
## 磨平棱角句子 (70句)


1. 磨平棱角,不是失去锋芒,而是更有效地发挥锋芒。
2. 人生是一场修行,磨平棱角,才能走得更远。
3. 锋芒毕露,容易招致伤害,磨平棱角,才能更好地保护自己。
4. 人生的道路上,总会有荆棘和坎坷,磨平棱角,才能更好地跨越。
5. 磨平棱角,不是妥协,而是智慧,是另一种强大的力量。
6. 在人生的舞台上,磨平棱角,才能更好地演绎角色。
7. 棱角,是生命的锐气,磨平棱角,是生命的成熟。
8. 人生的智慧,在于学会磨平棱角,化解矛盾。
9. 磨平棱角,才能更好地融入社会,与他人相处。
10. 锋芒太过锐利,容易伤人伤己,磨平棱角,才能成就和谐。
11. 人生,就是不断磨平棱角的过程,不断成长,不断完善。
12. 磨平棱角,不是放弃梦想,而是为了梦想走得更稳。
13. 人生的旅途,并非一帆风顺,磨平棱角,才能更好地应对挑战。
14. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地拥抱世界,感受生命的温暖。
15. 人生,充满了未知,磨平棱角,才能更好地迎接挑战。
16. 锋芒,是青春的活力,磨平棱角,是成熟的智慧。
17. 磨平棱角,不是失去原则,而是为了更好地坚持原则。
18. 人生的道路上,总会有挫折和失败,磨平棱角,才能更好地面对挫折。
19. 磨平棱角,不是失去个性,而是为了更好地展现个性。
20. 锋芒太盛,容易招惹是非,磨平棱角,才能更好地保持平静。
21. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地理解他人,尊重他人。
22. 人生的价值,不在于锋芒毕露,而在于磨平棱角后的贡献。
23. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地成就自我,实现人生价值。
24. 锋芒,是生命的激情,磨平棱角,是生命的沉淀。
25. 磨平棱角,不是放弃追求,而是为了更好地追求梦想。
26. 人生的旅途,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地享受风景。
27. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地与他人合作,共创美好未来。
28. 人生,充满了挑战,磨平棱角,才能更好地战胜挑战。
29. 锋芒,是生命的动力,磨平棱角,是生命的智慧。
30. 磨平棱角,不是失去自信,而是为了更好地建立自信。
31. 人生的舞台,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地展现才华。
32. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地适应环境,取得成功。
33. 锋芒太锐,容易让人反感,磨平棱角,才能更好地赢得尊重。
34. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地理解世界,感受生命的真谛。
35. 人生的旅程,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地体会人生的真谛。
36. 磨平棱角,不是失去勇气,而是为了更好地鼓起勇气。
37. 人生的道路上,总会有曲折和坎坷,磨平棱角,才能更好地走下去。
38. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地成就梦想,创造美好未来。
39. 锋芒太露,容易招致妒忌,磨平棱角,才能更好地保持低调。
40. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地与人相处,建立和谐关系。
41. 人生的价值,不在于锋芒毕露,而在于磨平棱角后的贡献。
42. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地理解世界,感受生命的意义。
43. 人生的旅程,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地领悟人生的真谛。
44. 磨平棱角,不是失去原则,而是为了更好地维护原则。
45. 人生的道路上,总会有挫折和失败,磨平棱角,才能更好地面对挫折。
46. 磨平棱角,不是放弃梦想,而是为了更好地实现梦想。
47. 人生的旅途,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地享受人生的乐趣。
48. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地与他人合作,共同进步。
49. 人生,充满了挑战,磨平棱角,才能更好地迎接挑战。
50. 锋芒,是生命的激情,磨平棱角,是生命的沉淀。
51. 磨平棱角,不是失去自信,而是为了更好地建立自信。
52. 人生的舞台,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地展现才华。
53. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地适应环境,取得成功。
54. 锋芒太锐,容易让人反感,磨平棱角,才能更好地赢得尊重。
55. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地理解世界,感受生命的真谛。
56. 人生的旅程,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地体会人生的真谛。
57. 磨平棱角,不是失去勇气,而是为了更好地鼓起勇气。
58. 人生的道路上,总会有曲折和坎坷,磨平棱角,才能更好地走下去。
59. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地成就梦想,创造美好未来。
60. 锋芒太露,容易招致妒忌,磨平棱角,才能更好地保持低调。
61. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地与人相处,建立和谐关系。
62. 人生的价值,不在于锋芒毕露,而在于磨平棱角后的贡献。
63. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地理解世界,感受生命的意义。
64. 人生的旅程,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地领悟人生的真谛。
65. 磨平棱角,不是失去原则,而是为了更好地维护原则。
66. 人生的道路上,总会有挫折和失败,磨平棱角,才能更好地面对挫折。
67. 磨平棱角,不是放弃梦想,而是为了更好地实现梦想。
68. 人生的旅途,需要磨平棱角,才能更好地享受人生的乐趣。
69. 磨平棱角,是为了更好地与他人合作,共同进步。
70. 人生,充满了挑战,磨平棱角,才能更好地迎接挑战。

## 英文翻译

**To smooth out the edges means to make oneself less sharp and more rounded and gentle.**

1. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing sharpness, but rather using it more effectively.

2. Life is a journey of cultivation, and smoothing out the edges allows you to go further.

3. Sharpness can easily lead to harm. Smoothing out the edges can better protect oneself.

4. On the path of life, there are always thorns and bumps. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better overcome them.

5. Smoothing out the edges is not compromise, but wisdom, a different kind of powerful force.

6. On the stage of life, smoothing out the edges allows you to better interpret roles.

7. Edges are the sharpness of life, and smoothing them out is the maturity of life.

8. The wisdom of life lies in learning to smooth out the edges and resolve conflicts.

9. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better integrate into society and get along with others.

10. Excessive sharpness can hurt others and oneself. Smoothing out the edges can achieve harmony.

11. Life is a process of constantly smoothing out the edges, growing, and improving.

12. Smoothing out the edges does not mean giving up your dreams, but rather making them more stable.

13. The journey of life is not always smooth. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better face challenges.

14. Smoothing out the edges is to better embrace the world and feel the warmth of life.

15. Life is full of unknowns, and smoothing out the edges allows you to better face challenges.

16. Sharpness is the vitality of youth, and smoothing out the edges is the wisdom of maturity.

17. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing principles, but rather better upholding them.

18. On the path of life, there are always setbacks and failures. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better face them.

19. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing individuality, but rather better showcasing it.

20. Being too sharp can easily attract trouble. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better maintain peace.

21. Smoothing out the edges is to better understand and respect others.

22. The value of life lies not in sharpness, but in the contributions made after smoothing out the edges.

23. Smoothing out the edges is to better achieve oneself and realize the value of life.

24. Sharpness is the passion of life, and smoothing out the edges is the sedimentation of life.

25. Smoothing out the edges does not mean giving up pursuit, but rather better pursuing dreams.

26. The journey of life requires smoothing out the edges to better enjoy the scenery.

27. Smoothing out the edges is to better cooperate with others and create a better future.

28. Life is full of challenges, and smoothing out the edges allows you to better overcome them.

29. Sharpness is the driving force of life, and smoothing out the edges is the wisdom of life.

30. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing confidence, but rather better building confidence.

31. The stage of life requires smoothing out the edges to better showcase talent.

32. Smoothing out the edges is to better adapt to the environment and achieve success.

33. Excessive sharpness can easily make people dislike you. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better earn respect.

34. Smoothing out the edges is to better understand the world and feel the true meaning of life.

35. The journey of life requires smoothing out the edges to better understand the true meaning of life.

36. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing courage, but rather better summoning courage.

37. On the path of life, there are always twists and turns. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better continue on.

38. Smoothing out the edges is to better achieve dreams and create a better future.

39. Being too sharp can easily attract jealousy. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better maintain a low profile.

40. Smoothing out the edges is to better get along with others and establish harmonious relationships.

41. The value of life lies not in sharpness, but in the contributions made after smoothing out the edges.

42. Smoothing out the edges is to better understand the world and feel the meaning of life.

43. The journey of life requires smoothing out the edges to better comprehend the true meaning of life.

44. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing principles, but rather better upholding principles.

45. On the path of life, there are always setbacks and failures. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better face setbacks.

46. Smoothing out the edges does not mean giving up dreams, but rather better achieving dreams.

47. The journey of life requires smoothing out the edges to better enjoy the joys of life.

48. Smoothing out the edges is to better cooperate with others and make progress together.

49. Life is full of challenges, and smoothing out the edges allows you to better meet challenges.

50. Sharpness is the passion of life, and smoothing out the edges is the sedimentation of life.

51. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing confidence, but rather better building confidence.

52. The stage of life requires smoothing out the edges to better showcase talent.

53. Smoothing out the edges is to better adapt to the environment and achieve success.

54. Excessive sharpness can easily make people dislike you. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better earn respect.

55. Smoothing out the edges is to better understand the world and feel the true meaning of life.

56. The journey of life requires smoothing out the edges to better understand the true meaning of life.

57. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing courage, but rather better summoning courage.

58. On the path of life, there are always twists and turns. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better continue on.

59. Smoothing out the edges is to better achieve dreams and create a better future.

60. Being too sharp can easily attract jealousy. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better maintain a low profile.

61. Smoothing out the edges is to better get along with others and establish harmonious relationships.

62. The value of life lies not in sharpness, but in the contributions made after smoothing out the edges.

63. Smoothing out the edges is to better understand the world and feel the meaning of life.

64. The journey of life requires smoothing out the edges to better comprehend the true meaning of life.

65. Smoothing out the edges does not mean losing principles, but rather better upholding principles.

66. On the path of life, there are always setbacks and failures. Smoothing out the edges allows you to better face setbacks.

67. Smoothing out the edges does not mean giving up dreams, but rather better achieving dreams.

68. The journey of life requires smoothing out the edges to better enjoy the joys of life.

69. Smoothing out the edges is to better cooperate with others and make progress together.

70. Life is full of challenges, and smoothing out the edges allows you to better meet challenges.

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