
## 爆笑工厂句子,92句

**1. 医生说我患上了妄想症,但我并不相信他。**

The doctor said I have delusions of grandeur, but I don't believe him.

**2. 为什么鸡过马路?为了去另一边!**

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!

**3. 今天我遇到了一只会说话的狗,真是太神奇了!我立刻把这个消息告诉了我的朋友,但他不相信我。他说:“你一定是疯了!”**

I met a talking dog today, it was amazing! I told my friend about it, but he didn't believe me. He said,"You must be barking mad!"

**4. 我昨晚梦见自己是一台冰箱,醒来后发现我被锁在厨房里了!**

I dreamt I was a refrigerator last night, and when I woke up, I was locked in the kitchen!

**5. 为什么鱼住不到房子里?因为他们住在海里!**

Why can't fish live in houses? Because they live in the sea!

**6. 昨天我参加了一个关于空气的会议,简直是浪费时间!**

I went to a meeting about air yesterday, it was such a waste of time!

**7. 我在路上发现了一张20元的钞票,太开心了!然后我发现那是我的钱包掉出来的...**

I found a $20 bill on the road, I was so happy! Then I realized it was my wallet that fell out...

**8. 为什么企鹅不会飞?因为他们太冷了,翅膀都冻住了!**

Why can't penguins fly? Because they're too cold, their wings are frozen!

**9. 我问我的朋友:“你最近过得怎么样?”他说:“还行,只是有点忙,现在正在学习如何骑马。”我好奇地问:“为什么?”他回答:“因为我听说骑马可以提高我的社交生活。”**

I asked my friend,"How are you doing?" He said,"Fine, just a bit busy, learning how to ride horses now." I was curious and asked,"Why?" He replied,"I heard it can improve your social life."

**10. 老师问学生:“你能用‘希望’造句吗?”学生:“我希望我有很多钱。”老师:“很好!现在用‘如果’造句。”学生:“如果我有钱,我就希望我有很多钱。”**

The teacher asked the student,"Can you make a sentence using 'hope'?" Student:"I hope I have a lot of money." Teacher:"Good! Now make a sentence using 'if'." Student:"If I had money, I would hope I had a lot of money."

**11. 我在超市里买了一包薯片,结果打开一看,里面只有空气!我气愤地去找店员理论,店员说:“先生,您买的可是‘空气炸薯片’!”**

I bought a bag of potato chips at the supermarket, and when I opened it, there was only air inside! I angrily went to complain to the clerk, who said,"Sir, you bought 'air-fried potato chips'!"

**12. 我的朋友说他想要学习如何飞翔,我说:“别闹了,你连自己的体重都控制不了,还飞翔?**

My friend said he wanted to learn how to fly, I said,"Don't be silly, you can't even control your own weight, how can you fly?"

**13. 为什么蜗牛总是背着房子?因为它们没有钱住酒店!**

Why do snails always carry their house with them? Because they can't afford a hotel!

**14. 我今天在街上看到一个路牌写着“禁止停车”,但我忍不住停下来拍了几张照片。**

I saw a sign on the street today that said"No Parking", but I couldn't resist stopping to take a few pictures.

**15. 我今天去参加了一个关于雨的会议,真是太无聊了,简直是浪费时间!**

I went to a meeting about rain today, it was so boring, such a waste of time!

**16. 为什么海豹总是那么开心?因为它们生活在海豹区!**

Why are seals always so happy? Because they live in the seal-ebrity zone!

**17. 我问我的朋友:“你想要什么生日礼物?”他说:“我想要一个女朋友。”我回答:“好吧,我会试试看,但是我只能保证你得到一个女朋友,不能保证她会喜欢你。”**

I asked my friend,"What do you want for your birthday?" He said,"I want a girlfriend." I replied,"Okay, I'll try, but I can only guarantee you get a girlfriend, not that she will like you."

**18. 我今天在动物园里看到一只狮子,它正在用手机自拍!我心想:这狮子真是太时髦了!**

I saw a lion at the zoo today, it was taking selfies with its phone! I thought to myself: This lion is so trendy!

**19. 今天我走在路上,突然看到一只猫,它正在用两条腿走路!我惊讶地问它:“你怎么会用两条腿走路?”猫回答:“因为我的自行车坏了!”**

I was walking on the street today and suddenly saw a cat, it was walking on two legs! I was surprised and asked it,"How come you're walking on two legs?" The cat replied,"Because my bike is broken!"

**20. 为什么小鸡总是比大鸡更强壮?因为它们都是“小鸡力量”!**

Why are chicks always stronger than adult chickens? Because they are all"chicken power"!

**21. 我今天早上起床后,发现我的床不见了!我四处寻找,最后发现它在隔壁房间,原来是我昨晚梦游把它搬过去了。**

I woke up this morning and found my bed was missing! I searched everywhere and finally found it in the next room, apparently I had sleepwalked and moved it last night.

**22. 我问我的朋友:“你最喜欢的水果是什么?”他说:“我喜欢吃香蕉,因为它可以让我开心。”我说:“那你为什么不买点西瓜呢?它可以让你更开心!”**

I asked my friend,"What's your favorite fruit?" He said,"I like to eat bananas, because they make me happy." I said,"Then why don't you buy some watermelon? It will make you even happier!"

**23. 为什么海豚总是那么聪明?因为它们喜欢玩“海豚游戏”!**

Why are dolphins always so smart? Because they like to play"dolphin games"!

**24. 我今天去银行取钱,银行经理说:“先生,您的账户余额为负数。”我惊讶地说:“这不可能,我明明记得我昨天还存了钱!”银行经理说:“先生,您昨天存的钱不是您的,是隔壁的人不小心存错账户了。”**

I went to the bank to withdraw money today, and the bank manager said,"Sir, your account balance is negative." I was surprised and said,"That's impossible, I clearly remember depositing money yesterday!" The bank manager said,"Sir, the money you deposited yesterday wasn't yours, it was the person next door who accidentally deposited it into the wrong account."

**25. 为什么猫总是在白天睡觉?因为它们晚上要去巡逻,保护地球免受老鼠的侵害!**

Why do cats always sleep during the day? Because they go on patrol at night to protect the Earth from rodents!

**26. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份红烧肉,结果端上来的是一盘水果沙拉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘红烧水果沙拉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered braised pork, but what came out was a plate of fruit salad. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'braised fruit salad'!"

**27. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他背着一个巨大的背包,里面装着很多瓶水。我好奇地问他:“你这是要去哪里?”他说:“我要去参加一个关于水资源的会议。”我惊讶地说:“为什么你需要带这么多水?”他笑着说:“因为会议要持续三天,我得带足水分!”**

I saw a person on the street today, he was carrying a huge backpack, full of water bottles. I curiously asked him,"Where are you going?" He said,"I'm going to a meeting about water resources." I was surprised and said,"Why do you need to bring so much water?" He smiled and said,"Because the meeting will last three days, I have to bring enough water!"

**28. 我今天在图书馆里,看到一个人在阅读一本关于如何学习如何阅读的书。我心想:这人真是太有毅力了!**

I was at the library today and saw a person reading a book about how to learn how to read. I thought to myself: This person is so persistent!

**29. 我今天去公园散步,突然看到一只猴子,它正在用香蕉当手机!我心想:这猴子真是太会享受生活了!**

I went for a walk in the park today and suddenly saw a monkey, it was using a banana as a phone! I thought to myself: This monkey is so good at enjoying life!

**30. 为什么牛总是喜欢吃草?因为它们觉得草是“牛的美食”!**

Why do cows always like to eat grass? Because they think grass is"cow's delicacy"!

**31. 我今天去宠物店买了一只小猫,结果发现它只会说英语!我惊讶地问它:“你怎么会说英语?”小猫回答:“因为我以前是英国人!”**

I went to the pet store today to buy a kitten, and it turns out it only speaks English! I was surprised and asked it,"How do you speak English?" The kitten replied,"Because I used to be British!"

**32. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在和路灯杆聊天。我好奇地走过去,问他:“你在和谁聊天?”他说:“我和我的女朋友聊天。”我惊讶地说:“你的女朋友是路灯杆?”他笑着说:“是啊,我们是在网上认识的。”**

I saw a person on the street today, he was chatting with a streetlight pole. I curiously walked over and asked him,"Who are you chatting with?" He said,"I'm chatting with my girlfriend." I was surprised and said,"Your girlfriend is a streetlight pole?" He laughed and said,"Yeah, we met online."

**33. 为什么兔子总是喜欢吃胡萝卜?因为它们觉得胡萝卜是“兔子最爱”!**

Why do rabbits always like to eat carrots? Because they think carrots are"rabbit's favorite"!

**34. 我今天去超市买了一盒牛奶,结果打开一看,里面全是水!我气愤地去找店员理论,店员说:“先生,您买的可是‘水牛奶’!”**

I went to the supermarket to buy a carton of milk today, and when I opened it, it was all water! I angrily went to complain to the clerk, who said,"Sir, you bought 'water buffalo milk'!"

**35. 我今天去参加一个关于音乐的会议,结果发现会场里只有一个人在演奏吉他!我心想:这音乐会也太小气了!**

I went to a meeting about music today, and I found that there was only one person playing the guitar in the hall! I thought to myself: This concert is too stingy!

**36. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机打电话!我心想:这人的手机也太古老了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to make a call! I thought to myself: This person's phone is too old!

**37. 为什么鸡总是喜欢在早上打鸣?因为它们觉得早上是“鸡鸣报晓”的最佳时间!**

Why do chickens always like to crow in the morning? Because they think morning is the best time for"chicken crowing"!

**38. 我今天去银行存钱,银行经理说:“先生,您的账户余额为零。”我惊讶地说:“这不可能,我明明记得我昨天还存了钱!”银行经理说:“先生,您昨天存的钱不是您的,是隔壁的人不小心存错账户了。”**

I went to the bank to deposit money today, and the bank manager said,"Sir, your account balance is zero." I was surprised and said,"That's impossible, I clearly remember depositing money yesterday!" The bank manager said,"Sir, the money you deposited yesterday wasn't yours, it was the person next door who accidentally deposited it into the wrong account."

**39. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用石头当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太节俭了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a stone as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so frugal!

**40. 为什么猫总是喜欢追老鼠?因为它们觉得老鼠是“猫的玩具”!**

Why do cats always like to chase mice? Because they think mice are"cat's toys"!

**41. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份牛排,结果端上来的是一盘土豆泥。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘牛排土豆泥’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered a steak, but what came out was a plate of mashed potatoes. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'steak and mashed potatoes'!"

**42. 我今天去参加一个关于时间管理的会议,结果发现所有人都迟到了!我心想:这时间管理课也太失败了!**

I went to a meeting about time management today, and I found that everyone was late! I thought to myself: This time management class is too much of a failure!

**43. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树叶当纸张写信!我心想:这人真是太环保了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using leaves as paper to write a letter! I thought to myself: This person is so environmentally friendly!

**44. 为什么猪总是喜欢吃泥巴?因为它们觉得泥巴是“猪的美食”!**

Why do pigs always like to eat mud? Because they think mud is"pig's delicacy"!

**45. 我今天去超市买了一包饼干,结果打开一看,里面全是空气!我气愤地去找店员理论,店员说:“先生,您买的可是‘空气饼干’!”**

I went to the supermarket to buy a bag of cookies today, and when I opened it, it was all air! I angrily went to complain to the clerk, who said,"Sir, you bought 'air cookies'!"

**46. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太无聊了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is too boring!

**47. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会自娱自乐了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at entertaining himself!

**48. 为什么鱼总是喜欢住在水里?因为它们觉得水是“鱼的舒适区”!**

Why do fish always like to live in water? Because they think water is"fish's comfort zone"!

**49. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份鸡肉,结果端上来的是一盘牛肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘鸡肉牛肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered chicken, but what came out was a plate of beef. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'chicken and beef'!"

**50. 我今天去参加一个关于如何减肥的会议,结果发现所有人都吃得很胖!我心想:这减肥课也太失败了!**

I went to a meeting about how to lose weight today, and I found that everyone was eating very fat! I thought to myself: This weight loss class is too much of a failure!

**51. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用石头当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会利用资源了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a stone as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at utilizing resources!

**52. 为什么狗总是喜欢追尾巴?因为它们觉得尾巴是“狗的玩具”!**

Why do dogs always like to chase their tails? Because they think their tails are"dog's toys"!

**53. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份猪肉,结果端上来的是一盘羊肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘猪肉羊肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered pork, but what came out was a plate of mutton. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'pork and mutton'!"

**54. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太没意思了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so boring!

**55. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会发挥想象力了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at using his imagination!

**56. 为什么鸟总是喜欢在树上筑巢?因为它们觉得树是“鸟的公寓”!**

Why do birds always like to build nests in trees? Because they think trees are"bird's apartments"!

**57. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份鱼肉,结果端上来的是一盘鸡肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘鱼肉鸡肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered fish, but what came out was a plate of chicken. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'fish and chicken'!"

**58. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太没吸引力了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so unattractive!

**59. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太有创意了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so creative!

**60. 为什么乌龟总是喜欢背着房子?因为它们觉得房子是“乌龟的移动住所”!**

Why do turtles always like to carry their house with them? Because they think the house is"turtle's mobile dwelling"!

**61. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份牛肉,结果端上来的是一盘猪肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘牛肉猪肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered beef, but what came out was a plate of pork. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'beef and pork'!"

**62. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太乏味了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so tedious!

**63. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会自嘲了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at making fun of himself!

**64. 为什么猴子总是喜欢吃香蕉?因为它们觉得香蕉是“猴子的最爱”!**

Why do monkeys always like to eat bananas? Because they think bananas are"monkey's favorite"!

**65. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份羊肉,结果端上来的是一盘鸡肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘羊肉鸡肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered mutton, but what came out was a plate of chicken. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'mutton and chicken'!"

**66. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太让人昏昏欲睡了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so sleepy!

**67. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会自我娱乐了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at entertaining himself!

**68. 为什么猫总是喜欢在晚上出来?因为它们觉得晚上是“猫的舞台”!**

Why do cats always like to come out at night? Because they think night is"cat's stage"!

**69. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份鸡肉,结果端上来的是一盘猪肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘鸡肉猪肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered chicken, but what came out was a plate of pork. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'chicken and pork'!"

**70. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太没效率了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so inefficient!

**71. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会享受生活了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at enjoying life!

**72. 为什么狗总是喜欢闻别人的屁股?因为它们觉得屁股是“狗的社交媒体”!**

Why do dogs always like to sniff each other's butts? Because they think butts are"dog's social media"!

**73. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份猪肉,结果端上来的是一盘牛肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘猪肉牛肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered pork, but what came out was a plate of beef. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'pork and beef'!"

**74. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太无聊透顶了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so utterly boring!

**75. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会自娱自乐了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at entertaining himself!

**76. 为什么鸭子总是喜欢在水里游泳?因为它们觉得水是“鸭子的泳池”!**

Why do ducks always like to swim in the water? Because they think water is"duck's swimming pool"!

**77. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份牛肉,结果端上来的是一盘鸡肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘牛肉鸡肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered beef, but what came out was a plate of chicken. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'beef and chicken'!"

**78. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太没用了吧!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so useless!

**79. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会利用资源了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at utilizing resources!

**80. 为什么羊总是喜欢吃草?因为它们觉得草是“羊的美食”!**

Why do sheep always like to eat grass? Because they think grass is"sheep's delicacy"!

**81. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份鸡肉,结果端上来的是一盘羊肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘鸡肉羊肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered chicken, but what came out was a plate of mutton. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'chicken and mutton'!"

**82. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太没劲了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so boring!

**83. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太有想象力了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at using his imagination!

**84. 为什么猪总是喜欢在泥巴里打滚?因为它们觉得泥巴是“猪的SPA”!**

Why do pigs always like to roll in the mud? Because they think mud is"pig's SPA"!

**85. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份羊肉,结果端上来的是一盘猪肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘羊肉猪肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered mutton, but what came out was a plate of pork. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'mutton and pork'!"

**86. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太没帮助了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so unhelpful!

**87. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会自娱自乐了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at entertaining himself!

**88. 为什么猫总是喜欢吃鱼?因为它们觉得鱼是“猫的美味”!**

Why do cats always like to eat fish? Because they think fish is"cat's delicacy"!

**89. 我今天去餐厅吃饭,点了一份猪肉,结果端上来的是一盘鸡肉。我问服务员:“这是什么?”服务员说:“先生,您点的可是‘猪肉鸡肉’!”**

I went to a restaurant for dinner today and ordered pork, but what came out was a plate of chicken. I asked the waiter,"What is this?" The waiter said,"Sir, you ordered 'pork and chicken'!"

**90. 我今天去参加一个关于如何学习如何学习的会议,结果发现所有人都昏昏欲睡!我心想:这学习课也太没吸引力了!**

I went to a meeting about how to learn how to learn today, and I found that everyone was falling asleep! I thought to myself: This learning class is so unattractive!

**91. 我今天在街上看到一个人,他正在用树枝当手机玩游戏!我心想:这人真是太会利用资源了!**

I saw a person on the street today, he was using a tree branch as a phone to play games! I thought to myself: This person is so good at utilizing resources!

**92. 为什么牛总是喜欢吃草?因为它们觉得草是“牛的健康食品”!**

Why do cows always like to eat grass? Because they think grass is"cow's healthy food"!

以上就是关于爆笑工厂句子92句(爆笑工厂句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
