
## 敦煌励志方言句子 (63 句)

**1. 敦煌话:** 甭管路多长,脚板子稳稳地走,总能走到头。
**英文:** No matter how long the road is, as long as you walk steadily, you will always reach the end.

No matter how long the road is, as long as you walk steadily, you will always reach the end.

**2. 敦煌话:** 心里头要强,啥事都能办成。
**英文:** If you have a strong will, you can accomplish anything.

If you have a strong will, you can accomplish anything.

**3. 敦煌话:** 天塌下来,有高个子顶着。
**英文:** If the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up.

If the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up.

**4. 敦煌话:** 干活要实实在在,说话要真真切切。
**英文:** Work honestly and speak sincerely.

Work honestly and speak sincerely.

**5. 敦煌话:** 失败了不要紧,爬起来接着干。
**英文:** Don't worry about failure, get back up and keep going.

Don't worry about failure, get back up and keep going.

**6. 敦煌话:** 一滴水也能穿透石头,只要你坚持。
**英文:** Even a drop of water can wear away a stone, as long as you persevere.

Even a drop of water can wear away a stone, as long as you persevere.

**7. 敦煌话:** 怕啥,天大的事,咱也扛得住。
**英文:** Fear nothing, we can handle anything, no matter how big it is.

Fear nothing, we can handle anything, no matter how big it is.

**8. 敦煌话:** 人活着,要有奔头,不能白活。
**英文:** Live with a purpose, don't waste your life.

Live with a purpose, don't waste your life.

**9. 敦煌话:** 人要学会吃亏,吃亏是福。
**英文:** Learn to accept losses, they are a blessing in disguise.

Learn to accept losses, they are a blessing in disguise.

**10. 敦煌话:** 不怕苦,不怕累,只要肯努力,啥事都能干成。
**英文:** Don't be afraid of hardship or fatigue, as long as you work hard, you can achieve anything.

Don't be afraid of hardship or fatigue, as long as you work hard, you can achieve anything.

**11. 敦煌话:** 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。
**英文:** The heavens will confer a great responsibility upon a man, they will first test his will, tire his muscles, starve his body, exhaust him, confuse his actions, and through this, strengthen his spirit, and improve his abilities.

The heavens will confer a great responsibility upon a man, they will first test his will, tire his muscles, starve his body, exhaust him, confuse his actions, and through this, strengthen his spirit, and improve his abilities.

**12. 敦煌话:** 人要有志气,不能灰心丧气。
**英文:** Have ambition, don't be discouraged.

Have ambition, don't be discouraged.

**13. 敦煌话:** 跌倒了不要紧,爬起来再走。
**英文:** It's okay to fall, just get up and keep going.

It's okay to fall, just get up and keep going.

**14. 敦煌话:** 路是自己走出来的,命运是自己掌握的。
**英文:** You pave your own path, and you control your own destiny.

You pave your own path, and you control your own destiny.

**15. 敦煌话:** 不怕吃亏,吃亏就是福。
**英文:** Don't be afraid of losses, losses are a blessing.

Don't be afraid of losses, losses are a blessing.

**16. 敦煌话:** 人活一世,草木一秋,要活得精彩。
**英文:** Life is short, live it to the fullest.

Life is short, live it to the fullest.

**17. 敦煌话:** 心有多大,舞台就有多大。
**英文:** Your heart determines your potential.

Your heart determines your potential.

**18. 敦煌话:** 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。
**英文:** You can't have a rainbow without rain.

You can't have a rainbow without rain.

**19. 敦煌话:** 山高人为峰,只要努力,就能成功。
**英文:** People can climb mountains, as long as you work hard, you can succeed.

People can climb mountains, as long as you work hard, you can succeed.

**20. 敦煌话:** 人要有梦想,要有目标,不能没有追求。
**英文:** Have dreams, have goals, don't lose sight of your ambitions.

Have dreams, have goals, don't lose sight of your ambitions.

**21. 敦煌话:** 一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭,做事要一口气干到底。
**英文:** The first blow is the most important, you must carry it through to the end.

The first blow is the most important, you must carry it through to the end.

**22. 敦煌话:** 吃苦耐劳,脚踏实地,才能成就大事。
**英文:** Only through hardship, perseverance and down-to-earth work can great things be achieved.

Only through hardship, perseverance and down-to-earth work can great things be achieved.

**23. 敦煌话:** 天无绝人之路,只要你肯努力,路总会有的。
**英文:** There's always a way out, as long as you work hard, you'll find your path.

There's always a way out, as long as you work hard, you'll find your path.

**24. 敦煌话:** 人要学会感恩,感谢所有帮助过你的人。
**英文:** Be grateful, thank those who have helped you.

Be grateful, thank those who have helped you.

**25. 敦煌话:** 不要怕失败,失败乃成功之母。
**英文:** Don't fear failure, failure is the mother of success.

Don't fear failure, failure is the mother of success.

**26. 敦煌话:** 人要学会宽容,宽容才能赢得人心。
**英文:** Learn to be tolerant, tolerance wins hearts.

Learn to be tolerant, tolerance wins hearts.

**27. 敦煌话:** 人要学会坚强,坚强才能战胜困难。
**英文:** Learn to be strong, strength overcomes obstacles.

Learn to be strong, strength overcomes obstacles.

**28. 敦煌话:** 人要学会诚实,诚实才能赢得信任。
**英文:** Learn to be honest, honesty earns trust.

Learn to be honest, honesty earns trust.

**29. 敦煌话:** 人要学会谦虚,谦虚才能进步。
**英文:** Learn to be humble, humility leads to progress.

Learn to be humble, humility leads to progress.

**30. 敦煌话:** 人要学会奉献,奉献才能得到回报。
**英文:** Learn to give, giving brings rewards.

Learn to give, giving brings rewards.

**31. 敦煌话:** 人要学会珍惜,珍惜眼前所有。
**英文:** Learn to cherish, cherish what you have.

Learn to cherish, cherish what you have.

**32. 敦煌话:** 人要学会爱,爱才能温暖世界。
**英文:** Learn to love, love warms the world.

Learn to love, love warms the world.

**33. 敦煌话:** 不要怕困难,困难是磨练你的机会。
**英文:** Don't fear challenges, they are opportunities to grow.

Don't fear challenges, they are opportunities to grow.

**34. 敦煌话:** 人生苦短,要活得精彩。
**英文:** Life is short, live it to the fullest.

Life is short, live it to the fullest.

**35. 敦煌话:** 人要学会独立,独立才能获得自由。
**英文:** Learn to be independent, independence brings freedom.

Learn to be independent, independence brings freedom.

**36. 敦煌话:** 人要学会勇敢,勇敢才能战胜恐惧。
**英文:** Learn to be brave, bravery conquers fear.

Learn to be brave, bravery conquers fear.

**37. 敦煌话:** 人要学会坚持,坚持才能看到希望。
**英文:** Learn to persevere, perseverance brings hope.

Learn to persevere, perseverance brings hope.

**38. 敦煌话:** 人要学会包容,包容才能和谐相处。
**英文:** Learn to be tolerant, tolerance leads to harmony.

Learn to be tolerant, tolerance leads to harmony.

**39. 敦煌话:** 人要学会理解,理解才能走进彼此的心。
**英文:** Learn to understand, understanding opens hearts.

Learn to understand, understanding opens hearts.

**40. 敦煌话:** 人要学会尊重,尊重才能赢得尊重。
**英文:** Learn to respect, respect earns respect.

Learn to respect, respect earns respect.

**41. 敦煌话:** 人要学会乐观,乐观才能战胜消极。
**英文:** Learn to be optimistic, optimism overcomes negativity.

Learn to be optimistic, optimism overcomes negativity.

**42. 敦煌话:** 人要学会自信,自信才能取得成功。
**英文:** Learn to be confident, confidence leads to success.

Learn to be confident, confidence leads to success.

**43. 敦煌话:** 人要学会分享,分享才能快乐无限。
**英文:** Learn to share, sharing brings endless joy.

Learn to share, sharing brings endless joy.

**44. 敦煌话:** 人要学会付出,付出才能得到收获。
**英文:** Learn to give, giving brings rewards.

Learn to give, giving brings rewards.

**45. 敦煌话:** 人要学会珍惜,珍惜眼前所有。
**英文:** Learn to cherish, cherish what you have.

Learn to cherish, cherish what you have.

**46. 敦煌话:** 人要学会感恩,感谢所有帮助过你的人。
**英文:** Be grateful, thank those who have helped you.

Be grateful, thank those who have helped you.

**47. 敦煌话:** 人要学会宽容,宽容才能赢得人心。
**英文:** Learn to be tolerant, tolerance wins hearts.

Learn to be tolerant, tolerance wins hearts.

**48. 敦煌话:** 人要学会坚强,坚强才能战胜困难。
**英文:** Learn to be strong, strength overcomes obstacles.

Learn to be strong, strength overcomes obstacles.

**49. 敦煌话:** 人要学会诚实,诚实才能赢得信任。
**英文:** Learn to be honest, honesty earns trust.

Learn to be honest, honesty earns trust.

**50. 敦煌话:** 人要学会谦虚,谦虚才能进步。
**英文:** Learn to be humble, humility leads to progress.

Learn to be humble, humility leads to progress.

**51. 敦煌话:** 人要学会奉献,奉献才能得到回报。
**英文:** Learn to give, giving brings rewards.

Learn to give, giving brings rewards.

**52. 敦煌话:** 人要学会珍惜,珍惜眼前所有。
**英文:** Learn to cherish, cherish what you have.

Learn to cherish, cherish what you have.

**53. 敦煌话:** 人要学会爱,爱才能温暖世界。
**英文:** Learn to love, love warms the world.

Learn to love, love warms the world.

**54. 敦煌话:** 不要怕失败,失败乃成功之母。
**英文:** Don't fear failure, failure is the mother of success.

Don't fear failure, failure is the mother of success.

**55. 敦煌话:** 人要学会宽容,宽容才能赢得人心。
**英文:** Learn to be tolerant, tolerance wins hearts.

Learn to be tolerant, tolerance wins hearts.

**56. 敦煌话:** 人要学会坚强,坚强才能战胜困难。
**英文:** Learn to be strong, strength overcomes obstacles.

Learn to be strong, strength overcomes obstacles.

**57. 敦煌话:** 人要学会诚实,诚实才能赢得信任。
**英文:** Learn to be honest, honesty earns trust.

Learn to be honest, honesty earns trust.

**58. 敦煌话:** 人要学会谦虚,谦虚才能进步。
**英文:** Learn to be humble, humility leads to progress.

Learn to be humble, humility leads to progress.

**59. 敦煌话:** 人要学会奉献,奉献才能得到回报。
**英文:** Learn to give, giving brings rewards.

Learn to give, giving brings rewards.

**60. 敦煌话:** 人要学会珍惜,珍惜眼前所有。
**英文:** Learn to cherish, cherish what you have.

Learn to cherish, cherish what you have.

**61. 敦煌话:** 人要学会爱,爱才能温暖世界。
**英文:** Learn to love, love warms the world.

Learn to love, love warms the world.

**62. 敦煌话:** 不怕吃苦,不怕累,只要肯努力,啥事都能干成。
**英文:** Don't be afraid of hardship or fatigue, as long as you work hard, you can achieve anything.

Don't be afraid of hardship or fatigue, as long as you work hard, you can achieve anything.

**63. 敦煌话:** 人要学会吃亏,吃亏是福。
**英文:** Learn to accept losses, they are a blessing in disguise.

Learn to accept losses, they are a blessing in disguise.

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