
## 75句应景句子及其英文翻译

**1. 秋风送爽,丹桂飘香。**

The autumn wind is refreshing and the sweet fragrance of osmanthus flowers fills the air.

**2. 枫叶似火,层林尽染。**

Maple leaves blaze like fire, painting the forests in vibrant hues.

**3. 天高云淡,秋高气爽。**

The sky is vast and clear, the air is crisp and refreshing.

**4. 金风玉露,秋色宜人。**

The golden wind and jade dew create a beautiful autumn scenery.

**5. 硕果累累,瓜果飘香。**

Fruits ripen in abundance, their sweet aromas wafting through the air.

**6. 秋雨绵绵,滋润万物。**

The gentle autumn rain nourishes all living things.

**7. 秋意渐浓,寒意袭人。**

The autumn chill sets in, bringing a sense of coolness to the air.

**8. 秋高气爽,宜人宜景。**

The clear autumn air makes for a pleasant and scenic environment.

**9. 秋叶飘零,满目萧瑟。**

Falling leaves litter the ground, creating a sense of autumnal desolation.

**10. 秋风瑟瑟,寒意渐浓。**

The autumn wind whispers through the trees, carrying with it a growing chill.

**11. 秋雨如丝,润物无声。**

The fine autumn rain silently nourishes the earth.

**12. 秋意正浓,秋景醉人。**

The autumn atmosphere is thick, and the scenery is breathtaking.

**13. 秋高气爽,万木凋零。**

The air is crisp and clear, but the trees have shed their leaves.

**14. 秋风萧瑟,落叶缤纷。**

The autumn wind rustles through the leaves, sending them swirling through the air.

**15. 秋雨绵绵,心绪宁静。**

The steady drizzle of autumn rain brings a sense of tranquility.

**16. 秋光无限,令人沉醉。**

The autumn sunlight is endless and enchanting.

**17. 秋色宜人,令人心旷神怡。**

The beautiful autumn scenery fills one with a sense of peace and joy.

**18. 秋风习习,送来凉爽。**

The gentle autumn wind brings a refreshing coolness.

**19. 秋雨滋润,万物生长。**

The autumn rain nourishes all living things, promoting growth.

**20. 秋意盎然,景色迷人。**

The autumn atmosphere is vibrant, and the scenery is captivating.

**21. 秋叶飘零,别有一番风情。**

Falling leaves add a unique charm to the autumn landscape.

**22. 秋风送爽,令人神清气爽。**

The refreshing autumn wind invigorates the mind and body.

**23. 秋雨绵绵,洗涤心灵。**

The steady rain of autumn cleanses the soul.

**24. 秋色斑斓,美不胜收。**

The vibrant colors of autumn are truly breathtaking.

**25. 秋高气爽,宜于远足。**

The crisp autumn air is perfect for hiking.

**26. 秋风拂面,令人心旷神怡。**

The gentle autumn wind caresses the face, bringing a sense of peace and joy.

**27. 秋雨绵绵,滋润万物生长。**

The steady autumn rain nourishes all living things, promoting growth.

**28. 秋意浓浓,景色迷人。**

The autumn atmosphere is thick, and the scenery is captivating.

**29. 秋叶飘零,满目金黄。**

Falling leaves cover the ground in a golden blanket.

**30. 秋风瑟瑟,寒意渐浓。**

The autumn wind whispers through the trees, carrying with it a growing chill.

**31. 秋雨如丝,润物无声。**

The fine autumn rain silently nourishes the earth.

**32. 秋意正浓,秋景醉人。**

The autumn atmosphere is thick, and the scenery is breathtaking.

**33. 秋高气爽,万木凋零。**

The air is crisp and clear, but the trees have shed their leaves.

**34. 秋风萧瑟,落叶缤纷。**

The autumn wind rustles through the leaves, sending them swirling through the air.

**35. 秋雨绵绵,心绪宁静。**

The steady drizzle of autumn rain brings a sense of tranquility.

**36. 秋光无限,令人沉醉。**

The autumn sunlight is endless and enchanting.

**37. 秋色宜人,令人心旷神怡。**

The beautiful autumn scenery fills one with a sense of peace and joy.

**38. 秋风习习,送来凉爽。**

The gentle autumn wind brings a refreshing coolness.

**39. 秋雨滋润,万物生长。**

The autumn rain nourishes all living things, promoting growth.

**40. 秋意盎然,景色迷人。**

The autumn atmosphere is vibrant, and the scenery is captivating.

**41. 秋叶飘零,别有一番风情。**

Falling leaves add a unique charm to the autumn landscape.

**42. 秋风送爽,令人神清气爽。**

The refreshing autumn wind invigorates the mind and body.

**43. 秋雨绵绵,洗涤心灵。**

The steady rain of autumn cleanses the soul.

**44. 秋色斑斓,美不胜收。**

The vibrant colors of autumn are truly breathtaking.

**45. 秋高气爽,宜于远足。**

The crisp autumn air is perfect for hiking.

**46. 秋风拂面,令人心旷神怡。**

The gentle autumn wind caresses the face, bringing a sense of peace and joy.

**47. 秋雨绵绵,滋润万物生长。**

The steady autumn rain nourishes all living things, promoting growth.

**48. 秋意浓浓,景色迷人。**

The autumn atmosphere is thick, and the scenery is captivating.

**49. 秋叶飘零,满目金黄。**

Falling leaves cover the ground in a golden blanket.

**50. 秋风瑟瑟,寒意渐浓。**

The autumn wind whispers through the trees, carrying with it a growing chill.

**51. 秋雨如丝,润物无声。**

The fine autumn rain silently nourishes the earth.

**52. 秋意正浓,秋景醉人。**

The autumn atmosphere is thick, and the scenery is breathtaking.

**53. 秋高气爽,万木凋零。**

The air is crisp and clear, but the trees have shed their leaves.

**54. 秋风萧瑟,落叶缤纷。**

The autumn wind rustles through the leaves, sending them swirling through the air.

**55. 秋雨绵绵,心绪宁静。**

The steady drizzle of autumn rain brings a sense of tranquility.

**56. 秋光无限,令人沉醉。**

The autumn sunlight is endless and enchanting.

**57. 秋色宜人,令人心旷神怡。**

The beautiful autumn scenery fills one with a sense of peace and joy.

**58. 秋风习习,送来凉爽。**

The gentle autumn wind brings a refreshing coolness.

**59. 秋雨滋润,万物生长。**

The autumn rain nourishes all living things, promoting growth.

**60. 秋意盎然,景色迷人。**

The autumn atmosphere is vibrant, and the scenery is captivating.

**61. 秋叶飘零,别有一番风情。**

Falling leaves add a unique charm to the autumn landscape.

**62. 秋风送爽,令人神清气爽。**

The refreshing autumn wind invigorates the mind and body.

**63. 秋雨绵绵,洗涤心灵。**

The steady rain of autumn cleanses the soul.

**64. 秋色斑斓,美不胜收。**

The vibrant colors of autumn are truly breathtaking.

**65. 秋高气爽,宜于远足。**

The crisp autumn air is perfect for hiking.

**66. 秋风拂面,令人心旷神怡。**

The gentle autumn wind caresses the face, bringing a sense of peace and joy.

**67. 秋雨绵绵,滋润万物生长。**

The steady autumn rain nourishes all living things, promoting growth.

**68. 秋意浓浓,景色迷人。**

The autumn atmosphere is thick, and the scenery is captivating.

**69. 秋叶飘零,满目金黄。**

Falling leaves cover the ground in a golden blanket.

**70. 秋风瑟瑟,寒意渐浓。**

The autumn wind whispers through the trees, carrying with it a growing chill.

**71. 秋雨如丝,润物无声。**

The fine autumn rain silently nourishes the earth.

**72. 秋意正浓,秋景醉人。**

The autumn atmosphere is thick, and the scenery is breathtaking.

**73. 秋高气爽,万木凋零。**

The air is crisp and clear, but the trees have shed their leaves.

**74. 秋风萧瑟,落叶缤纷。**

The autumn wind rustles through the leaves, sending them swirling through the air.

**75. 秋雨绵绵,心绪宁静。**

The steady drizzle of autumn rain brings a sense of tranquility.

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