以便签收您的包裹。

Please have your delivery code ready to sign for your package.

64. 请您准备好您的手机,以便进行签收确认。

Please have your phone ready for signature confirmation.

65. 您的包裹需要使用密码签收,请您准备好密码。

Your package requires a password to sign for, please have your password ready.

66. 请您准备好您的收货信息,以便进行签收确认。

Please have your delivery information ready for signature confirmation.

67. 请您准备好您的收货地址和联系方式,以便进行签收确认。

Please have your delivery address and contact information ready for signature confirmation.

68. 您的包裹需要使用验证码签收,请您准备好验证码。

Your package requires a verification code to sign for, please have your verification code ready.

69. 您的包裹需要使用电子签章签收,请您准备好电子签章。

Your package requires an electronic signature to sign for, please have your electronic signature ready.

70. 请您准备好您的收货单,以便签收您的包裹。

Please have your delivery slip ready to sign for your package.


71. 请您仔细检查包裹,确认无误后再签收。

Please carefully check the package and confirm it is correct before signing for it.

72. 请您在签收前确认包裹完整无损。

Please confirm the package is complete and undamaged before signing for it.

73. 请您在签收前确认包裹内容是否与订单一致。

Please confirm that the contents of the package match the order before signing for it.

74. 签收时请您注意检查包裹是否有破损或遗漏。

Please check for any damage or missing items in the package when signing for it.

75. 签收后如有任何问题,请及时联系我们。

If you have any problems after signing for the package, please contact us immediately.

76. 为了您的权益,请您在签收时仔细检查包裹。

For your benefit, please carefully check the package when signing for it.

77. 签收前请您仔细阅读相关说明。

Please carefully read the relevant instructions before signing for it.

78. 请您在签收时仔细核对包裹信息。

Please carefully check the package information when signing for it.

79. 签收后请您保管好您的包裹。

Please keep your package safe after signing for it.

80. 签收后请您及时确认货物是否完整无损。

Please confirm the goods are complete and undamaged after signing for it.


81. 您的包裹已送达,请注意签收,祝您购物愉快!

Your package has arrived, please sign for it, have a pleasant shopping experience!

82. 您的包裹已送达,请您安心签收,谢谢您的支持!

Your package has arrived, please sign for it with peace of mind, thank you for your support!

83. 您的包裹已送达,请您注意签收,如有任何问题请随时联系我们。

Your package has arrived, please sign for it, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

84. 您的包裹已送达,祝您生活愉快!

Your package has arrived, have a great day!

85. 感谢您选择我们的服务,您的包裹已送达,请您安心签收。

Thank you for choosing our service, your package has arrived, please sign for it with peace of mind.

86. 您的包裹已送达,希望您喜欢!

Your package has arrived, hope you like it!

87. 祝您收到包裹后,心情愉快!

May you be in a good mood after receiving the package!

88. 您的包裹已安全送达,感谢您的耐心等待!

Your package has been safely delivered, thank you for your patience!

以上就是关于提醒对方收货句子88句(提醒对方收货句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
