
## 90句炒菜动作句子及英文翻译

**1. 将油倒入锅中,烧至七成热。**

Pour oil into the pan and heat it until it is 70% hot.

**2. 将姜蒜切片,放入锅中爆香。**

Slice ginger and garlic and sauté them in the hot oil.

**3. 将肉片放入锅中翻炒,至变色。**

Add the sliced meat to the pan and stir-fry until it changes color.

**4. 加入蔬菜,快速翻炒均匀。**

Add the vegetables and stir-fry quickly until they are evenly coated with the sauce.

**5. 将调味料倒入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the seasoning to the pan and stir-fry until the flavors are evenly distributed.

**6. 将锅盖盖上,焖煮片刻。**

Cover the pan and let it simmer for a while.

**7. 打开锅盖,翻炒均匀。**

Open the lid and stir-fry the dish until it is evenly cooked.

**8. 将炒好的菜盛出,即可享用。**

Serve the stir-fried dish immediately.

**9. 将锅洗净,准备下一道菜。**

Wash the pan and prepare for the next dish.

**10. 将菜刀洗净,放入刀架上。**

Wash the knife and place it on the knife holder.

**11. 将菜板洗净,擦干,放入橱柜里。**

Wash and dry the cutting board, then store it in the cabinet.

**12. 将食材洗净,切成合适的形状。**

Wash the ingredients and cut them into suitable shapes.

**13. 将调味料准备齐全,方便使用。**

Prepare all the seasonings in advance for easy access.

**14. 将锅放在灶台上,打开火。**

Place the pan on the stovetop and turn on the burner.

**15. 将油倒入锅中,加热至冒烟。**

Pour oil into the pan and heat it until it smokes.

**16. 将姜蒜拍扁,放入锅中爆香。**

Smash the ginger and garlic, then sauté them in the hot oil.

**17. 将肉片放入锅中,用铲子翻炒。**

Add the meat slices to the pan and stir-fry them with a spatula.

**18. 加入辣椒,翻炒出香味。**

Add chili peppers to the pan and stir-fry until fragrant.

**19. 加入料酒,翻炒均匀。**

Add cooking wine to the pan and stir-fry until it is evenly distributed.

**20. 加入酱油,翻炒上色。**

Add soy sauce to the pan and stir-fry until the dish is evenly colored.

**21. 加入糖,翻炒均匀。**

Add sugar to the pan and stir-fry until it is evenly distributed.

**22. 加入盐,翻炒入味。**

Add salt to the pan and stir-fry until the dish is seasoned.

**23. 加入鸡精,翻炒提鲜。**

Add chicken bouillon to the pan and stir-fry to enhance the flavor.

**24. 将锅盖盖上,焖煮几分钟。**

Cover the pan and simmer for a few minutes.

**25. 打开锅盖,翻炒均匀,即可出锅。**

Open the lid and stir-fry until the dish is evenly cooked, then serve.

**26. 将锅子放在水池里,用洗洁精清洗干净。**

Place the pan in the sink and wash it with dish soap.

**27. 将洗好的锅子放在灶台旁边,待用。**

Place the washed pan next to the stovetop for later use.

**28. 将菜刀放在菜板上,准备切菜。**

Place the knife on the cutting board and prepare to cut vegetables.

**29. 将食材洗净,沥干水分。**

Wash the ingredients and drain them thoroughly.

**30. 将食材切成丝,方便炒制。**

Cut the ingredients into thin strips for easy stir-frying.

**31. 将蒜瓣剥皮,切成片状。**

Peel the garlic cloves and slice them.

**32. 将辣椒切成段,备用。**

Cut the chili peppers into segments and set aside.

**33. 将香菇洗净,切片。**

Wash the mushrooms and slice them.

**34. 将青椒切成块,放入盘中。**

Cut the green peppers into chunks and place them in a plate.

**35. 将胡萝卜去皮,切成丝。**

Peel the carrots and cut them into strips.

**36. 将洋葱切成片,放入碗中。**

Slice the onions and put them in a bowl.

**37. 将土豆去皮,切成块状。**

Peel the potatoes and cut them into chunks.

**38. 将豆芽洗净,放入盘中。**

Wash the bean sprouts and place them in a plate.

**39. 将豆腐切成块,放入碗中。**

Cut the tofu into chunks and put them in a bowl.

**40. 将鸡蛋打入碗中,搅拌均匀。**

Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them together.

**41. 将锅放在火上,倒入油。**

Place the pan on the burner and pour in the oil.

**42. 将油烧热,放入姜蒜。**

Heat the oil and add the ginger and garlic.

**43. 将姜蒜爆香,放入肉片。**

Sauté the ginger and garlic until fragrant, then add the meat slices.

**44. 将肉片翻炒至变色,加入蔬菜。**

Stir-fry the meat until it changes color, then add the vegetables.

**45. 将蔬菜翻炒均匀,加入调味料。**

Stir-fry the vegetables until they are evenly coated, then add the seasonings.

**46. 将调味料翻炒均匀,加入鸡精。**

Stir-fry the seasonings until they are evenly distributed, then add chicken bouillon.

**47. 将锅盖盖上,焖煮片刻。**

Cover the pan and let it simmer for a while.

**48. 将锅盖打开,翻炒均匀,即可出锅。**

Open the lid and stir-fry until the dish is evenly cooked, then serve.

**49. 将锅子洗净,擦干,放在灶台旁边。**

Wash the pan, dry it, and place it next to the stovetop.

**50. 将菜刀洗净,擦干,放在刀架上。**

Wash the knife, dry it, and place it on the knife holder.

**51. 将菜板洗净,擦干,放在橱柜里。**

Wash the cutting board, dry it, and store it in the cabinet.

**52. 将锅放在灶台上,打开火,倒入油。**

Place the pan on the stovetop, turn on the burner, and pour in the oil.

**53. 将油烧热,放入姜蒜,爆香。**

Heat the oil and add the ginger and garlic, sautéing them until fragrant.

**54. 将肉片放入锅中,翻炒至变色。**

Add the meat slices to the pan and stir-fry until they change color.

**55. 将蔬菜放入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the vegetables to the pan and stir-fry until they are evenly coated.

**56. 将调味料放入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the seasonings to the pan and stir-fry until they are evenly distributed.

**57. 将锅盖盖上,焖煮几分钟。**

Cover the pan and simmer for a few minutes.

**58. 将锅盖打开,翻炒均匀,即可出锅。**

Open the lid and stir-fry until the dish is evenly cooked, then serve.

**59. 将锅子洗净,擦干,放入橱柜里。**

Wash the pan, dry it, and store it in the cabinet.

**60. 将菜刀洗净,擦干,放在刀架上。**

Wash the knife, dry it, and place it on the knife holder.

**61. 将菜板洗净,擦干,放在橱柜里。**

Wash the cutting board, dry it, and store it in the cabinet.

**62. 将锅放在灶台上,打开火,倒入油。**

Place the pan on the stovetop, turn on the burner, and pour in the oil.

**63. 将油烧热,放入姜蒜,爆香。**

Heat the oil and add the ginger and garlic, sautéing them until fragrant.

**64. 将肉片放入锅中,翻炒至变色。**

Add the meat slices to the pan and stir-fry until they change color.

**65. 将蔬菜放入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the vegetables to the pan and stir-fry until they are evenly coated.

**66. 将调味料放入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the seasonings to the pan and stir-fry until they are evenly distributed.

**67. 将锅盖盖上,焖煮几分钟。**

Cover the pan and simmer for a few minutes.

**68. 将锅盖打开,翻炒均匀,即可出锅。**

Open the lid and stir-fry until the dish is evenly cooked, then serve.

**69. 将锅子洗净,擦干,放入橱柜里。**

Wash the pan, dry it, and store it in the cabinet.

**70. 将菜刀洗净,擦干,放在刀架上。**

Wash the knife, dry it, and place it on the knife holder.

**71. 将菜板洗净,擦干,放在橱柜里。**

Wash the cutting board, dry it, and store it in the cabinet.

**72. 将锅放在灶台上,打开火,倒入油。**

Place the pan on the stovetop, turn on the burner, and pour in the oil.

**73. 将油烧热,放入姜蒜,爆香。**

Heat the oil and add the ginger and garlic, sautéing them until fragrant.

**74. 将肉片放入锅中,翻炒至变色。**

Add the meat slices to the pan and stir-fry until they change color.

**75. 将蔬菜放入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the vegetables to the pan and stir-fry until they are evenly coated.

**76. 将调味料放入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the seasonings to the pan and stir-fry until they are evenly distributed.

**77. 将锅盖盖上,焖煮几分钟。**

Cover the pan and simmer for a few minutes.

**78. 将锅盖打开,翻炒均匀,即可出锅。**

Open the lid and stir-fry until the dish is evenly cooked, then serve.

**79. 将锅子洗净,擦干,放入橱柜里。**

Wash the pan, dry it, and store it in the cabinet.

**80. 将菜刀洗净,擦干,放在刀架上。**

Wash the knife, dry it, and place it on the knife holder.

**81. 将菜板洗净,擦干,放在橱柜里。**

Wash the cutting board, dry it, and store it in the cabinet.

**82. 将锅放在灶台上,打开火,倒入油。**

Place the pan on the stovetop, turn on the burner, and pour in the oil.

**83. 将油烧热,放入姜蒜,爆香。**

Heat the oil and add the ginger and garlic, sautéing them until fragrant.

**84. 将肉片放入锅中,翻炒至变色。**

Add the meat slices to the pan and stir-fry until they change color.

**85. 将蔬菜放入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the vegetables to the pan and stir-fry until they are evenly coated.

**86. 将调味料放入锅中,翻炒均匀。**

Add the seasonings to the pan and stir-fry until they are evenly distributed.

**87. 将锅盖盖上,焖煮几分钟。**

Cover the pan and simmer for a few minutes.

**88. 将锅盖打开,翻炒均匀,即可出锅。**

Open the lid and stir-fry until the dish is evenly cooked, then serve.

**89. 将锅子洗净,擦干,放入橱柜里。**

Wash the pan, dry it, and store it in the cabinet.

**90. 将菜刀洗净,擦干,放在刀架上。**

Wash the knife, dry it, and place it on the knife holder.

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