
## 流浪的人很孤独的句子,72句,英文翻译

**1. 流浪的人,孤独如影随形。**

A wanderer's loneliness is like a shadow that never leaves.

**2. 行走在陌生的街角,孤独感如潮水般涌来。**

Walking down unfamiliar streets, loneliness washes over me like a tide.

**3. 夜深人静,只有孤独陪伴着我。**

In the dead of night, only loneliness keeps me company.

**4. 独自漂泊,孤单是唯一的知己。**

Drifting alone, solitude is my only confidant.

**5. 流浪的脚步,踏过无数个城市,却始终找不到归宿。**

Wandering footsteps have crossed countless cities, but I still haven't found a place to call home.

**6. 无人问津,孤独在心底蔓延。**

Unnoticed and ignored, loneliness spreads in my heart.

**7. 流浪的路上,孤独是唯一的风景。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is the only scenery.

**8. 远方是梦,孤独是现实。**

The distance is a dream, loneliness is reality.

**9. 孤独如影随形,挥之不去。**

Loneliness follows me like a shadow, impossible to shake off.

**10. 流浪的路上,孤独是唯一的陪伴。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is my only companion.

**11. 独自一人,孤独是唯一的归宿。**

Alone, loneliness is my only destination.

**12. 流浪的脚步,踏过无数个城市,却始终找不到归属。**

Wandering footsteps have crossed countless cities, yet I haven't found a place to belong.

**13. 夜深人静,只有孤独陪伴着我。**

In the quiet of the night, only loneliness keeps me company.

**14. 孤独像海上的浮萍,无依无靠。**

Loneliness is like a water lily on the sea, adrift and without support.

**15. 我像一只无家可归的野狗,孤独地在街头游荡。**

I am like a homeless stray dog, wandering the streets in loneliness.

**16. 流浪的路上,孤独是唯一的风景,也是唯一的行李。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is the only scenery, and also the only baggage.

**17. 孤独是流浪者永恒的主题,也是最沉重的负担。**

Loneliness is the eternal theme of wanderers, and also the heaviest burden.

**18. 在孤独的夜里,我只能与自己的影子为伴。**

In the lonely night, I can only keep company with my own shadow.

**19. 流浪的路上,孤独是我唯一的伙伴,也是唯一的敌人。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is my only partner, and also my only enemy.

**20. 孤独如影随形,挥之不去,却又无法摆脱。**

Loneliness follows me like a shadow, impossible to shake off, yet impossible to escape.

**21. 孤独是流浪者唯一的慰藉,也是唯一的痛苦。**

Loneliness is the only solace for wanderers, and also their only pain.

**22. 流浪的路上,孤独是唯一的旋律,也是唯一的音符。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is the only melody, and also the only note.

**23. 孤独如海,无边无际,将我淹没。**

Loneliness is like the sea, boundless and infinite, engulfing me.

**24. 我像一只无家可归的鸟,孤独地在天空飞翔。**

I am like a homeless bird, flying alone in the sky.

**25. 孤独是流浪者唯一的故乡,也是唯一的流浪。**

Loneliness is the only home for wanderers, and also their only wandering.

**26. 流浪的路上,孤独是唯一的风景,也是唯一的安慰。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is the only scenery, and also the only comfort.

**27. 孤独是流浪者唯一的财富,也是唯一的贫穷。**

Loneliness is the only wealth of wanderers, and also their only poverty.

**28. 流浪的路上,孤独是我唯一的导师,也是唯一的学生。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is my only teacher, and also my only student.

**29. 孤独是流浪者唯一的爱情,也是唯一的悲伤。**

Loneliness is the only love of wanderers, and also their only sorrow.

**30. 流浪的路上,孤独是唯一的信仰,也是唯一的怀疑。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is my only faith, and also my only doubt.

**31. 孤独是流浪者的唯一朋友,也是唯一的敌人。**

Loneliness is the only friend of wanderers, and also their only enemy.

**32. 孤独是流浪者唯一的记忆,也是唯一的遗忘。**

Loneliness is the only memory of wanderers, and also their only forgetfulness.

**33. 流浪的路上,孤独是我唯一的指南针,也是唯一的迷宫。**

On the road of wandering, loneliness is my only compass, and also my only maze.

**34. 孤独是流浪者唯一的希望,也是唯一的绝望。**

Loneliness is the only hope of wanderers, and also their only despair.

**35. 孤独是流浪者唯一的解脱,也是唯一的束缚。**

Loneliness is the only liberation for wanderers, and also their only restraint.

**36. 孤独是流浪者的唯一自由,也是唯一的囚禁。**

Loneliness is the only freedom of wanderers, and also their only imprisonment.

**37. 孤独是流浪者唯一的真相,也是唯一的谎言。**

Loneliness is the only truth of wanderers, and also their only lie.

**38. 孤独是流浪者的唯一目标,也是唯一的迷失。**

Loneliness is the only goal of wanderers, and also their only lostness.

**39. 孤独是流浪者的唯一成就,也是唯一的失败。**

Loneliness is the only achievement of wanderers, and also their only failure.

**40. 孤独是流浪者的唯一意义,也是唯一的虚无。**

Loneliness is the only meaning of wanderers, and also their only nothingness.

**41. 孤独是流浪者唯一的开始,也是唯一的结束。**

Loneliness is the only beginning of wanderers, and also their only end.

**42. 孤独是流浪者的唯一天堂,也是唯一的地狱。**

Loneliness is the only heaven for wanderers, and also their only hell.

**43. 孤独是流浪者的唯一祝福,也是唯一的诅咒。**

Loneliness is the only blessing for wanderers, and also their only curse.

**44. 孤独是流浪者的唯一礼物,也是唯一的伤害。**

Loneliness is the only gift for wanderers, and also their only hurt.

**45. 孤独是流浪者的唯一选择,也是唯一的拒绝。**

Loneliness is the only choice for wanderers, and also their only refusal.

**46. 孤独是流浪者的唯一答案,也是唯一的疑问。**

Loneliness is the only answer for wanderers, and also their only question.

**47. 孤独是流浪者的唯一真相,也是唯一的假象。**

Loneliness is the only truth for wanderers, and also their only illusion.

**48. 孤独是流浪者的唯一力量,也是唯一的弱点。**

Loneliness is the only strength of wanderers, and also their only weakness.

**49. 孤独是流浪者的唯一勇气,也是唯一的恐惧。**

Loneliness is the only courage of wanderers, and also their only fear.

**50. 孤独是流浪者的唯一梦想,也是唯一的噩梦。**

Loneliness is the only dream of wanderers, and also their only nightmare.

**51. 孤独是流浪者的唯一归宿,也是唯一的流浪。**

Loneliness is the only destination of wanderers, and also their only wandering.

**52. 孤独是流浪者的唯一命运,也是唯一的自由。**

Loneliness is the only fate of wanderers, and also their only freedom.

**53. 孤独是流浪者的唯一真相,也是唯一的谎言。**

Loneliness is the only truth of wanderers, and also their only lie.

**54. 孤独是流浪者的唯一枷锁,也是唯一的钥匙。**

Loneliness is the only shackle for wanderers, and also their only key.

**55. 孤独是流浪者的唯一武器,也是唯一的防备。**

Loneliness is the only weapon of wanderers, and also their only defense.

**56. 孤独是流浪者的唯一痛苦,也是唯一的解脱。**

Loneliness is the only pain of wanderers, and also their only liberation.

**57. 孤独是流浪者的唯一考验,也是唯一的答案。**

Loneliness is the only test for wanderers, and also their only answer.

**58. 孤独是流浪者的唯一选择,也是唯一的放弃。**

Loneliness is the only choice for wanderers, and also their only abandonment.

**59. 孤独是流浪者的唯一挑战,也是唯一的成就。**

Loneliness is the only challenge for wanderers, and also their only achievement.

**60. 孤独是流浪者的唯一旅程,也是唯一的终点。**

Loneliness is the only journey for wanderers, and also their only destination.

**61. 孤独是流浪者的唯一财富,也是唯一的贫穷。**

Loneliness is the only wealth of wanderers, and also their only poverty.

**62. 孤独是流浪者的唯一信仰,也是唯一的怀疑。**

Loneliness is the only faith of wanderers, and also their only doubt.

**63. 孤独是流浪者的唯一希望,也是唯一的绝望。**

Loneliness is the only hope of wanderers, and also their only despair.

**64. 孤独是流浪者的唯一痛苦,也是唯一的解脱。**

Loneliness is the only pain of wanderers, and also their only liberation.

**65. 孤独是流浪者的唯一目标,也是唯一的迷失。**

Loneliness is the only goal of wanderers, and also their only lostness.

**66. 孤独是流浪者的唯一故事,也是唯一的沉默。**

Loneliness is the only story of wanderers, and also their only silence.

**67. 孤独是流浪者的唯一礼物,也是唯一的伤害。**

Loneliness is the only gift of wanderers, and also their only hurt.

**68. 孤独是流浪者的唯一朋友,也是唯一的敌人。**

Loneliness is the only friend of wanderers, and also their only enemy.

**69. 孤独是流浪者的唯一枷锁,也是唯一的钥匙。**

Loneliness is the only shackle for wanderers, and also their only key.

**70. 孤独是流浪者的唯一挑战,也是唯一的成就。**

Loneliness is the only challenge for wanderers, and also their only achievement.

**71. 孤独是流浪者的唯一证明,也是唯一的否认。**

Loneliness is the only proof of wanderers, and also their only denial.

**72. 孤独是流浪者的唯一开始,也是唯一的结束。**

Loneliness is the only beginning of wanderers, and also their only end.

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