
## 德配位的句子,58句

**1. 德配位,才能言配位。**

Only when one's virtue is in place can one's words be in place.

**2. 德不配位,必有灾殃。**

If one's virtue is not in place, disaster is sure to follow.

**3. 德高望重,人皆敬之。**

One who is virtuous and respected is admired by all.

**4. 德厚流光,泽被后世。**

Thick virtue shines brightly and benefits future generations.

**5. 德行高尚,才能经受住考验。**

Only with noble virtue can one withstand trials and tribulations.

**6. 德才兼备,方为栋梁之材。**

Only those who possess both virtue and talent can be pillars of society.

**7. 德胜于物,利立于义。**

Virtue triumphs over material things, and benefit is established through righteousness.

**8. 德行是做人的根本。**

Virtue is the foundation of being a good person.

**9. 德高者,其言必善。**

Those with high virtue will always speak well.

**10. 德行是社会进步的基石。**

Virtue is the cornerstone of social progress.

**11. 德行是人生的灯塔。**

Virtue is the lighthouse of life.

**12. 德行是家庭和睦的保证。**

Virtue is the guarantee of family harmony.

**13. 德行是国家兴旺的根本。**

Virtue is the foundation of a nation's prosperity.

**14. 德行是世界和平的基石。**

Virtue is the cornerstone of world peace.

**15. 德行是人类文明的瑰宝。**

Virtue is a treasure of human civilization.

**16. 德行是个人修养的最高境界。**

Virtue is the highest level of personal cultivation.

**17. 德行是心灵的慰藉。**

Virtue is the comfort of the soul.

**18. 德行是人生的指南。**

Virtue is the guide of life.

**19. 德行是生命的真谛。**

Virtue is the truth of life.

**20. 德行是成功的秘诀。**

Virtue is the secret to success.

**21. 德行是幸福的源泉。**

Virtue is the source of happiness.

**22. 德行是人生的宝藏。**

Virtue is the treasure of life.

**23. 德行是美德的集中体现。**

Virtue is the embodiment of all virtues.

**24. 德行是社会和谐的基石。**

Virtue is the cornerstone of social harmony.

**25. 德行是个人魅力的源泉。**

Virtue is the source of personal charm.

**26. 德行是人生的价值所在。**

Virtue is the value of life.

**27. 德行是社会进步的动力。**

Virtue is the driving force of social progress.

**28. 德行是个人成长进步的阶梯。**

Virtue is the ladder of personal growth and progress.

**29. 德行是人生的灯塔,指引着前进的方向。**

Virtue is the lighthouse of life, guiding the direction of progress.

**30. 德行是人生的指南针,指引着正确的道路。**

Virtue is the compass of life, guiding the right path.

**31. 德行是人生的财富,永远不会贬值。**

Virtue is the wealth of life, never depreciating in value.

**32. 德行是人生的基石,支撑着生命的重量。**

Virtue is the foundation of life, supporting the weight of life.

**33. 德行是人生的宝藏,值得我们一生去珍惜。**

Virtue is the treasure of life, worth cherishing for a lifetime.

**34. 德行是人生的灯塔,指引着我们走向光明。**

Virtue is the lighthouse of life, guiding us towards the light.

**35. 德行是人生的指南针,指引着我们走向成功。**

Virtue is the compass of life, guiding us towards success.

**36. 德行是人生的财富,为我们带来无限的幸福。**

Virtue is the wealth of life, bringing us infinite happiness.

**37. 德行是人生的基石,支撑着我们的人生旅程。**

Virtue is the foundation of life, supporting our journey through life.

**38. 德行是人生的宝藏,值得我们一生去守护。**

Virtue is the treasure of life, worth guarding for a lifetime.

**39. 德行是人生的灯塔,照亮着我们前进的道路。**

Virtue is the lighthouse of life, illuminating our path forward.

**40. 德行是人生的指南针,指引着我们走向幸福。**

Virtue is the compass of life, guiding us towards happiness.

**41. 德行是人生的财富,为我们带来无限的希望。**

Virtue is the wealth of life, bringing us infinite hope.

**42. 德行是人生的基石,支撑着我们的人生梦想。**

Virtue is the foundation of life, supporting our life dreams.

**43. 德行是人生的宝藏,值得我们一生去追求。**

Virtue is the treasure of life, worth pursuing for a lifetime.

**44. 德行是人生的灯塔,照亮着我们前行的方向。**

Virtue is the lighthouse of life, illuminating our direction forward.

**45. 德行是人生的指南针,指引着我们走向成功。**

Virtue is the compass of life, guiding us towards success.

**46. 德行是人生的财富,为我们带来无限的幸福。**

Virtue is the wealth of life, bringing us infinite happiness.

**47. 德行是人生的基石,支撑着我们的人生旅程。**

Virtue is the foundation of life, supporting our journey through life.

**48. 德行是人生的宝藏,值得我们一生去守护。**

Virtue is the treasure of life, worth guarding for a lifetime.

**49. 德行是人生的灯塔,照亮着我们前进的道路。**

Virtue is the lighthouse of life, illuminating our path forward.

**50. 德行是人生的指南针,指引着我们走向幸福。**

Virtue is the compass of life, guiding us towards happiness.

**51. 德行是人生的财富,为我们带来无限的希望。**

Virtue is the wealth of life, bringing us infinite hope.

**52. 德行是人生的基石,支撑着我们的人生梦想。**

Virtue is the foundation of life, supporting our life dreams.

**53. 德行是人生的宝藏,值得我们一生去追求。**

Virtue is the treasure of life, worth pursuing for a lifetime.

**54. 德行是人生的灯塔,照亮着我们前行的方向。**

Virtue is the lighthouse of life, illuminating our direction forward.

**55. 德行是人生的指南针,指引着我们走向成功。**

Virtue is the compass of life, guiding us towards success.

**56. 德行是人生的财富,为我们带来无限的幸福。**

Virtue is the wealth of life, bringing us infinite happiness.

**57. 德行是人生的基石,支撑着我们的人生旅程。**

Virtue is the foundation of life, supporting our journey through life.

**58. 德行是人生的宝藏,值得我们一生去守护。**

Virtue is the treasure of life, worth guarding for a lifetime.

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