
## 春江水暖句子 50句

1. 春江水暖鸭先知。 (The ducks know first that the spring river is warm.)
2. 春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生。 (The spring river tide connects with the sea level, and the moon on the sea rises with the tide.)
3. 春江花朝秋月夜,往往取酒还独倾。 (Spring river, flower morning, autumn moon night, often take wine and drink alone.)
4. 春江晚照,花影摇红。 (The evening glow on the spring river, the shadows of flowers sway red.)
5. 春江月色,如梦如幻。 (The moonlight on the spring river, like a dream, like an illusion.)
6. 春江碧波,荡漾着春意。 (The spring river, blue waves, rippling with spring.)
7. 春江水暖,鱼儿欢跃。 (The spring river is warm, and the fish are jumping for joy.)
8. 春江水暖,万物复苏。 (The spring river is warm, and all things revive.)
9. 春江水暖,柳枝轻垂。 (The spring river is warm, and the willow branches hang lightly.)
10. 春江水暖,花开满园。 (The spring river is warm, and flowers bloom all over the garden.)
11. 春江水暖,鸟语花香。 (The spring river is warm, and birds sing and flowers are fragrant.)
12. 春江水暖,风和日丽。 (The spring river is warm, and the wind is gentle and the sun is bright.)
13. 春江水暖,诗情画意。 (The spring river is warm, and it is full of poetic and picturesque beauty.)
14. 春江水暖,人间乐事。 (The spring river is warm, and it is a joyful event for mankind.)
15. 春江水暖,心旷神怡。 (The spring river is warm, and it makes one feel refreshed and happy.)
16. 春江水暖,万物欣荣。 (The spring river is warm, and all things prosper.)
17. 春江水暖,生机盎然。 (The spring river is warm, and it is full of vitality.)
18. 春江水暖,景色宜人。 (The spring river is warm, and the scenery is pleasant.)
19. 春江水暖,令人心醉。 (The spring river is warm, and it is intoxicating.)
20. 春江水暖,静谧祥和。 (The spring river is warm, and it is peaceful and harmonious.)
21. 春江水暖,绿意盎然。 (The spring river is warm, and it is full of green.)
22. 春江水暖,万物苏醒。 (The spring river is warm, and all things awaken.)
23. 春江水暖,春意融融。 (The spring river is warm, and the spring atmosphere is warm and pleasant.)
24. 春江水暖,充满希望。 (The spring river is warm, and it is full of hope.)
25. 春江水暖,充满活力。 (The spring river is warm, and it is full of vitality.)
26. 春江水暖,如诗如画。 (The spring river is warm, and it is as poetic and picturesque as a painting.)
27. 春江水暖,沁人心脾。 (The spring river is warm, and it is refreshing and invigorating.)
28. 春江水暖,令人沉醉。 (The spring river is warm, and it is intoxicating.)
29. 春江水暖,景色迷人。 (The spring river is warm, and the scenery is enchanting.)
30. 春江水暖,春风拂面。 (The spring river is warm, and the spring breeze caresses the face.)
31. 春江水暖,如沐春光。 (The spring river is warm, and it is like bathing in the spring sunshine.)
32. 春江水暖,心旷神怡。 (The spring river is warm, and it makes one feel refreshed and happy.)
33. 春江水暖,万物复苏。 (The spring river is warm, and all things revive.)
34. 春江水暖,鸟语花香。 (The spring river is warm, and birds sing and flowers are fragrant.)
35. 春江水暖,风和日丽。 (The spring river is warm, and the wind is gentle and the sun is bright.)
36. 春江水暖,景色宜人。 (The spring river is warm, and the scenery is pleasant.)
37. 春江水暖,令人心醉。 (The spring river is warm, and it is intoxicating.)
38. 春江水暖,静谧祥和。 (The spring river is warm, and it is peaceful and harmonious.)
39. 春江水暖,绿意盎然。 (The spring river is warm, and it is full of green.)
40. 春江水暖,万物苏醒。 (The spring river is warm, and all things awaken.)
41. 春江水暖,春意融融。 (The spring river is warm, and the spring atmosphere is warm and pleasant.)
42. 春江水暖,充满希望。 (The spring river is warm, and it is full of hope.)
43. 春江水暖,充满活力。 (The spring river is warm, and it is full of vitality.)
44. 春江水暖,如诗如画。 (The spring river is warm, and it is as poetic and picturesque as a painting.)
45. 春江水暖,沁人心脾。 (The spring river is warm, and it is refreshing and invigorating.)
46. 春江水暖,令人沉醉。 (The spring river is warm, and it is intoxicating.)
47. 春江水暖,景色迷人。 (The spring river is warm, and the scenery is enchanting.)
48. 春江水暖,春风拂面。 (The spring river is warm, and the spring breeze caresses the face.)
49. 春江水暖,如沐春光。 (The spring river is warm, and it is like bathing in the spring sunshine.)
50. 春江水暖,心旷神怡。 (The spring river is warm, and it makes one feel refreshed and happy.)

## 英文翻译

1. The ducks know first that the spring river is warm.

2. The spring river tide connects with the sea level, and the moon on the sea rises with the tide.

3. Spring river, flower morning, autumn moon night, often take wine and drink alone.

4. The evening glow on the spring river, the shadows of flowers sway red.

5. The moonlight on the spring river, like a dream, like an illusion.

6. The spring river, blue waves, rippling with spring.

7. The spring river is warm, and the fish are jumping for joy.

8. The spring river is warm, and all things revive.

9. The spring river is warm, and the willow branches hang lightly.

10. The spring river is warm, and flowers bloom all over the garden.

11. The spring river is warm, and birds sing and flowers are fragrant.

12. The spring river is warm, and the wind is gentle and the sun is bright.

13. The spring river is warm, and it is full of poetic and picturesque beauty.

14. The spring river is warm, and it is a joyful event for mankind.

15. The spring river is warm, and it makes one feel refreshed and happy.

16. The spring river is warm, and all things prosper.

17. The spring river is warm, and it is full of vitality.

18. The spring river is warm, and the scenery is pleasant.

19. The spring river is warm, and it is intoxicating.

20. The spring river is warm, and it is peaceful and harmonious.

21. The spring river is warm, and it is full of green.

22. The spring river is warm, and all things awaken.

23. The spring river is warm, and the spring atmosphere is warm and pleasant.

24. The spring river is warm, and it is full of hope.

25. The spring river is warm, and it is full of vitality.

26. The spring river is warm, and it is as poetic and picturesque as a painting.

27. The spring river is warm, and it is refreshing and invigorating.

28. The spring river is warm, and it is intoxicating.

29. The spring river is warm, and the scenery is enchanting.

30. The spring river is warm, and the spring breeze caresses the face.

31. The spring river is warm, and it is like bathing in the spring sunshine.

32. The spring river is warm, and it makes one feel refreshed and happy.

33. The spring river is warm, and all things revive.

34. The spring river is warm, and birds sing and flowers are fragrant.

35. The spring river is warm, and the wind is gentle and the sun is bright.

36. The spring river is warm, and the scenery is pleasant.

37. The spring river is warm, and it is intoxicating.

38. The spring river is warm, and it is peaceful and harmonious.

39. The spring river is warm, and it is full of green.

40. The spring river is warm, and all things awaken.

41. The spring river is warm, and the spring atmosphere is warm and pleasant.

42. The spring river is warm, and it is full of hope.

43. The spring river is warm, and it is full of vitality.

44. The spring river is warm, and it is as poetic and picturesque as a painting.

45. The spring river is warm, and it is refreshing and invigorating.

46. The spring river is warm, and it is intoxicating.

47. The spring river is warm, and the scenery is enchanting.

48. The spring river is warm, and the spring breeze caresses the face.

49. The spring river is warm, and it is like bathing in the spring sunshine.

50. The spring river is warm, and it makes one feel refreshed and happy.

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