
## 趾高气扬的句子 (70句)

**1. 他昂首阔步,仿佛全世界都欠他一个道歉。**

He strode along, as if the whole world owed him an apology.

**2. 她总是用一种居高临下的眼神看人,让人很不舒服。**

She always looked down on people with a condescending gaze, making people feel uneasy.

**3. 他趾高气扬地走进会议室,仿佛自己是这里唯一的主角。**

He swaggered into the conference room, as if he was the only main character here.

**4. 她的语气里充满了傲慢,让人忍不住想要反驳。**

Her tone was full of arrogance, making people want to refute her.

**5. 他总是喜欢夸耀自己的成就,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to brag about his achievements, making people think he is very arrogant.

**6. 她总是摆出一副高高在上的姿态,让人感到厌烦。**

She always puts on a superior attitude, making people feel annoyed.

**7. 他趾高气扬地嘲笑别人的错误,显得十分没有教养。**

He arrogantly mocked other people's mistakes, showing a lack of manners.

**8. 她总是喜欢挑剔别人的缺点,让人觉得她很刻薄。**

She always likes to pick on other people's flaws, making people think she is very mean.

**9. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气说话,让人感到很不舒服。**

He always likes to speak in a commanding tone, making people feel uncomfortable.

**10. 她总是喜欢把自己的意见强加于人,让人觉得她很霸道。**

She always likes to impose her opinions on others, making people feel she is very domineering.

**11. 他总是喜欢炫耀自己的财富,让人觉得他很俗气。**

He always likes to show off his wealth, making people think he is very vulgar.

**12. 她总是喜欢用讽刺的语气说话,让人觉得她很尖刻。**

She always likes to speak sarcastically, making people think she is very sharp-tongued.

**13. 他总是喜欢用轻蔑的眼神看人,让人觉得他很轻浮。**

He always likes to look at people with disdain, making people think he is very frivolous.

**14. 她总是喜欢把自己的优点夸大其词,让人觉得她很虚荣。**

She always likes to exaggerate her advantages, making people think she is very vain.

**15. 他总是喜欢贬低别人,让人觉得他很势利。**

He always likes to belittle others, making people think he is very snobbish.

**16. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气说话,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to speak in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**17. 他总是喜欢把别人当作自己的下属,让人觉得他很专横。**

He always likes to treat others as his subordinates, making people think he is very domineering.

**18. 她总是喜欢用冷冰冰的眼神看人,让人觉得她很冷漠。**

She always likes to look at people with cold eyes, making people think she is very indifferent.

**19. 他总是喜欢用高压的语气说话,让人感到很压抑。**

He always likes to speak in a high-pressure tone, making people feel very depressed.

**20. 她总是喜欢用鄙夷的语气说话,让人觉得她很势利。**

She always likes to speak with a disdainful tone, making people think she is very snobbish.

**21. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气指使别人,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to order others, making people think he is very domineering.

**22. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人,让人觉得她很刻薄。**

She always likes to use a contemptuous tone to evaluate others, making people think she is very mean.

**23. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待别人,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on others with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**24. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的经历,让人觉得她很虚荣。**

She always likes to talk about her experiences in a proud tone, making people think she is very vain.

**25. 他总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的作品,让人觉得他很势利。**

He always likes to evaluate other people's works with a contemptuous tone, making people think he is very snobbish.

**26. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的家庭背景,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her family background in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**27. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人服从,让人觉得他很专横。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others' obedience, making people think he is very domineering.

**28. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气对待服务员,让人觉得她很势利。**

She always likes to treat waiters with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very snobbish.

**29. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的下属,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his subordinates with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**30. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的爱好,让人觉得她很虚荣。**

She always likes to talk about her hobbies in a proud tone, making people think she is very vain.

**31. 他总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的穿着,让人觉得他很势利。**

He always likes to evaluate other people's clothes with a contemptuous tone, making people think he is very snobbish.

**32. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的旅行经历,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her travel experiences in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**33. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气指示别人做事,让人觉得他很专横。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to instruct others to do things, making people think he is very domineering.

**34. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的工作,让人觉得她很刻薄。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's work with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very mean.

**35. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的朋友,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his friends with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**36. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的知识,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her knowledge in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**37. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人听从自己的安排,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to obey his arrangements, making people think he is very domineering.

**38. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的外表,让人觉得她很势利。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's appearances with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very snobbish.

**39. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的家人,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his family members with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**40. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的才华,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her talents in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**41. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人满足自己的要求,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to meet his requirements, making people think he is very domineering.

**42. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的行为,让人觉得她很刻薄。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's behaviors with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very mean.

**43. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的同事,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his colleagues with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**44. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的经历,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her experiences in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**45. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人帮助自己,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to help him, making people think he is very domineering.

**46. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的观点,让人觉得她很势利。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's opinions with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very snobbish.

**47. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的学生,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his students with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**48. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的梦想,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her dreams in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**49. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人遵守自己的规则,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to follow his rules, making people think he is very domineering.

**50. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的品位,让人觉得她很刻薄。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's tastes with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very mean.

**51. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的下属,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his subordinates with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**52. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的成就,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her achievements in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**53. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人尊重自己,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to respect him, making people think he is very domineering.

**54. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的能力,让人觉得她很势利。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's abilities with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very snobbish.

**55. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的亲戚,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his relatives with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**56. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的地位,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her status in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**57. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人服从自己的指示,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to obey his instructions, making people think he is very domineering.

**58. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的性格,让人觉得她很刻薄。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's personalities with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very mean.

**59. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的邻居,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his neighbors with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**60. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的目标,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her goals in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**61. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人帮助自己完成任务,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to help him complete tasks, making people think he is very domineering.

**62. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的生活方式,让人觉得她很势利。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's lifestyles with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very snobbish.

**63. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的下属,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his subordinates with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**64. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的未来,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her future in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**65. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人听从自己的意见,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to follow his opinions, making people think he is very domineering.

**66. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的想法,让人觉得她很刻薄。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's thoughts with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very mean.

**67. 他总是喜欢用高高在上的姿态看待自己的朋友,让人觉得他很自负。**

He always likes to look down on his friends with a superior attitude, making people think he is very arrogant.

**68. 她总是喜欢用高傲的语气谈论自己的理想,让人觉得她很自命不凡。**

She always likes to talk about her ideals in a proud tone, making people think she is very conceited.

**69. 他总是喜欢用命令的语气要求别人服从自己的领导,让人觉得他很霸道。**

He always likes to use a commanding tone to demand others to obey his leadership, making people think he is very domineering.

**70. 她总是喜欢用轻蔑的语气评价别人的生活,让人觉得她很势利。**

She always likes to evaluate other people's lives with a contemptuous tone, making people think she is very snobbish.

以上就是关于趾高气扬的句子70句(趾高气扬的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
