
## 冷暖自知类似句子,93句,并翻译成英文:

1. 冷暖自知,荣辱不惊。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and remains calm amidst both honor and disgrace.

2. 冷暖自知,甘苦自尝。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and tastes the sweetness and bitterness.

3. 冷暖自知,酸甜自品。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and savors the sourness and sweetness.

4. 冷暖自知,苦乐由心。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and happiness and sorrow come from within.

5. 冷暖自知,人生如梦。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, life is like a dream.

6. 冷暖自知,岁月如梭。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, time flies by.

7. 冷暖自知,世事无常。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, the world is unpredictable.

8. 冷暖自知,浮云过眼。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, fleeting like clouds passing by.

9. 冷暖自知,身外之物。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, external possessions are meaningless.

10. 冷暖自知,心安理得。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one's heart is at ease.

11. 冷暖自知,问心无愧。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one's conscience is clear.

12. 冷暖自知,坦然处之。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one faces it with composure.

13. 冷暖自知,不求人知。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not seek recognition from others.

14. 冷暖自知,不为世俗。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is not swayed by worldly matters.

15. 冷暖自知,不为名利。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is not motivated by fame or fortune.

16. 冷暖自知,不为他人。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not live for others.

17. 冷暖自知,不求回报。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not seek reward.

18. 冷暖自知,不计得失。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not dwell on gains or losses.

19. 冷暖自知,不怨天尤人。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not blame heaven or others.

20. 冷暖自知,不强求他人。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not force others.

21. 冷暖自知,不攀比他人。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not compare oneself to others.

22. 冷暖自知,不奢望他人。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not have extravagant expectations of others.

23. 冷暖自知,不苛求自己。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not demand too much from oneself.

24. 冷暖自知,不妄自菲薄。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not belittle oneself.

25. 冷暖自知,不妄自尊大。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not inflate oneself with pride.

26. 冷暖自知,不执着于过去。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not cling to the past.

27. 冷暖自知,不迷恋未来。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is not obsessed with the future.

28. 冷暖自知,不沉溺于悲伤。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not indulge in sadness.

29. 冷暖自知,不迷失于快乐。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not get lost in happiness.

30. 冷暖自知,不执着于任何。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not cling to anything.

31. 冷暖自知,不强求任何。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not force anything.

32. 冷暖自知,不奢望任何。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not have extravagant expectations of anything.

33. 冷暖自知,不迷恋任何。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is not obsessed with anything.

34. 冷暖自知,不沉溺于任何。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one does not indulge in anything.

35. 冷暖自知,心如止水。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one's heart is still like water.

36. 冷暖自知,心静如镜。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one's heart is calm like a mirror.

37. 冷暖自知,心怀坦荡。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one's heart is open and honest.

38. 冷暖自知,心存善念。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has good intentions in one's heart.

39. 冷暖自知,心怀感恩。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is grateful in one's heart.

40. 冷暖自知,心怀慈悲。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has compassion in one's heart.

41. 冷暖自知,心怀希望。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has hope in one's heart.

42. 冷暖自知,心怀梦想。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has dreams in one's heart.

43. 冷暖自知,心怀热爱。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has love in one's heart.

44. 冷暖自知,心怀追求。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has aspirations in one's heart.

45. 冷暖自知,心怀目标。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has goals in one's heart.

46. 冷暖自知,心怀坚定。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has determination in one's heart.

47. 冷暖自知,心怀勇气。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has courage in one's heart.

48. 冷暖自知,心怀自信。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has confidence in one's heart.

49. 冷暖自知,心怀力量。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has strength in one's heart.

50. 冷暖自知,心怀智慧。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has wisdom in one's heart.

51. 冷暖自知,心怀仁爱。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has kindness in one's heart.

52. 冷暖自知,心怀正义。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has a sense of justice in one's heart.

53. 冷暖自知,心怀责任。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has a sense of responsibility in one's heart.

54. 冷暖自知,心怀梦想。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has dreams in one's heart.

55. 冷暖自知,心怀追求。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has aspirations in one's heart.

56. 冷暖自知,心怀目标。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has goals in one's heart.

57. 冷暖自知,心怀坚定。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has determination in one's heart.

58. 冷暖自知,心怀勇气。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has courage in one's heart.

59. 冷暖自知,心怀自信。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has confidence in one's heart.

60. 冷暖自知,心怀力量。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has strength in one's heart.

61. 冷暖自知,心怀智慧。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has wisdom in one's heart.

62. 冷暖自知,心怀仁爱。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has kindness in one's heart.

63. 冷暖自知,心怀正义。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has a sense of justice in one's heart.

64. 冷暖自知,心怀责任。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has a sense of responsibility in one's heart.

65. 冷暖自知,心怀坚强。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has strength in one's heart.

66. 冷暖自知,心怀善良。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has goodness in one's heart.

67. 冷暖自知,心怀乐观。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has optimism in one's heart.

68. 冷暖自知,心怀包容。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is tolerant in one's heart.

69. 冷暖自知,心怀理解。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is understanding in one's heart.

70. 冷暖自知,心怀宽恕。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is forgiving in one's heart.

71. 冷暖自知,心怀温柔。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is gentle in one's heart.

72. 冷暖自知,心怀爱意。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has love in one's heart.

73. 冷暖自知,心怀希望。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has hope in one's heart.

74. 冷暖自知,心怀梦想。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has dreams in one's heart.

75. 冷暖自知,心怀追求。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has aspirations in one's heart.

76. 冷暖自知,心怀目标。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has goals in one's heart.

77. 冷暖自知,心怀坚定。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has determination in one's heart.

78. 冷暖自知,心怀勇气。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has courage in one's heart.

79. 冷暖自知,心怀自信。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has confidence in one's heart.

80. 冷暖自知,心怀力量。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has strength in one's heart.

81. 冷暖自知,心怀智慧。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has wisdom in one's heart.

82. 冷暖自知,心怀仁爱。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has kindness in one's heart.

83. 冷暖自知,心怀正义。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has a sense of justice in one's heart.

84. 冷暖自知,心怀责任。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has a sense of responsibility in one's heart.

85. 冷暖自知,心怀坚强。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has strength in one's heart.

86. 冷暖自知,心怀善良。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has goodness in one's heart.

87. 冷暖自知,心怀乐观。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has optimism in one's heart.

88. 冷暖自知,心怀包容。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is tolerant in one's heart.

89. 冷暖自知,心怀理解。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is understanding in one's heart.

90. 冷暖自知,心怀宽恕。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is forgiving in one's heart.

91. 冷暖自知,心怀温柔。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one is gentle in one's heart.

92. 冷暖自知,心怀爱意。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one has love in one's heart.

93. 冷暖自知,心怀一切。

Only oneself knows the warmth and cold, and one embraces everything in one's heart.

以上就是关于冷暖自知类似句子93句(冷暖自知类似句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
