
## 总领大道之行也的句子,55句:

1. 总领大道之行也,当以正道为本。
2. 砥砺前行,方能抵达理想彼岸。
3. 行于大道,心存正念,方能无悔无憾。
4. 坚守初心,方能行稳致远。
5. 勿忘初心,方得始终。
6. 心怀大爱,方能成就大事。
7. 己所不欲,勿施于人。
8. 厚德载物,方能行稳致远。
9. 仁义礼智信,乃立身之本。
10. 诚信待人,方能赢得人心。
11. 谦虚谨慎,戒骄戒躁。
12. 学无止境,终身学习。
13. 知行合一,方能事半功倍。
14. 勤奋刻苦,方能有所成就。
15. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。
16. 勇于担当,方能成就伟业。
17. 敢于创新,方能引领时代。
18. 与人为善,方能和谐共处。
19. 尊重他人,方能赢得尊重。
20. 合作共赢,方能共同发展。
21. 正直无私,方能赢得信任。
22. 廉洁自律,方能行得正走得稳。
23. 严于律己,宽以待人。
24. 坚持原则,方能不偏不倚。
25. 勇于面对困难,方能战胜挑战。
26. 敢于直面挫折,方能不断成长。
27. 积极乐观,方能战胜逆境。
28. 不畏艰险,方能取得成功。
29. 追求卓越,方能不断进步。
30. 勇攀高峰,方能成就梦想。
31. 仰望星空,脚踏实地。
32. 脚踏实地,方能行稳致远。
33. 胸怀远大志向,方能成就非凡。
34. 树立远大理想,方能指引方向。
35. 志存高远,方能成就伟业。
36. 追求真理,方能明辨是非。
37. 崇尚正义,方能维护公正。
38. 维护正义,方能维护社会和谐。
39. 弘扬正气,方能驱散邪恶。
40. 维护国家利益,方能保家卫国。
41. 爱护环境,方能人与自然和谐共处。
42. 珍惜生命,方能活出精彩。
43. 敬畏生命,方能尊重他人。
44. 关爱他人,方能温暖世界。
45. 奉献社会,方能实现人生价值。
46. 德行天下,方能泽被后世。
47. 留取丹心照汗青,方能流芳百世。
48. 功成不必在我,功成必定有我。
49. 天下兴亡,匹夫有责。
50. 为人民服务,方能无愧于心。
51. 爱国情怀,方能凝聚力量。
52. 团结一心,方能战胜一切困难。
53. 携手共进,方能共创美好未来。
54. 以德服人,方能赢得天下。
55. 行大道,成大器,立大功。

## 英文翻译:

1. The pursuit of the Great Way should be rooted in righteousness.

2. Only by persevering can we reach the shore of our ideals.

3. Walking the Great Way with a righteous mind, we can live without regret.

4. Sticking to our initial intention is essential for achieving stability and far-reaching goals.

5. Never forgetting our initial intention, we can achieve longevity.

6. Only with a heart filled with love can we achieve great things.

7. Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.

8. Carrying the weight of virtue, we can achieve stability and far-reaching goals.

9. Righteousness, benevolence, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness are the foundations of character.

10. Treating others with sincerity and trustworthiness is the key to winning hearts and minds.

11. Be humble and cautious, guard against arrogance and impatience.

12. Learning is endless, and lifelong learning is essential.

13. Knowledge and action must be unified to achieve twice the results with half the effort.

14. Diligence and perseverance lead to accomplishment.

15. Perseverance can overcome any obstacle.

16. Taking responsibility is essential to achieving great things.

17. Boldness in innovation leads the way to the future.

18. Being kind to others leads to harmonious coexistence.

19. Respecting others earns respect.

20. Win-win cooperation leads to shared development.

21. Uprightness and selflessness earn trust.

22. Integrity and self-discipline are essential for walking the right path.

23. Be strict with oneself and lenient with others.

24. Upholding principles leads to impartiality.

25. Facing difficulties bravely allows us to overcome challenges.

26. Daring to confront setbacks leads to continuous growth.

27. A positive and optimistic outlook helps us conquer adversity.

28. Fearlessness in the face of danger leads to success.

29. Striving for excellence leads to continuous progress.

30. Climbing to the peak leads to the fulfillment of dreams.

31. Look to the stars, but keep your feet on the ground.

32. Down-to-earth efforts lead to stability and far-reaching goals.

33. Having great ambitions leads to extraordinary achievements.

34. Establishing lofty ideals guides our direction.

35. Aiming high leads to great achievements.

36. The pursuit of truth enables us to discern right from wrong.

37. Upholding justice safeguards fairness.

38. Upholding justice maintains social harmony.

39. Promoting righteousness dispels evil.

40. Protecting national interests defends our homeland.

41. Caring for the environment leads to harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

42. Cherishing life allows us to live a fulfilling life.

43. Reverence for life leads to respect for others.

44. Caring for others warms the world.

45. Contributing to society realizes our life's value.

46. Virtue spread throughout the world benefits future generations.

47. Leaving behind a heart of loyalty to illuminate history makes our names immortal.

48. Achievement is not about personal glory, but about contributing to collective success.

49. The fate of the nation rests on the shoulders of every citizen.

50. Serving the people is the source of inner peace.

51. Patriotism unites our strength.

52. United as one, we can overcome any difficulty.

53. Working together, we can create a brighter future.

54. Leading by example wins over the world.

55. Walk the Great Way, achieve greatness, and make a lasting contribution.

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