
## 掌柜幽默句子 (79句)

**p** 欢迎光临本店,本店主打“物美价廉”,但本店老板娘坚决反对我使用“廉”字,她认为这样会显得我们店很low,所以,本店主打“物美价优”,嘿嘿。**p**

**p** 本店服务宗旨:顾客就是上帝,您说啥就是啥,但请注意,上帝也是要讲道理的。**p**

**p** 本店商品种类繁多,应有尽有,但没有您想要的,请您自备!**p**

**p** 本店老板娘貌美如花,倾国倾城,但是有夫之妇,所以……您懂的。**p**

**p** 本店承诺:绝不欺诈顾客,如有发现,请立即举报,否则,后果自负!**p**

**p** 本店营业时间:早九晚五,中午休息,下午营业,晚上关门,具体时间以老板娘心情而定。**p**

**p** 本店提供免费wifi,密码是:老板娘的生日,您猜猜是多少?**p**

**p** 本店欢迎您再来,下次来的时候记得带点零食给老板娘,她很爱吃!**p**

**p** 本店老板娘爱吃醋,所以,请您不要跟别的店比价格。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的厨艺非常棒,如果您想尝尝她的手艺,请提前预约。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘最讨厌的就是别人说她胖,所以,请您不要在她面前提“胖”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘喜欢听赞美的话,所以,请您多夸夸她,她会很高兴的。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的脾气不太好,所以,请您不要惹她生气。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“亲爱的,你真是太棒了!”所以,请您不要跟她斗嘴。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是购物,所以,请您不要在她面前提“钱”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是环游世界,所以,请您不要在她面前提“旅行”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是吃货,所以,请您不要在她面前提“减肥”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“生命在于运动,运动在于吃!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“健康”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的理想是开一家五星级酒店,所以,请您不要在她面前提“民宿”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为网红,所以,请您不要在她面前提“直播”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“我的天啊!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“惊讶”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是唱歌,所以,请您不要在她面前提“音痴”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“爱生活,爱自己!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“负能量”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕痒,所以,请您不要在她面前提“挠痒痒”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是成为一名艺术家,所以,请您不要在她面前提“画画”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为一名作家,所以,请您不要在她面前提“写作”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“哈哈哈!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“笑话”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是跳舞,所以,请您不要在她面前提“跳舞”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“开心就好!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“烦恼”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕黑,所以,请您不要在她面前提“黑暗”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是成为一名演员,所以,请您不要在她面前提“表演”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为一名歌手,所以,请您不要在她面前提“唱歌”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“太棒了!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“糟糕”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是旅游,所以,请您不要在她面前提“旅行”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“努力生活,快乐人生!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“悲伤”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕冷,所以,请您不要在她面前提“寒冷”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是成为一名设计师,所以,请您不要在她面前提“设计”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为一名厨师,所以,请您不要在她面前提“烹饪”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“加油!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“放弃”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是阅读,所以,请您不要在她面前提“读书”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“生命不息,奋斗不止!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“停滞”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕痛,所以,请您不要在她面前提“疼痛”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是成为一名老师,所以,请您不要在她面前提“教育”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为一名医生,所以,请您不要在她面前提“医疗”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“没问题!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“困难”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是运动,所以,请您不要在她面前提“运动”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“活出精彩,活出自己!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“平庸”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕孤独,所以,请您不要在她面前提“孤独”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是成为一名摄影师,所以,请您不要在她面前提“摄影”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为一名音乐家,所以,请您不要在她面前提“音乐”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“真棒!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“糟糕”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是绘画,所以,请您不要在她面前提“绘画”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“爱生活,爱自己!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“负能量”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕痒,所以,请您不要在她面前提“挠痒痒”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是成为一名设计师,所以,请您不要在她面前提“设计”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为一名厨师,所以,请您不要在她面前提“烹饪”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“加油!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“放弃”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是阅读,所以,请您不要在她面前提“读书”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“生命不息,奋斗不止!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“停滞”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕痛,所以,请您不要在她面前提“疼痛”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是成为一名老师,所以,请您不要在她面前提“教育”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为一名医生,所以,请您不要在她面前提“医疗”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“没问题!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“困难”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是运动,所以,请您不要在她面前提“运动”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“活出精彩,活出自己!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“平庸”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕孤独,所以,请您不要在她面前提“孤独”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的梦想是成为一名摄影师,所以,请您不要在她面前提“摄影”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的愿望是成为一名音乐家,所以,请您不要在她面前提“音乐”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的口头禅是:“真棒!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“糟糕”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的爱好是绘画,所以,请您不要在她面前提“绘画”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的座右铭是:“爱生活,爱自己!”所以,请您不要在她面前提“负能量”字。**p**

**p** 本店老板娘的弱点是怕痒,所以,请您不要在她面前提“挠痒痒”字。**p**

## 英文翻译

**p** Welcome to our shop, our main selling point is"good quality and low price", but the proprietress of our shop insists that I don't use the word"low", she thinks it will make our shop look cheap, so our main selling point is"good quality and excellent price", haha. **p**

**p** The service tenet of our shop is: Customers are God, you say what you want, but please note, God also needs to be reasonable. **p**

**p** Our shop has a wide variety of products, everything you need, but if you don't find what you want, please bring your own! **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop is beautiful as a flower, stunning, but she is a married woman, so... you know. **p**

**p** Our shop promises: Never deceive customers, if you find any, please report it immediately, otherwise, you will bear the consequences! **p**

**p** Our shop's business hours are: 9 am to 5 pm, closed for lunch, open in the afternoon, closed at night, the specific time is subject to the proprietress's mood. **p**

**p** Our shop provides free wifi, the password is: The proprietress's birthday, can you guess how old she is? **p**

**p** Our shop welcomes you to come again, remember to bring some snacks to the proprietress next time you come, she loves to eat! **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop is jealous, so please don't compare prices with other stores. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop is a great cook, if you want to try her cooking, please make an appointment in advance. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop hates it when people say she's fat, so please don't mention the word"fat" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop likes to hear compliments, so please compliment her more, she will be very happy. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop has a bad temper, so please don't make her angry. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"Darling, you are so awesome!" So, please don't argue with her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop loves shopping, so please don't mention the word"money" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's dream is to travel the world, so please don't mention the word"travel" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being a foodie, so please don't mention the word"diet" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Life is about movement, movement is about eating!" So, please don't mention the word"health" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's ideal is to open a five-star hotel, so please don't mention the word"bed and breakfast" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's wish is to become an internet celebrity, so please don't mention the word"live stream" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"Oh my god!" So, please don't mention the word"surprise" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's hobby is singing, so please don't mention the word"tone deaf" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Love life, love yourself!" So, please don't mention the word"negative energy" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being ticklish, so please don't mention the word"tickle" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's dream is to become an artist, so please don't mention the word"painting" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's wish is to become a writer, so please don't mention the word"writing" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"Hahaha!" So, please don't mention the word"joke" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's hobby is dancing, so please don't mention the word"dancing" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Happiness is all that matters!" So, please don't mention the word"worry" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being afraid of the dark, so please don't mention the word"darkness" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's dream is to become an actor, so please don't mention the word"acting" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's wish is to become a singer, so please don't mention the word"singing" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"That's awesome!" So, please don't mention the word"terrible" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's hobby is traveling, so please don't mention the word"travel" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Work hard, live happily!" So, please don't mention the word"sadness" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being afraid of the cold, so please don't mention the word"cold" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's dream is to become a designer, so please don't mention the word"design" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's wish is to become a chef, so please don't mention the word"cooking" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"No problem!" So, please don't mention the word"difficulty" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's hobby is exercising, so please don't mention the word"exercise" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Live a wonderful life, be yourself!" So, please don't mention the word"mediocrity" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being afraid of loneliness, so please don't mention the word"loneliness" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's dream is to become a photographer, so please don't mention the word"photography" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's wish is to become a musician, so please don't mention the word"music" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"Amazing!" So, please don't mention the word"terrible" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's hobby is painting, so please don't mention the word"painting" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Love life, love yourself!" So, please don't mention the word"negative energy" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being ticklish, so please don't mention the word"tickle" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's dream is to become a designer, so please don't mention the word"design" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's wish is to become a chef, so please don't mention the word"cooking" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"Go for it!" So, please don't mention the word"give up" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's hobby is reading, so please don't mention the word"reading" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Life goes on, strive for progress!" So, please don't mention the word"stagnation" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being afraid of pain, so please don't mention the word"pain" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's dream is to become a teacher, so please don't mention the word"education" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's wish is to become a doctor, so please don't mention the word"medical" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"No problem!" So, please don't mention the word"difficulty" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's hobby is exercising, so please don't mention the word"exercise" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Live a wonderful life, be yourself!" So, please don't mention the word"mediocrity" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being afraid of loneliness, so please don't mention the word"loneliness" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's dream is to become a photographer, so please don't mention the word"photography" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's wish is to become a musician, so please don't mention the word"music" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's catchphrase is:"Amazing!" So, please don't mention the word"terrible" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's hobby is painting, so please don't mention the word"painting" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's motto is:"Love life, love yourself!" So, please don't mention the word"negative energy" in front of her. **p**

**p** The proprietress of our shop's weakness is being ticklish, so please don't mention the word"tickle" in front of her. **p**

以上就是关于掌柜幽默句子79句(掌柜幽默句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
