
## 班里很乱 54 句

**1. 班级里像个菜市场,吵吵闹闹的。**

The classroom is like a vegetable market, noisy and chaotic.

**2. 同学们都在讲话,老师讲课都听不清了。**

The students are all talking, and the teacher's lecture can't be heard.

**3. 今天同学们特别兴奋,上课时都没人好好听讲。**

The students are particularly excited today, and nobody is paying attention in class.

**4. 几个同学在座位上打闹,弄得教室里乱七八糟。**

A few students are fighting in their seats, making the classroom messy.

**5. 课间休息的时候,走廊里挤满了学生,到处都是奔跑的身影。**

During the break, the hallway is crowded with students, and there are people running everywhere.

**6. 书包、文具盒和课本散落在教室各处,看起来乱糟糟的。**

School bags, pencil cases, and textbooks are scattered all over the classroom, it looks chaotic.

**7. 老师讲课时,有的同学在玩手机,有的同学在写作业,还有的在聊天。**

While the teacher is lecturing, some students are playing on their phones, some are doing homework, and some are chatting.

**8. 课堂上,老师的话语总是淹没在学生的喧闹声中。**

In class, the teacher's words are always drowned out by the students' noise.

**9. 下课铃声一响,同学们就蜂拥而出,教室里顿时空无一人。**

As soon as the bell rings for the end of class, the students rush out, and the classroom is instantly empty.

**10. 老师费尽心思想要维持课堂秩序,却收效甚微。**

The teacher is trying hard to maintain order in class, but with little effect.

**11. 班级里气氛活跃,但也显得有些混乱。**

The atmosphere in the classroom is lively, but it also seems a bit chaotic.

**12. 同学们就像一群脱缰的野马,怎么也管不住。**

The students are like a group of wild horses, they can't be controlled.

**13. 今天上课,同学们都特别不专心,老师气得直摇头。**

Today in class, the students are all very inattentive, and the teacher is shaking his head in anger.

**14. 班级里总是充满着各种各样的声音,让人难以集中精力。**

The classroom is always full of various sounds, making it difficult to concentrate.

**15. 课堂上,同学们三五成群地讨论着,完全无视老师的存在。**

In class, the students discuss in groups of three or five, completely ignoring the presence of the teacher.

**16. 老师讲课的时候,有人在偷偷玩游戏,有人在发短信,还有人在睡觉。**

While the teacher is lecturing, some people are secretly playing games, some are texting, and some are sleeping.

**17. 教室里乱糟糟的,像个垃圾场一样。**

The classroom is messy, like a garbage dump.

**18. 同学们不遵守纪律,老师的权威受到挑战。**

The students are not following the rules, and the teacher's authority is being challenged.

**19. 这节课上,同学们都像是被放飞了自我,完全不顾及课堂纪律。**

In this class, the students all seem to have lost themselves and completely disregard classroom discipline.

**20. 班级里充满了各种奇奇怪怪的声音,让人头疼不已。**

The classroom is filled with all sorts of strange noises, which are extremely annoying.

**21. 老师讲课的时候,同学们都在议论纷纷,根本听不进去。**

While the teacher is lecturing, the students are all discussing, and they can't listen at all.

**22. 同学们个个精力充沛,却总是把精力用在不恰当的地方。**

The students are all full of energy, but they always use it in the wrong places.

**23. 班级里乱糟糟的,完全没有学习的氛围。**

The classroom is messy and there is no learning atmosphere at all.

**24. 老师的课总是上得那么认真,却总是被同学们破坏了。**

The teacher always teaches so seriously, but it is always ruined by the students.

**25. 同学们总是把课堂当成是游戏场,肆意玩耍。**

The students always treat the classroom as a playground and play at will.

**26. 班级里简直就像个动物园,各种声音此起彼伏。**

The classroom is like a zoo, with all kinds of sounds rising and falling.

**27. 老师的讲课声被同学们的喧闹声完全盖过。**

The teacher's lecturing voice is completely drowned out by the students' noise.

**28. 每次上课,老师都要费尽心思维持秩序,才能勉强进行教学。**

Every time a class starts, the teacher has to try hard to maintain order in order to barely teach.

**29. 同学们总是把课堂当成是他们自己的地盘,想做什么就做什么。**

The students always treat the classroom as their own territory and do whatever they want.

**30. 老师的教诲在同学们的嬉笑打闹声中变得微不足道。**

The teacher's teachings become insignificant in the laughter and chatter of the students.

**31. 这节课上,同学们简直就像是在开演唱会,每个人都在唱着不同的歌。**

In this class, the students are like a concert, each singing a different song.

**32. 老师的讲课声被同学们各种各样的声音淹没,根本听不清。**

The teacher's lecturing voice is drowned out by the students' various sounds, and can't be heard at all.

**33. 每次下课铃声响起,同学们都像脱缰的野马一样冲出教室。**

Every time the bell rings for the end of class, the students rush out of the classroom like wild horses.

**34. 老师的讲课总是被同学们的各种奇奇怪怪的声音所打断。**

The teacher's lecturing is always interrupted by the students' various strange noises.

**35. 同学们总是把注意力放在别的地方,根本听不进老师的讲课内容。**

The students always focus on other things and can't listen to the teacher's lecture at all.

**36. 班级里简直就像个菜市场,人声鼎沸,热闹非凡。**

The classroom is like a vegetable market, bustling with noise and excitement.

**37. 老师的讲课声在同学们的各种声音中显得微不足道,甚至被完全掩盖。**

The teacher's lecturing voice is insignificant in the students' various sounds, and is even completely covered up.

**38. 同学们总是把课堂当成是他们自己的舞台,想做什么就做什么,毫不顾忌老师的存在。**

The students always treat the classroom as their own stage, doing whatever they want and not caring about the teacher's presence.

**39. 老师的讲课内容总是被同学们的议论声所打断,无法顺利进行。**

The teacher's lecturing is always interrupted by the students' discussions, and it cannot proceed smoothly.

**40. 班级里到处都是纸团、零食袋和饮料瓶,乱七八糟的。**

The classroom is littered with crumpled paper, snack bags, and drink bottles, it's a mess.

**41. 同学们总是把课堂当成是他们自己的游乐场,肆意玩耍,完全不顾及老师的感受。**

The students always treat the classroom as their own playground, playing at will and completely disregarding the teacher's feelings.

**42. 老师的讲课声被同学们各种各样的声音淹没,显得格外无力。**

The teacher's lecturing voice is drowned out by the students' various sounds, and seems particularly weak.

**43. 同学们总是把注意力放在别的地方,老师讲课的时候,他们都在做着自己的事。**

The students always focus on other things, and when the teacher is lecturing, they are all doing their own thing.

**44. 班级里充满了各种各样的声音,老师讲课的声音被完全淹没,根本听不清。**

The classroom is filled with all sorts of sounds, and the teacher's lecturing voice is completely drowned out, and can't be heard at all.

**45. 同学们总是把课堂当成是他们的自由王国,想做什么就做什么,完全不顾及纪律。**

The students always treat the classroom as their own free kingdom, doing whatever they want and completely disregarding discipline.

**46. 老师的讲课声被同学们的嬉笑打闹声完全盖过,显得十分无力。**

The teacher's lecturing voice is completely drowned out by the students' laughter and chatter, and seems very weak.

**47. 班级里乱糟糟的,老师的讲课声被各种声音淹没,根本听不清。**

The classroom is messy, and the teacher's lecturing voice is drowned out by all the sounds, and can't be heard at all.

**48. 同学们总是把课堂当成是他们的游戏场,肆意玩耍,完全不顾及老师的感受。**

The students always treat the classroom as their playground, playing at will, completely disregarding the teacher's feelings.

**49. 老师的讲课声被同学们的各种声音淹没,变得微不足道,甚至被完全掩盖。**

The teacher's lecturing voice is drowned out by the students' various sounds, becomes insignificant, and is even completely covered up.

**50. 同学们总是把注意力放在别的地方,老师讲课的时候,他们都在做着自己的事。**

The students always focus on other things, and when the teacher is lecturing, they are all doing their own thing.

**51. 班级里简直就像个动物园,各种声音此起彼伏,热闹非凡。**

The classroom is like a zoo, with all kinds of sounds rising and falling, bustling with noise and excitement.

**52. 老师的讲课声被同学们的各种声音淹没,根本听不清,更别说理解了。**

The teacher's lecturing voice is drowned out by the students' various sounds, and can't be heard at all, let alone understood.

**53. 同学们总是把课堂当成是他们自己的舞台,想做什么就做什么,毫不顾忌老师的存在。**

The students always treat the classroom as their own stage, doing whatever they want and not caring about the teacher's presence.

**54. 老师的讲课内容总是被同学们的议论声所打断,无法顺利进行,最终只能草草收场。**

The teacher's lecturing is always interrupted by the students' discussions, and it cannot proceed smoothly, and ultimately has to be finished hastily.

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