
## 理查二世 99 句,中英文对照

1. 我是国王,我是上帝的受膏者,我的权力来自天堂。

1. I am the King, I am God's anointed, my power comes from Heaven.

2. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将为你们的罪行付出代价。

2. You rebels, you will pay for your crimes.

3. 我不会屈服于你们的威胁,我将与你们战斗到底。

3. I will not yield to your threats, I will fight you to the end.

4. 我是理查二世,英格兰之王,我的名字将永远载入史册。

4. I am Richard II, King of England, my name will be forever etched in history.

5. 我的王位是上帝赐予我的,任何人都不能夺走它。

5. My throne was given to me by God, no one can take it away from me.

6. 我将维护我人民的权利,即使要付出生命的代价。

6. I will uphold the rights of my people, even if it costs me my life.

7. 我是英格兰的守护者,我将保护她免受外敌入侵。

7. I am the protector of England, I will defend her from foreign invaders.

8. 你们这些阴谋诡计者,你们的阴谋终将失败。

8. You schemers, your plots will ultimately fail.

9. 我不会成为你们的傀儡,我将掌控自己的命运。

9. I will not be your puppet, I will control my own destiny.

10. 我将与我的子民同甘共苦,我们一起战胜一切困难。

10. I will share the good times and the bad times with my people, we will overcome all difficulties together.

11. 我的统治将是公正和仁慈的,我将为我的子民带来繁荣与幸福。

11. My reign will be just and merciful, I will bring prosperity and happiness to my people.

12. 你们这些叛逆者,你们背叛了你们的国王,也背叛了你们的国家。

12. You rebels, you have betrayed your king and your country.

13. 我不会原谅你们,你们将受到严厉的惩罚。

13. I will not forgive you, you will be punished severely.

14. 我是英格兰之王,我拥有至高无上的权力。

14. I am the King of England, I have supreme power.

15. 你们这些卑微的臣民,你们应该服从我,向我效忠。

15. You lowly subjects, you should obey me and swear allegiance to me.

16. 我将用铁腕统治,让你们明白谁才是真正的主人。

16. I will rule with an iron fist, so that you understand who is the true master.

17. 我的王权是神圣的,任何人都不敢挑战我的权威。

17. My royal power is sacred, no one dares to challenge my authority.

18. 我将建立一个强大的帝国,让英格兰成为世界强国。

18. I will build a powerful empire, making England a world power.

19. 我的目标是让我的子民过上幸福的生活,让英格兰成为天堂。

19. My goal is to make my people live happily, to make England a paradise.

20. 我将为英格兰的繁荣昌盛而战,即使要付出生命的代价。

20. I will fight for the prosperity and glory of England, even if it costs me my life.

21. 我是理查二世,我将永远铭记于历史。

21. I am Richard II, my name will be forever remembered in history.

22. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将永远被历史所唾弃。

22. You rebels, you will be forever condemned by history.

23. 我是一个伟大的国王,我将永远为我的子民所爱戴。

23. I am a great king, I will always be loved by my people.

24. 我的权力来自上帝,我的意志不可违背。

24. My power comes from God, my will cannot be disobeyed.

25. 你们这些臣民,你们应该为你们的国王而战,为你们的国家而战。

25. You subjects, you should fight for your king, fight for your country.

26. 我将带领我的子民走向胜利,走向辉煌。

26. I will lead my people to victory, to glory.

27. 我是理查二世,我将永远是英格兰的国王。

27. I am Richard II, I will always be the King of England.

28. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将为你们的罪行付出惨重的代价。

28. You rebels, you will pay a heavy price for your crimes.

29. 我将用鲜血和钢铁来捍卫我的王位,捍卫我的国家。

29. I will defend my throne and my country with blood and steel.

30. 我的统治将是公正和仁慈的,但我也将毫不留情地镇压一切叛乱。

30. My reign will be just and merciful, but I will also ruthlessly suppress any rebellion.

31. 我是英格兰的守护者,我将用我的生命来保护她。

31. I am the protector of England, I will protect her with my life.

32. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将永远被钉在耻辱柱上。

32. You rebels, you will be forever nailed to the pillar of shame.

33. 我的名字将永远与荣耀和胜利联系在一起。

33. My name will be forever associated with glory and victory.

34. 你们这些阴谋诡计者,你们的阴谋最终将被揭穿。

34. You schemers, your plots will eventually be exposed.

35. 我将为英格兰的繁荣昌盛而努力奋斗,直到我的最后一口气。

35. I will work hard for the prosperity and glory of England until my last breath.

36. 我的王权是神圣的,任何人都不敢挑战我的权威。

36. My royal power is sacred, no one dares to challenge my authority.

37. 你们这些卑微的臣民,你们应该服从我,向我效忠。

37. You lowly subjects, you should obey me and swear allegiance to me.

38. 我将建立一个强大的帝国,让英格兰成为世界强国。

38. I will build a powerful empire, making England a world power.

39. 我的目标是让我的子民过上幸福的生活,让英格兰成为天堂。

39. My goal is to make my people live happily, to make England a paradise.

40. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将为你们的罪行付出惨重的代价。

40. You rebels, you will pay a heavy price for your crimes.

41. 我是理查二世,我将永远铭记于历史。

41. I am Richard II, my name will be forever remembered in history.

42. 我将用鲜血和钢铁来捍卫我的王位,捍卫我的国家。

42. I will defend my throne and my country with blood and steel.

43. 你们这些阴谋诡计者,你们的阴谋最终将被揭穿。

43. You schemers, your plots will eventually be exposed.

44. 我的名字将永远与荣耀和胜利联系在一起。

44. My name will be forever associated with glory and victory.

45. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将永远被钉在耻辱柱上。

45. You rebels, you will be forever nailed to the pillar of shame.

46. 我将带领我的子民走向胜利,走向辉煌。

46. I will lead my people to victory, to glory.

47. 我的统治将是公正和仁慈的,但我也将毫不留情地镇压一切叛乱。

47. My reign will be just and merciful, but I will also ruthlessly suppress any rebellion.

48. 我是英格兰的守护者,我将用我的生命来保护她。

48. I am the protector of England, I will protect her with my life.

49. 我的权力来自上帝,我的意志不可违背。

49. My power comes from God, my will cannot be disobeyed.

50. 你们这些臣民,你们应该为你们的国王而战,为你们的国家而战。

50. You subjects, you should fight for your king, fight for your country.

51. 我是理查二世,我将永远是英格兰的国王。

51. I am Richard II, I will always be the King of England.

52. 我将用鲜血和钢铁来捍卫我的王位,捍卫我的国家。

52. I will defend my throne and my country with blood and steel.

53. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将为你们的罪行付出惨重的代价。

53. You rebels, you will pay a heavy price for your crimes.

54. 我是理查二世,我将永远铭记于历史。

54. I am Richard II, my name will be forever remembered in history.

55. 我的名字将永远与荣耀和胜利联系在一起。

55. My name will be forever associated with glory and victory.

56. 你们这些阴谋诡计者,你们的阴谋最终将被揭穿。

56. You schemers, your plots will eventually be exposed.

57. 我将带领我的子民走向胜利,走向辉煌。

57. I will lead my people to victory, to glory.

58. 我的统治将是公正和仁慈的,但我也将毫不留情地镇压一切叛乱。

58. My reign will be just and merciful, but I will also ruthlessly suppress any rebellion.

59. 我是英格兰的守护者,我将用我的生命来保护她。

59. I am the protector of England, I will protect her with my life.

60. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将永远被钉在耻辱柱上。

60. You rebels, you will be forever nailed to the pillar of shame.

61. 我的权力来自上帝,我的意志不可违背。

61. My power comes from God, my will cannot be disobeyed.

62. 你们这些臣民,你们应该为你们的国王而战,为你们的国家而战。

62. You subjects, you should fight for your king, fight for your country.

63. 我的目标是让我的子民过上幸福的生活,让英格兰成为天堂。

63. My goal is to make my people live happily, to make England a paradise.

64. 我将建立一个强大的帝国,让英格兰成为世界强国。

64. I will build a powerful empire, making England a world power.

65. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将永远被历史所唾弃。

65. You rebels, you will be forever condemned by history.

66. 我的统治将是公正和仁慈的,我将为我的子民带来繁荣与幸福。

66. My reign will be just and merciful, I will bring prosperity and happiness to my people.

67. 我将与我的子民同甘共苦,我们一起战胜一切困难。

67. I will share the good times and the bad times with my people, we will overcome all difficulties together.

68. 你们这些阴谋诡计者,你们的阴谋终将失败。

68. You schemers, your plots will ultimately fail.

69. 我不会成为你们的傀儡,我将掌控自己的命运。

69. I will not be your puppet, I will control my own destiny.

70. 我是英格兰的守护者,我将保护她免受外敌入侵。

70. I am the protector of England, I will defend her from foreign invaders.

71. 我将维护我人民的权利,即使要付出生命的代价。

71. I will uphold the rights of my people, even if it costs me my life.

72. 我的王位是上帝赐予我的,任何人都不能夺走它。

72. My throne was given to me by God, no one can take it away from me.

73. 我是理查二世,英格兰之王,我的名字将永远载入史册。

73. I am Richard II, King of England, my name will be forever etched in history.

74. 我不会屈服于你们的威胁,我将与你们战斗到底。

74. I will not yield to your threats, I will fight you to the end.

75. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将为你们的罪行付出代价。

75. You rebels, you will pay for your crimes.

76. 我是国王,我是上帝的受膏者,我的权力来自天堂。

76. I am the King, I am God's anointed, my power comes from Heaven.

77. 我的目标是让我的子民过上幸福的生活,让英格兰成为天堂。

77. My goal is to make my people live happily, to make England a paradise.

78. 我将建立一个强大的帝国,让英格兰成为世界强国。

78. I will build a powerful empire, making England a world power.

79. 我的权力来自上帝,我的意志不可违背。

79. My power comes from God, my will cannot be disobeyed.

80. 你们这些臣民,你们应该服从我,向我效忠。

80. You lowly subjects, you should obey me and swear allegiance to me.

81. 我的王权是神圣的,任何人都不敢挑战我的权威。

81. My royal power is sacred, no one dares to challenge my authority.

82. 我是英格兰的守护者,我将保护她免受外敌入侵。

82. I am the protector of England, I will defend her from foreign invaders.

83. 我将维护我人民的权利,即使要付出生命的代价。

83. I will uphold the rights of my people, even if it costs me my life.

84. 我的王位是上帝赐予我的,任何人都不能夺走它。

84. My throne was given to me by God, no one can take it away from me.

85. 我是理查二世,英格兰之王,我的名字将永远载入史册。

85. I am Richard II, King of England, my name will be forever etched in history.

86. 我不会屈服于你们的威胁,我将与你们战斗到底。

86. I will not yield to your threats, I will fight you to the end.

87. 你们这些叛逆者,你们将为你们的罪行付出代价。

87. You rebels, you will pay for your crimes.

88. 你们这些阴谋诡计者,你们的阴谋终将失败。

88. You schemers, your plots will ultimately fail.

89. 我不会成为你们的傀儡,我将掌控自己的命运。

89. I will not be your puppet, I will control my own destiny.

90. 我将与我的子民同甘共苦,我们一起战胜一切困难。

90. I will share the good times and the bad times with my people, we will overcome all difficulties together.

91. 我的统治将是公正和仁慈的,我将为我的子民带来繁荣与幸福。

91. My reign will be just and merciful, I will bring prosperity and happiness to my people.

92. 你们这些叛逆者,你们背叛了你们的国王,也背叛了你们的国家。

92. You rebels, you have betrayed your king and your country.

93. 我不会原谅你们,你们将受到严厉的惩罚。

93. I will not forgive you, you will be punished severely.

94. 我是英格兰之王,我拥有至高无上的权力。

94. I am the King of England, I have supreme power.

95. 你们这些卑微的臣民,你们应该服从我,向我效忠。

95. You lowly subjects, you should obey me and swear allegiance to me.

96. 我将用铁腕统治,让你们明白谁才是真正的主人。

96. I will rule with an iron fist, so that you understand who is the true master.

97. 我的王权是神圣的,任何人都不敢挑战我的权威。

97. My royal power is sacred, no one dares to challenge my authority.

98. 我将建立一个强大的帝国,让英格兰成为世界强国。

98. I will build a powerful empire, making England a world power.

99. 我的目标是让我的子民过上幸福的生活,让英格兰成为天堂。

99. My goal is to make my people live happily, to make England a paradise.

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