
## 惜人才重人才的句子 (65句)

**1. 人才乃国之根本,善用人才,方能兴国强国。**

Talent is the foundation of a nation. Only by making good use of talent can we prosper and strengthen our nation.

**2. 识才如宝,用才如器,惜才如命。**

Recognize talent as treasure, use talent as tools, cherish talent as life.

**3. 人才难得,珍惜人才,才能成就伟业。**

Talent is rare, cherishing talent is the key to achieving great things.

**4. 人才如水,善用之则生机盎然,弃之则一潭死水。**

Talent is like water, if used well, it brings life, if abandoned, it becomes stagnant.

**5. 人才就像金子,需要发掘,更需要培养。**

Talent is like gold, it needs to be unearthed, and even more, nurtured.

**6. 人才如同珍珠,需要精心打磨,才能散发出耀眼的光芒。**

Talent is like a pearl, it needs to be carefully polished to shine brightly.

**7. 惜才如惜金,重才如重宝。**

Cherish talent as you would gold, value talent as you would a treasure.

**8. 得人才者得天下,失人才者失天下。**

He who gains talent gains the world, he who loses talent loses the world.

**9. 只有善待人才,才能留住人才,发挥人才的价值。**

Only by treating talent well can we retain talent and unleash its potential.

**10. 尊重人才,爱护人才,是企业发展的根本保证。**

Respecting and caring for talent is the fundamental guarantee for the development of an enterprise.

**11. 人才资源是第一资源,人才强则国强。**

Human resources are the primary resource, a strong talent pool leads to a strong nation.

**12. 以人为本,人才兴则事业兴。**

People-centered, the prosperity of talent leads to the prosperity of the enterprise.

**13. 唯才是举,不拘一格降人才。**

Employ only those with talent, regardless of background or status.

**14. 用人不疑,疑人不用。**

Trust those you use, don't use those you don't trust.

**15. 人尽其才,才尽其用,这是用人的最高境界。**

To allow each person to use their full potential is the highest level of talent utilization.

**16. 人才竞争,实质上是人才的培育和使用竞争。**

Talent competition is essentially a competition in the cultivation and utilization of talent.

**17. 识才,用才,留才,是企业成功的关键。**

Recognizing talent, using talent, and retaining talent are the keys to an enterprise's success.

**18. 人才的竞争,就是创新力的竞争。**

Competition for talent is a competition for innovation.

**19. 人才的价值在于运用,人才的魅力在于贡献。**

The value of talent lies in its application, the charm of talent lies in its contribution.

**20. 只有重视人才,才能赢得未来。**

Only by valuing talent can we win the future.

**21. 人才济济,国家兴旺。**

With abundant talent, the nation prospers.

**22. 千里马常有,伯乐不常有。**

Talented horses are common, but insightful mentors are rare.

**23. 识才难,用才更难,留才更难。**

Recognizing talent is hard, utilizing talent is harder, retaining talent is the hardest.

**24. 天下英雄,尽入吾彀中。**

All the heroes in the world will fall under my control.

**25. 得贤臣则兴,失贤臣则亡。**

With wise ministers, the nation prospers, without wise ministers, the nation perishes.

**26. 知人善任,用人唯贤。**

Know people, use them well, and only use the virtuous.

**27. 求贤若渴,爱才如命。**

Seek talent with a thirst, cherish talent as you would life.

**28. 用人如器,贵在适宜。**

Use people like tools, the key is suitability.

**29. 人才如宝,不可埋没。**

Talent is like treasure, it should not be buried.

**30. 人才是企业的第一生产力。**

Talent is the primary productive force of an enterprise.

**31. 人才决定发展,创新驱动未来。**

Talent determines development, innovation drives the future.

**32. 英雄不问出处,人才不问出身。**

Heroes are not judged by their origin, talent is not judged by their background.

**33. 人才如金,要用火炼。**

Talent is like gold, it needs to be refined by fire.

**34. 人才如水,要用渠引。**

Talent is like water, it needs to be channeled.

**35. 人才如树,要用阳光雨露滋养。**

Talent is like a tree, it needs to be nurtured by sunlight and rain.

**36. 人尽其才,物尽其用,是社会发展进步的根本动力。**

Each person using their full potential, each thing used to its full potential, is the fundamental driving force for social development and progress.

**37. 人才是一个国家最大的财富。**

Talent is the greatest wealth of a nation.

**38. 人才是一个民族的希望。**

Talent is the hope of a nation.

**39. 人才是一个企业成功的关键。**

Talent is the key to an enterprise's success.

**40. 人才是一个家庭兴旺发达的根本。**

Talent is the foundation for a prosperous family.

**41. 人才是一个人的立身之本。**

Talent is the foundation for a person's standing in society.

**42. 识才,重才,用才,是领导者的基本素质。**

Recognizing talent, valuing talent, and utilizing talent are the essential qualities of a leader.

**43. 培养人才,造就人才,是时代赋予我们的责任。**

Cultivating talent and building talent is a responsibility bestowed upon us by our times.

**44. 人才的竞争,是国家竞争的根本。**

Competition for talent is the foundation of national competition.

**45. 人才的培养,是国家发展的重要战略。**

Cultivating talent is an important strategy for national development.

**46. 人才的引进,是国家进步的强大动力。**

Introducing talent is a powerful driving force for national progress.

**47. 人才的流失,是国家发展的重大损失。**

The loss of talent is a major loss for national development.

**48. 人才的价值,在于贡献。**

The value of talent lies in its contribution.

**49. 人才的回报,是社会进步。**

The reward for talent is social progress.

**50. 人才的竞争,是未来发展的关键。**

Competition for talent is the key to future development.

**51. 人才的创新,是社会进步的动力。**

Talent's innovation is the driving force of social progress.

**52. 人才的培养,是民族复兴的希望。**

Cultivating talent is the hope of national rejuvenation.

**53. 人才的引进,是国家发展的战略。**

Introducing talent is a national development strategy.

**54. 人才的流失,是国家发展的隐患。**

The loss of talent is a hidden danger for national development.

**55. 人才的价值,是社会发展的根本。**

The value of talent is the foundation of social development.

**56. 人才的回报,是社会繁荣。**

The reward for talent is social prosperity.

**57. 人才的竞争,是全球化的趋势。**

Competition for talent is a trend of globalization.

**58. 人才的创新,是社会进步的源泉。**

Talent's innovation is the source of social progress.

**59. 人才的培养,是国家强盛的根本。**

Cultivating talent is the foundation of national strength.

**60. 人才的引进,是国家发展的动力。**

Introducing talent is the driving force for national development.

**61. 人才的流失,是国家发展的危机。**

The loss of talent is a crisis for national development.

**62. 人才的价值,是社会进步的保障。**

The value of talent is the guarantee of social progress.

**63. 人才的回报,是社会和谐。**

The reward for talent is social harmony.

**64. 人才的竞争,是全球化的趋势。**

Competition for talent is a trend of globalization.

**65. 人才的创新,是社会进步的引擎。**

Talent's innovation is the engine of social progress.

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