
## 小红帽摘抄句子 (58句)


1. 小红帽戴着一顶红色的帽子,穿着一件红色的外套,看起来非常可爱。

Little Red Riding Hood wore a red hat and a red coat, she looked very cute.

2. 小红帽的奶奶是一个慈祥的老人,总是喜欢给小红帽讲故事。

Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother was a kind old lady who always loved to tell stories to Little Red Riding Hood.

3. 狼的眼睛里透着一股狡猾的光芒,让人不寒而栗。

The wolf's eyes shone with a cunning light that sent chills down your spine.

4. 狼的嘴巴张得很大,露出尖利的牙齿,让人望而生畏。

The wolf's mouth was wide open, revealing sharp teeth that made people afraid to look.

5. 猎人是一个勇敢的青年,他决心要拯救小红帽和她的奶奶。

The hunter was a brave young man who was determined to save Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.


6. 小红帽的妈妈让她去给生病的奶奶送饭。

Little Red Riding Hood's mother asked her to take food to her sick grandmother.

7. 小红帽走在森林里,遇到了一只狡猾的狼。

Little Red Riding Hood was walking through the forest when she met a cunning wolf.

8. 狼问小红帽要去哪里,小红帽毫无戒备地告诉了狼。

The wolf asked Little Red Riding Hood where she was going, and Little Red Riding Hood told the wolf without any suspicion.

9. 狼让小红帽去采一些野花送给奶奶。

The wolf asked Little Red Riding Hood to pick some wildflowers for her grandmother.

10. 狼跑到奶奶家,把奶奶吃掉了,然后穿上奶奶的衣服,躺在床上。

The wolf ran to the grandmother's house, ate the grandmother, and then put on the grandmother's clothes and lay in bed.

11. 小红帽来到奶奶家,看到奶奶躺在床上,她觉得奶奶的脸色很不好。

When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at the grandmother's house, she saw her grandmother lying in bed, and she felt that the grandmother's face was not good.

12. 狼用沙哑的声音问小红帽:"孩子,你的眼睛怎么这么大?"

The wolf asked Little Red Riding Hood in a hoarse voice:"Child, why are your eyes so big?"

13. 小红帽说:"奶奶,你的嘴巴怎么这么大?"

Little Red Riding Hood said:"Grandma, why is your mouth so big?"

14. 狼猛地扑向小红帽,准备把她吃掉。

The wolf suddenly pounced on Little Red Riding Hood, ready to eat her.

15. 就在狼要吃掉小红帽的时候,猎人赶到了。

Just as the wolf was about to eat Little Red Riding Hood, the hunter arrived.

16. 猎人用斧头砍死了狼,救了小红帽和她的奶奶。

The hunter killed the wolf with an axe and saved Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.

17. 小红帽和奶奶终于得救了,她们非常感谢猎人。

Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother were finally saved, and they were very grateful to the hunter.


18. 这个故事告诉我们,不要和陌生人说话。

This story tells us not to talk to strangers.

19. 不要轻信别人的话,要学会保护自己。

Don't believe everything you hear, learn to protect yourself.

20. 要勇敢面对困难,不要害怕。

Be brave in the face of difficulties, don't be afraid.

21. 要团结一致,共同战胜邪恶。

Unite and fight evil together.

22. 要学会辨别是非,不要被表面现象所迷惑。

Learn to distinguish right from wrong, don't be fooled by appearances.

23. 要学会珍惜生命,不要轻易冒险。

Learn to cherish life, don't take unnecessary risks.

24. 要学会爱护老人,尊敬长辈。

Learn to care for the elderly and respect your elders.

25. 要做一个善良的人,帮助有需要的人。

Be a kind person and help those in need.


26. 小红帽是一个天真善良的小女孩。

Little Red Riding Hood was a naive and kind little girl.

27. 狼是一个狡猾凶狠的动物。

The wolf was a cunning and vicious animal.

28. 猎人是一个勇敢正义的人。

The hunter was a brave and righteous person.

29. 森林是一个神秘莫测的地方。

The forest was a mysterious and unpredictable place.

30. 小红帽的故事是一个经典的童话故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a classic fairy tale.

31. 这个故事已经流传了几个世纪。

This story has been passed down for centuries.

32. 小红帽的故事被改编成了各种形式,例如电影、电视剧、戏剧等。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood has been adapted into various forms, such as movies, TV shows, and plays.

33. 小红帽的故事仍然受到人们的喜爱。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is still loved by people.

34. 小红帽的故事教给人们许多道理。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood teaches people many lessons.

35. 小红帽的故事是一个充满想象力的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of imagination.

36. 小红帽的故事是一个充满悬念的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of suspense.

37. 小红帽的故事是一个充满惊险的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of thrills.

38. 小红帽的故事是一个充满情感的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of emotions.

39. 小红帽的故事是一个充满启迪的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of enlightenment.

40. 小红帽的故事是一个充满教育意义的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of educational value.

41. 小红帽的故事是一个适合所有年龄段阅读的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story suitable for all ages.

42. 小红帽的故事是一个经久不衰的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a timeless story.

43. 小红帽的故事是一个充满魅力的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of charm.

44. 小红帽的故事是一个充满奇幻的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of fantasy.

45. 小红帽的故事是一个充满神秘的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of mystery.

46. 小红帽的故事是一个充满希望的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of hope.

47. 小红帽的故事是一个充满力量的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of power.

48. 小红帽的故事是一个充满智慧的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of wisdom.

49. 小红帽的故事是一个充满美感的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of beauty.

50. 小红帽的故事是一个充满感动的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of emotion.

51. 小红帽的故事是一个充满勇气的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of courage.

52. 小红帽的故事是一个充满爱心的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of love.

53. 小红帽的故事是一个充满正义的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of justice.

54. 小红帽的故事是一个充满友谊的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of friendship.

55. 小红帽的故事是一个充满梦想的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of dreams.

56. 小红帽的故事是一个充满希望的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of hope.

57. 小红帽的故事是一个充满正能量的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story full of positive energy.

58. 小红帽的故事是一个值得我们永远铭记的故事。

The story of Little Red Riding Hood is a story worth remembering forever.

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