
## 机会稍纵即逝的句子 (79句)

1. 机会就像日落,稍纵即逝。

Opportunities are like sunsets, they vanish quickly.

2. 机会像云彩,飘忽不定。

Opportunities are like clouds, they drift by.

3. 机会像浪潮,一波接着一波。

Opportunities are like waves, they come and go.

4. 机会像流星,转瞬即逝。

Opportunities are like shooting stars, they disappear in a blink.

5. 机会像风,无影无踪。

Opportunities are like wind, they are invisible and fleeting.

6. 机会就像白驹过隙,转眼即逝。

Opportunities are like a white horse passing through a gap, they disappear in an instant.

7. 机会稍纵即逝,不要错过。

Opportunities are fleeting, don't miss them.

8. 机会就像雨后的彩虹,美丽而短暂。

Opportunities are like rainbows after rain, beautiful but short-lived.

9. 机会就像清晨的露珠,晶莹剔透,转瞬即逝。

Opportunities are like dewdrops in the morning, clear and brilliant, but fleeting.

10. 机会就像盛开的花朵,美丽而短暂。

Opportunities are like blooming flowers, beautiful and short-lived.

11. 机会就像海市蜃楼,虚无缥缈。

Opportunities are like mirages, illusory and ephemeral.

12. 机会就像梦,醒来就消失。

Opportunities are like dreams, they disappear when you wake up.

13. 机会就像影子,跟着你,却抓不住。

Opportunities are like shadows, they follow you, but you can't grasp them.

14. 机会就像飞鸟,自由地飞翔,却难以捕捉。

Opportunities are like birds, they fly freely, but are hard to catch.

15. 机会就像鱼儿,在水中游动,稍不留神就溜走了。

Opportunities are like fish, they swim in the water, and slip away if you're not careful.

16. 机会就像时间,不会等待任何人。

Opportunities are like time, they don't wait for anyone.

17. 机会就像沙漠中的绿洲,难得一见。

Opportunities are like oases in the desert, rare and precious.

18. 机会就像夜空中的星星,一闪而过。

Opportunities are like stars in the night sky, they flash and disappear.

19. 机会就像河水,奔流不息,却不会回头。

Opportunities are like rivers, they flow constantly, but never turn back.

20. 机会就像生命,只有一次,要珍惜。

Opportunities are like life, they only happen once, cherish them.

21. 机会就像一扇门,打开就进,关上就错过。

Opportunities are like doors, open them and enter, close them and miss out.

22. 机会就像一把钥匙,打开成功的大门。

Opportunities are like keys, they open the door to success.

23. 机会就像一根绳索,抓住就向上爬,松手就掉下去。

Opportunities are like ropes, grab them and climb up, let go and fall down.

24. 机会就像一座桥,走过就过去了,错过就再也回不来。

Opportunities are like bridges, you cross them and move on, miss them and you'll never get back.

25. 机会就像一场比赛,全力以赴,才能赢得胜利。

Opportunities are like competitions, you need to give your all to win.

26. 机会就像一条路,通往成功的彼岸。

Opportunities are like roads, they lead to the shores of success.

27. 机会就像一面镜子,照出你的潜力。

Opportunities are like mirrors, they reflect your potential.

28. 机会就像一把利剑,斩断你的犹豫。

Opportunities are like sharp swords, they cut through your hesitation.

29. 机会就像一阵清风,吹散你的烦恼。

Opportunities are like a breeze, they blow away your worries.

30. 机会就像一束阳光,照亮你的前程。

Opportunities are like a beam of sunlight, they illuminate your future.

31. 机会就像一粒种子,播种下希望,收获成功。

Opportunities are like seeds, plant them with hope and harvest success.

32. 机会就像一滴水,汇聚成河,成就伟业。

Opportunities are like drops of water, they come together to form a river and achieve great things.

33. 机会就像一片叶子,飘落下来,便无处可寻。

Opportunities are like leaves, they fall and disappear without a trace.

34. 机会就像一朵云,飘过天际,便消失不见。

Opportunities are like clouds, they drift across the sky and then vanish.

35. 机会就像一个梦,醒来就消失不见。

Opportunities are like dreams, they disappear when you wake up.

36. 机会就像一扇门,关上就再也打不开。

Opportunities are like doors, once closed, they can never be opened again.

37. 机会就像一根火柴,擦亮就能点燃希望的火焰。

Opportunities are like matches, they ignite the flame of hope when struck.

38. 机会就像一条河流,奔腾向前,不会停留。

Opportunities are like rivers, they rush forward and don't stop.

39. 机会就像一把梯子,攀登上去,才能到达成功的顶峰。

Opportunities are like ladders, you climb them to reach the peak of success.

40. 机会就像一张纸,折叠起来就难以展开。

Opportunities are like sheets of paper, once folded, they are hard to unfold.

41. 机会就像一盏灯,照亮前进的道路。

Opportunities are like lamps, they light up the path ahead.

42. 机会就像一把弓,射出你的梦想。

Opportunities are like bows, they shoot out your dreams.

43. 机会就像一块金子,埋藏在地下,等待发掘。

Opportunities are like gold, buried underground, waiting to be discovered.

44. 机会就像一粒珍珠,珍贵而稀有。

Opportunities are like pearls, precious and rare.

45. 机会就像一朵鲜花,盛开在人生的道路上。

Opportunities are like flowers, blooming on the path of life.

46. 机会就像一阵风,吹过耳边,就消失不见。

Opportunities are like wind, they blow by and disappear.

47. 机会就像一张网,捕捉梦想,实现目标。

Opportunities are like nets, they catch dreams and achieve goals.

48. 机会就像一粒种子,播种下希望,收获成功。

Opportunities are like seeds, they plant hope and harvest success.

49. 机会就像一面旗帜,指引前进的方向。

Opportunities are like flags, they guide the direction forward.

50. 机会就像一座山,爬上去,就能看到更广阔的风景。

Opportunities are like mountains, climb them and you'll see wider landscapes.

51. 机会就像一把锁,需要钥匙才能打开。

Opportunities are like locks, they need keys to open.

52. 机会就像一架飞机,抓住就飞翔,错过就坠落。

Opportunities are like planes, grab them and fly, miss them and crash.

53. 机会就像一个礼物,打开就能拥有。

Opportunities are like gifts, open them and possess them.

54. 机会就像一块蛋糕,吃下去才能体会它的美味。

Opportunities are like cakes, you need to eat them to experience their deliciousness.

55. 机会就像一滴墨水,滴落在白纸上,就难以擦拭。

Opportunities are like drops of ink, they leave their mark on a white sheet of paper and are hard to erase.

56. 机会就像一艘船,乘风破浪,驶向成功彼岸。

Opportunities are like ships, they sail through storms and reach the shores of success.

57. 机会就像一块磁铁,吸引着你,让你前进。

Opportunities are like magnets, they attract you and draw you forward.

58. 机会就像一朵云,飘忽不定,却充满希望。

Opportunities are like clouds, they drift by but are full of hope.

59. 机会就像一杯茶,细细品味,才能体会它的芳香。

Opportunities are like tea, you need to savor them to taste their aroma.

60. 机会就像一块肥沃的土地,等待播种,收获丰收。

Opportunities are like fertile land, waiting to be sown and reap a harvest.

61. 机会就像一把刀,锋利无比,但需要谨慎使用。

Opportunities are like knives, sharp and dangerous, but need to be used cautiously.

62. 机会就像一座桥,通往成功的彼岸,需要勇气才能跨越。

Opportunities are like bridges, they lead to the shores of success, and it takes courage to cross them.

63. 机会就像一首歌,旋律优美,却需要用心才能感受。

Opportunities are like songs, they have beautiful melodies, but you need to listen with your heart to appreciate them.

64. 机会就像一朵花,需要精心呵护才能绽放。

Opportunities are like flowers, they need careful nurturing to bloom.

65. 机会就像一本书,打开才能获取知识。

Opportunities are like books, you need to open them to gain knowledge.

66. 机会就像一幅画,需要用心才能欣赏。

Opportunities are like paintings, you need to appreciate them with your heart.

67. 机会就像一把火,可以燃烧你的梦想。

Opportunities are like fire, they can burn your dreams.

68. 机会就像一架梯子,攀登上去,才能到达成功的顶峰。

Opportunities are like ladders, you climb them to reach the peak of success.

69. 机会就像一个舞台,展示你的才华。

Opportunities are like stages, they showcase your talent.

70. 机会就像一艘船,带你驶向梦想的彼岸。

Opportunities are like ships, they take you to the shores of your dreams.

71. 机会就像一粒种子,播种下希望,收获成功。

Opportunities are like seeds, they plant hope and harvest success.

72. 机会就像一滴水,汇聚成河,成就伟业。

Opportunities are like drops of water, they come together to form a river and achieve great things.

73. 机会就像一片叶子,飘落下来,便无处可寻。

Opportunities are like leaves, they fall and disappear without a trace.

74. 机会就像一朵云,飘过天际,便消失不见。

Opportunities are like clouds, they drift across the sky and then vanish.

75. 机会就像一个梦,醒来就消失不见。

Opportunities are like dreams, they disappear when you wake up.

76. 机会就像一扇门,关上就再也打不开。

Opportunities are like doors, once closed, they can never be opened again.

77. 机会就像一根火柴,擦亮就能点燃希望的火焰。

Opportunities are like matches, they ignite the flame of hope when struck.

78. 机会就像一条河流,奔腾向前,不会停留。

Opportunities are like rivers, they rush forward and don't stop.

79. 机会就像一把梯子,攀登上去,才能到达成功的顶峰。

Opportunities are like ladders, you climb them to reach the peak of success.

以上就是关于机会稍纵即逝的句子79句(机会稍纵即逝的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
