
## 牛羊成群 句子 (63句)

**1. 牛羊成群,悠闲地啃食着青草。**

The cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in herds, munching on the green grass.

**2. 广阔的草原上,牛羊成群,一片生机勃勃的景象。**

The vast grassland was teeming with herds of cattle and sheep, presenting a vibrant and lively scene.

**3. 山坡上,牛羊成群,像一片片流动的云彩。**

On the hillside, the herds of cattle and sheep looked like flowing clouds.

**4. 牛羊成群,在夕阳的余晖下,显得格外美丽。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly beautiful in the glow of the setting sun.

**5. 远处,牛羊成群,像一颗颗黑色的珍珠,点缀着绿色的田野。**

In the distance, the herds of cattle and sheep looked like black pearls scattered across the green fields.

**6. 牧羊人牵着牛羊成群,走在乡间小路上。**

The shepherd led the herds of cattle and sheep along the country road.

**7. 牛羊成群,在绿色的草地上,自由自在地奔跑着。**

The herds of cattle and sheep ran freely and happily on the green grass.

**8. 牛羊成群,在蓝天白云下,显得格外宁静。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly peaceful under the blue sky and white clouds.

**9. 牛羊成群,在山间小路上,缓缓地行走着。**

The herds of cattle and sheep walked slowly along the mountain path.

**10. 牛羊成群,在田野里,悠闲地吃着草。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in the fields.

**11. 牛羊成群,在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外温暖。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly warm under the setting sun.

**12. 牛羊成群,在绿色的草地上,显得格外生机勃勃。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly vibrant on the green grass.

**13. 牛羊成群,在草原上,自由自在地奔跑着。**

The herds of cattle and sheep ran freely and happily on the grassland.

**14. 牛羊成群,在蓝天白云下,显得格外宁静祥和。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly peaceful and serene under the blue sky and white clouds.

**15. 牛羊成群,在山坡上,悠闲地吃着草。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully on the hillside.

**16. 牛羊成群,在山间小路上,缓缓地行走着,仿佛在欣赏着美丽的风景。**

The herds of cattle and sheep walked slowly along the mountain path, as if admiring the beautiful scenery.

**17. 牛羊成群,在田野里,悠闲地吃着草,享受着阳光的沐浴。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in the fields, enjoying the sunshine.

**18. 牛羊成群,在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外美丽,仿佛一幅美丽的画卷。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly beautiful under the setting sun, as if a beautiful painting.

**19. 牛羊成群,在绿色的草地上,自由自在地奔跑着,充满着生命的活力。**

The herds of cattle and sheep ran freely and happily on the green grass, full of vitality.

**20. 牛羊成群,在蓝天白云下,显得格外宁静祥和,仿佛一幅美丽的田园风光。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly peaceful and serene under the blue sky and white clouds, as if a beautiful pastoral scene.

**21. 牛羊成群,在山坡上,悠闲地吃着草,仿佛在享受着大自然的恩赐。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully on the hillside, as if enjoying the gifts of nature.

**22. 牛羊成群,在山间小路上,缓缓地行走着,仿佛在诉说着古老的故事。**

The herds of cattle and sheep walked slowly along the mountain path, as if telling ancient stories.

**23. 牛羊成群,在田野里,悠闲地吃着草,享受着田园生活的宁静。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in the fields, enjoying the tranquility of rural life.

**24. 牛羊成群,在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外美丽,仿佛在向人们展示着生命的奇迹。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly beautiful under the setting sun, as if showcasing the wonders of life.

**25. 牛羊成群,在绿色的草地上,自由自在地奔跑着,充满了生命的活力和希望。**

The herds of cattle and sheep ran freely and happily on the green grass, filled with vitality and hope.

**26. 牛羊成群,在蓝天白云下,显得格外宁静祥和,仿佛在诉说着大自然的和谐与美好。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly peaceful and serene under the blue sky and white clouds, as if telling of the harmony and beauty of nature.

**27. 牛羊成群,在山坡上,悠闲地吃着草,仿佛在享受着大自然的馈赠。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully on the hillside, as if enjoying the gifts of nature.

**28. 牛羊成群,在山间小路上,缓缓地行走着,仿佛在诉说着古老的传说。**

The herds of cattle and sheep walked slowly along the mountain path, as if telling ancient legends.

**29. 牛羊成群,在田野里,悠闲地吃着草,享受着田园生活的宁静与美好。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in the fields, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of rural life.

**30. 牛羊成群,在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外美丽,仿佛在向人们展示着生命的色彩和光彩。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly beautiful under the setting sun, as if showcasing the colors and brilliance of life.

**31. 牛羊成群,在绿色的草地上,自由自在地奔跑着,充满了生命的活力和生机。**

The herds of cattle and sheep ran freely and happily on the green grass, full of vitality and life.

**32. 牛羊成群,在蓝天白云下,显得格外宁静祥和,仿佛在诉说着大自然的宁静与和谐。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly peaceful and serene under the blue sky and white clouds, as if telling of the tranquility and harmony of nature.

**33. 牛羊成群,在山坡上,悠闲地吃着草,仿佛在享受着大自然的馈赠,感受着生命的宁静。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully on the hillside, as if enjoying the gifts of nature, feeling the tranquility of life.

**34. 牛羊成群,在山间小路上,缓缓地行走着,仿佛在诉说着古老的传说,传递着生命的智慧。**

The herds of cattle and sheep walked slowly along the mountain path, as if telling ancient legends, transmitting the wisdom of life.

**35. 牛羊成群,在田野里,悠闲地吃着草,享受着田园生活的宁静与美好,感受着生命的简单和快乐。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in the fields, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of rural life, feeling the simplicity and joy of life.

**36. 牛羊成群,在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外美丽,仿佛在向人们展示着生命的色彩和光彩,也展示着大自然的壮丽与和谐。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly beautiful under the setting sun, as if showcasing the colors and brilliance of life, as well as the grandeur and harmony of nature.

**37. 牛羊成群,在绿色的草地上,自由自在地奔跑着,充满了生命的活力和生机,也充满了对未来的希望和憧憬。**

The herds of cattle and sheep ran freely and happily on the green grass, full of vitality and life, as well as hope and aspirations for the future.

**38. 牛羊成群,在蓝天白云下,显得格外宁静祥和,仿佛在诉说着大自然的宁静与和谐,也展示着生命的简单和美好。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly peaceful and serene under the blue sky and white clouds, as if telling of the tranquility and harmony of nature, as well as showcasing the simplicity and beauty of life.

**39. 牛羊成群,在山坡上,悠闲地吃着草,仿佛在享受着大自然的馈赠,感受着生命的宁静,也感受到大自然的博大与包容。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully on the hillside, as if enjoying the gifts of nature, feeling the tranquility of life, and also the vastness and inclusiveness of nature.

**40. 牛羊成群,在山间小路上,缓缓地行走着,仿佛在诉说着古老的传说,传递着生命的智慧,也传递着对自然的敬畏和感恩。**

The herds of cattle and sheep walked slowly along the mountain path, as if telling ancient legends, transmitting the wisdom of life, as well as conveying awe and gratitude for nature.

**41. 牛羊成群,在田野里,悠闲地吃着草,享受着田园生活的宁静与美好,感受着生命的简单和快乐,也感受到大自然的美丽和神奇。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in the fields, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of rural life, feeling the simplicity and joy of life, and also the beauty and wonder of nature.

**42. 牛羊成群,在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外美丽,仿佛在向人们展示着生命的色彩和光彩,也展示着大自然的壮丽与和谐,也展示着人与自然的和谐共处。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly beautiful under the setting sun, as if showcasing the colors and brilliance of life, as well as the grandeur and harmony of nature, and also the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature.

**43. 牛羊成群,在绿色的草地上,自由自在地奔跑着,充满了生命的活力和生机,也充满了对未来的希望和憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱和敬畏。**

The herds of cattle and sheep ran freely and happily on the green grass, full of vitality and life, as well as hope and aspirations for the future, and also filled with love and awe for life.

**44. 牛羊成群,在蓝天白云下,显得格外宁静祥和,仿佛在诉说着大自然的宁静与和谐,也展示着生命的简单和美好,也展示着人与自然的和谐共处,以及生命的意义和价值。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly peaceful and serene under the blue sky and white clouds, as if telling of the tranquility and harmony of nature, as well as showcasing the simplicity and beauty of life, and also the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, and the meaning and value of life.

**45. 牛羊成群,在山坡上,悠闲地吃着草,仿佛在享受着大自然的馈赠,感受着生命的宁静,也感受到大自然的博大与包容,也感受到人与自然的和谐相处。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully on the hillside, as if enjoying the gifts of nature, feeling the tranquility of life, and also the vastness and inclusiveness of nature, as well as the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature.

**46. 牛羊成群,在山间小路上,缓缓地行走着,仿佛在诉说着古老的传说,传递着生命的智慧,也传递着对自然的敬畏和感恩,也传递着对生命的尊重和珍惜。**

The herds of cattle and sheep walked slowly along the mountain path, as if telling ancient legends, transmitting the wisdom of life, as well as conveying awe and gratitude for nature, and also conveying respect and appreciation for life.

**47. 牛羊成群,在田野里,悠闲地吃着草,享受着田园生活的宁静与美好,感受着生命的简单和快乐,也感受到大自然的美丽和神奇,也感受到生命的宝贵和珍贵。**

The herds of cattle and sheep grazed peacefully in the fields, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of rural life, feeling the simplicity and joy of life, and also the beauty and wonder of nature, as well as the preciousness and value of life.

**48. 牛羊成群,在夕阳的照耀下,显得格外美丽,仿佛在向人们展示着生命的色彩和光彩,也展示着大自然的壮丽与和谐,也展示着人与自然的和谐共处,以及生命的意义和价值,以及生命的美丽和永恒。**

The herds of cattle and sheep looked particularly beautiful under the setting sun, as if showcasing the colors and brilliance of life, as well as the grandeur and harmony of nature, and also the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, and the meaning and value of life, and also the beauty and eternity of life.

**49. 牛羊成群,在绿色的草地上,自由自在地奔跑着,充满了生命的活力和生机,也充满了对未来的希望和憧憬,也充满了对生命的热爱和敬畏,也充满了对自然的热爱和赞美。**

The herds of cattle and sheep ran freely and happily on the green grass, full of vitality and life, as well as hope and aspirations for the future, and also filled with love and awe for life, as well as love and praise for nature.

**50. 牛羊成群,在蓝天白云下,显得格外宁静祥和,仿佛在诉说着大自然的宁静与和谐,也展示着生命的简单和美好,也展示着人与自然的和谐共处,以及生命的意义和价值,以及生命的美丽和永恒,以及生命的伟大

以上就是关于牛羊成群句子63句(牛羊成群句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
