
## 措手不及的句子 (85 句)

**1. 突如其来的暴雨,打乱了我们所有的计划。**

The sudden downpour disrupted all our plans.

**2. 他的辞职消息来得太突然,让所有人都措手不及。**

The news of his resignation came so abruptly that it caught everyone off guard.

**3. 这场意外事故来得太快,根本来不及反应。**

The accident happened so quickly that there was no time to react.

**4. 老师的突然点名,让原本心不在焉的我猝不及防。**

The teacher's sudden roll call caught me off guard, as I was daydreaming.

**5. 他突然的表白,让我措手不及,不知所措。**

His sudden confession caught me off guard, leaving me speechless.

**6. 公司宣布破产的消息,让所有员工措手不及。**

The announcement of the company's bankruptcy caught all employees off guard.

**7. 这场突发的疫情,打乱了我们原本的生活节奏。**

The sudden outbreak of the pandemic disrupted our normal lives.

**8. 他突然的举动,让我措手不及,感到十分惊讶。**

His sudden action caught me off guard and surprised me greatly.

**9. 面对突如其来的变化,我们不得不重新调整计划。**

Faced with sudden changes, we had to readjust our plans.

**10. 这场突发的战争,让全世界都措手不及。**

The sudden outbreak of war caught the whole world off guard.

**11. 考试前夕的突发状况,让原本信心满满的我变得慌张。**

The unexpected event on the eve of the exam made me nervous, despite my initial confidence.

**12. 他突然的出现,打破了原本宁静的氛围。**

His sudden appearance broke the peaceful atmosphere.

**13. 她突然的离开,让我措手不及,感到失落。**

Her sudden departure caught me off guard and left me feeling lost.

**14. 突如其来的地震,让这座城市陷入一片混乱。**

The sudden earthquake threw the city into chaos.

**15. 他的突然病倒,让家人措手不及。**

His sudden illness caught his family off guard.

**16. 突如其来的暴风雨,打乱了我们的旅行计划。**

The sudden storm disrupted our travel plans.

**17. 他突然的道歉,让我措手不及,不知如何回应。**

His sudden apology caught me off guard, leaving me unsure how to respond.

**18. 这场突发的危机,考验着我们的应变能力。**

This sudden crisis tested our ability to adapt.

**19. 突如其来的消息,让我们措手不及,陷入沉思。**

The sudden news caught us off guard, leaving us in deep thought.

**20. 面对突如其来的问题,我们要保持冷静,沉着应对。**

When faced with sudden problems, we must remain calm and respond with composure.

**21. 他突然的转变,让我措手不及,难以理解。**

His sudden change caught me off guard and was difficult to understand.

**22. 突如其来的失败,让我们感到沮丧,但也激励我们更加努力。**

The sudden failure left us feeling discouraged, but it also motivated us to work harder.

**23. 他的突然反悔,让我措手不及,感到十分愤怒。**

His sudden change of heart caught me off guard and made me very angry.

**24. 突如其来的意外,让我们意识到生命的脆弱。**

The sudden accident made us realize the fragility of life.

**25. 他突然的离开,让原本热闹的房间变得寂静。**

His sudden departure left the once lively room quiet.

**26. 突如其来的责任,让我们感到压力,但也激发我们的潜力。**

The sudden responsibility made us feel pressured, but it also unleashed our potential.

**27. 他突然的成功,让所有人措手不及,感到羡慕。**

His sudden success caught everyone off guard and made them envious.

**28. 突如其来的机会,让我们感到兴奋,但也充满挑战。**

The sudden opportunity made us excited but also filled with challenges.

**29. 他突然的出现,打破了原本的平静,让所有人都感到惊讶。**

His sudden appearance disrupted the peace and surprised everyone.

**30. 突如其来的灾难,让整个城市陷入恐慌。**

The sudden disaster threw the entire city into panic.

**31. 他的突然沉默,让我措手不及,感到不安。**

His sudden silence caught me off guard and made me uneasy.

**32. 突如其来的灵感,让我们创作出意想不到的作品。**

The sudden inspiration allowed us to create unexpected works.

**33. 他突然的愤怒,让我措手不及,不知所措。**

His sudden anger caught me off guard, leaving me speechless.

**34. 突如其来的喜悦,让我们感到幸福,充满了希望。**

The sudden joy made us feel happy and filled with hope.

**35. 他的突然离去,让我们措手不及,感到悲伤。**

His sudden departure caught us off guard and made us feel sad.

**36. 突如其来的压力,让我们感到焦虑,但我们必须克服它。**

The sudden pressure made us feel anxious, but we must overcome it.

**37. 他的突然转变,让我措手不及,感到困惑。**

His sudden transformation caught me off guard and left me confused.

**38. 突如其来的考验,让我们更加珍惜彼此的陪伴。**

The sudden test made us appreciate each other's company even more.

**39. 他突然的告白,让我措手不及,感到幸福。**

His sudden confession caught me off guard and made me feel happy.

**40. 突如其来的成功,让我们感到满足,但也充满责任。**

The sudden success made us feel satisfied, but also filled with responsibility.

**41. 他的突然失踪,让家人措手不及,陷入恐慌。**

His sudden disappearance caught his family off guard and threw them into panic.

**42. 突如其来的变化,让我们不得不重新审视自己的人生目标。**

The sudden changes forced us to re-examine our life goals.

**43. 他突然的决定,让我措手不及,感到失望。**

His sudden decision caught me off guard and left me feeling disappointed.

**44. 突如其来的风暴,让海上航行的船只陷入危险。**

The sudden storm put ships sailing at sea in danger.

**45. 他的突然道歉,让我措手不及,感到惊讶。**

His sudden apology caught me off guard and surprised me.

**46. 突如其来的机会,让我们看到了希望,但也充满了挑战。**

The sudden opportunity gave us hope, but it was also filled with challenges.

**47. 他的突然反驳,让我措手不及,感到无言以对。**

His sudden rebuttal caught me off guard, leaving me speechless.

**48. 突如其来的失败,让我们感到沮丧,但也激发我们更加努力。**

The sudden failure left us feeling discouraged, but it also motivated us to work harder.

**49. 他的突然出现,打破了原本的宁静,让所有人感到震惊。**

His sudden appearance disrupted the peace and shocked everyone.

**50. 突如其来的意外,让我们意识到生命的脆弱,也更加珍惜当下。**

The sudden accident made us realize the fragility of life and cherish the present moment even more.

**51. 他突然的改变,让我措手不及,感到迷惑。**

His sudden change caught me off guard and left me confused.

**52. 突如其来的问题,让我们措手不及,但我们必须冷静应对。**

The sudden problems caught us off guard, but we must respond calmly.

**53. 他的突然告白,让我措手不及,但内心也充满了喜悦。**

His sudden confession caught me off guard, but my heart was filled with joy.

**54. 突如其来的责任,让我们感到压力,但也激发我们的潜能。**

The sudden responsibility made us feel pressured, but it also unleashed our potential.

**55. 他的突然成功,让我们措手不及,但也感到为他高兴。**

His sudden success caught us off guard, but we were happy for him.

**56. 突如其来的风暴,让原本平静的海面变得波涛汹涌。**

The sudden storm turned the once calm sea into raging waves.

**57. 他的突然辞职,让我措手不及,感到惊讶。**

His sudden resignation caught me off guard and surprised me.

**58. 突如其来的灾难,让我们意识到生命的可贵,也更加珍惜眼前的一切。**

The sudden disaster made us realize the preciousness of life and cherish everything in front of us even more.

**59. 他的突然沉默,让我措手不及,感到疑惑。**

His sudden silence caught me off guard and left me wondering.

**60. 突如其来的灵感,让我们创作出意想不到的作品,也更加自信。**

The sudden inspiration allowed us to create unexpected works and made us more confident.

**61. 他的突然愤怒,让我措手不及,感到害怕。**

His sudden anger caught me off guard and scared me.

**62. 突如其来的喜悦,让我们感到幸福,也充满了动力。**

The sudden joy made us feel happy and gave us motivation.

**63. 他的突然离去,让我们措手不及,感到悲伤和失落。**

His sudden departure caught us off guard and made us feel sad and lost.

**64. 突如其来的压力,让我们感到焦虑,但我们必须保持冷静,勇敢面对。**

The sudden pressure made us feel anxious, but we must remain calm and face it bravely.

**65. 他的突然转变,让我措手不及,感到困惑和迷茫。**

His sudden transformation caught me off guard and left me confused and lost.

**66. 突如其来的考验,让我们更加团结,也更加坚强。**

The sudden test made us more united and stronger.

**67. 他的突然告白,让我措手不及,但内心也充满了感动。**

His sudden confession caught me off guard, but it also touched my heart.

**68. 突如其来的成功,让我们感到满足,但也充满了责任和压力。**

The sudden success made us feel satisfied, but it also came with responsibility and pressure.

**69. 他的突然失踪,让家人措手不及,感到焦虑和不安。**

His sudden disappearance caught his family off guard and made them anxious and uneasy.

**70. 突如其来的变化,让我们不得不重新规划未来,也更加珍惜现在。**

The sudden changes forced us to replan our future and cherish the present even more.

**71. 他的突然决定,让我措手不及,感到失望和困惑。**

His sudden decision caught me off guard and left me feeling disappointed and confused.

**72. 突如其来的风暴,让原本平静的城市陷入混乱和恐慌。**

The sudden storm threw the once peaceful city into chaos and panic.

**73. 他的突然道歉,让我措手不及,但也让我感到宽慰。**

His sudden apology caught me off guard, but it also gave me comfort.

**74. 突如其来的机会,让我们看到了希望,也更加努力地抓住它。**

The sudden opportunity gave us hope, and we worked harder to seize it.

**75. 他的突然反驳,让我措手不及,感到无言以对,但也让我反思自己的言行。**

His sudden rebuttal caught me off guard, leaving me speechless, but it also made me reflect on my words and actions.

**76. 突如其来的失败,让我们感到沮丧,但也让我们更加珍惜每一次努力的机会。**

The sudden failure left us feeling discouraged, but it also made us cherish every opportunity to work hard.

**77. 他的突然出现,打破了原本的宁静,让所有人感到震惊和意外。**

His sudden appearance disrupted the peace and shocked everyone with its unexpectedness.

**78. 突如其来的意外,让我们更加珍惜生命,也更加懂得感恩。**

The sudden accident made us cherish life more and learn to be grateful.

**79. 他的突然改变,让我措手不及,感到困惑和不解。**

His sudden change caught me off guard and left me feeling confused and puzzled.

**80. 突如其来的问题,让我们措手不及,但我们必须冷静思考,积极寻求解决方案。**

The sudden problems caught us off guard, but we must think calmly and actively seek solutions.

**81. 他的突然告白,让我措手不及,但内心也充满了温暖和感动。**

His sudden confession caught me off guard, but it also filled my heart with warmth and touched me deeply.

**82. 突如其来的责任,让我们感到压力,但我们必须勇敢承担,也更加珍惜自己的能力。**

The sudden responsibility made us feel pressured, but we must bravely shoulder it and cherish our abilities even more.

**83. 他的突然成功,让我们措手不及,但也感到为他感到骄傲和自豪。**

His sudden success caught us off guard, but we were proud and proud of him.

**84. 突如其来的风暴,让原本平静的生活变得充满挑战,但也让我们更加团结,更加坚强。**

The sudden storm made our once peaceful lives full of challenges, but it also made us more united and stronger.

**85. 他的突然辞职,让我措手不及,感到惊讶和失落,但也尊重他的选择。**

His sudden resignation caught me off guard and made me surprised and disappointed, but I respect his choice.

以上就是关于措手不及的句子85句(措手不及的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
