
## 忙着讨好别人句子,53句:


1. 总是小心翼翼地揣测别人的心思,生怕说错话惹人厌。
2. 总是刻意迎合别人的喜好,即使自己不喜欢也强颜欢笑。
3. 总是把自己的想法放在一边,只顾着满足别人的要求。
4. 为了得到别人的认可,不惜放弃自己的原则。
5. 宁愿委屈自己,也要让别人开心。
6. 总是担心别人不喜欢自己,所以拼命讨好别人。
7. 为了获得关注,不惜用各种方式吸引别人的眼球。
8. 总是把别人的感受看得比自己重要。
9. 不断地追求别人的赞赏,却忽略了自己的价值。
10. 总是害怕被孤立,所以努力融入各种圈子。
11. 为了得到别人的肯定,总是夸大自己的能力。
12. 总是把自己的缺点隐藏起来,只展示自己最好的一面。
13. 为了迎合别人,不惜说一些违心的话。
14. 总是刻意模仿别人,希望得到别人的认同。
15. 为了融入集体,不惜放弃自己的个性。
16. 总是用尽方法讨好别人,却忘了真实的自己。
17. 害怕拒绝别人,所以总是答应别人的要求。
18. 为了避免冲突,总是选择妥协。
19. 总是小心翼翼地维护着人际关系,生怕犯错。
20. 总是担心别人会离开自己,所以不断地讨好别人。
21. 为了获得安全感,总是依赖别人。
22. 总是希望得到别人的同情,所以装出一副可怜的样子。
23. 为了得到别人的帮助,总是表现得无能为力。
24. 总是把自己的快乐建立在别人的认可之上。
25. 为了得到别人的认可,总是贬低自己。
26. 总是把自己的幸福寄托在别人身上。
27. 总是把别人的意见看得比自己的重要。
28. 总是担心别人会嘲笑自己,所以不敢表达自己的观点。
29. 总是习惯性地迎合别人的情绪,忽视自己的感受。
30. 总是把别人的评价看得太重,忽略了自己的内心。
31. 总是为了讨好别人而改变自己,却忘了自己的初心。
32. 总是害怕失去别人的爱,所以拼命讨好别人。
33. 总是习惯性地迎合别人,失去自己的独立思考能力。
34. 总是把自己的快乐建立在别人的赞扬之上。
35. 总是为了得到别人的肯定,而放弃自己的梦想。
36. 总是习惯性地讨好别人,失去自己的个性和魅力。
37. 总是为了维护表面和谐,而牺牲自己的利益。
38. 总是害怕被别人拒绝,所以不敢表达自己的想法。
39. 总是习惯性地讨好别人,失去自己的尊严。
40. 总是为了迎合别人,而忽视了自己的感受和需求。
41. 总是担心别人会不喜欢自己,所以总是小心翼翼地说话做事。
42. 总是为了得到别人的认可,而忽略了自己的价值和能力。
43. 总是把自己的幸福寄托在别人的认可之上,而忽略了自己的感受。
44. 总是害怕失去别人的陪伴,所以总是拼命讨好别人。
45. 总是为了避免冲突,而选择迎合别人。
46. 总是为了得到别人的同情,而装出一副可怜的样子。
47. 总是为了得到别人的帮助,而表现得无能为力。
48. 总是为了得到别人的赞赏,而不断地贬低自己。
49. 总是为了维护表面和谐,而牺牲自己的原则。
50. 总是害怕被别人指责,所以总是小心翼翼地说话做事。
51. 总是为了得到别人的肯定,而放弃了自己的梦想和目标。
52. 总是为了迎合别人,而失去自己的个性和魅力。
53. 总是为了得到别人的认可,而忽略了自己的价值和尊严。


1. I always carefully guess what others think, afraid of saying the wrong thing and being disliked.
2. I always deliberately cater to others' preferences, even if I don't like them, I force a smile.
3. I always put my own ideas aside and only care about meeting others' needs.
4. In order to gain others' recognition, I am willing to give up my principles.
5. I would rather suffer myself than make others happy.
6. I always worry that others won't like me, so I desperately try to please them.
7. In order to get attention, I am willing to use various methods to attract others' attention.
8. I always put others' feelings before my own.
9. I constantly pursue others' praise, ignoring my own value.
10. I am always afraid of being isolated, so I strive to fit in with all kinds of circles.
11. To get others' affirmation, I always exaggerate my abilities.
12. I always hide my flaws and only show my best side.
13. To cater to others, I am willing to say some insincere words.
14. I always deliberately imitate others, hoping to gain their recognition.
15. To integrate into the collective, I am willing to give up my individuality.
16. I always go to great lengths to please others, but forget my true self.
17. I am afraid of rejecting others, so I always agree to their requests.
18. To avoid conflicts, I always choose to compromise.
19. I always carefully maintain interpersonal relationships, afraid of making mistakes.
20. I always worry that people will leave me, so I constantly try to please them.
21. To gain a sense of security, I always rely on others.
22. I always hope to get others' sympathy, so I pretend to be pitiful.
23. To get others' help, I always act helpless.
24. I always base my happiness on others' recognition.
25. To gain others' recognition, I always belittle myself.
26. I always put my happiness in the hands of others.
27. I always take others' opinions more seriously than my own.
28. I always worry that others will laugh at me, so I dare not express my views.
29. I always habitually cater to others' emotions, ignoring my own feelings.
30. I always take others' evaluations too seriously, ignoring my own heart.
31. I always change myself to please others, but forget my original intention.
32. I am always afraid of losing others' love, so I desperately try to please them.
33. I always habitually cater to others, losing my own ability to think independently.
34. I always base my happiness on others' praise.
35. I always give up my dreams to get others' affirmation.
36. I always habitually please others, losing my own personality and charm.
37. I always sacrifice my own interests to maintain superficial harmony.
38. I am always afraid of being rejected by others, so I dare not express my thoughts.
39. I always habitually please others, losing my own dignity.
40. I always cater to others, ignoring my own feelings and needs.
41. I always worry that others won't like me, so I always speak and act cautiously.
42. I always strive for others' recognition, ignoring my own value and abilities.
43. I always put my happiness in the hands of others' recognition, ignoring my own feelings.
44. I am always afraid of losing others' company, so I always desperately try to please them.
45. I always choose to cater to others to avoid conflicts.
46. I always pretend to be pitiful to get others' sympathy.
47. I always act helpless to get others' help.
48. I always constantly belittle myself to get others' praise.
49. I always sacrifice my principles to maintain superficial harmony.
50. I always speak and act cautiously, afraid of being blamed by others.
51. I always give up my dreams and goals to get others' affirmation.
52. I always lose my individuality and charm to cater to others.
53. I always ignore my own value and dignity to gain others' recognition.

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I always carefully guess what others think, afraid of saying the wrong thing and being disliked.

I always deliberately cater to others' preferences, even if I don't like them, I force a smile.

I always put my own ideas aside and only care about meeting others' needs.

In order to gain others' recognition, I am willing to give up my principles.

I would rather suffer myself than make others happy.

I always worry that others won't like me, so I desperately try to please them.

In order to get attention, I am willing to use various methods to attract others' attention.

I always put others' feelings before my own.

I constantly pursue others' praise, ignoring my own value.

I am always afraid of being isolated, so I strive to fit in with all kinds of circles.

To get others' affirmation, I always exaggerate my abilities.

I always hide my flaws and only show my best side.

To cater to others, I am willing to say some insincere words.

I always deliberately imitate others, hoping to gain their recognition.

To integrate into the collective, I am willing to give up my individuality.

I always go to great lengths to please others, but forget my true self.

I am afraid of rejecting others, so I always agree to their requests.

To avoid conflicts, I always choose to compromise.

I always carefully maintain interpersonal relationships, afraid of making mistakes.

I always worry that people will leave me, so I constantly try to please them.

To gain a sense of security, I always rely on others.

I always hope to get others' sympathy, so I pretend to be pitiful.

To get others' help, I always act helpless.

I always base my happiness on others' recognition.

To gain others' recognition, I always belittle myself.

I always put my happiness in the hands of others.

I always take others' opinions more seriously than my own.

I always worry that others will laugh at me, so I dare not express my views.

I always habitually cater to others' emotions, ignoring my own feelings.

I always take others' evaluations too seriously, ignoring my own heart.

I always change myself to please others, but forget my original intention.

I am always afraid of losing others' love, so I desperately try to please them.

I always habitually cater to others, losing my own ability to think independently.

I always base my happiness on others' praise.

I always give up my dreams to get others' affirmation.

I always habitually please others, losing my own personality and charm.

I always sacrifice my own interests to maintain superficial harmony.

I am always afraid of being rejected by others, so I dare not express my thoughts.

I always habitually please others, losing my own dignity.

I always cater to others, ignoring my own feelings and needs.

I always worry that others won't like me, so I always speak and act cautiously.

I always strive for others' recognition, ignoring my own value and abilities.

I always put my happiness in the hands of others' recognition, ignoring my own feelings.

I am always afraid of losing others' company, so I always desperately try to please them.

I always choose to cater to others to avoid conflicts.

I always pretend to be pitiful to get others' sympathy.

I always act helpless to get others' help.

I always constantly belittle myself to get others' praise.

I always sacrifice my principles to maintain superficial harmony.

I always speak and act cautiously, afraid of being blamed by others.

I always give up my dreams and goals to get others' affirmation.

I always lose my individuality and charm to cater to others.

I always ignore my own value and dignity to gain others' recognition.


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