
## 烛之武退秦师 重点句子及其英文翻译


1. 秦伯说,**“吾欲伐晋,使秦人得志于晋,以光我后”。**

Qin Bo said,"I want to attack Jin, and let the Qin people achieve their goals in Jin, to glorify my descendants."

2. 秦伯使**人谓郑伯曰:“若不従吾,吾将伐汝”。**

Qin Bo sent someone to tell the Lord of Zheng:"If you don't obey me, I will attack you."

3. 郑伯**使子封告于烛之武**,曰:“秦伯欲伐我,请子为我辞焉”。

The Lord of Zheng sent Zi Feng to tell Zhuge Wu, saying,"Qin Bo wants to attack us, please go and persuade him on our behalf."

4. 烛之武对曰:“**不可。**吾其告之,**彼必不听**,不信也。**吾其告之,彼必不许,不信也。**吾其告之,彼必无礼,不信也。**吾其告之,彼必不信,不信也。**”

Zhuge Wu replied,"It's not possible. If I tell him, he will definitely not listen, he won't believe me. If I tell him, he will definitely not agree, he won't believe me. If I tell him, he will definitely be rude, he won't believe me. If I tell him, he will definitely not believe me, he won't believe me."

5. **子封曰:“请子试之。”**

Zi Feng said,"Please give it a try."

6. 烛之武**乃行,见秦伯,曰:**“秦、晋围郑,郑既知亡矣。**

Zhuge Wu went, met with Qin Bo, and said,"Qin and Jin have surrounded Zheng. Zheng knows that it will be destroyed."

7. **君将焉用之?**

What will you do with it?

8. **郑人皆知亡矣,**

All the people of Zheng know that they are going to be destroyed.

9. **士卒多暴死,君将焉用之?**

Many soldiers will die a violent death, what will you do with it?

10. **君不如****舍郑以为东道主,**

You are better off leaving Zheng alone and making it your host on the eastern road.

11. **使秦晋之卒,无厌于郑,**

Let the soldiers of Qin and Jin not be tired of Zheng,

12. **以休士卒,**

so that the soldiers can rest,

13. **而遣其君,**

and send their monarch away,

14. **以示中国,**

to show China,

15. **以为不可欺也。**

that it cannot be deceived.

16. **若亡郑,**

If you destroy Zheng,

17. **必将有患。**

you will surely face trouble.

18. **秦、晋之卒,**

The soldiers of Qin and Jin,

19. **轻则皆従,**

if they are lightly defeated, will all follow you,

20. **重则皆叛,**

if they are heavily defeated, will all betray you,

21. **吾恐****君之****不****得志也。**

I fear that you will not achieve your goals.

22. **君不如****息兵休卒,**

You are better off resting your troops and soldiers,

23. **以待来年。**

and wait for next year.

24. **彼竭我盈,彼强我弱,**

They are exhausted and we are full of energy, they are strong and we are weak.

25. **彼骄我盈,彼怠我盈,**

They are arrogant and we are full of energy, they are lazy and we are full of energy.

26. **此天所以****辅****我也,**

This is how heaven helps us.

27. **今****君****不****取,**

Now you don't take it,

28. **后****必****有****悔。**

You will surely regret it later.

29. **秦伯曰:“****善****!**

Qin Bo said,"Good!"

30. **吾****将****听公之教。**

I will listen to your advice.

31. ******请******公******饮酒。**

Please have a drink with me.

32. ******吾******将****还军。**

I will return my troops.

33. ******寡人******无****礼,**

I have been rude,

34. **请****公******入****吾****帐。**

Please enter my tent.

35. ******寡人******将****请公。**

I will invite you to come in.

36. ******请******公******饮酒。**

Please have a drink with me.

37. **烛之武****辞曰:**“臣****不敢。**

Zhuge Wu declined, saying,"I dare not."

38. **臣****饮酒,**

I drink wine,

39. **过****三日,**

after three days,

40. **君****必****悔。**

you will surely regret it.

41. ******且******臣******之****所以****来,**

Moreover, the reason I came,

42. **非****贪****君之****酒。**

is not to be greedy for your wine.

43. **君****以****郑为****东道主,**

You make Zheng your host,

44. **则****郑****无****恙。**

then Zheng will be safe.

45. **君****以****郑为****西道主,**

You make Zheng your host on the west side,

46. **则****郑****必****亡。**

then Zheng will surely be destroyed.

47. ******君******其****有****思!**

Think about it carefully!

48. ******臣******不敢****饮酒。**

I dare not drink wine.

49. **秦伯说,****“****诺****”。**

Qin Bo said,"Alright."

50. **乃使人****谓****郑伯曰:“****寡人****闻****子****有****客,**

He then sent someone to tell the Lord of Zheng:"I heard that you have guests,

51. **寡人****将****归,**

I am going to return,

52. **无****以为****后患也。”**

and will not cause any trouble for you."

53. **郑伯****谢****之。**

The Lord of Zheng thanked him.

54. **秦伯乃****还军。**

Qin Bo then returned his troops.

55. **烛之武****从****者****三百人。**

Zhuge Wu was followed by three hundred people.

56. **秦伯****使****人****遗****郑伯****玉****磬,**

Qin Bo sent someone to give the Lord of Zheng a jade chime,

57. **以****报****之。**

as a gift.

58. ******子封******曰:**“**君****不****信****烛之武,**

Zi Feng said,"You don't trust Zhuge Wu,

59. **亦****不****信****秦伯,**

nor do you trust Qin Bo,

60. **君****将****何****以****保****国?**

how will you protect your country?

61. ******君******实****获****之。**

You have actually gained from it.

62. **君****其****有****思!**

Think about it carefully!

63. ******烛之武******退****秦师,**

Zhuge Wu drove back the Qin forces,

64. **郑****赖****之****存。**

and Zheng survived because of him.

65. **后****世****称为****贤臣。**

Later generations called him a wise minister.

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