
## 人整个不在状态句子,67句,中英文对照

1. 我今天感觉像是行尸走肉,什么都提不起劲。 / I feel like a zombie today, I have no motivation for anything.

2. 我的大脑仿佛被浆糊糊住了,什么都记不住。 / My brain feels like it's full of mush, I can't remember anything.

3. 我今天像是在梦游一样,浑浑噩噩。 / I'm walking through life like I'm sleepwalking, I'm completely out of it.

4. 我感觉我的身体和灵魂像是分离了一样,我无法集中精神。 / I feel like my body and soul have separated, I can't focus.

5. 我今天像是一只行走在沙漠里的骆驼,口干舌燥,疲惫不堪。 / I feel like a camel walking through the desert, parched and exhausted.

6. 我感觉自己像是掉进了黑洞,无法自拔。 / I feel like I've fallen into a black hole and I can't get out.

7. 我像是一台卡死的机器,无法正常运转。 / I'm like a broken machine, I'm not functioning properly.

8. 我就像是被抽走了灵魂一样,空洞无神。 / I feel like my soul has been sucked out of me, I'm empty and lifeless.

9. 我感觉我的心像是被一块巨石压着,喘不过气来。 / My heart feels like it's being crushed by a giant rock, I can't breathe.

10. 我像是一个迷失在森林中的孩子,找不到回家的路。 / I'm like a child lost in the woods, I can't find my way back home.

11. 我感觉自己像是被困在了一间黑暗的房间里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a dark room and I can't escape.

12. 我就像是被遗忘在角落里的玩具,无人问津。 / I feel like a toy forgotten in the corner, no one cares.

13. 我感觉自己像是被时间遗忘了一样,无法感知时间流逝。 / I feel like I've been forgotten by time, I can't feel the passage of time.

14. 我就像是一只困在笼子里的鸟,渴望自由。 / I feel like a bird trapped in a cage, yearning for freedom.

15. 我感觉自己像是被困在了一部无声电影里,无法发出声音。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a silent movie, I can't make a sound.

16. 我感觉自己像是被困在了一个无尽的循环里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in an endless loop, I can't escape.

17. 我感觉自己像是被困在了一个无法呼吸的密闭空间里,窒息感袭来。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a sealed space where I can't breathe, the feeling of suffocation is overwhelming.

18. 我感觉自己像是被困在了一场噩梦里,无法醒来。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare and I can't wake up.

19. 我感觉自己像是被困在了一座孤岛上,与世隔绝。 / I feel like I'm trapped on a deserted island, cut off from the world.

20. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满迷雾的世界里,无法看清方向。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a world full of fog, I can't see where I'm going.

21. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满荆棘的迷宫里,找不到出口。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a maze full of thorns, I can't find my way out.

22. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满危险的沼泽里,越陷越深。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a dangerous swamp, sinking deeper and deeper.

23. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满压力和焦虑的漩涡里,无法摆脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a vortex of stress and anxiety, I can't get out.

24. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满负面情绪的牢笼里,无法释放。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a cage full of negative emotions, I can't release them.

25. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满虚幻的梦境里,无法醒来。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a dream full of illusions, I can't wake up.

26. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满孤独和寂寞的荒原上,无法找到归属。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a wasteland full of loneliness and solitude, I can't find belonging.

27. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满痛苦和悲伤的深渊里,无法爬出来。 / I feel like I'm trapped in an abyss full of pain and sorrow, I can't climb out.

28. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满恐惧和不安的牢笼里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a cage full of fear and anxiety, I can't escape.

29. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满无助和绝望的黑暗里,无法找到希望。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a darkness full of helplessness and despair, I can't find hope.

30. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满欺骗和背叛的泥潭里,无法脱身。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a quagmire full of deception and betrayal, I can't get out.

31. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满猜疑和不信任的迷宫里,无法找到真爱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a maze full of suspicion and mistrust, I can't find true love.

32. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满压力和竞争的战场上,无法停歇。 / I feel like I'm trapped on a battlefield full of stress and competition, I can't stop.

33. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满烦恼和忧愁的泥沼里,无法自拔。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a bog full of worry and sadness, I can't get out.

34. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满混乱和无序的世界里,无法找到秩序。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a world full of chaos and disorder, I can't find order.

35. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满喧嚣和噪音的环境里,无法静心。 / I feel like I'm trapped in an environment full of noise and clamor, I can't find peace.

36. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满谎言和虚伪的社会里,无法找到真诚。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a society full of lies and hypocrisy, I can't find sincerity.

37. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满冷漠和无情的世界里,无法找到温暖。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a world full of coldness and cruelty, I can't find warmth.

38. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满欺骗和背叛的泥潭里,无法脱身。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a quagmire full of deception and betrayal, I can't get out.

39. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满失望和痛苦的牢笼里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a cage full of disappointment and pain, I can't escape.

40. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满孤独和寂寞的荒原上,无法找到归属。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a wasteland full of loneliness and solitude, I can't find belonging.

41. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满恐惧和不安的牢笼里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a cage full of fear and anxiety, I can't escape.

42. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满无助和绝望的黑暗里,无法找到希望。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a darkness full of helplessness and despair, I can't find hope.

43. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满压力和竞争的战场上,无法停歇。 / I feel like I'm trapped on a battlefield full of stress and competition, I can't stop.

44. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满烦恼和忧愁的泥沼里,无法自拔。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a bog full of worry and sadness, I can't get out.

45. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满混乱和无序的世界里,无法找到秩序。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a world full of chaos and disorder, I can't find order.

46. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满喧嚣和噪音的环境里,无法静心。 / I feel like I'm trapped in an environment full of noise and clamor, I can't find peace.

47. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满谎言和虚伪的社会里,无法找到真诚。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a society full of lies and hypocrisy, I can't find sincerity.

48. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满冷漠和无情的世界里,无法找到温暖。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a world full of coldness and cruelty, I can't find warmth.

49. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满欺骗和背叛的泥潭里,无法脱身。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a quagmire full of deception and betrayal, I can't get out.

50. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满失望和痛苦的牢笼里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a cage full of disappointment and pain, I can't escape.

51. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满孤独和寂寞的荒原上,无法找到归属。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a wasteland full of loneliness and solitude, I can't find belonging.

52. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满恐惧和不安的牢笼里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a cage full of fear and anxiety, I can't escape.

53. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满无助和绝望的黑暗里,无法找到希望。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a darkness full of helplessness and despair, I can't find hope.

54. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满压力和竞争的战场上,无法停歇。 / I feel like I'm trapped on a battlefield full of stress and competition, I can't stop.

55. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满烦恼和忧愁的泥沼里,无法自拔。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a bog full of worry and sadness, I can't get out.

56. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满混乱和无序的世界里,无法找到秩序。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a world full of chaos and disorder, I can't find order.

57. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满喧嚣和噪音的环境里,无法静心。 / I feel like I'm trapped in an environment full of noise and clamor, I can't find peace.

58. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满谎言和虚伪的社会里,无法找到真诚。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a society full of lies and hypocrisy, I can't find sincerity.

59. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满冷漠和无情的世界里,无法找到温暖。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a world full of coldness and cruelty, I can't find warmth.

60. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满欺骗和背叛的泥潭里,无法脱身。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a quagmire full of deception and betrayal, I can't get out.

61. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满失望和痛苦的牢笼里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a cage full of disappointment and pain, I can't escape.

62. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满孤独和寂寞的荒原上,无法找到归属。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a wasteland full of loneliness and solitude, I can't find belonging.

63. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满恐惧和不安的牢笼里,无法逃脱。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a cage full of fear and anxiety, I can't escape.

64. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满无助和绝望的黑暗里,无法找到希望。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a darkness full of helplessness and despair, I can't find hope.

65. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满压力和竞争的战场上,无法停歇。 / I feel like I'm trapped on a battlefield full of stress and competition, I can't stop.

66. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满烦恼和忧愁的泥沼里,无法自拔。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a bog full of worry and sadness, I can't get out.

67. 我感觉自己像是被困在一个充满混乱和无序的世界里,无法找到秩序。 / I feel like I'm trapped in a world full of chaos and disorder, I can't find order.

以上就是关于整个人都不在状态句子67句(整个人都不在状态句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
