
## 88句汉语绕口令及英文翻译

**1.** **吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮。**

You eat grapes but don't spit out the skin, and you spit out the skin if you don't eat the grapes.

**2.** **八百标兵奔北坡,炮兵并排北边跑。**

Eight hundred soldiers rushed to the northern slope, and the artillerymen ran side by side to the north.

**3.** **白石白,白石白,白石头上白石白。**

White stone is white, white stone is white, white stone on white stone is white.

**4.** **黑化肥发黑,灰化肥发灰。**

Black fertilizer turns black, gray fertilizer turns gray.

**5.** **红凤凰,黄凤凰,粉凤凰,凤凰飞上凤凰山。**

Red phoenix, yellow phoenix, pink phoenix, phoenix flies to Phoenix Mountain.

**6.** **画画画,画葫芦,画虎画皮难画骨。**

Draw, draw, draw a gourd, you can draw a tiger's skin but not its bones.

**7.** **河边有棵柳树,柳树下有只小兔,小兔吃着青草,青草沾着露珠。**

There is a willow tree by the river, and there is a little rabbit under the willow tree. The little rabbit eats grass, and the grass is covered with dewdrops.

**8.** **老龙恼怒闹龙洞,老龙恼怒闹龙洞,老龙恼怒闹龙洞。**

The old dragon is angry and makes a fuss in the dragon's cave, the old dragon is angry and makes a fuss in the dragon's cave, the old dragon is angry and makes a fuss in the dragon's cave.

**9.** **李老六,刘老七,李老六教刘老七溜溜球。**

Li Lao Liu, Liu Lao Qi, Li Lao Liu teaches Liu Lao Qi to play marbles.

**10.** **牛郎恋刘娘,刘娘恋牛郎。**

Niulang loves Liuniang, Liuniang loves Niulang.

**11.** **瓶瓶罐罐,罐罐瓶瓶。**

Bottles and jars, jars and bottles.

**12.** **七巷七个七,七个七人吃七碗,七碗七个七,七个七人吃七碗。**

Seven lanes with seven sevens, seven sevens people eat seven bowls, seven bowls with seven sevens, seven sevens people eat seven bowls.

**13.** **七嘴八舌说七嘴八舌,七嘴八舌说七嘴八舌。**

Seven mouths and eight tongues say seven mouths and eight tongues, seven mouths and eight tongues say seven mouths and eight tongues.

**14.** **山上有只猴,山下有只狗,猴下山,狗上山,猴打狗,狗咬猴。**

There is a monkey on the mountain, and a dog at the foot of the mountain. The monkey goes down the mountain, the dog goes up the mountain, the monkey hits the dog, and the dog bites the monkey.

**15.** **石狮子,狮子石,石狮子吃石头,狮子石吃石狮子。**

Stone lion, lion stone, stone lion eats stone, lion stone eats stone lion.

**16.** **天上飞来一只鹅,鹅背上有一个窝,窝里生着两只鹅,大鹅小鹅一起过。**

A goose flies from the sky, there is a nest on its back, two geese are born in the nest, big goose and little goose live together.

**17.** **田里种着棉花,地里种着芝麻,棉花开花白花花,芝麻开花黑麻麻。**

Cotton is planted in the field, sesame is planted in the field, cotton blossoms are white, sesame blossoms are black.

**18.** **童童唱歌,哥哥听歌,歌声飘过山坡,飘过河。**

Tong Tong sings, brother listens to the song, the song floats over the hillside, floats over the river.

**19.** **歪歪扭扭扭歪歪,扭歪扭扭扭歪歪。**

Twist and turn, twist and turn, twist and turn, twist and turn.

**20.** **西瓜甜,芝麻香,西瓜芝麻一样长。**

Watermelon is sweet, sesame is fragrant, watermelon and sesame are the same length.

**21.** **细雨丝丝,细雨丝丝,细雨丝丝润万物。**

Fine rain, fine rain, fine rain nourishes all things.

**22.** **小小竹排顺水漂,漂到哪里哪里停。**

A small bamboo raft floats down the water, wherever it floats, it stops there.

**23.** **学说学语,说学说语,学习说话说学习说话。**

Learn to speak, speak to learn, learn to speak, speak to learn.

**24.** **一只青蛙一张嘴,两只眼睛四条腿,扑通一声跳下水。**

One frog, one mouth, two eyes, four legs, a splash, it jumps into the water.

**25.** **一只小狗,两条腿,跑得飞快,上树摘李。**

A little dog, two legs, runs very fast, climbs a tree to pick plums.

**26.** **咬着牙,念着书,读书咬着牙。**

Gritting your teeth, reading a book, reading a book with gritted teeth.

**27.** **要学好,须努力,要努力,学得快。**

To learn well, you must work hard, to work hard, you learn quickly.

**28.** **有只小猫,爱吃鱼,鱼刺卡喉,它想吐。**

There is a little cat, it loves to eat fish, fish bones get stuck in its throat, it wants to spit.

**29.** **早起早睡,身体好,学习好,工作好。**

Go to bed early and get up early, you'll be healthy, learn well, and work well.

**30.** **桌子上放着五只鸡,五只鸡吃五颗米,五只鸡吃五颗米,吃了五颗米,五只鸡。**

There are five chickens on the table, five chickens eat five grains of rice, five chickens eat five grains of rice, they have eaten five grains of rice, five chickens.

**31.** **大风刮倒大树,大树压倒大王,大王起来骂大树。**

The strong wind blows down the big tree, the big tree crushes the king, the king gets up and scolds the tree.

**32.** **大喇叭,小喇叭,喇叭里吹喇叭。**

Big trumpet, small trumpet, trumpet blows inside the trumpet.

**33.** **打南边来了个哑巴,哑巴背着个哑巴,哑巴叫哑巴背哑巴,哑巴背着哑巴走。**

A mute came from the south, the mute carried a mute, the mute asked the mute to carry the mute, the mute carried the mute and walked.

**34.** **刀切豆腐两面光,刀切豆腐两面光。**

The knife cuts tofu smooth on both sides, the knife cuts tofu smooth on both sides.

**35.** **粉红墙上画凤凰,凤凰画在粉红墙。**

A phoenix is painted on the pink wall, the phoenix is painted on the pink wall.

**36.** **哥哥弟弟坡上跑,哥哥让弟弟先跑,弟弟让哥哥先跑。**

Brother and brother run on the slope, brother asks brother to run first, brother asks brother to run first.

**37.** **狗咬耗子,耗子咬狗,狗咬耗子耗子咬狗。**

Dog bites mouse, mouse bites dog, dog bites mouse, mouse bites dog.

**38.** **好汉不吃眼前亏,好汉不吃眼前亏。**

A hero doesn't take immediate losses, a hero doesn't take immediate losses.

**39.** **黄鼠狼钻黄桶,黄桶漏,黄鼠狼钻黄桶。**

The weasel goes into the yellow bucket, the yellow bucket leaks, the weasel goes into the yellow bucket.

**40.** **花盆里栽着花,花盆里栽着花,花盆里的花,开了花。**

Flowers are planted in flower pots, flowers are planted in flower pots, the flowers in the flower pots, have blossomed.

**41.** **家家户户,户户人家。**

Every household, every family.

**42.** **金钩钩金鱼,金鱼钩金钩。**

Golden hook hooks golden fish, golden fish hooks golden hook.

**43.** **今儿下雨,明儿晴,今儿晴,明儿雨。**

It rains today, it's sunny tomorrow, it's sunny today, it rains tomorrow.

**44.** **九九九十九,九十九头牛,九十九个牛棚,九十九个牛棚关九十九头牛。**

Nine, nine, ninety-nine, ninety-nine cows, ninety-nine cow sheds, ninety-nine cow sheds enclose ninety-nine cows.

**45.** **两块瓦,三块瓦,四块瓦,五块瓦,六块瓦,七块瓦,八块瓦,九块瓦,十块瓦。**

Two tiles, three tiles, four tiles, five tiles, six tiles, seven tiles, eight tiles, nine tiles, ten tiles.

**46.** **老王推着小车,小车拉着老王。**

Old Wang pushes the cart, the cart pulls Old Wang.

**47.** **老张卖鞋,老谢买鞋,老张老谢买鞋。**

Old Zhang sells shoes, Old Xie buys shoes, Old Zhang and Old Xie buy shoes.

**48.** **六十六个大大,六十六个小小,六十六个大大,六十六个小小。**

Sixty-six big ones, sixty-six small ones, sixty-six big ones, sixty-six small ones.

**49.** **六只鸡,七只鸭,八只鹅,九只猫,十只狗,一大群。**

Six chickens, seven ducks, eight geese, nine cats, ten dogs, a large group.

**50.** **麻雀飞到麻雀树上,麻雀树上麻雀多。**

Sparrows fly to the sparrow tree, there are many sparrows on the sparrow tree.

**51.** **门对门,窗对窗,门前开着花,窗前种着草。**

Door to door, window to window, flowers bloom in front of the door, grass is planted in front of the window.

**52.** **泥菩萨过河,自身难保。**

A clay Buddha crosses the river, it can't even save itself.

**53.** **七个阿姨,七个孩子,七个阿姨带着七个孩子,七个孩子跟着七个阿姨。**

Seven aunts, seven children, seven aunts lead seven children, seven children follow seven aunts.

**54.** **七只小猫,七只小狗,七只小猫,七只小狗,七只小猫和七只小狗。**

Seven kittens, seven puppies, seven kittens, seven puppies, seven kittens and seven puppies.

**55.** **青蛙呱呱叫,青蛙呱呱叫,青蛙呱呱叫。**

The frog croaks, the frog croaks, the frog croaks.

**56.** **清水煮白菜,白菜煮清水,清水煮白菜,白菜煮清水。**

Boil cabbage in clear water, boil clear water with cabbage, boil cabbage in clear water, boil clear water with cabbage.

**57.** **清水洗白布,白布洗清水。**

Wash white cloth with clear water, wash clear water with white cloth.

**58.** **上山坡,下坡,上坡下坡上坡下坡。**

Up the slope, down the slope, up the slope, down the slope, up the slope, down the slope.

**59.** **四是四,十是十,十四是十四,四十是四十。**

Four is four, ten is ten, fourteen is fourteen, forty is forty.

**60.** **送你一朵小花,送你一朵小花,送你一朵小花,送你一朵小花。**

Give you a little flower, give you a little flower, give you a little flower, give you a little flower.

**61.** **三个和尚没水吃,三个和尚没水吃,三个和尚没水吃。**

Three monks have no water to drink, three monks have no water to drink, three monks have no water to drink.

**62.** **三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。**

Three cobblers equal one Zhuge Liang.

**63.** **天上有只鹅,地上有一棵棵。**

There is a goose in the sky, there are trees on the ground.

**64.** **天上雷公敲鼓,地下老鼠打洞。**

The thunder god beats a drum in the sky, the mouse digs a hole in the ground.

**65.** **童童和同同,一起到河边,童童捉到一只蜻蜓,同同捉到一只青蛙。**

Tong Tong and Tong Tong go to the river together, Tong Tong catches a dragonfly, Tong Tong catches a frog.

**66.** **兔子不吃窝边草,兔子不吃窝边草。**

The rabbit doesn't eat the grass around its nest, the rabbit doesn't eat the grass around its nest.

**67.** **王二小,王二小,放牛上山坡,看见鬼子来,赶快去报信。**

Wang Er Xiao, Wang Er Xiao, herds cattle up the mountain, sees the Japanese soldiers coming, quickly goes to report.

**68.** **我爱吃水果,水果香甜,我爱吃水果,水果香甜。**

I love to eat fruit, fruit is sweet and fragrant, I love to eat fruit, fruit is sweet and fragrant.

**69.** **我有一只小毛狗,毛狗爱吃小肉骨头。**

I have a little furry dog, the furry dog loves to eat small bones.

**70.** **我家养了一只猫,猫爱吃鱼,我给猫买了一条鱼,猫吃得津津有味。**

I have a cat at home, the cat loves to eat fish, I bought a fish for the cat, the cat eats it with gusto.

**71.** **喜鹊叫喳喳,喜鹊叫喳喳,喜鹊叫喳喳。**

The magpie chirps, the magpie chirps, the magpie chirps.

**72.** **小猫钓鱼,小狗看猫,小狗想吃鱼,小猫不让吃。**

The kitten fishes, the puppy watches the cat, the puppy wants to eat fish, the kitten won't let it eat.

**73.** **小猫小狗,小猫小狗,小猫小狗,小猫小狗,小猫小狗,小猫小狗。**

Kitten puppy, kitten puppy, kitten puppy, kitten puppy, kitten puppy, kitten puppy.

**74.** **小华和小花,一起去看画,小华说画好看,小花说画不好看。**

Xiaohua and Xiaohua go to see the painting together, Xiaohua says the painting is beautiful, Xiaohua says the painting is not beautiful.

**75.** **小红和小丽,一起做游戏,小红做老鹰,小丽做小鸡。**

Xiaohong and Xiaoli play games together, Xiaohong plays the eagle, Xiaoli plays the chick.

**76.** **小兔乖乖,小兔乖乖,小兔乖乖,小兔乖乖,小兔乖乖,小兔乖乖。**

Little rabbit, little rabbit, little rabbit, little rabbit, little rabbit, little rabbit.

**77.** **小小兔,跳跳跳,跳到山坡上,拔颗小青草,送给小白兔。**

Little rabbit, hop, hop, hop to the hillside, pluck a little green grass, and give it to the white rabbit.

**78.** **小小船,漂漂漂,漂到河中央,停一停。**

Little boat, drift, drift, drift to the middle of the river, stop for a while.

**79.** **小小雨点,滴滴答答,滴滴答答,滴滴答答。**

Little raindrops, pitter patter, pitter patter, pitter patter.

**80.** **小小圆圆,小小圆圆,小小圆圆,小小圆圆,小小圆圆,小小圆圆。**

Little round, little round, little round, little round, little round, little round.

**81.** **小白兔白又白,两只耳朵竖起来,爱吃萝卜爱吃菜,蹦蹦跳跳真可爱。**

The white rabbit is white, its two ears stand up, it loves to eat radishes and vegetables, it hops and jumps, it's so cute.

**82.** **白云白,白云白,白云白得像棉花。**

White clouds are white, white clouds are white, white clouds are as white as cotton.

**83.** **白马白,黑马黑,白马驮黑马,黑马驮白马。**

White horse is white, black horse is black, white horse carries black horse, black horse carries white horse.

**84.** **八个石匠抬石头,石头太大抬不动,八个石匠想办法,石头滚下山坡。**

Eight stone masons carry a stone, the stone is too big to lift, eight stone masons think of a way, the stone rolls down the hillside.

**85.** **风吹风车转,风车吹风车转。**

The wind blows the windmill, the windmill blows the windmill.

**86.** **风吹麦苗动,麦苗吹风动。**

The wind blows the wheat seedlings, the wheat seedlings blow the wind.

**87.** **冬天冷,夏天热,冬天冷,夏天热。**

It's cold in winter, hot in summer, cold in winter, hot in summer.

**88.** **种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。**

Plant melons and you get melons, plant beans and you get beans, plant melons and you get melons, plant beans and you get beans.

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