
## 汉字谐音笑话句子 (88句)

**1. 老师问:“谁知道‘为什么’的‘为’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'wei' in 'why'?"

The student answered,"I don't know."

The teacher asked,"Then do you know how to write the character 'wei' in 'why'?"

The student answered,"I still don't know."

The teacher said,"How come you don't know anything! Let me tell you, the character 'wei' is written like this..."

The student said,"Teacher, I know now, because you said the character 'wei' is written like this."

**2. 一只企鹅在沙漠里迷路了,它很渴,看到一个仙人掌,就问:“请问,你这里有水吗?”**

A penguin was lost in the desert and was very thirsty. He saw a cactus and asked,"Excuse me, do you have any water here?"

The cactus said,"Yes, but you have to answer me one question first: how do you write the word 'penguin'?"

The penguin thought for a moment and said,"That's easy, it's just the character 'qi' followed by the character 'e'?"

The cactus said,"Then you can go. You don't even know how to write the word 'penguin' and you dare say you're thirsty?"

**3. 老师问:“谁知道‘曹操’的‘曹’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'Cao' in 'Cao Cao'?"

Xiaoming answered,"I know, the character 'Cao' in 'Cao Cao' is the character 'grass' with a '告' character under it."

The teacher said,"That's wrong! The character 'Cao' is written like this."

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'Cao' in 'Cao Cao' is actually the character 'grass' with a '告' character under it, and then the horizontal stroke under the '告' character is removed."

**4. 老师问:“谁知道‘明天’的‘明’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'ming' in 'tomorrow'?"

Xiaohua answered,"Teacher, the character 'ming' in 'tomorrow' is the character 'sun' with a 'moon' character under it."

The teacher said,"That's wrong, the character 'ming' is written like this."

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'ming' in 'tomorrow' is the character 'sun' with a 'moon' character under it, and then the two horizontal strokes under the 'moon' character are removed."

**5. 老师问:“谁知道‘厉害’的‘厉’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'li' in 'powerful'?"

Xiaohong answered,"Teacher, the character 'li' in 'powerful' is the character 'strength' with a 'knife' character under it."

The teacher said,"That's wrong, the character 'li' is written like this."

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'li' in 'powerful' is the character 'strength' with a 'knife' character under it, and then the two horizontal strokes above the 'knife' character are removed."

**6. 老师问:“谁知道‘谢谢’的‘谢’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'xie' in 'thank you'?"

Xiaoming answered,"I know, the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is the character 'speech' with a '介' character under it."

The teacher said,"That's wrong, the character 'xie' is written like this."

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is actually the character 'speech' with a '介' character under it, and then the two horizontal strokes under the '介' character are removed."

**7. 老师问:“谁知道‘高兴’的‘高’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'gao' in 'happy'?"

Xiaohua answered,"Teacher, the character 'gao' in 'happy' is the character 'gao' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I said the character 'gao' in 'happy' is the character 'gao' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'gao' is written like this."

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'gao' in 'happy' is actually the character 'gao' itself, just need to write it with a little more happiness."

**8. 老师问:“谁知道‘喜欢’的‘喜’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'xi' in 'like'?"

Xiaohong answered,"Teacher, the character 'xi' in 'like' is the character 'xi' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I said the character 'xi' in 'like' is the character 'xi' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'xi' is written like this."

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'xi' in 'like' is actually the character 'xi' itself, just need to write it with a little more liking."

**9. 老师问:“谁知道‘再见’的‘再’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'zai' in 'goodbye'?"

Xiaoming answered,"Teacher, the character 'zai' in 'goodbye' is the character 'zai' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I said the character 'zai' in 'goodbye' is the character 'zai' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'zai' is written like this."

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'zai' in 'goodbye' is actually the character 'zai' itself, just need to write it with a little more goodbye."

**10. 老师问:“谁知道‘谢谢’的‘谢’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'xie' in 'thank you'?"

Xiaohua answered,"Teacher, the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is the character 'xie' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I said the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is the character 'xie' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'xie' is written like this."

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is actually the character 'xie' itself, just need to write it with a little more thank you."

**11. 老师问:“谁知道‘无聊’的‘无’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'wu' in 'boring'?"

Xiaohong answered,"Teacher, the character 'wu' in 'boring' is the character 'wu' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I said the character 'wu' in 'boring' is the character 'wu' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'wu' is written like this."

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'wu' in 'boring' is actually the character 'wu' itself, just need to write it with a little more boredom."

**12. 老师问:“谁知道‘哈哈’的‘哈’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'ha' in 'haha'?"

Xiaoming answered,"Teacher, the character 'ha' in 'haha' is the character 'ha' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I said the character 'ha' in 'haha' is the character 'ha' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'ha' is written like this."

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'ha' in 'haha' is actually the character 'ha' itself, just need to write it with a little more haha."

**13. 老师问:“谁知道‘开心’的‘开’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'kai' in 'happy'?"

Xiaohua answered,"Teacher, the character 'kai' in 'happy' is the character 'kai' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I said the character 'kai' in 'happy' is the character 'kai' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'kai' is written like this."

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'kai' in 'happy' is actually the character 'kai' itself, just need to write it with a little more happiness."

**14. 老师问:“谁知道‘难过’的‘难’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'nan' in 'sad'?"

Xiaohong answered,"Teacher, the character 'nan' in 'sad' is the character 'nan' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I said the character 'nan' in 'sad' is the character 'nan' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'nan' is written like this."

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'nan' in 'sad' is actually the character 'nan' itself, just need to write it with a little more sadness."

**15. 老师问:“谁知道‘奇怪’的‘奇’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'qi' in 'strange'?"

Xiaoming answered,"Teacher, the character 'qi' in 'strange' is the character 'qi' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I said the character 'qi' in 'strange' is the character 'qi' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'qi' is written like this."

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'qi' in 'strange' is actually the character 'qi' itself, just need to write it with a little more strangeness."

**16. 老师问:“谁知道‘生气’的‘气’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'qi' in 'angry'?"

Xiaohua answered,"Teacher, the character 'qi' in 'angry' is the character 'qi' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I said the character 'qi' in 'angry' is the character 'qi' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'qi' is written like this."

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'qi' in 'angry' is actually the character 'qi' itself, just need to write it with a little more anger."

**17. 老师问:“谁知道‘漂亮’的‘漂’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'piao' in 'beautiful'?"

Xiaohong answered,"Teacher, the character 'piao' in 'beautiful' is the character 'piao' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I said the character 'piao' in 'beautiful' is the character 'piao' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'piao' is written like this."

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'piao' in 'beautiful' is actually the character 'piao' itself, just need to write it with a little more beauty."

**18. 老师问:“谁知道‘谢谢’的‘谢’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'xie' in 'thank you'?"

Xiaoming answered,"Teacher, the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is the character 'xie' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I said the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is the character 'xie' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'xie' is written like this."

Xiaoming said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is actually the character 'xie' itself, just need to write it with a little more thank you."

**19. 老师问:“谁知道‘聪明’的‘聪’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'cong' in 'smart'?"

Xiaohua answered,"Teacher, the character 'cong' in 'smart' is the character 'cong' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I said the character 'cong' in 'smart' is the character 'cong' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'cong' is written like this."

Xiaohua said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'cong' in 'smart' is actually the character 'cong' itself, just need to write it with a little more smartness."

**20. 老师问:“谁知道‘勇敢’的‘勇’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'yong' in 'brave'?"

Xiaohong answered,"Teacher, the character 'yong' in 'brave' is the character 'yong' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I said the character 'yong' in 'brave' is the character 'yong' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'yong' is written like this."

Xiaohong said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'yong' in 'brave' is actually the character 'yong' itself, just need to write it with a little more bravery."

**21. 老师问:“谁知道‘努力’的‘努’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'nu' in 'effort'?"

The student answered,"Teacher, the character 'nu' in 'effort' is the character 'nu' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

The student said,"Teacher, I said the character 'nu' in 'effort' is the character 'nu' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'nu' is written like this."

The student said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'nu' in 'effort' is actually the character 'nu' itself, just need to write it with a little more effort."

**22. 老师问:“谁知道‘认真’的‘认’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'ren' in 'serious'?"

The student answered,"Teacher, the character 'ren' in 'serious' is the character 'ren' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

The student said,"Teacher, I said the character 'ren' in 'serious' is the character 'ren' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'ren' is written like this."

The student said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'ren' in 'serious' is actually the character 'ren' itself, just need to write it with a little more seriousness."

**23. 老师问:“谁知道‘开心’的‘开’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'kai' in 'happy'?"

The student answered,"Teacher, the character 'kai' in 'happy' is the character 'kai' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

The student said,"Teacher, I said the character 'kai' in 'happy' is the character 'kai' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'kai' is written like this."

The student said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'kai' in 'happy' is actually the character 'kai' itself, just need to write it with a little more happiness."

**24. 老师问:“谁知道‘难过’的‘难’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'nan' in 'sad'?"

The student answered,"Teacher, the character 'nan' in 'sad' is the character 'nan' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

The student said,"Teacher, I said the character 'nan' in 'sad' is the character 'nan' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'nan' is written like this."

The student said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'nan' in 'sad' is actually the character 'nan' itself, just need to write it with a little more sadness."

**25. 老师问:“谁知道‘高兴’的‘高’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'gao' in 'happy'?"

The student answered,"Teacher, the character 'gao' in 'happy' is the character 'gao' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

The student said,"Teacher, I said the character 'gao' in 'happy' is the character 'gao' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'gao' is written like this."

The student said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'gao' in 'happy' is actually the character 'gao' itself, just need to write it with a little more happiness."

**26. 老师问:“谁知道‘谢谢’的‘谢’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'xie' in 'thank you'?"

The student answered,"Teacher, the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is the character 'xie' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

The student said,"Teacher, I said the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is the character 'xie' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'xie' is written like this."

The student said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'xie' in 'thank you' is actually the character 'xie' itself, just need to write it with a little more thank you."

**27. 老师问:“谁知道‘再见’的‘再’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write the character 'zai' in 'goodbye'?"

The student answered,"Teacher, the character 'zai' in 'goodbye' is the character 'zai' itself."

The teacher said,"What did you say?"

The student said,"Teacher, I said the character 'zai' in 'goodbye' is the character 'zai' itself."

The teacher said,"You're talking nonsense! The character 'zai' is written like this."

The student said,"Teacher, I know now, the character 'zai' in 'goodbye' is actually the character 'zai' itself, just need to write it with a little more goodbye."

**28. 老师问:“谁知道‘无聊’的‘无’字怎么写?”**

The teacher asked,"Who knows how to write

以上就是关于汉字谐音笑话句子88句(汉字谐音笑话句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
