
## 73 句 忙忙绿绿的句子,并翻译成英文

**1. 繁华落尽,皆是过眼云烟。**

All the prosperity fades away, just like fleeting clouds.

**2. 岁月静好,现世安稳。**

Time is peaceful, and the world is stable.

**3. 愿你所求皆如愿,所行皆坦途。**

May all your wishes come true, and may your journey be smooth.

**4. 愿你眼中有星辰,心中有远方。**

May your eyes see stars, and your heart have a distant dream.

**5. 愿你被这世界温柔以待。**

May the world treat you kindly.

**6. 人生苦短,及时行乐。**

Life is short, enjoy it while you can.

**7. 千帆过尽,终归平静。**

After countless voyages, there is finally peace.

**8. 山河远阔,人间烟火。**

Vast mountains and rivers, the smoke and fire of the world.

**9. 世间万物,皆有定数。**

Everything in the world has its destiny.

**10. 一切都会好起来的。**

Everything will be alright.

**11. 愿你拥有诗和远方。**

May you have poetry and distant dreams.

**12. 世界很大,总有你的位置。**

The world is big, there is always a place for you.

**13. 星星会说话,只是你听不见。**

Stars can speak, but you just can't hear them.

**14. 人生是一场修行,终点是自我。**

Life is a journey of self-cultivation, and the destination is oneself.

**15. 愿你活出自己的精彩。**

May you live your life to the fullest.

**16. 时间会治愈一切。**

Time heals all wounds.

**17. 珍惜当下,活在当下。**

Cherish the present moment, live in the present.

**18. 勇敢追梦,不负韶华。**

Chase your dreams bravely, do not waste your youth.

**19. 努力过后,总会收获。**

After hard work, there will always be rewards.

**20. 不负遇见,不负自己。**

Do not disappoint the people you meet, do not disappoint yourself.

**21. 愿你一切安好。**

May all be well with you.

**22. 人生如梦,转瞬即逝。**

Life is like a dream, fleeting.

**23. 愿你所爱皆可得,所求皆如愿。**

May you get what you love, and achieve all you desire.

**24. 愿你拥有温暖的光芒。**

May you have a warm glow.

**25. 无论发生什么,都要保持初心。**

No matter what happens, keep your original intention.

**26. 愿你一生平安喜乐。**

May you have a life full of peace and joy.

**27. 未来可期,不负韶华。**

The future is promising, do not waste your youth.

**28. 愿你被爱包围,被幸福拥抱。**

May you be surrounded by love and embraced by happiness.

**29. 愿你心中有爱,眼中有光。**

May you have love in your heart and light in your eyes.

**30. 愿你永远充满希望。**

May you always be filled with hope.

**31. 世间万物,皆为过客。**

Everything in the world is a passerby.

**32. 愿你拥有自由的灵魂。**

May you have a free soul.

**33. 人生不过是一场旅行。**

Life is just a journey.

**34. 愿你永远保持一颗童心。**

May you always keep a child's heart.

**35. 愿你所向披靡,所遇皆良。**

May you be invincible and meet only good people.

**36. 愿你拥有坚韧的意志。**

May you have a strong will.

**37. 愿你永远充满活力。**

May you always be full of energy.

**38. 愿你所爱之人,皆平安喜乐。**

May all those you love be safe and happy.

**39. 愿你的人生充满阳光。**

May your life be filled with sunshine.

**40. 愿你拥有无忧无虑的生活。**

May you have a carefree life.

**41. 愿你拥有勇敢的灵魂。**

May you have a brave soul.

**42. 愿你的人生充满奇迹。**

May your life be full of miracles.

**43. 愿你拥有无悔的人生。**

May you have a life without regrets.

**44. 愿你拥有美好的未来。**

May you have a bright future.

**45. 愿你永远年轻,永远快乐。**

May you forever be young and happy.

**46. 愿你拥有幸福的家庭。**

May you have a happy family.

**47. 愿你拥有健康的身体。**

May you have a healthy body.

**48. 愿你拥有美好的爱情。**

May you have a beautiful love.

**49. 愿你拥有精彩的人生。**

May you have a wonderful life.

**50. 愿你永远保持善良。**

May you always be kind.

**51. 愿你拥有美好的回忆。**

May you have beautiful memories.

**52. 愿你拥有无限的可能。**

May you have infinite possibilities.

**53. 愿你拥有美好的梦想。**

May you have beautiful dreams.

**54. 愿你拥有幸福的未来。**

May you have a happy future.

**55. 愿你拥有灿烂的人生。**

May you have a brilliant life.

**56. 愿你拥有平静的心。**

May you have a peaceful mind.

**57. 愿你拥有美好的生活。**

May you have a good life.

**58. 愿你拥有美好的爱情。**

May you have a beautiful love.

**59. 愿你拥有幸福的家庭。**

May you have a happy family.

**60. 愿你拥有健康的身体。**

May you have a healthy body.

**61. 愿你拥有美好的未来。**

May you have a bright future.

**62. 愿你拥有精彩的人生。**

May you have a wonderful life.

**63. 愿你拥有美好的回忆。**

May you have beautiful memories.

**64. 愿你拥有无限的可能。**

May you have infinite possibilities.

**65. 愿你拥有美好的梦想。**

May you have beautiful dreams.

**66. 愿你拥有幸福的未来。**

May you have a happy future.

**67. 愿你拥有灿烂的人生。**

May you have a brilliant life.

**68. 愿你拥有平静的心。**

May you have a peaceful mind.

**69. 愿你拥有美好的生活。**

May you have a good life.

**70. 愿你拥有美好的爱情。**

May you have a beautiful love.

**71. 愿你拥有幸福的家庭。**

May you have a happy family.

**72. 愿你拥有健康的身体。**

May you have a healthy body.

**73. 愿你拥有美好的未来。**

May you have a bright future.

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