
## 旅途辛苦的句子 (51句)

**1. 行程满满,疲惫不堪。**

The itinerary is packed, I'm exhausted.

**2. 长途跋涉,身心俱疲。**

A long journey, both physically and mentally exhausted.

**3. 舟车劳顿,苦不堪言。**

The journey by boat and car is arduous and unbearable.

**4. 路途遥远,备受煎熬。**

The journey is long and torturous.

**5. 日夜兼程,疲惫不堪。**

Traveling day and night, exhausted.

**6. 颠簸路途,让人心烦。**

The bumpy road is irritating.

**7. 旅途漫长,让人心生倦意。**

The long journey makes one feel weary.

**8. 疲惫不堪,只想休息。**

I'm exhausted and just want to rest.

**9. 身体疲惫,精神不振。**

My body is tired and my spirit is low.

**10. 旅途劳顿,身心俱疲。**

The journey is arduous, both physically and mentally exhausted.

**11. 舟车劳顿,疲惫不堪。**

The journey by boat and car is tiring.

**12. 风尘仆仆,疲惫不堪。**

Dusty and weary from the journey.

**13. 旅途颠簸,让人心烦意乱。**

The bumpy journey is unsettling.

**14. 长途旅行,身心俱疲。**

A long journey, both physically and mentally exhausted.

**15. 疲惫不堪,只想尽快回家。**

I'm exhausted and just want to go home as soon as possible.

**16. 旅途劳顿,难以忍受。**

The journey is arduous and unbearable.

**17. 疲惫不堪,无法入眠。**

I'm exhausted and can't sleep.

**18. 舟车劳顿,身心俱惫。**

The journey by boat and car is exhausting, both physically and mentally.

**19. 路途遥远,让人心生疲倦。**

The long journey makes one feel weary.

**20. 旅途颠簸,让人晕车呕吐。**

The bumpy journey makes one carsick and vomit.

**21. 疲惫不堪,只想找个地方休息。**

I'm exhausted and just want to find a place to rest.

**22. 旅途劳顿,让人身心俱疲。**

The journey is arduous, both physically and mentally exhausted.

**23. 舟车劳顿,让人心生厌倦。**

The journey by boat and car is tedious.

**24. 路途遥远,让人心生绝望。**

The long journey makes one feel hopeless.

**25. 疲惫不堪,只想回到家。**

I'm exhausted and just want to go home.

**26. 旅途漫长,让人心生烦躁。**

The long journey makes one feel irritable.

**27. 疲惫不堪,无法集中注意力。**

I'm exhausted and can't concentrate.

**28. 舟车劳顿,让人心生疲惫。**

The journey by boat and car is tiring.

**29. 路途颠簸,让人心生恐惧。**

The bumpy journey makes one feel scared.

**30. 疲惫不堪,只想找个地方躺下。**

I'm exhausted and just want to lie down somewhere.

**31. 旅途劳顿,让人身心俱惫。**

The journey is arduous, both physically and mentally exhausted.

**32. 舟车劳顿,让人心生疲惫。**

The journey by boat and car is tiring.

**33. 路途遥远,让人心生思念。**

The long journey makes one feel homesick.

**34. 疲惫不堪,只想找个地方睡一觉。**

I'm exhausted and just want to take a nap.

**35. 旅途漫长,让人心生孤独。**

The long journey makes one feel lonely.

**36. 疲惫不堪,只想找个地方洗个热水澡。**

I'm exhausted and just want to take a hot shower.

**37. 舟车劳顿,让人心生疲惫。**

The journey by boat and car is tiring.

**38. 路途颠簸,让人心生烦躁。**

The bumpy journey makes one feel irritable.

**39. 疲惫不堪,只想找个地方吃饭。**

I'm exhausted and just want to find a place to eat.

**40. 旅途劳顿,让人身心俱疲。**

The journey is arduous, both physically and mentally exhausted.

**41. 舟车劳顿,让人心生厌倦。**

The journey by boat and car is tedious.

**42. 路途遥远,让人心生绝望。**

The long journey makes one feel hopeless.

**43. 疲惫不堪,只想找个地方休息一下。**

I'm exhausted and just want to rest for a while.

**44. 旅途漫长,让人心生倦意。**

The long journey makes one feel weary.

**45. 疲惫不堪,无法继续旅行。**

I'm exhausted and can't continue traveling.

**46. 舟车劳顿,让人心生疲惫。**

The journey by boat and car is tiring.

**47. 路途颠簸,让人心生恐惧。**

The bumpy journey makes one feel scared.

**48. 疲惫不堪,只想找个地方躺下休息。**

I'm exhausted and just want to lie down and rest.

**49. 旅途劳顿,让人身心俱惫。**

The journey is arduous, both physically and mentally exhausted.

**50. 舟车劳顿,让人心生厌倦。**

The journey by boat and car is tedious.

**51. 路途遥远,让人心生思念。**

The long journey makes one feel homesick.

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