
## 怒火街头 56句 英文翻译

1. 你以为你是谁?你以为你高高在上吗?

Who do you think you are? Do you think you're above everyone else?

2. 你以为你很有钱?你以为你有权势吗?

You think you're rich? You think you have power?

3. 你们这些有钱有势的人,你们根本不懂我们的痛苦!

You rich and powerful people, you have no idea what we're going through!

4. 我告诉你,我们不会再沉默了!

I'm telling you, we won't be silent anymore!

5. 我们要站起来,我们要反抗!

We're going to stand up, we're going to fight back!

6. 你以为你能永远压迫我们吗?

Do you think you can oppress us forever?

7. 我们不会屈服,我们不会退缩!

We won't yield, we won't back down!

8. 为了正义,为了公平,我们必将斗争到底!

For justice, for fairness, we will fight to the end!

9. 你们这些腐败的官员,你们等着瞧!

You corrupt officials, you just wait!

10. 你们的罪行不会被掩盖!

Your crimes will not be hidden!

11. 我们会揭穿你们的真面目!

We will expose your true colors!

12. 我们不会再让你们逍遥法外了!

We won't let you get away with it anymore!

13. 你们必须为你们的罪行付出代价!

You must pay for your crimes!

14. 我们会让你们付出惨痛的代价!

We will make you pay dearly!

15. 我们不会害怕你们,我们不会屈服于你们!

We are not afraid of you, we will not bow down to you!

16. 我们不会让你们破坏我们的家园!

We will not let you destroy our homes!

17. 我们不会让你们践踏我们的尊严!

We will not let you trample on our dignity!

18. 我们是正义的化身,我们是真理的守护者!

We are the embodiment of justice, we are the guardians of truth!

19. 我们会用我们的生命来捍卫正义!

We will defend justice with our lives!

20. 我们不会让你们得逞,我们一定会打败你们!

We won't let you win, we will defeat you!

21. 我们会让你们见识一下我们的怒火!

We will show you our wrath!

22. 你们这些罪犯,你们要付出代价!

You criminals, you will pay!

23. 你们的罪行不会被原谅!

Your crimes will not be forgiven!

24. 我们不会放弃,我们会坚持到底!

We will not give up, we will persevere!

25. 我们会战胜一切困难,我们会取得胜利!

We will overcome all obstacles, we will prevail!

26. 我们不会让你们逍遥法外,我们会让你们绳之以法!

We will not let you get away with it, we will bring you to justice!

27. 我们不会再沉默了,我们会让世界听到我们的声音!

We will not be silent anymore, we will make the world hear our voices!

28. 我们会让你们知道,我们不是好欺负的!

We will let you know that we are not pushovers!

29. 我们会让你们尝尝我们的厉害!

We will let you taste our power!

30. 我们会让你们见识一下什么是真正的怒火!

We will show you what true wrath is!

31. 我们会用我们的行动来证明我们的决心!

We will prove our determination with our actions!

32. 我们会用我们的鲜血来染红你们的罪恶!

We will stain your evil with our blood!

33. 我们会用我们的生命来换取正义!

We will trade our lives for justice!

34. 我们会用我们的力量来推翻你们的统治!

We will use our power to overthrow your rule!

35. 我们会让你们知道,我们才是真正的主人!

We will let you know that we are the true masters!

36. 我们不会再忍受你们的欺压!

We will not tolerate your oppression anymore!

37. 我们会奋起反抗,我们会夺回我们的权利!

We will rise up and fight back, we will reclaim our rights!

38. 我们会让你们明白,我们不是你们可以随意践踏的!

We will make you understand that we are not to be trampled on!

39. 我们会让你们知道,我们才是这个世界的主人!

We will let you know that we are the masters of this world!

40. 我们会让你们付出血的代价!

We will make you pay in blood!

41. 我们会让你们见识一下真正的愤怒!

We will show you true anger!

42. 我们会让你们知道,我们永远不会屈服!

We will let you know that we will never surrender!

43. 我们不会再沉默,我们会用我们的行动来表达我们的怒火!

We will not be silent anymore, we will express our wrath with our actions!

44. 我们会让你们尝尝我们力量的滋味!

We will let you taste the flavor of our power!

45. 我们会让你们知道,我们才是真正的力量!

We will let you know that we are the true power!

46. 我们会用我们的生命来捍卫我们的尊严!

We will defend our dignity with our lives!

47. 我们会让你们见识一下什么是真正的反抗!

We will show you what true resistance is!

48. 我们会让你们知道,我们不是你们可以随意摆布的!

We will let you know that we are not to be manipulated by you!

49. 我们会让你们明白,我们才是这个世界的未来!

We will make you understand that we are the future of this world!

50. 我们会让你们知道,我们永远不会放弃!

We will let you know that we will never give up!

51. 我们会让你们见识一下什么是真正的斗争!

We will show you what true struggle is!

52. 我们会让你们付出代价,我们会让你们尝尝失败的滋味!

We will make you pay, we will let you taste the flavor of defeat!

53. 我们会让你们知道,我们才是真正的胜利者!

We will let you know that we are the true victors!

54. 我们会让你们明白,我们永远不会被你们打败!

We will make you understand that we will never be defeated by you!

55. 我们不会让你们得逞,我们会让你们付出代价!

We will not let you win, we will make you pay!

56. 我们会让你们知道,我们才是真正的力量,我们才是这个世界的主人!

We will let you know that we are the true power, we are the masters of this world!

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