
## 拉普兰德句子及英文翻译

1. 凛冬将至,北风呼啸,唯有我,永不屈服。

Winter is coming, the north wind howls, but I, will never yield.

2. 严寒之下,唯有钢铁才能保持锋利,唯有战士才能守护家园。

Only steel can stay sharp under the harsh cold, only warriors can protect their home.

3. 死亡,不过是一场漫长的睡眠,醒来之时,便是新的征程。

Death is merely a long sleep, awakening to a new journey.

4. 战斗是生命的意义,荣耀是战士的信仰。

Battle is the meaning of life, glory is the warrior's belief.

5. 北极光映照着我的眼眸,战火燃烧着我的灵魂。

The aurora borealis reflects in my eyes, the flames of war burn in my soul.

6. 凛冬终将过去,春天总会到来,但我的意志,永不磨灭。

Winter will eventually pass, spring will always come, but my will, will never be extinguished.

7. 敌人,不过是一群需要我终结的符号。

Enemies are nothing but symbols that need to be terminated by me.

8. 我的人生,只有战斗,没有退缩。

My life is only about battle, no retreat.

9. 杀戮是艺术,战争是旋律。

Slaughter is art, war is melody.

10. 我的刀锋,是冰冷的死亡之歌。

My blade is a cold song of death.

11. 敌人,都是我的猎物。

Enemies are all my prey.

12. 冰雪覆盖大地,我的意志,却如火焰般燃烧。

Ice and snow cover the land, but my will burns like fire.

13. 无论是冰封的土地,还是燃烧的战火,我都在其中跳舞。

Whether it's the frozen land or the burning flames of war, I dance within them.

14. 死亡的阴影,无法阻挡我前进的脚步。

The shadow of death cannot stop my steps forward.

15. 凛冬的寒风,吹不灭我心中燃烧的战火。

The cold wind of winter cannot extinguish the flames of war in my heart.

16. 我是来自北方的战士,我的血脉中流淌着冰与雪的血液。

I am a warrior from the north, my blood flows with the blood of ice and snow.

17. 战斗,是我的宿命,也是我的荣耀。

Battle is my destiny and my glory.

18. 我不会哭泣,也不会悲伤,因为我的眼泪,只会让敌人更加强大。

I will not cry, nor will I grieve, because my tears will only make the enemy stronger.

19. 死亡,不过是一场新的开始,我会在另一个世界继续战斗。

Death is merely a new beginning, I will continue to fight in another world.

20. 我不会畏惧任何敌人,因为我的心中,只有胜利的渴望。

I will not fear any enemy, for in my heart, there is only the desire to win.

21. 我是冰雪的女王,我的力量,足以让整个世界颤抖。

I am the Queen of Ice and Snow, my power is enough to make the whole world tremble.

22. 我会用我的刀锋,开辟一条通往胜利之路。

I will use my blade to carve a path to victory.

23. 我是北极的守护者,我会用我的生命,守护这片土地。

I am the guardian of the Arctic, I will protect this land with my life.

24. 我的力量,来自于冰雪,我的意志,来自于风暴。

My strength comes from ice and snow, my will comes from the storm.

25. 我是夜之王,我的脚步声,会让整个世界都感到恐惧。

I am the King of the Night, the sound of my footsteps will make the whole world fear.

26. 我会用我的剑,刺破敌人的心脏,让他们知道,谁才是真正的强者。

I will use my sword to pierce the hearts of my enemies, let them know who is the true strong one.

27. 我的灵魂,早已被冰雪洗礼,我的身体,已经成为坚不可摧的堡垒。

My soul has long been cleansed by ice and snow, my body has become an unbreakable fortress.

28. 我不会停下前进的脚步,直到我的敌人,全部倒在我的脚下。

I will not stop my steps forward until all my enemies fall at my feet.

29. 我是风暴的化身,我的力量,可以摧毁一切阻挡我的事物。

I am the embodiment of the storm, my power can destroy anything that stands in my way.

30. 我的名字,就是胜利的象征。

My name is the symbol of victory.

31. 我是来自北方的狼,我的利爪,会撕碎一切胆敢挑战我的敌人。

I am the wolf from the north, my claws will tear apart any enemy who dares to challenge me.

32. 我是冰雪的战士,我的力量,来自于我的信念。

I am a warrior of ice and snow, my strength comes from my belief.

33. 我的身体,如同冰雪一样冷酷,我的灵魂,如同火焰一样炽热。

My body is as cold as ice and snow, my soul is as hot as fire.

34. 我不会畏惧死亡,因为我早已超越了生死的界限。

I will not fear death, for I have already transcended the boundaries of life and death.

35. 战斗,是我的本能,是我的生命。

Battle is my instinct, my life.

36. 我的刀锋,会带走敌人的生命,我的名字,会永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上。

My blade will take the lives of my enemies, my name will forever be etched on the monument of history.

37. 我是北极的守护者,我会用我的生命,守护这片土地的安宁。

I am the guardian of the Arctic, I will protect the peace of this land with my life.

38. 我的力量,来自于我的意志,我的意志,来自于我的信念。

My strength comes from my will, my will comes from my belief.

39. 我是冰雪的女王,我的力量,足以让整个世界都为之臣服。

I am the Queen of Ice and Snow, my power is enough to make the whole world submit to me.

40. 我的目光,如同冰雪一样冰冷,我的眼神,如同风暴一样狂暴。

My gaze is as cold as ice and snow, my eyes are as fierce as a storm.

41. 我是来自北方的战士,我的血脉中流淌着冰与雪的血液,我的灵魂,已经被冰雪洗礼。

I am a warrior from the north, my blood flows with the blood of ice and snow, my soul has been cleansed by ice and snow.

42. 我会用我的刀锋,开辟一条通往胜利之路,我的脚步,不会停歇,直到敌人全部倒下。

I will use my blade to carve a path to victory, my steps will not stop until the enemy is all down.

43. 凛冬将至,北风呼啸,但我不会屈服,我会用我的力量,战胜一切挑战。

Winter is coming, the north wind howls, but I will not yield, I will use my strength to overcome all challenges.

44. 我是冰雪的战士,我的力量,来自于我的信念,我的信念,来自于我的意志。

I am a warrior of ice and snow, my strength comes from my belief, my belief comes from my will.

45. 我不会畏惧任何敌人,因为我的心中,只有胜利的渴望,我的目标,就是征服一切。

I will not fear any enemy, for in my heart, there is only the desire to win, my goal is to conquer all.

46. 我的刀锋,会带走敌人的生命,我的名字,会永远铭刻在历史的丰碑上,我的意志,会永存世间。

My blade will take the lives of my enemies, my name will forever be etched on the monument of history, my will will forever exist in the world.

47. 我是冰雪的女王,我的力量,来自于我的血脉,我的血脉,流淌着冰与雪的血液,我的灵魂,已经被冰雪洗礼。

I am the Queen of Ice and Snow, my strength comes from my blood, my blood flows with the blood of ice and snow, my soul has been cleansed by ice and snow.

48. 死亡,不过是一场新的开始,我会在另一个世界继续战斗,我的意志,不会消亡,我的力量,不会减弱。

Death is merely a new beginning, I will continue to fight in another world, my will will not perish, my power will not weaken.

49. 我是夜之王,我的脚步声,会让整个世界都感到恐惧,我的力量,足以让一切敌人颤抖。

I am the King of the Night, the sound of my footsteps will make the whole world fear, my power is enough to make all enemies tremble.

50. 我的目光,如同冰雪一样冰冷,我的眼神,如同风暴一样狂暴,我的刀锋,会带走敌人的生命。

My gaze is as cold as ice and snow, my eyes are as fierce as a storm, my blade will take the lives of my enemies.

51. 我是北方的战士,我的血脉中流淌着冰与雪的血液,我的灵魂,已经被冰雪洗礼,我的力量,来自于我的意志,我的意志,来自于我的信念。

I am a warrior from the north, my blood flows with the blood of ice and snow, my soul has been cleansed by ice and snow, my strength comes from my will, my will comes from my belief.

52. 我的名字,就是胜利的象征,我的刀锋,会开辟一条通往胜利之路,我的脚步,不会停歇,直到敌人全部倒下。

My name is the symbol of victory, my blade will carve a path to victory, my steps will not stop until the enemy is all down.

53. 我是冰雪的战士,我的力量,来自于我的信念,我的信念,来自于我的意志,我的意志,不会消亡,我的力量,不会减弱。

I am a warrior of ice and snow, my strength comes from my belief, my belief comes from my will, my will will not perish, my power will not weaken.

54. 凛冬将至,北风呼啸,但我不会屈服,我会用我的力量,战胜一切挑战,我的意志,不会消亡,我的力量,不会减弱。

Winter is coming, the north wind howls, but I will not yield, I will use my strength to overcome all challenges, my will will not perish, my power will not weaken.

55. 我是夜之王,我的脚步声,会让整个世界都感到恐惧,我的力量,足以让一切敌人颤抖,我的意志,不会消亡,我的力量,不会减弱。

I am the King of the Night, the sound of my footsteps will make the whole world fear, my power is enough to make all enemies tremble, my will will not perish, my power will not weaken.

56. 我的目光,如同冰雪一样冰冷,我的眼神,如同风暴一样狂暴,我的刀锋,会带走敌人的生命,我的意志,不会消亡,我的力量,不会减弱。

My gaze is as cold as ice and snow, my eyes are as fierce as a storm, my blade will take the lives of my enemies, my will will not perish, my power will not weaken.

57. 我是来自北方的战士,我的血脉中流淌着冰与雪的血液,我的灵魂,已经被冰雪洗礼,我的力量,来自于我的意志,我的意志,来自于我的信念,我的意志,不会消亡,我的力量,不会减弱。

I am a warrior from the north, my blood flows with the blood of ice and snow, my soul has been cleansed by ice and snow, my strength comes from my will, my will comes from my belief, my will will not perish, my power will not weaken.

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