
## 爸妈嘘寒问暖句子 (92句)


1. 吃饭了吗?
2. 穿暖和了吗?
3. 今天工作/学习怎么样?
4. 累不累?
5. 最近身体还好吗?
6. 有什么事要跟爸妈说吗?
7. 要出门吗?记得带伞!
8. 别忘了吃药!
9. 睡前记得泡个脚!
10. 早点睡,别熬夜!
11. 出门记得带手机!
12. 要喝水!
13. 记得吃早餐!
14. 天气冷了,多穿点衣服!
15. 别忘了带水!
16. 记得吃水果!
17. 别老待在家里,多出去走走!
18. 多喝点热水!
19. 别老玩手机,多休息!
20. 注意安全!
21. 要照顾好自己!
22. 记得回家吃饭!
23. 想家了吗?
24. 最近有什么计划吗?
25. 要出去玩吗?
26. 有什么需要爸妈帮忙的吗?
27. 有什么烦恼要跟爸妈说吗?
28. 最近心情怎么样?
29. 有没有想吃的?
30. 有没有想买的东西?
31. 最近钱够用吗?
32. 工作/学习压力大吗?
33. 要注意身体,不要太辛苦!
34. 有什么事要跟爸妈说吗?
35. 别太担心,爸妈都在呢!
36. 有什么困难要跟爸妈说吗?
37. 别太拼命,照顾好自己!
38. 有时间就回家看看!
39. 想家了就打电话回来!
40. 不要太想家,照顾好自己!
41. 要记得常回家看看!
42. 记得和朋友保持联系!
43. 要多和朋友出去玩!
44. 要多和家人联系!
45. 要开心点!
46. 别老一个人闷着!
47. 要多出去走走,放松一下!
48. 要多交朋友!
49. 不要太孤单!
50. 要多和家人聊天!
51. 要多出去走走,呼吸新鲜空气!
52. 要多做自己喜欢的事情!
53. 要多运动,保持健康!
54. 要多读书,充实自己!
55. 要多学习新技能!
56. 要勇敢追逐梦想!
57. 要相信自己!
58. 要努力奋斗!
59. 要乐观向上!
60. 要积极进取!
61. 要珍惜现在!
62. 要勇敢面对未来!


63. 生病了?哪里不舒服?
64. 要多休息,别太操心!
65. 要吃点清淡的,不要吃辛辣刺激的食物!
66. 多喝热水!
67. 要按时吃药!
68. 要多休息,不要熬夜!
69. 要多注意保暖!
70. 要及时去医院看医生!
71. 要按时复查!
72. 不要太担心,会没事的!
73. 有什么需要爸妈帮忙的吗?
74. 要照顾好自己!
75. 要早点好起来!
76. 不要太劳累,身体要紧!
77. 有什么不舒服一定要跟爸妈说!
78. 要多吃点有营养的东西!
79. 要好好休息,别着急!
80. 要相信医生,不要乱吃药!
81. 要保持乐观的心情!
82. 要积极配合治疗!
83. 要相信自己会好起来!
84. 要坚持治疗,不要放弃!


85. 考完试了?放松一下!
86. 工作/学习顺利吗?
87. 最近压力大吗?
88. 遇到什么困难了吗?
89. 有什么需要爸妈帮忙的吗?
90. 不要太辛苦,照顾好自己!
91. 要相信自己,你可以的!
92. 爸妈永远支持你!

## 英文翻译

**Daily Concerns**

1. Did you eat?
2. Are you dressed warmly?
3. How was work/school today?
4. Are you tired?
5. How are you feeling lately?
6. Is there anything you want to tell your parents?
7. Are you going out? Remember to bring an umbrella!
8. Don't forget to take your medicine!
9. Remember to soak your feet before going to bed!
10. Go to bed early, don't stay up late!
11. Remember to bring your phone when you go out!
12. Drink some water!
13. Remember to eat breakfast!
14. It's cold, wear more clothes!
15. Don't forget to bring water!
16. Remember to eat some fruit!
17. Don't stay at home all the time, go out and walk around!
18. Drink more hot water!
19. Don't spend too much time on your phone, take a break!
20. Be safe!
21. Take care of yourself!
22. Remember to come home for dinner!
23. Do you miss home?
24. Do you have any plans lately?
25. Are you going out to play?
26. Is there anything you need your parents to help with?
27. Is there anything bothering you that you want to tell your parents?
28. How are you feeling lately?
29. Is there anything you want to eat?
30. Is there anything you want to buy?
31. Do you have enough money lately?
32. Are you stressed about work/school?
33. Pay attention to your health, don't work too hard!
34. Is there anything you want to tell your parents?
35. Don't worry too much, your parents are here for you!
36. Is there any difficulty you want to tell your parents?
37. Don't work too hard, take care of yourself!
38. Come home to visit whenever you have time!
39. Call home when you miss home!
40. Don't miss home too much, take care of yourself!
41. Remember to come home to visit often!
42. Keep in touch with your friends!
43. Go out and play with your friends more often!
44. Stay in touch with your family!
45. Be happy!
46. Don't stay alone and sulk!
47. Go out and walk around, relax!
48. Make more friends!
49. Don't be too lonely!
50. Chat with your family more often!
51. Go out for a walk and breathe fresh air!
52. Do more things you enjoy!
53. Exercise more and stay healthy!
54. Read more books and enrich yourself!
55. Learn new skills!
56. Be brave and pursue your dreams!
57. Believe in yourself!
58. Work hard!
59. Be optimistic!
60. Be proactive!
61. Cherish the present!
62. Be brave and face the future!

**When You're Sick**

63. Are you sick? What's wrong?
64. Get more rest, don't worry too much!
65. Eat something bland, don't eat spicy or irritating food!
66. Drink plenty of water!
67. Take your medicine on time!
68. Get more rest, don't stay up late!
69. Keep warm!
70. Go to the doctor promptly!
71. Get check-ups on time!
72. Don't worry too much, you'll be fine!
73. Is there anything your parents can help with?
74. Take care of yourself!
75. Get well soon!
76. Don't work too hard, your health is important!
77. Tell your parents if you feel uncomfortable!
78. Eat more nutritious food!
79. Rest well, don't rush!
80. Believe in the doctor, don't take any medicine randomly!
81. Maintain a positive attitude!
82. Cooperate with the treatment actively!
83. Believe in yourself, you'll recover!
84. Persist in treatment, don't give up!

**Special Situations**

85. Exams are over? Relax!
86. Is work/school going smoothly?
87. Are you stressed lately?
88. Have you encountered any difficulties?
89. Is there anything your parents can help with?
90. Don't work too hard, take care of yourself!
91. Believe in yourself, you can do it!
92. Your parents will always support you!

以上就是关于爸妈嘘寒问暖句子92句(爸妈嘘寒问暖句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
