
## 怀念姐姐的句子,94句


1. 姐姐,想念你温暖的笑容,想念你温柔的话语,想念我们一起玩耍的时光。

Sister, I miss your warm smile, your gentle words, and the time we spent playing together.

2. 岁月流逝,却无法抹去我对你的思念,姐姐,你在天堂还好吗?

Time flies, but it can't erase my longing for you. Sister, are you doing well in heaven?

3. 姐姐,你的音容笑貌永远刻在我的脑海里,我永远不会忘记你。

Sister, your voice, face, and laughter are forever etched in my memory. I will never forget you.

4. 一眨眼,你已经离开我这么久了,姐姐,你带走了我的快乐,也带走了我的思念。

In a blink of an eye, you've been gone for so long. Sister, you took away my joy and my longing.

5. 姐姐,你永远是我心中最美的风景,你永远是我最爱的亲人。

Sister, you are forever the most beautiful scenery in my heart, and you are forever my dearest family member.

6. 虽然你已不在,但你的爱一直陪伴着我,姐姐,我永远爱你。

Though you are no longer here, your love always accompanies me. Sister, I love you forever.

7. 姐姐,你的离开带走了我的快乐,我的生活从此变得黯淡无光。

Sister, your departure took away my joy, and my life has been dull ever since.

8. 我经常梦到你,梦里我们还是像小时候一样玩耍,姐姐,我好想你。

I often dream of you, where we play like we did when we were children. Sister, I miss you so much.

9. 姐姐,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱永远温暖着我。

Sister, your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love always warms me.

10. 姐姐,我永远不会忘记你,你的爱会永远伴随我一生。

Sister, I will never forget you, and your love will accompany me for life.


11. 记得小时候,姐姐总喜欢给我讲故事,那些故事陪伴我度过了许多快乐的时光。

I remember when I was little, my sister always loved to tell me stories. Those stories accompanied me through many happy times.

12. 姐姐,你还记得吗?我们一起在田野里奔跑,一起在河边嬉戏,那些快乐的时光永远珍藏在我的记忆里。

Sister, do you remember? We ran together in the fields, played by the river, those happy times are forever stored in my memory.

13. 姐姐,你总喜欢给我买好吃的,你总是把最好的留给我,你的爱让我无比温暖。

Sister, you always loved to buy me delicious food, and you always kept the best for me. Your love warmed me immensely.

14. 姐姐,你还记得吗?我们一起学习,一起考试,我们互相鼓励,互相帮助,我们一起度过了最美好的青春时光。

Sister, do you remember? We studied together, took exams together, we encouraged each other, helped each other, and we spent the best years of our youth together.

15. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的朋友,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中。

Sister, your departure made me lose my closest friend. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart.

16. 姐姐,你还记得吗?我们一起去看电影,一起逛街,我们一起分享着彼此的喜怒哀乐,那些美好的回忆永远不会消失。

Sister, do you remember? We went to the movies together, shopped together, and shared each other's joys and sorrows. Those beautiful memories will never fade.

17. 姐姐,你总喜欢给我买漂亮的衣服,你总是把最好的留给我,你的爱让我无比温暖。

Sister, you always loved to buy me beautiful clothes, and you always kept the best for me. Your love warmed me immensely.

18. 姐姐,我还记得你教我骑自行车的场景,你耐心地教我,直到我能独自骑行,你的爱让我充满勇气。

Sister, I still remember when you taught me to ride a bike. You patiently taught me until I could ride alone. Your love gave me courage.

19. 姐姐,你还记得吗?我们一起在公园里放风筝,一起在海边玩沙子,那些快乐的时光永远珍藏在我的记忆里。

Sister, do you remember? We flew kites together in the park, played in the sand by the sea, those happy times are forever stored in my memory.

20. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的家人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close family member. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart.


21. 姐姐,如果时光可以倒流,我一定更加珍惜与你在一起的时光。

Sister, if time could turn back, I would cherish the time we spent together even more.

22. 姐姐,你教会了我很多道理,你的爱让我懂得了如何去爱,如何去生活。

Sister, you taught me many lessons. Your love taught me how to love and how to live.

23. 姐姐,你总是那么温柔,那么善良,你的爱温暖着我的心灵,照亮着我的人生。

Sister, you are always so gentle and kind. Your love warms my heart and lights up my life.

24. 姐姐,我永远不会忘记你的教诲,你的爱会一直指引着我前进。

Sister, I will never forget your teachings. Your love will always guide me forward.

25. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,时间是宝贵的,我们要珍惜生命中的每一天。

Sister, your departure made me realize that time is precious and we should cherish every day of our lives.

26. 姐姐,你的爱像阳光一样温暖,像春风一样柔和,你的离开让我无比伤感。

Sister, your love is as warm as the sun and as gentle as a spring breeze. Your departure saddens me immensely.

27. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白了,生命是短暂的,我们要珍惜与家人在一起的时光。

Sister, your departure made me realize that life is short and we should cherish the time we spend with our family.

28. 姐姐,你教会了我很多,你的爱让我懂得了如何去爱,如何去面对生活。

Sister, you taught me a lot. Your love taught me how to love and how to face life.

29. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的知己,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中。

Sister, your departure made me lose my closest confidante. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart.

30. 姐姐,你总是那么坚强,那么乐观,你的爱给了我力量,让我战胜了生活的困难。

Sister, you are always so strong and optimistic. Your love gave me strength to overcome life's challenges.


31. 姐姐,每当看到我们小时候的照片,我都会想起你,想起我们一起度过的美好时光。

Sister, every time I see pictures of us when we were children, I think of you and the wonderful times we spent together.

32. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close person. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

33. 姐姐,每当听到你喜欢的歌,我都会想起你,想起我们一起唱歌的场景,想起你灿烂的笑容。

Sister, every time I hear your favorite song, I think of you, of us singing together, and of your bright smile.

34. 姐姐,你离开后,我的世界仿佛失去了色彩,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, after you left, my world seemed to lose its color. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

35. 姐姐,每当看到你最喜欢的花,我都会想起你,想起你对生活的热爱,想起你灿烂的笑容。

Sister, every time I see your favorite flower, I think of you, of your love for life, and of your bright smile.

36. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的伙伴,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose my closest companion. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

37. 姐姐,每当看到你最喜欢的书,我都会想起你,想起你对知识的追求,想起你认真学习的样子。

Sister, every time I see your favorite book, I think of you, of your pursuit of knowledge, and of your serious study.

38. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的家人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close family member. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

39. 姐姐,每当看到你最喜欢的电影,我都会想起你,想起我们一起看电影的场景,想起你开朗的笑声。

Sister, every time I see your favorite movie, I think of you, of us watching movies together, and of your cheerful laughter.

40. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的亲人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close relative. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.


41. 姐姐,你的爱像一盏明灯,照亮我前行的道路,你的离开让我无比悲伤。

Sister, your love is like a beacon, lighting my path forward. Your departure makes me incredibly sad.

42. 姐姐,你的爱像一股清泉,滋润着我的心田,你的离开让我无比思念。

Sister, your love is like a spring, nourishing my heart. Your departure makes me miss you terribly.

43. 姐姐,你的爱像一缕阳光,温暖着我的心灵,你的离开让我无比伤感。

Sister, your love is like a ray of sunshine, warming my soul. Your departure makes me incredibly sad.

44. 姐姐,你的爱像一首美妙的歌曲,永远在我的心中回荡,你的离开让我无比思念。

Sister, your love is like a beautiful song, forever echoing in my heart. Your departure makes me miss you terribly.

45. 姐姐,你的爱像一颗闪亮的星星,指引着我前进的方向,你的离开让我无比失落。

Sister, your love is like a shining star, guiding my direction. Your departure makes me incredibly lost.

46. 姐姐,你的爱像一朵美丽的鲜花,永远在我的心中绽放,你的离开让我无比心痛。

Sister, your love is like a beautiful flower, forever blooming in my heart. Your departure makes me incredibly heartbroken.

47. 姐姐,你的爱像一幅美丽的画卷,永远在我的脑海中浮现,你的离开让我无比思念。

Sister, your love is like a beautiful painting, forever appearing in my mind. Your departure makes me miss you terribly.

48. 姐姐,你的爱像一杯香浓的咖啡,温暖着我的身心,你的离开让我无比失落。

Sister, your love is like a cup of strong coffee, warming my body and soul. Your departure makes me incredibly lost.

49. 姐姐,你的爱像一本书,让我从中汲取了宝贵的知识和经验,你的离开让我无比伤感。

Sister, your love is like a book, from which I have gained valuable knowledge and experience. Your departure makes me incredibly sad.

50. 姐姐,你的爱像一片广阔的天空,让我自由地翱翔,你的离开让我无比思念。

Sister, your love is like a vast sky, allowing me to fly freely. Your departure makes me miss you terribly.


51. 姐姐,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

52. 姐姐,我永远不会忘记你,你的离开让我无比悲伤。

Sister, I will never forget you. Your departure makes me incredibly sad.

53. 姐姐,我经常梦到你,梦里我们还是像小时候一样玩耍,我好想你。

Sister, I often dream of you, where we play like we did when we were children. I miss you so much.

54. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close person. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

55. 姐姐,每当看到我们小时候的照片,我都会想起你,想起我们一起度过的美好时光,我好想你。

Sister, every time I see pictures of us when we were children, I think of you and the wonderful times we spent together. I miss you so much.

56. 姐姐,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的离开让我无比思念。

Sister, your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart. Your departure makes me miss you terribly.

57. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的家人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close family member. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

58. 姐姐,我永远不会忘记你,你的离开让我无比失落。

Sister, I will never forget you. Your departure makes me incredibly lost.

59. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的朋友,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose my closest friend. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

60. 姐姐,我经常梦到你,梦里我们还是像小时候一样玩耍,我好想你。

Sister, I often dream of you, where we play like we did when we were children. I miss you so much.


61. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,生命是短暂的,我们要珍惜与家人在一起的时光。

Sister, your departure made me realize that life is short and we should cherish the time we spend with our family.

62. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会坚强,学会勇敢地面对生活。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to be strong and face life bravely.

63. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会珍惜身边的人,因为生命是不可预知的。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to cherish those around us because life is unpredictable.

64. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会感恩,感恩生命中遇到的每一个人。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to be grateful for everyone we meet in life.

65. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会宽容,学会理解和包容身边的人。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to be tolerant, and to understand and embrace those around us.

66. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会爱,学会用爱去温暖身边的人。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to love and to warm those around us with love.

67. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会珍惜当下,因为过去的已经过去,未来的还不可知。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to cherish the present, because the past is gone and the future is unknown.

68. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会勇敢,勇敢地追逐自己的梦想。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to be brave and chase our dreams.

69. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会坚强,坚强地面对生活中的各种挑战。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to be strong and face life's various challenges.

70. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会感恩,感恩生命中遇到的每一个人,感恩生命中所有的经历。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to be grateful for everyone we meet in life and for all the experiences we have.


71. 姐姐,愿你在天堂一切安好,愿你的灵魂得到安息。

Sister, may you be well in heaven, and may your soul rest in peace.

72. 姐姐,我会永远记住你,我会永远爱你。

Sister, I will always remember you, and I will always love you.

73. 姐姐,愿你在天堂快乐,愿你的灵魂得到安宁。

Sister, may you be happy in heaven, and may your soul find peace.

74. 姐姐,我会永远怀念你,我会永远把你放在我的心中。

Sister, I will always cherish your memory, and I will always keep you in my heart.

75. 姐姐,愿你在天堂一切安好,愿你的灵魂得到安息。

Sister, may you be well in heaven, and may your soul rest in peace.

76. 姐姐,我们会永远记得你,我们会永远爱你。

Sister, we will always remember you, and we will always love you.

77. 姐姐,愿你在天堂快乐,愿你的灵魂得到安宁。

Sister, may you be happy in heaven, and may your soul find peace.

78. 姐姐,我会永远怀念你,我会永远把你放在我的心中。

Sister, I will always cherish your memory, and I will always keep you in my heart.

79. 姐姐,愿你在天堂一切安好,愿你的灵魂得到安息。

Sister, may you be well in heaven, and may your soul rest in peace.

80. 姐姐,我们会永远记得你,我们会永远爱你。

Sister, we will always remember you, and we will always love you.


81. 姐姐,你永远是我心中最美的风景,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, you are forever the most beautiful scenery in my heart. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

82. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close person. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

83. 姐姐,我永远不会忘记你,你的离开让我无比悲伤,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, I will never forget you. Your departure makes me incredibly sad. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

84. 姐姐,我经常梦到你,梦里我们还是像小时候一样玩耍,我好想你,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, I often dream of you, where we play like we did when we were children. I miss you so much. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

85. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的家人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close family member. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

86. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的朋友,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose my closest friend. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

87. 姐姐,我永远不会忘记你,你的离开让我无比失落,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, I will never forget you. Your departure makes me incredibly lost. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

88. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的伙伴,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose my closest companion. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

89. 姐姐,我经常梦到你,梦里我们还是像小时候一样玩耍,我好想你,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, I often dream of you, where we play like we did when we were children. I miss you so much. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

90. 姐姐,你的离开让我失去了一个最亲密的亲人,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me lose a close relative. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.


91. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,生命是短暂的,我们要珍惜与家人在一起的时光,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me realize that life is short and we should cherish the time we spend with our family. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

92. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会坚强,学会勇敢地面对生活,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to be strong and face life bravely. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

93. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会珍惜身边的人,因为生命是不可预知的,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to cherish those around us because life is unpredictable. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

94. 姐姐,你的离开让我明白,我们要学会感恩,感恩生命中遇到的每一个人,感恩生命中所有的经历,你的音容笑貌永远在我心中,你的爱会永远温暖着我。

Sister, your departure made me realize that we should learn to be grateful for everyone we meet in life and for all the experiences we have. Your voice, face, and laughter are forever in my heart, and your love will always warm me.

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