
## 小米锁屏句子,53句,带英文翻译

1. 生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方。 Life is not just about the immediate, but also about poetry and the distance.

2. 愿你拥有美好的一天。 May you have a wonderful day.

3. 努力过,就不后悔。 No regrets if you have worked hard.

4. 每天都是新的开始。 Every day is a new beginning.

5. 未来可期,未来可期。 The future is promising, the future is bright.

6. 勇敢追梦,不负韶华。 Dare to chase your dreams, don't waste your youth.

7. 世界很大,风景很美。 The world is vast, the scenery is beautiful.

8. 不管怎样,都要微笑。 Smile no matter what.

9. 做最好的自己。 Be the best version of yourself.

10. 阳光总在风雨后。 Sunshine always comes after the storm.

11. 梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢? Always have dreams, what if they come true?

12. 坚持梦想,永不放弃。 Persevere in your dreams, never give up.

13. 生活的苦涩,总会被甜蜜化解。 The bitterness of life will always be overcome by sweetness.

14. 要相信,一切都会好起来的。 Believe that everything will be alright.

15. 生活就像一杯白开水,平淡却真实。 Life is like a glass of plain water, plain but real.

16. 快乐很简单,只要你用心感受。 Happiness is simple, just feel it with your heart.

17. 人生苦短,及时行乐。 Life is short, seize the day.

18. 努力不一定成功,但放弃一定失败。 Hard work doesn't guarantee success, but giving up guarantees failure.

19. 跌倒了,爬起来继续走。 Fall down, get up and keep going.

20. 相信自己,你可以做到。 Believe in yourself, you can do it.

21. 永远不要放弃你的梦想。 Never give up on your dreams.

22. 生活总会有不如意,但也要保持乐观。 Life will always have its ups and downs, but stay optimistic.

23. 不管前路有多难,都要勇敢前行。 No matter how difficult the road ahead, be brave and move forward.

24. 珍惜现在,把握未来。 Cherish the present, grasp the future.

25. 人生充满未知,但也要充满期待。 Life is full of unknowns, but also full of anticipation.

26. 努力,让梦想照进现实。 Work hard and let your dreams come true.

27. 不要因为一次失败而放弃。 Don't give up because of one failure.

28. 失败是成功之母。 Failure is the mother of success.

29. 每个人都有自己的闪光点。 Everyone has their own shining point.

30. 只要努力,终将实现梦想。 As long as you work hard, you will eventually achieve your dreams.

31. 不要轻易说放弃。 Don't give up easily.

32. 努力生活,活出精彩。 Work hard and live a wonderful life.

33. 世界上最美好的东西,就是努力后的结果。 The most beautiful thing in the world is the result of hard work.

34. 不要害怕失败,要勇敢面对挑战。 Don't be afraid of failure, face challenges bravely.

35. 做一个积极向上的人。 Be a positive person.

36. 人生就像一场旅行,充满了未知和惊喜。 Life is like a journey, full of unknowns and surprises.

37. 每天都要努力,让生活更美好。 Work hard every day to make life better.

38. 努力,是为了遇见更好的自己。 Work hard to meet a better version of yourself.

39. 不管遇到什么困难,都要坚持下去。 No matter what difficulties you encounter, keep going.

40. 相信自己,你可以改变世界。 Believe in yourself, you can change the world.

41. 世界上没有不可能的事,只有想不到的事。 There is nothing impossible in the world, only things that we haven't thought of.

42. 努力,让未来更美好。 Work hard to make the future better.

43. 坚持梦想,永不言败。 Stick to your dreams, never give up.

44. 生活就像一面镜子,你笑它也笑。 Life is like a mirror, you smile, it smiles too.

45. 不要因为别人的看法而改变自己。 Don't change yourself because of what others think.

46. 做最好的自己,让世界为你喝彩。 Be the best version of yourself, let the world cheer for you.

47. 相信自己,你比想象的更强大。 Believe in yourself, you are stronger than you think.

48. 只要你努力,就能创造奇迹。 As long as you work hard, you can create miracles.

49. 人生就像一场戏,要演好自己的角色。 Life is like a play, you have to play your role well.

50. 要勇敢地追逐梦想,不要害怕失败。 Pursue your dreams bravely, don't be afraid of failure.

51. 努力,让人生充满意义。 Work hard to make life meaningful.

52. 世界上没有白费的努力,只有不努力的人生。 There is no wasted effort in the world, only a life without effort.

53. 愿你拥有充满希望的一天。 May you have a day full of hope.

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