
## 小张和小丽经典句子(72句)

**1. 小张:** 小丽,你今天真漂亮!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: You look so beautiful today, Xiao Li!

Xiao Zhang: You look so beautiful today, Xiao Li!

**2. 小丽:** 你也挺帅的嘛!
**英文:** Xiao Li: You're pretty handsome yourself!

Xiao Li: You're pretty handsome yourself!

**3. 小张:** 咱们去哪里玩呢?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Where should we go to play?

Xiao Zhang: Where should we go to play?

**4. 小丽:** 你想去哪里就去哪里吧,我都听你的。
**英文:** Xiao Li: Anywhere you want to go, I'll follow you.

Xiao Li: Anywhere you want to go, I'll follow you.

**5. 小张:** 小丽,你爱我吗?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, do you love me?

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, do you love me?

**6. 小丽:** 当然爱了,你这么好!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Of course I do, you're so great!

Xiao Li: Of course I do, you're so great!

**7. 小张:** 我们结婚吧!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Let's get married!

Xiao Zhang: Let's get married!

**8. 小丽:** 好!我答应你!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay! I promise!

Xiao Li: Okay! I promise!

**9. 小张:** 我以后会好好对你,让你每天都开心!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: I'll treat you well from now on, and make you happy every day!

Xiao Zhang: I'll treat you well from now on, and make you happy every day!

**10. 小丽:** 我相信你,你一定会做到的!
**英文:** Xiao Li: I believe you, you'll definitely do it!

Xiao Li: I believe you, you'll definitely do it!

**11. 小张:** 小丽,我今天给你买了你最喜欢的玫瑰花!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, I bought you your favorite roses today!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, I bought you your favorite roses today!

**12. 小丽:** 哇!好漂亮啊!你真是太用心了!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Wow! They're so beautiful! You're so thoughtful!

Xiao Li: Wow! They're so beautiful! You're so thoughtful!

**13. 小张:** 你喜欢就好!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: I'm glad you like them!

Xiao Zhang: I'm glad you like them!

**14. 小丽:** 小张,你最近工作很辛苦吧?
**英文:** Xiao Li: Xiao Zhang, you've been working hard recently, haven't you?

Xiao Li: Xiao Zhang, you've been working hard recently, haven't you?

**15. 小张:** 还好,为了我们的未来,我必须努力!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: It's alright, I have to work hard for our future!

Xiao Zhang: It's alright, I have to work hard for our future!

**16. 小丽:** 我相信你,你一定能成功的!
**英文:** Xiao Li: I believe in you, you'll definitely succeed!

Xiao Li: I believe in you, you'll definitely succeed!

**17. 小张:** 小丽,我今天心情不好,你陪陪我吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, I'm in a bad mood today, could you keep me company?

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, I'm in a bad mood today, could you keep me company?

**18. 小丽:** 好呀,你说你想做什么?
**英文:** Xiao Li: Sure, what do you want to do?

Xiao Li: Sure, what do you want to do?

**19. 小张:** 我想静静地待一会儿。
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: I just want to be quiet for a while.

Xiao Zhang: I just want to be quiet for a while.

**20. 小丽:** 那你靠在我肩膀上睡一觉吧,我会一直陪着你。
**英文:** Xiao Li: Then you can rest your head on my shoulder and sleep, I'll stay with you.

Xiao Li: Then you can rest your head on my shoulder and sleep, I'll stay with you.

**21. 小张:** 小丽,你真温柔!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're so gentle!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're so gentle!

**22. 小丽:** 都是因为你!
**英文:** Xiao Li: It's all because of you!

Xiao Li: It's all because of you!

**23. 小张:** 小丽,我们一起去旅游吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go on a trip together!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go on a trip together!

**24. 小丽:** 好呀!你想去哪里?
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay! Where do you want to go?

Xiao Li: Okay! Where do you want to go?

**25. 小张:** 我想去海边,感受一下海风和阳光!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: I want to go to the beach, feel the sea breeze and sunshine!

Xiao Zhang: I want to go to the beach, feel the sea breeze and sunshine!

**26. 小丽:** 好呀,我们一起去看海!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay, let's go see the sea together!

Xiao Li: Okay, let's go see the sea together!

**27. 小张:** 小丽,你爱吃什么?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, what's your favorite food?

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, what's your favorite food?

**28. 小丽:** 我喜欢吃你做的饭!
**英文:** Xiao Li: I like to eat the food you cook!

Xiao Li: I like to eat the food you cook!

**29. 小张:** 你真好!我以后天天做饭给你吃!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: You're so sweet! I'll cook for you every day from now on!

Xiao Zhang: You're so sweet! I'll cook for you every day from now on!

**30. 小丽:** 太好了!我真是太幸福了!
**英文:** Xiao Li: That's great! I'm so happy!

Xiao Li: That's great! I'm so happy!

**31. 小张:** 小丽,我今天工作很顺利!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, my work went smoothly today!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, my work went smoothly today!

**32. 小丽:** 太好了!我就知道你一定能做到的!
**英文:** Xiao Li: That's great! I knew you could do it!

Xiao Li: That's great! I knew you could do it!

**33. 小张:** 小丽,我们一起去逛街吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go shopping together!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go shopping together!

**34. 小丽:** 好呀,你想买什么?
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay! What do you want to buy?

Xiao Li: Okay! What do you want to buy?

**35. 小张:** 我想给你买一件漂亮衣服!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: I want to buy you a beautiful dress!

Xiao Zhang: I want to buy you a beautiful dress!

**36. 小丽:** 你真是太宠我了!
**英文:** Xiao Li: You're so spoiling me!

Xiao Li: You're so spoiling me!

**37. 小张:** 小丽,你今天怎么了,好像不开心?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, what's wrong with you today? You seem unhappy.

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, what's wrong with you today? You seem unhappy.

**38. 小丽:** 没什么,就是有点累。
**英文:** Xiao Li: Nothing, I'm just a little tired.

Xiao Li: Nothing, I'm just a little tired.

**39. 小张:** 你辛苦了,我帮你按摩一下吧!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: You've been working hard, let me give you a massage!

Xiao Zhang: You've been working hard, let me give you a massage!

**40. 小丽:** 谢谢你,你真是太好了!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Thank you, you're so good to me!

Xiao Li: Thank you, you're so good to me!

**41. 小张:** 小丽,我们一起去看电影吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go watch a movie together!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go watch a movie together!

**42. 小丽:** 好呀,你想看什么类型的?
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay! What kind of movie do you want to watch?

Xiao Li: Okay! What kind of movie do you want to watch?

**43. 小张:** 我想看爱情片,你喜欢吗?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: I want to watch a romance movie, do you like them?

Xiao Zhang: I want to watch a romance movie, do you like them?

**44. 小丽:** 我喜欢,我们一起去!
**英文:** Xiao Li: I do, let's go together!

Xiao Li: I do, let's go together!

**45. 小张:** 小丽,我今天遇到一个难题,你帮我出出主意吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, I ran into a difficult problem today, can you help me brainstorm?

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, I ran into a difficult problem today, can you help me brainstorm?

**46. 小丽:** 你说吧,我会尽力帮你!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Tell me, I'll try my best to help!

Xiao Li: Tell me, I'll try my best to help!

**47. 小张:** 小丽,你真聪明,你的建议太好了!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're so smart, your suggestion is great!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're so smart, your suggestion is great!

**48. 小丽:** 都是你太厉害了,我只不过是提了一些想法而已。
**英文:** Xiao Li: It's because you're so amazing, I just shared some ideas.

Xiao Li: It's because you're so amazing, I just shared some ideas.

**49. 小张:** 小丽,我们一起去吃火锅吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go eat hot pot together!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go eat hot pot together!

**50. 小丽:** 好呀!我好久没吃火锅了!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay! It's been so long since I had hot pot!

Xiao Li: Okay! It's been so long since I had hot pot!

**51. 小张:** 小丽,你最近瘦了好多,是不是工作太累了?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you've lost a lot of weight recently, are you working too hard?

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you've lost a lot of weight recently, are you working too hard?

**52. 小丽:** 可能是吧,不过我感觉还不错!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Maybe, but I feel good!

Xiao Li: Maybe, but I feel good!

**53. 小张:** 你一定要注意休息,不要太累了!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: You need to take care of yourself, don't work too hard!

Xiao Zhang: You need to take care of yourself, don't work too hard!

**54. 小丽:** 我会的,谢谢你关心我!
**英文:** Xiao Li: I will, thank you for caring about me!

Xiao Li: I will, thank you for caring about me!

**55. 小张:** 小丽,你今天真美!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're so beautiful today!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're so beautiful today!

**56. 小丽:** 你是在夸我吗?
**英文:** Xiao Li: Are you complimenting me?

Xiao Li: Are you complimenting me?

**57. 小张:** 当然了,我每次看到你都会觉得你很漂亮!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Of course, I think you're beautiful every time I see you!

Xiao Zhang: Of course, I think you're beautiful every time I see you!

**58. 小丽:** 你真会说话!
**英文:** Xiao Li: You're so sweet!

Xiao Li: You're so sweet!

**59. 小张:** 小丽,我们一起去郊外踏青吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go for a walk in the countryside!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's go for a walk in the countryside!

**60. 小丽:** 好呀,呼吸一下新鲜空气!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay, let's breathe in some fresh air!

Xiao Li: Okay, let's breathe in some fresh air!

**61. 小张:** 小丽,你真善良!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're so kind!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're so kind!

**62. 小丽:** 你也是个善良的人!
**英文:** Xiao Li: You're a kind person too!

Xiao Li: You're a kind person too!

**63. 小张:** 小丽,我们一起做饭吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's cook together!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, let's cook together!

**64. 小丽:** 好呀,你想做什么菜?
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay! What do you want to cook?

Xiao Li: Okay! What do you want to cook?

**65. 小张:** 我想做西红柿炒鸡蛋,你喜欢吃吗?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: I want to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, do you like them?

Xiao Zhang: I want to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes, do you like them?

**66. 小丽:** 我喜欢!我帮你打下手吧!
**英文:** Xiao Li: I do! I'll help you prepare!

Xiao Li: I do! I'll help you prepare!

**67. 小张:** 小丽,我今天有点头疼,你帮我拿一下药吧?
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, I have a headache today, can you get me my medicine?

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, I have a headache today, can you get me my medicine?

**68. 小丽:** 好,你躺下休息吧!
**英文:** Xiao Li: Okay, lie down and rest!

Xiao Li: Okay, lie down and rest!

**69. 小张:** 小丽,你真是我的天使!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're truly my angel!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, you're truly my angel!

**70. 小丽:** 说什么呢,你是我最爱的男人!
**英文:** Xiao Li: What are you saying? You're the man I love most!

Xiao Li: What are you saying? You're the man I love most!

**71. 小张:** 小丽,谢谢你一直陪伴着我,我爱你!
**英文:** Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, thank you for always being with me, I love you!

Xiao Zhang: Xiao Li, thank you for always being with me, I love you!

**72. 小丽:** 我也爱你,我们永远在一起!
**英文:** Xiao Li: I love you too, we'll be together forever!

Xiao Li: I love you too, we'll be together forever!

以上就是关于小张和小丽经典句子72句(小张和小丽经典句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
