
## 怀宁语言特色句子 (59句)

**1. 侬晓得伐?** (Do you know?)

Do you know?

**2. 勿要讲笑话!** (Don't talk nonsense!)

Don't talk nonsense!

**3. 侬好,侬吃了吗?** (Hello, have you eaten?)

Hello, have you eaten?

**4. 侬要吃啥?** (What do you want to eat?)

What do you want to eat?

**5. 侬个东西蛮好使个。** (Your stuff is pretty useful.)

Your stuff is pretty useful.

**6. 侬慢慢吃,勿要着急。** (Eat slowly, don't rush.)

Eat slowly, don't rush.

**7. 侬等一下,我马上来。** (Wait a moment, I'll be right there.)

Wait a moment, I'll be right there.

**8. 侬好,侬叫啥名字?** (Hello, what's your name?)

Hello, what's your name?

**9. 我叫...** (My name is...)

My name is...

**10. 侬几岁了?** (How old are you?)

How old are you?

**11. 我今年...岁。** (I am... years old.)

I am... years old.

**12. 侬住哪里?** (Where do you live?)

Where do you live?

**13. 我住...** (I live in...)

I live in...

**14. 侬是做啥个?** (What do you do for a living?)

What do you do for a living?

**15. 我是...** (I am a...)

I am a...

**16. 侬今天要出门伐?** (Are you going out today?)

Are you going out today?

**17. 侬要到哪里去?** (Where are you going?)

Where are you going?

**18. 侬走得快一点。** (Go faster.)

Go faster.

**19. 侬要小心一点。** (Be careful.)

Be careful.

**20. 侬个东西放哪里了?** (Where did you put your stuff?)

Where did you put your stuff?

**21. 侬勿要乱动,小心勿要掉下去。** (Don't touch it, be careful not to fall.)

Don't touch it, be careful not to fall.

**22. 侬要帮帮我。** (Help me.)

Help me.

**23. 我勿晓得。** (I don't know.)

I don't know.

**24. 我要吃...** (I want to eat...)

I want to eat...

**25. 我要喝...** (I want to drink...)

I want to drink...

**26. 我要买...** (I want to buy...)

I want to buy...

**27. 我要去...** (I want to go to...)

I want to go to...

**28. 我要看...** (I want to watch...)

I want to watch...

**29. 我要听...** (I want to listen to...)

I want to listen to...

**30. 我要玩...** (I want to play...)

I want to play...

**31. 勿要闹!** (Don't be naughty!)

Don't be naughty!

**32. 侬好乖啊!** (You're so well-behaved!)

You're so well-behaved!

**33. 侬要听话,勿要乱来。** (Be good, don't be mischievous.)

Be good, don't be mischievous.

**34. 侬个朋友来了伐?** (Did your friend come?)

Did your friend come?

**35. 侬个妈妈呢?** (Where's your mother?)

Where's your mother?

**36. 侬个爸爸呢?** (Where's your father?)

Where's your father?

**37. 侬个兄弟姊妹呢?** (Where are your siblings?)

Where are your siblings?

**38. 侬个家在哪里?** (Where's your home?)

Where's your home?

**39. 侬个学校在哪里?** (Where's your school?)

Where's your school?

**40. 侬个工作怎么样?** (How's your work?)

How's your work?

**41. 侬个生活怎么样?** (How's your life?)

How's your life?

**42. 侬要小心一点,勿要碰它。** (Be careful, don't touch it.)

Be careful, don't touch it.

**43. 侬要小心一点,勿要摔倒了。** (Be careful, don't fall.)

Be careful, don't fall.

**44. 侬要小心一点,勿要撞到人。** (Be careful, don't bump into people.)

Be careful, don't bump into people.

**45. 侬要小心一点,勿要碰电线。** (Be careful, don't touch the wires.)

Be careful, don't touch the wires.

**46. 侬要小心一点,勿要吃太多。** (Be careful, don't eat too much.)

Be careful, don't eat too much.

**47. 侬要小心一点,勿要喝太多。** (Be careful, don't drink too much.)

Be careful, don't drink too much.

**48. 侬要小心一点,勿要乱说话。** (Be careful, don't talk nonsense.)

Be careful, don't talk nonsense.

**49. 侬要小心一点,勿要乱做事。** (Be careful, don't do anything reckless.)

Be careful, don't do anything reckless.

**50. 侬要小心一点,勿要惹麻烦。** (Be careful, don't get into trouble.)

Be careful, don't get into trouble.

**51. 侬要小心一点,勿要受伤了。** (Be careful, don't get hurt.)

Be careful, don't get hurt.

**52. 侬要小心一点,勿要生病了。** (Be careful, don't get sick.)

Be careful, don't get sick.

**53. 侬要努力学习。** (Study hard.)

Study hard.

**54. 侬要好好工作。** (Work hard.)

Work hard.

**55. 侬要好好生活。** (Live a good life.)

Live a good life.

**56. 侬要开心一点。** (Be happy.)

Be happy.

**57. 侬要健康一点。** (Be healthy.)

Be healthy.

**58. 侬要平安一点。** (Be safe.)

Be safe.

**59. 侬要幸福一点。** (Be happy.)

Be happy.

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