
## 江苏卫视《好好学习》句子及英文翻译

以下列出79句《好好学习》的句子及英文翻译,并用 `

` 标签将内容分段:

1. 知识改变命运,学习成就未来。/ Knowledge changes destiny, learning creates a better future.

2. 学无止境,精益求精。/ Learning has no bounds, strive for perfection.

3. 好学才能上进,勤奋才能成功。/ A thirst for knowledge leads to progress, diligence leads to success.

4. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。/ There is a path to the mountain of knowledge through diligence, and the sea of learning is navigated with hardship.

5. 博观而约取,厚积而薄发。/ Read widely and select wisely, accumulate knowledge and unleash potential.

6. 活到老,学到老。/ Learn as long as you live.

7. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。/ There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are determined.

8. 千里之行,始于足下。/ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

9. 失败乃成功之母。/ Failure is the mother of success.

10. 不积跬步,无以至千里。/ One cannot reach a thousand miles without taking the first step.

11. 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。/ A sharp sword comes from constant sharpening, plum blossoms bloom in the face of hardship.

12. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。/ Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is dangerous.

13. 读书破万卷,下笔如有神。/ Read ten thousand books, and your pen will flow with inspiration.

14. 学海无涯苦作舟,书山有路勤为径。/ The sea of learning is boundless, we must strive with diligence, the mountain of knowledge has paths, we must tread them with hard work.

15. 业精于勤,荒于嬉。/ Excellence comes from diligence, neglect comes from leisure.

16. 一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。/ Time is precious, like gold, and time is irreplaceable.

17. 时间就是生命,无端的空耗别人的时间,其实是无异于谋财害命的。/ Time is life. Wasting someone's time is akin to taking their life.

18. 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。/ Don't let your youth slip away, only to be left with regret.

19. 一万年太久,只争朝夕。/ A million years is too long, seize the day and make the most of it.

20. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。/ If you don't work hard in your youth, you will only regret it in your old age.

21. 光阴似箭,日月如梭。/ Time flies like an arrow, the days and months like a shuttle.

22. 时间是宝贵的,我们要珍惜它,不要浪费它。/ Time is precious, we should cherish it and not waste it.

23. 成功不是偶然的,是日积月累的结果。/ Success is not accidental, it is the result of consistent effort.

24. 锲而不舍,金石可镂。/ With perseverance, even the hardest stone can be carved.

25. 世上无难事,只要肯攀登。/ Nothing is impossible in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.

26. 世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。/ There are no hopeless situations in the world, only people who are hopeless about their situations.

27. 只要肯努力,就能创造奇迹。/ With hard work, you can create miracles.

28. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。/ How can one see a rainbow without enduring the storm?

29. 人生不如意事十之八九,要学会坚强。/ Eight or nine out of ten things in life don't go as planned, we must learn to be strong.

30. 逆境是磨练意志的熔炉,苦难是铸造成功的基石。/ Adversity is the furnace that tempers willpower, hardship is the cornerstone for building success.

31. 不要害怕失败,失败只是成功路上的一块绊脚石。/ Don't be afraid of failure, it is just a stumbling block on the road to success.

32. 成功并非一蹴而就,它需要付出汗水和努力。/ Success doesn't happen overnight, it requires sweat and effort.

33. 人生的道路不可能一帆风顺,总会有挫折和失败。/ The path of life is not always smooth sailing, there will always be setbacks and failures.

34. 跌倒了,爬起来,继续向前走。/ Fall down, get up, and keep moving forward.

35. 失败并不可怕,可怕的是失去信心。/ Failure is not scary, what is scary is losing confidence.

36. 不要放弃梦想,即使它看起来遥不可及。/ Don't give up on your dreams, even if they seem unattainable.

37. 梦想是人生的灯塔,指引我们前进的方向。/ Dreams are the lighthouses of life, guiding our way forward.

38. 没有梦想的人生是毫无意义的。/ A life without dreams is meaningless.

39. 有梦想,就要为之奋斗,永不放弃。/ If you have a dream, you must fight for it, never give up.

40. 梦想不是空想,而是行动的指南。/ Dreams are not fantasies, they are guides for action.

41. 行动是通往成功的桥梁。/ Action is the bridge to success.

42. 只有行动才能将梦想变为现实。/ Only action can turn dreams into reality.

43. 不要犹豫,行动起来吧!/ Don't hesitate, take action!

44. 不要等到明天才去做,今天就行动起来。/ Don't wait until tomorrow, act today.

45. 人生苦短,不要浪费时间。/ Life is short, don't waste time.

46. 时间是宝贵的,我们要珍惜它,不要浪费它。/ Time is precious, we should cherish it and not waste it.

47. 我们要把握当下,珍惜每一分每一秒。/ We should seize the moment, cherish every minute and every second.

48. 不要为过去的事情而烦恼,也不要为未来而担忧。/ Don't worry about the past, don't worry about the future.

49. 活在当下,享受生活。/ Live in the present, enjoy life.

50. 我们要学会感恩,感谢生命中的每一个人,每一件事。/ We should learn to be grateful, thank everyone and everything in our lives.

51. 我们要学会宽容,宽容别人也宽容自己。/ We should learn to be tolerant, tolerant of others and ourselves.

52. 我们要学会爱,爱自己,爱家人,爱朋友。/ We should learn to love, love ourselves, love our families, love our friends.

53. 我们要学会付出,为他人,也为社会。/ We should learn to give, for others and for society.

54. 我们要学会快乐,快乐的过好每一天。/ We should learn to be happy, live happily every day.

55. 我们要学会坚强,在困难面前永不放弃。/ We should learn to be strong, never give up in the face of difficulty.

56. 我们要学会独立,勇敢的面对人生的挑战。/ We should learn to be independent, bravely face the challenges of life.

57. 我们要学会自信,相信自己能够战胜一切困难。/ We should learn to be confident, believe that we can overcome any difficulty.

58. 我们要学会乐观,用积极的态度面对生活。/ We should learn to be optimistic, face life with a positive attitude.

59. 我们要学会包容,理解和尊重不同的人。/ We should learn to be tolerant, understand and respect different people.

60. 我们要学会真诚,用真心对待每一个人。/ We should learn to be sincere, treat everyone with sincerity.

61. 我们要学会善良,用善意去帮助他人。/ We should learn to be kind, help others with kindness.

62. 我们要学会责任,对自己的行为负责。/ We should learn to be responsible, responsible for our actions.

63. 我们要学会自律,严格要求自己。/ We should learn to be self-disciplined, demand strictness from ourselves.

64. 我们要学会勇敢,敢于挑战自我。/ We should learn to be brave, dare to challenge ourselves.

65. 我们要学会坚持,永不放弃自己的目标。/ We should learn to persevere, never give up on our goals.

66. 我们要学会创新,不断突破自己。/ We should learn to innovate, constantly break through our own limits.

67. 我们要学会学习,不断充实自己。/ We should learn to learn, constantly enrich ourselves.

68. 我们要学会感恩,感谢生命中的每一个人,每一件事。/ We should learn to be grateful, thank everyone and everything in our lives.

69. 我们要学会宽容,宽容别人也宽容自己。/ We should learn to be tolerant, tolerant of others and ourselves.

70. 我们要学会爱,爱自己,爱家人,爱朋友。/ We should learn to love, love ourselves, love our families, love our friends.

71. 我们要学会付出,为他人,也为社会。/ We should learn to give, for others and for society.

72. 我们要学会快乐,快乐的过好每一天。/ We should learn to be happy, live happily every day.

73. 我们要学会坚强,在困难面前永不放弃。/ We should learn to be strong, never give up in the face of difficulty.

74. 我们要学会独立,勇敢的面对人生的挑战。/ We should learn to be independent, bravely face the challenges of life.

75. 我们要学会自信,相信自己能够战胜一切困难。/ We should learn to be confident, believe that we can overcome any difficulty.

76. 我们要学会乐观,用积极的态度面对生活。/ We should learn to be optimistic, face life with a positive attitude.

77. 我们要学会包容,理解和尊重不同的人。/ We should learn to be tolerant, understand and respect different people.

78. 我们要学会真诚,用真心对待每一个人。/ We should learn to be sincere, treat everyone with sincerity.

79. 我们要学会善良,用善意去帮助他人。/ We should learn to be kind, help others with kindness.

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