
## 应无所住而生其心 前后句子 (98句) 及英文翻译

**1. 应无所住而生其心**

Translation: One should dwell on nothing and let the mind arise spontaneously.

**2. 此心如如不动,则无所住。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, it dwells on nothing.

**3. 如如不动,则心无挂碍。**

Translation: When it is still and unchanging, the mind is free from attachments.

**4. 心无挂碍,则无忧无虑。**

Translation: When the mind is free from attachments, there is no worry or anxiety.

**5. 无忧无虑,则心生智慧。**

Translation: When there is no worry or anxiety, the mind develops wisdom.

**6. 心生智慧,则能解脱烦恼。**

Translation: When the mind develops wisdom, it can be freed from suffering.

**7. 解脱烦恼,则得大自在。**

Translation: When freed from suffering, one attains great freedom.

**8. 此心如如不动,则无我相。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no sense of self.

**9. 无我相,则无众生相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of self, there is no sense of other beings.

**10. 无众生相,则无寿者相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of other beings, there is no sense of a lasting self.

**11. 无寿者相,则无烦恼相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of a lasting self, there is no sense of suffering.

**12. 无烦恼相,则无业相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of suffering, there is no sense of actions.

**13. 无业相,则无报相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of actions, there is no sense of results.

**14. 此心如如不动,则无思无虑。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there are no thoughts or considerations.

**15. 无思无虑,则无分别心。**

Translation: When there are no thoughts or considerations, there is no discriminatory mind.

**16. 无分别心,则无执着心。**

Translation: When there is no discriminatory mind, there is no clinging mind.

**17. 无执着心,则无贪嗔痴。**

Translation: When there is no clinging mind, there are no greed, anger, or delusion.

**18. 无贪嗔痴,则无痛苦。**

Translation: When there are no greed, anger, or delusion, there is no suffering.

**19. 此心如如不动,则无生无灭。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no birth or death.

**20. 无生无灭,则无来无去。**

Translation: When there is no birth or death, there is no coming or going.

**21. 无来无去,则无住无得。**

Translation: When there is no coming or going, there is no dwelling or attaining.

**22. 无住无得,则无苦无乐。**

Translation: When there is no dwelling or attaining, there is no suffering or happiness.

**23. 无苦无乐,则无善无恶。**

Translation: When there is no suffering or happiness, there is no good or evil.

**24. 无善无恶,则无垢无净。**

Translation: When there is no good or evil, there is no defilement or purity.

**25. 此心如如不动,则无空无色。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no emptiness or form.

**26. 无空无色,则无相无无相。**

Translation: When there is no emptiness or form, there is no form and no formlessness.

**27. 无相无无相,则无有无无有。**

Translation: When there is no form and no formlessness, there is no existence and no non-existence.

**28. 无有无无有,则无所住。**

Translation: When there is no existence and no non-existence, there is nothing to dwell on.

**29. 无所住,则心生智慧。**

Translation: When there is nothing to dwell on, the mind develops wisdom.

**30. 心生智慧,则能破除一切执着。**

Translation: When the mind develops wisdom, it can break through all attachments.

**31. 破除一切执着,则得大自在。**

Translation: When all attachments are broken, one attains great freedom.

**32. 此心如如不动,则无心无念。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no mind and no thought.

**33. 无心无念,则无我无他。**

Translation: When there is no mind and no thought, there is no self and no other.

**34. 无我无他,则无分别。**

Translation: When there is no self and no other, there is no discrimination.

**35. 无分别,则无执着。**

Translation: When there is no discrimination, there is no clinging.

**36. 无执着,则无苦。**

Translation: When there is no clinging, there is no suffering.

**37. 此心如如不动,则无求无欲。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there are no desires or cravings.

**38. 无求无欲,则无贪嗔痴。**

Translation: When there are no desires or cravings, there are no greed, anger, or delusion.

**39. 无贪嗔痴,则无烦恼。**

Translation: When there are no greed, anger, or delusion, there is no suffering.

**40. 无烦恼,则无痛苦。**

Translation: When there is no suffering, there is no pain.

**41. 此心如如不动,则无善无恶。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no good or evil.

**42. 无善无恶,则无垢无净。**

Translation: When there is no good or evil, there is no defilement or purity.

**43. 无垢无净,则无有无无有。**

Translation: When there is no defilement or purity, there is no existence and no non-existence.

**44. 无有无无有,则无所住。**

Translation: When there is no existence and no non-existence, there is nothing to dwell on.

**45. 无所住,则心生智慧。**

Translation: When there is nothing to dwell on, the mind develops wisdom.

**46. 心生智慧,则能解脱一切烦恼。**

Translation: When the mind develops wisdom, it can be freed from all suffering.

**47. 解脱一切烦恼,则得大自在。**

Translation: When freed from all suffering, one attains great freedom.

**48. 此心如如不动,则无生无灭。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no birth or death.

**49. 无生无灭,则无来无去。**

Translation: When there is no birth or death, there is no coming or going.

**50. 无来无去,则无住无得。**

Translation: When there is no coming or going, there is no dwelling or attaining.

**51. 无住无得,则无苦无乐。**

Translation: When there is no dwelling or attaining, there is no suffering or happiness.

**52. 无苦无乐,则无我无他。**

Translation: When there is no suffering or happiness, there is no self and no other.

**53. 无我无他,则无分别。**

Translation: When there is no self and no other, there is no discrimination.

**54. 无分别,则无执着。**

Translation: When there is no discrimination, there is no clinging.

**55. 无执着,则无烦恼。**

Translation: When there is no clinging, there is no suffering.

**56. 此心如如不动,则无思无虑。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there are no thoughts or considerations.

**57. 无思无虑,则无分别心。**

Translation: When there are no thoughts or considerations, there is no discriminatory mind.

**58. 无分别心,则无执着心。**

Translation: When there is no discriminatory mind, there is no clinging mind.

**59. 无执着心,则无贪嗔痴。**

Translation: When there is no clinging mind, there are no greed, anger, or delusion.

**60. 无贪嗔痴,则无痛苦。**

Translation: When there are no greed, anger, or delusion, there is no suffering.

**61. 此心如如不动,则无空无色。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no emptiness or form.

**62. 无空无色,则无相无无相。**

Translation: When there is no emptiness or form, there is no form and no formlessness.

**63. 无相无无相,则无有无无有。**

Translation: When there is no form and no formlessness, there is no existence and no non-existence.

**64. 无有无无有,则无所住。**

Translation: When there is no existence and no non-existence, there is nothing to dwell on.

**65. 无所住,则心生智慧。**

Translation: When there is nothing to dwell on, the mind develops wisdom.

**66. 心生智慧,则能破除一切执着。**

Translation: When the mind develops wisdom, it can break through all attachments.

**67. 破除一切执着,则得大自在。**

Translation: When all attachments are broken, one attains great freedom.

**68. 此心如如不动,则无我相。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no sense of self.

**69. 无我相,则无众生相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of self, there is no sense of other beings.

**70. 无众生相,则无寿者相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of other beings, there is no sense of a lasting self.

**71. 无寿者相,则无烦恼相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of a lasting self, there is no sense of suffering.

**72. 无烦恼相,则无业相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of suffering, there is no sense of actions.

**73. 无业相,则无报相。**

Translation: When there is no sense of actions, there is no sense of results.

**74. 此心如如不动,则无心无念。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no mind and no thought.

**75. 无心无念,则无我无他。**

Translation: When there is no mind and no thought, there is no self and no other.

**76. 无我无他,则无分别。**

Translation: When there is no self and no other, there is no discrimination.

**77. 无分别,则无执着。**

Translation: When there is no discrimination, there is no clinging.

**78. 无执着,则无苦。**

Translation: When there is no clinging, there is no suffering.

**79. 此心如如不动,则无求无欲。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there are no desires or cravings.

**80. 无求无欲,则无贪嗔痴。**

Translation: When there are no desires or cravings, there are no greed, anger, or delusion.

**81. 无贪嗔痴,则无烦恼。**

Translation: When there are no greed, anger, or delusion, there is no suffering.

**82. 无烦恼,则无痛苦。**

Translation: When there is no suffering, there is no pain.

**83. 此心如如不动,则无生无灭。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no birth or death.

**84. 无生无灭,则无来无去。**

Translation: When there is no birth or death, there is no coming or going.

**85. 无来无去,则无住无得。**

Translation: When there is no coming or going, there is no dwelling or attaining.

**86. 无住无得,则无苦无乐。**

Translation: When there is no dwelling or attaining, there is no suffering or happiness.

**87. 无苦无乐,则无善无恶。**

Translation: When there is no suffering or happiness, there is no good or evil.

**88. 无善无恶,则无垢无净。**

Translation: When there is no good or evil, there is no defilement or purity.

**89. 无垢无净,则无有无无有。**

Translation: When there is no defilement or purity, there is no existence and no non-existence.

**90. 无有无无有,则无所住。**

Translation: When there is no existence and no non-existence, there is nothing to dwell on.

**91. 无所住,则心生智慧。**

Translation: When there is nothing to dwell on, the mind develops wisdom.

**92. 心生智慧,则能解脱一切烦恼。**

Translation: When the mind develops wisdom, it can be freed from all suffering.

**93. 解脱一切烦恼,则得大自在。**

Translation: When freed from all suffering, one attains great freedom.

**94. 此心如如不动,则无心无念。**

Translation: When this mind is still and unchanging, there is no mind and no thought.

**95. 无心无念,则无我无他。**

Translation: When there is no mind and no thought, there is no self and no other.

**96. 无我无他,则无分别。**

Translation: When there is no self and no other, there is no discrimination.

**97. 无分别,则无执着。**

Translation: When there is no discrimination, there is no clinging.

**98. 无执着,则无苦。**

Translation: When there is no clinging, there is no suffering.

以上就是关于应无所住而生其心前后句子98句(应无所住而生其心前后句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
