
## 92句关于已经过去的爱的句子,并翻译成英文


1. 爱情就像一杯咖啡,刚开始喝的时候很香浓,但时间久了,就变成了苦涩的回忆。

Love is like a cup of coffee, it's fragrant and delicious at first, but over time, it turns into bitter memories.

2. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你却在我的梦里出现,一遍遍地提醒着我,你已不在。

I thought I could forget you, but you appeared in my dreams, reminding me again and again that you are gone.

3. 我们之间的故事,就像一本写满了回忆的书,现在,我已经翻到了最后一页。

The story between us is like a book filled with memories. Now, I have turned to the last page.

4. 曾经以为我们可以永远在一起,如今却只能形同陌路,心酸的回忆,谁来抚平。

I once thought we could be together forever, but now we are strangers. Who can heal the heartache of memories?

5. 你是我生命中的一道闪电,虽然短暂,却照亮了我的整个世界,让我永远无法忘记你的光芒。

You were a lightning bolt in my life, though fleeting, you illuminated my entire world, leaving me forever unable to forget your brilliance.

6. 我们的爱,就像一场流星雨,虽然美丽,却转瞬即逝,留下的只有无尽的思念。

Our love, like a meteor shower, though beautiful, is fleeting, leaving only endless longing.

7. 我一直在寻找你,却发现你早已消失不见,只留下一片空虚和遗憾。

I have been searching for you, only to find that you have disappeared, leaving only emptiness and regret.

8. 回忆像潮水般涌来,将我淹没在悲伤的海洋里,我无处可逃。

Memories flood in like tides, drowning me in a sea of sadness, leaving me nowhere to escape.

9. 你是我生命中的一首歌,曾经让我心醉,如今却只剩下空旷的旋律。

You were a song in my life, once intoxicating, now only leaving an empty melody.

10. 我一直在努力忘记你,却发现你已深深地刻在我的心里,无法抹去。

I have been trying to forget you, but I realize that you are deeply engraved in my heart, impossible to erase.

11. 我们曾经的承诺,像风中的蒲公英,飘散在无情的岁月里。

Our past promises, like dandelion seeds in the wind, scattered in the relentless years.

12. 我以为你是我生命中的唯一,但你却选择了离开,让我独自一人面对漫漫长夜。

I thought you were the only one in my life, but you chose to leave, leaving me to face the long night alone.

13. 爱情就像一场梦,醒来后,我们都回到了现实。

Love is like a dream, upon waking, we all return to reality.

14. 我们之间的故事,虽然已经结束,但它依然在我的脑海里挥之不去。

Our story, though over, still lingers in my mind, refusing to fade.

15. 你是我生命中的一道彩虹,虽然短暂,却留下了美丽的色彩。

You were a rainbow in my life, though fleeting, you left behind beautiful colors.

16. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,但现实却告诉我,一切都是幻觉。

I thought we could be together forever, but reality tells me that it was all an illusion.

17. 爱情就像烟火,虽然绚烂,却转瞬即逝,留下的只有无尽的空虚。

Love is like fireworks, though dazzling, they are fleeting, leaving only endless emptiness.

18. 我一直在寻找你的影子,却发现你已消失在人海之中。

I have been searching for your shadow, only to find that you have vanished into the crowd.

19. 我们之间的爱,就像一朵盛开的玫瑰,虽然美丽,却最终会凋谢。

Our love, like a blooming rose, though beautiful, will eventually wither.

20. 你是我生命中的一个过客,虽然短暂,却留下了深刻的印记。

You were a passerby in my life, though fleeting, you left a profound mark.

21. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的名字却像一道伤疤,永远刻在我的心上。

I thought I could forget you, but your name is like a scar, forever etched in my heart.

22. 我们之间的回忆,就像一首悲伤的歌曲,永远无法忘怀。

Our memories, like a sad song, can never be forgotten.

23. 你是我生命中的一个梦,虽然美好,却终究会醒来。

You were a dream in my life, though beautiful, I will eventually wake up.

24. 我们之间的爱情,就像一朵盛开的鲜花,虽然美丽,却最终会枯萎。

Our love, like a blooming flower, though beautiful, will eventually wither and die.

25. 你是我生命中的一个谜,我一直在寻找答案,却始终找不到。

You were a mystery in my life, I have been searching for the answer, but I have never found it.

26. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的影子却无处不在,时刻提醒着我,你已离开。

I thought I could forget you, but your shadow is everywhere, constantly reminding me that you are gone.

27. 我们之间的故事,就像一部未完待续的电影,最终却戛然而止。

Our story, like a movie that has yet to be completed, was abruptly stopped.

28. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,但命运却将我们分开,让我独自一人承受着思念的折磨。

I thought we could be together forever, but fate separated us, leaving me to bear the torment of missing you alone.

29. 你是我生命中的一个遗憾,我永远无法弥补。

You are a regret in my life, I can never make up for it.

30. 我们之间的爱,就像一场美丽的梦,醒来后,一切都会消失不见。

Our love, like a beautiful dream, will disappear after waking up.

31. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,但时间却将我们分开,留下了无尽的伤痛。

I thought we could be together forever, but time separated us, leaving endless pain.

32. 你是我生命中的一个过客,虽然短暂,却留下了永远的回忆。

You were a passerby in my life, though fleeting, you left behind eternal memories.

33. 我一直在寻找你的爱,却发现它早已消失不见,只留下一片空虚和寂寞。

I have been searching for your love, only to find that it has disappeared, leaving only emptiness and loneliness.

34. 你是我生命中的一个希望,虽然渺茫,却让我看到了未来的曙光。

You were a hope in my life, though slim, you allowed me to see the dawn of the future.

35. 我们之间的爱,就像一朵盛开的百合,虽然洁白无暇,却最终会凋谢。

Our love, like a blooming lily, though pure and white, will eventually wither.

36. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的声音却一直回荡在我的耳边,让我无法平静。

I thought I could forget you, but your voice echoes in my ears, leaving me unable to find peace.

37. 你是我生命中的一个秘密,我一直在寻找答案,却始终无法解开。

You were a secret in my life, I have been searching for the answer, but I have never been able to unlock it.

38. 我们之间的回忆,就像一本日记,记录着我们曾经的甜蜜和悲伤。

Our memories, like a diary, record our past sweetness and sorrow.

39. 你是我生命中的一个影子,我一直在追寻,却始终无法追赶上。

You were a shadow in my life, I have been pursuing you, but I have never been able to catch up.

40. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,但命运却让我们走上了不同的道路。

I thought we could be together forever, but fate led us down different paths.

41. 你是我生命中的一个奇迹,我永远无法忘记你带给我的快乐和感动。

You were a miracle in my life, I will never forget the happiness and touch you brought me.

42. 我们之间的爱,就像一艘漂泊的船,最终却迷失在茫茫大海之中。

Our love, like a drifting ship, ultimately lost in the vast ocean.

43. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的笑容却一直印在我的脑海里,让我无法忘怀。

I thought I could forget you, but your smile is imprinted in my mind, making me unable to forget.

44. 你是我生命中的一个梦想,虽然遥不可及,却让我充满了希望和勇气。

You were a dream in my life, though unattainable, you filled me with hope and courage.

45. 我们之间的爱情,就像一首歌,虽然优美动听,却终究会结束。

Our love, like a song, though beautiful and melodious, will eventually end.

46. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的眼神却一直在我脑海里徘徊,让我无法入眠。

I thought I could forget you, but your eyes linger in my mind, preventing me from falling asleep.

47. 你是我生命中的一个错误,我永远无法弥补。

You were a mistake in my life, I can never make up for it.

48. 我们之间的回忆,就像一幅画,虽然美丽,却充满了悲伤。

Our memories, like a painting, though beautiful, are filled with sadness.

49. 你是我生命中的一个遗憾,我永远无法忘怀。

You are a regret in my life, I will never forget you.

50. 我们之间的爱,就像一场盛大的烟花表演,虽然绚丽多彩,却转瞬即逝。

Our love, like a grand fireworks display, though dazzling and colorful, is fleeting.

51. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的名字却像一道闪电,照亮了我的整个世界,让我永远无法忘记你。

I thought I could forget you, but your name is like a lightning bolt, illuminating my entire world, leaving me forever unable to forget you.

52. 你是我生命中的一个谜,我一直在寻找答案,却始终无法解开。

You were a mystery in my life, I have been searching for the answer, but I have never been able to unlock it.

53. 我们之间的故事,就像一部电影,虽然精彩绝伦,却最终会落幕。

Our story, like a movie, though captivating and brilliant, will eventually come to an end.

54. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的影子却无处不在,时刻提醒着我,你已不在。

I thought I could forget you, but your shadow is everywhere, constantly reminding me that you are gone.

55. 你是我生命中的一个希望,虽然渺茫,却让我看到了未来的曙光。

You were a hope in my life, though slim, you allowed me to see the dawn of the future.

56. 我们之间的爱,就像一朵盛开的百合,虽然洁白无暇,却最终会凋谢。

Our love, like a blooming lily, though pure and white, will eventually wither.

57. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的声音却一直回荡在我的耳边,让我无法平静。

I thought I could forget you, but your voice echoes in my ears, leaving me unable to find peace.

58. 你是我生命中的一个秘密,我一直在寻找答案,却始终无法解开。

You were a secret in my life, I have been searching for the answer, but I have never been able to unlock it.

59. 我们之间的回忆,就像一本日记,记录着我们曾经的甜蜜和悲伤。

Our memories, like a diary, record our past sweetness and sorrow.

60. 你是我生命中的一个影子,我一直在追寻,却始终无法追赶上。

You were a shadow in my life, I have been pursuing you, but I have never been able to catch up.

61. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,但命运却让我们走上了不同的道路。

I thought we could be together forever, but fate led us down different paths.

62. 你是我生命中的一个奇迹,我永远无法忘记你带给我的快乐和感动。

You were a miracle in my life, I will never forget the happiness and touch you brought me.

63. 我们之间的爱,就像一艘漂泊的船,最终却迷失在茫茫大海之中。

Our love, like a drifting ship, ultimately lost in the vast ocean.

64. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的笑容却一直印在我的脑海里,让我无法忘怀。

I thought I could forget you, but your smile is imprinted in my mind, making me unable to forget.

65. 你是我生命中的一个梦想,虽然遥不可及,却让我充满了希望和勇气。

You were a dream in my life, though unattainable, you filled me with hope and courage.

66. 我们之间的爱情,就像一首歌,虽然优美动听,却终究会结束。

Our love, like a song, though beautiful and melodious, will eventually end.

67. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的眼神却一直在我脑海里徘徊,让我无法入眠。

I thought I could forget you, but your eyes linger in my mind, preventing me from falling asleep.

68. 你是我生命中的一个错误,我永远无法弥补。

You were a mistake in my life, I can never make up for it.

69. 我们之间的回忆,就像一幅画,虽然美丽,却充满了悲伤。

Our memories, like a painting, though beautiful, are filled with sadness.

70. 你是我生命中的一个遗憾,我永远无法忘怀。

You are a regret in my life, I will never forget you.

71. 我们之间的爱,就像一场盛大的烟花表演,虽然绚丽多彩,却转瞬即逝。

Our love, like a grand fireworks display, though dazzling and colorful, is fleeting.

72. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的名字却像一道闪电,照亮了我的整个世界,让我永远无法忘记你。

I thought I could forget you, but your name is like a lightning bolt, illuminating my entire world, leaving me forever unable to forget you.

73. 你是我生命中的一个谜,我一直在寻找答案,却始终无法解开。

You were a mystery in my life, I have been searching for the answer, but I have never been able to unlock it.

74. 我们之间的故事,就像一部电影,虽然精彩绝伦,却最终会落幕。

Our story, like a movie, though captivating and brilliant, will eventually come to an end.

75. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的影子却无处不在,时刻提醒着我,你已不在。

I thought I could forget you, but your shadow is everywhere, constantly reminding me that you are gone.

76. 你是我生命中的一个希望,虽然渺茫,却让我看到了未来的曙光。

You were a hope in my life, though slim, you allowed me to see the dawn of the future.

77. 我们之间的爱,就像一朵盛开的百合,虽然洁白无暇,却最终会凋谢。

Our love, like a blooming lily, though pure and white, will eventually wither.

78. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的声音却一直回荡在我的耳边,让我无法平静。

I thought I could forget you, but your voice echoes in my ears, leaving me unable to find peace.

79. 你是我生命中的一个秘密,我一直在寻找答案,却始终无法解开。

You were a secret in my life, I have been searching for the answer, but I have never been able to unlock it.

80. 我们之间的回忆,就像一本日记,记录着我们曾经的甜蜜和悲伤。

Our memories, like a diary, record our past sweetness and sorrow.

81. 你是我生命中的一个影子,我一直在追寻,却始终无法追赶上。

You were a shadow in my life, I have been pursuing you, but I have never been able to catch up.

82. 我以为我们可以永远在一起,但命运却让我们走上了不同的道路。

I thought we could be together forever, but fate led us down different paths.

83. 你是我生命中的一个奇迹,我永远无法忘记你带给我的快乐和感动。

You were a miracle in my life, I will never forget the happiness and touch you brought me.

84. 我们之间的爱,就像一艘漂泊的船,最终却迷失在茫茫大海之中。

Our love, like a drifting ship, ultimately lost in the vast ocean.

85. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的笑容却一直印在我的脑海里,让我无法忘怀。

I thought I could forget you, but your smile is imprinted in my mind, making me unable to forget.

86. 你是我生命中的一个梦想,虽然遥不可及,却让我充满了希望和勇气。

You were a dream in my life, though unattainable, you filled me with hope and courage.

87. 我们之间的爱情,就像一首歌,虽然优美动听,却终究会结束。

Our love, like a song, though beautiful and melodious, will eventually end.

88. 我以为我可以忘记你,但你的眼神却一直在我脑海里徘徊,让我无法入眠。

I thought I could forget you, but your eyes linger in my mind, preventing me from falling asleep.

89. 你是我生命中的一个错误,我永远无法弥补。

You were a mistake in my life, I can never make up for it.

90. 我们之间的回忆,就像一幅画,虽然美丽,却充满了悲伤。

Our memories, like a painting, though beautiful, are filled with sadness.

91. 你是我生命中的一个遗憾,我永远无法忘怀。

You are a regret in my life, I will never forget you.

92. 我们之间的爱,就像一场盛大的烟花表演,虽然绚丽多彩,却转瞬即逝。

Our love, like a grand fireworks display, though dazzling and colorful, is fleeting.

以上就是关于已经过去的爱的句子92句(已经过去的爱的句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
