
## 左红右黑句子,68句

**1. 左边是希望的红,右边是绝望的黑。**

The left is the red of hope, the right is the black of despair.

**2. 左手握着红玫瑰,右手握着黑荆棘。**

In my left hand I hold a red rose, in my right a black thorn.

**3. 左边的红日即将落下,右边的黑夜正悄然来临。**

The red sun on the left is about to set, while the black night on the right is quietly approaching.

**4. 左侧是鲜活的红色,右侧是沉重的黑色。**

The left side is a vibrant red, the right side a heavy black.

**5. 左边的红旗迎风飘扬,右边的黑旗黯然失色。**

The red flag on the left flutters in the wind, the black flag on the right pales in comparison.

**6. 左边是燃烧的红,右边是冰冷的黑。**

The left is a burning red, the right a frigid black.

**7. 左边是鲜艳的红,右边是深邃的黑。**

The left is a bright red, the right a deep black.

**8. 左边是温暖的红,右边是寒冷的黑。**

The left is a warm red, the right a cold black.

**9. 左边是光明,右边是黑暗。**

The left is light, the right is darkness.

**10. 左边是喜悦,右边是悲伤。**

The left is joy, the right is sorrow.

**11. 左边是生机勃勃,右边是死气沉沉。**

The left is alive and well, the right is lifeless.

**12. 左边是希望,右边是绝望。**

The left is hope, the right is despair.

**13. 左边是自由,右边是压迫。**

The left is freedom, the right is oppression.

**14. 左边是正义,右边是邪恶。**

The left is justice, the right is evil.

**15. 左边是天堂,右边是地狱。**

The left is heaven, the right is hell.

**16. 左边是美好,右边是丑陋。**

The left is beauty, the right is ugliness.

**17. 左边是光明,右边是黑暗。**

The left is light, the right is darkness.

**18. 左边是希望,右边是绝望。**

The left is hope, the right is despair.

**19. 左边是纯洁,右边是污秽。**

The left is purity, the right is filth.

**20. 左边是美好,右边是丑陋。**

The left is beauty, the right is ugliness.

**21. 左边是勇敢,右边是懦弱。**

The left is bravery, the right is cowardice.

**22. 左边是善良,右边是邪恶。**

The left is kindness, the right is evil.

**23. 左边是正直,右边是腐败。**

The left is honesty, the right is corruption.

**24. 左边是公正,右边是不公。**

The left is justice, the right is injustice.

**25. 左边是诚实,右边是欺骗。**

The left is honesty, the right is deception.

**26. 左边是善良,右边是邪恶。**

The left is kindness, the right is evil.

**27. 左边是光明,右边是黑暗。**

The left is light, the right is darkness.

**28. 左边是希望,右边是绝望。**

The left is hope, the right is despair.

**29. 左边是幸福,右边是痛苦。**

The left is happiness, the right is pain.

**30. 左边是真爱,右边是背叛。**

The left is true love, the right is betrayal.

**31. 左边是友谊,右边是背叛。**

The left is friendship, the right is betrayal.

**32. 左边是忠诚,右边是背叛。**

The left is loyalty, the right is betrayal.

**33. 左边是光明,右边是黑暗。**

The left is light, the right is darkness.

**34. 左边是希望,右边是绝望。**

The left is hope, the right is despair.

**35. 左边是梦想,右边是现实。**

The left is dreams, the right is reality.

**36. 左边是自由,右边是束缚。**

The left is freedom, the right is restraint.

**37. 左边是进步,右边是保守。**

The left is progress, the right is conservatism.

**38. 左边是创新,右边是传统。**

The left is innovation, the right is tradition.

**39. 左边是改革,右边是守旧。**

The left is reform, the right is maintaining the status quo.

**40. 左边是开放,右边是封闭。**

The left is open, the right is closed.

**41. 左边是包容,右边是排斥。**

The left is inclusive, the right is exclusive.

**42. 左边是民主,右边是专制。**

The left is democracy, the right is autocracy.

**43. 左边是自由,右边是压迫。**

The left is freedom, the right is oppression.

**44. 左边是平等,右边是歧视。**

The left is equality, the right is discrimination.

**45. 左边是正义,右边是邪恶。**

The left is justice, the right is evil.

**46. 左边是爱,右边是恨。**

The left is love, the right is hate.

**47. 左边是生命,右边是死亡。**

The left is life, the right is death.

**48. 左边是新生,右边是衰败。**

The left is rebirth, the right is decay.

**49. 左边是繁荣,右边是萧条。**

The left is prosperity, the right is recession.

**50. 左边是光明,右边是黑暗。**

The left is light, the right is darkness.

**51. 左边是希望,右边是绝望。**

The left is hope, the right is despair.

**52. 左边是幸福,右边是痛苦。**

The left is happiness, the right is pain.

**53. 左边是温暖,右边是寒冷。**

The left is warmth, the right is cold.

**54. 左边是柔软,右边是坚硬。**

The left is soft, the right is hard.

**55. 左边是灵活,右边是僵硬。**

The left is flexible, the right is rigid.

**56. 左边是敏锐,右边是迟钝。**

The left is sharp, the right is dull.

**57. 左边是细腻,右边是粗糙。**

The left is delicate, the right is rough.

**58. 左边是轻盈,右边是沉重。**

The left is light, the right is heavy.

**59. 左边是快速,右边是缓慢。**

The left is fast, the right is slow.

**60. 左边是简单,右边是复杂。**

The left is simple, the right is complex.

**61. 左边是平静,右边是喧嚣。**

The left is calm, the right is noisy.

**62. 左边是和谐,右边是冲突。**

The left is harmony, the right is conflict.

**63. 左边是美好,右边是丑陋。**

The left is beauty, the right is ugliness.

**64. 左边是真实,右边是虚假。**

The left is truth, the right is falsehood.

**65. 左边是自然,右边是人工。**

The left is nature, the right is artificial.

**66. 左边是原始,右边是文明。**

The left is primitive, the right is civilized.

**67. 左边是自由,右边是束缚。**

The left is freedom, the right is restraint.

**68. 左边是无限,右边是有限。**

The left is infinite, the right is finite.

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