
## 寓意大人护犊子的句子 (74句)

**1.** 慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。

The loving mother's needle and thread, a coat for her traveling son. Before he leaves, she stitches it tight, fearing he'll be away too long.

**2.** 可怜天下父母心,谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。

A parent's love knows no bounds, who can repay their boundless kindness?

**3.** 虎毒不食子,人之常情也。

Even a tiger wouldn't eat its own cub, it's only natural for a parent to protect their child.

**4.** 父母之爱子,则为之计深远。

A parent's love for their child plans for the long term.

**5.** 孩子是父母的掌上明珠,无论如何都要好好保护。

Children are the apple of their parents' eyes, they must be protected no matter what.

**6.** 孩子犯错,父母要及时纠正,但要以爱为前提。

When a child makes a mistake, parents must correct them promptly, but always with love as the foundation.

**7.** 父母的爱是无私的,他们会为了孩子付出一切。

A parent's love is selfless, they will sacrifice everything for their child.

**8.** 父母的爱是伟大的,他们会一直守护着孩子,直到永远。

A parent's love is great, they will always protect their child, forever.

**9.** 孩子是父母生命的延续,是他们人生的希望。

Children are the continuation of their parents' lives, the hope for their future.

**10.** 父母对孩子的爱,是世界上最纯洁、最真挚的爱。

A parent's love for their child is the purest and most genuine love in the world.

**11.** 父母的爱是孩子成长的动力,是他们前进的指路明灯。

A parent's love is the driving force behind a child's growth, a guiding light on their path forward.

**12.** 孩子是父母的心头肉,疼爱他们,是父母的本能。

Children are the apple of their parents' eyes, loving them is their instinct.

**13.** 父母对孩子的爱,是无私的奉献,是无怨无悔的付出。

A parent's love for their child is a selfless dedication, a giving without complaint or regret.

**14.** 父母的爱是温暖的阳光,照亮孩子前进的道路。

A parent's love is a warm sunshine, illuminating the path forward for their child.

**15.** 父母的爱是坚强的臂膀,支撑着孩子成长。

A parent's love is a strong arm, supporting the child's growth.

**16.** 父母的爱是无形的保护伞,为孩子遮风挡雨。

A parent's love is an invisible umbrella, protecting their child from the wind and rain.

**17.** 孩子是父母生命的宝贵财富,他们会用全部的爱去呵护。

Children are the precious wealth of their parents' lives, they will cherish them with all their love.

**18.** 父母的爱是永恒的,即使孩子长大成人,他们依然会深爱着孩子。

A parent's love is eternal, even when their child grows up, they will still love them deeply.

**19.** 孩子是父母的希望,是他们未来的寄托。

Children are the hope of their parents, their future reliance.

**20.** 父母的爱是无私的,他们不会计较付出多少,只希望孩子能过得好。

A parent's love is selfless, they don't calculate how much they give, only hoping their child will be happy.

**21.** 孩子是父母的牵挂,无论身在何处,父母都会挂念着他们。

Children are the worries of their parents, no matter where they are, their parents will be thinking of them.

**22.** 父母的爱是伟大的,他们会为孩子付出一切,甚至牺牲自己的生命。

A parent's love is great, they will sacrifice everything for their child, even their own lives.

**23.** 孩子是父母的幸福,他们会用全部的爱去爱护孩子,让他们拥有幸福的人生。

Children are the happiness of their parents, they will love them with all their hearts, enabling them to have a happy life.

**24.** 父母的爱是无私的,他们不会要求回报,只希望孩子能健康快乐地成长。

A parent's love is selfless, they don't demand anything in return, only hoping their child can grow up healthy and happy.

**25.** 孩子是父母的宝贝,他们会用全部的爱去呵护他们,让他们拥有美好的未来。

Children are the treasures of their parents, they will cherish them with all their love, allowing them to have a bright future.

**26.** 父母的爱是无形的,却无处不在,它渗透在生活的点点滴滴中。

A parent's love is invisible, yet it's everywhere, permeating every aspect of life.

**27.** 父母的爱是伟大的,它可以战胜一切困难,可以化解一切矛盾。

A parent's love is great, it can overcome any difficulty, it can resolve any conflict.

**28.** 父母的爱是无私的,他们会为了孩子付出一切,即使是自己的生命。

A parent's love is selfless, they will sacrifice everything for their child, even their own lives.

**29.** 孩子是父母生命的延续,是他们爱情的结晶。

Children are the continuation of their parents' lives, the crystallization of their love.

**30.** 父母的爱是孩子成长的阳光,照亮孩子前行的道路。

A parent's love is the sunshine for a child's growth, illuminating the path forward for their child.

**31.** 孩子是父母的心头肉,他们会用心呵护,让孩子健康快乐地成长。

Children are the apple of their parents' eyes, they will cherish them with care, allowing them to grow up healthy and happy.

**32.** 父母的爱是无私的奉献,他们会用全部的爱去爱护孩子,让他们拥有幸福的人生。

A parent's love is a selfless dedication, they will love their child with all their hearts, enabling them to have a happy life.

**33.** 孩子是父母的希望,他们会为了孩子的未来付出一切,即使是自己的生命。

Children are the hope of their parents, they will sacrifice everything for their child's future, even their own lives.

**34.** 父母的爱是无形的,却无处不在,它渗透在生活的点点滴滴中。

A parent's love is invisible, yet it's everywhere, permeating every aspect of life.

**35.** 父母的爱是伟大的,它可以战胜一切困难,可以化解一切矛盾。

A parent's love is great, it can overcome any difficulty, it can resolve any conflict.

**36.** 父母的爱是永恒的,即使孩子长大成人,他们依然会深爱着孩子。

A parent's love is eternal, even when their child grows up, they will still love them deeply.

**37.** 孩子是父母生命的宝贵财富,他们会用全部的爱去呵护。

Children are the precious wealth of their parents' lives, they will cherish them with all their love.

**38.** 父母的爱是坚强的臂膀,支撑着孩子成长。

A parent's love is a strong arm, supporting the child's growth.

**39.** 父母的爱是温暖的阳光,照亮孩子前进的道路。

A parent's love is a warm sunshine, illuminating the path forward for their child.

**40.** 父母的爱是无形的保护伞,为孩子遮风挡雨。

A parent's love is an invisible umbrella, protecting their child from the wind and rain.

**41.** 孩子是父母的牵挂,无论身在何处,父母都会挂念着他们。

Children are the worries of their parents, no matter where they are, their parents will be thinking of them.

**42.** 父母的爱是无私的,他们不会计较付出多少,只希望孩子能过得好。

A parent's love is selfless, they don't calculate how much they give, only hoping their child will be happy.

**43.** 孩子是父母的希望,是他们未来的寄托。

Children are the hope of their parents, their future reliance.

**44.** 父母的爱是永恒的,即使孩子长大成人,他们依然会深爱着孩子。

A parent's love is eternal, even when their child grows up, they will still love them deeply.

**45.** 孩子是父母生命的延续,是他们爱情的结晶。

Children are the continuation of their parents' lives, the crystallization of their love.

**46.** 父母的爱是孩子成长的阳光,照亮孩子前行的道路。

A parent's love is the sunshine for a child's growth, illuminating the path forward for their child.

**47.** 孩子是父母的心头肉,他们会用心呵护,让孩子健康快乐地成长。

Children are the apple of their parents' eyes, they will cherish them with care, allowing them to grow up healthy and happy.

**48.** 父母的爱是无私的奉献,他们会用全部的爱去爱护孩子,让他们拥有幸福的人生。

A parent's love is a selfless dedication, they will love their child with all their hearts, enabling them to have a happy life.

**49.** 孩子是父母的希望,他们会为了孩子的未来付出一切,即使是自己的生命。

Children are the hope of their parents, they will sacrifice everything for their child's future, even their own lives.

**50.** 父母的爱是无形的,却无处不在,它渗透在生活的点点滴滴中。

A parent's love is invisible, yet it's everywhere, permeating every aspect of life.

**51.** 父母的爱是伟大的,它可以战胜一切困难,可以化解一切矛盾。

A parent's love is great, it can overcome any difficulty, it can resolve any conflict.

**52.** 孩子是父母的牵挂,无论身在何处,父母都会挂念着他们。

Children are the worries of their parents, no matter where they are, their parents will be thinking of them.

**53.** 父母的爱是无私的,他们不会计较付出多少,只希望孩子能过得好。

A parent's love is selfless, they don't calculate how much they give, only hoping their child will be happy.

**54.** 孩子是父母的希望,是他们未来的寄托。

Children are the hope of their parents, their future reliance.

**55.** 父母的爱是永恒的,即使孩子长大成人,他们依然会深爱着孩子。

A parent's love is eternal, even when their child grows up, they will still love them deeply.

**56.** 孩子是父母生命的延续,是他们爱情的结晶。

Children are the continuation of their parents' lives, the crystallization of their love.

**57.** 父母的爱是孩子成长的阳光,照亮孩子前行的道路。

A parent's love is the sunshine for a child's growth, illuminating the path forward for their child.

**58.** 孩子是父母的心头肉,他们会用心呵护,让孩子健康快乐地成长。

Children are the apple of their parents' eyes, they will cherish them with care, allowing them to grow up healthy and happy.

**59.** 父母的爱是无私的奉献,他们会用全部的爱去爱护孩子,让他们拥有幸福的人生。

A parent's love is a selfless dedication, they will love their child with all their hearts, enabling them to have a happy life.

**60.** 孩子是父母的希望,他们会为了孩子的未来付出一切,即使是自己的生命。

Children are the hope of their parents, they will sacrifice everything for their child's future, even their own lives.

**61.** 父母的爱是无形的,却无处不在,它渗透在生活的点点滴滴中。

A parent's love is invisible, yet it's everywhere, permeating every aspect of life.

**62.** 父母的爱是伟大的,它可以战胜一切困难,可以化解一切矛盾。

A parent's love is great, it can overcome any difficulty, it can resolve any conflict.

**63.** 父母的爱是无私的,他们不会要求回报,只希望孩子能健康快乐地成长。

A parent's love is selfless, they don't demand anything in return, only hoping their child can grow up healthy and happy.

**64.** 孩子是父母的宝贝,他们会用全部的爱去呵护他们,让他们拥有美好的未来。

Children are the treasures of their parents, they will cherish them with all their love, allowing them to have a bright future.

**65.** 父母的爱是温暖的阳光,照亮孩子前进的道路。

A parent's love is a warm sunshine, illuminating the path forward for their child.

**66.** 父母的爱是坚强的臂膀,支撑着孩子成长。

A parent's love is a strong arm, supporting the child's growth.

**67.** 父母的爱是无形的保护伞,为孩子遮风挡雨。

A parent's love is an invisible umbrella, protecting their child from the wind and rain.

**68.** 孩子是父母生命的宝贵财富,他们会用全部的爱去呵护。

Children are the precious wealth of their parents' lives, they will cherish them with all their love.

**69.** 父母的爱是永恒的,即使孩子长大成人,他们依然会深爱着孩子。

A parent's love is eternal, even when their child grows up, they will still love them deeply.

**70.** 孩子是父母的希望,是他们未来的寄托。

Children are the hope of their parents, their future reliance.

**71.** 父母的爱是无私的,他们不会计较付出多少,只希望孩子能过得好。

A parent's love is selfless, they don't calculate how much they give, only hoping their child will be happy.

**72.** 孩子是父母的牵挂,无论身在何处,父母都会挂念着他们。

Children are the worries of their parents, no matter where they are, their parents will be thinking of them.

**73.** 父母的爱是伟大的,他们会为孩子付出一切,甚至牺牲自己的生命。

A parent's love is great, they will sacrifice everything for their child, even their own lives.

**74.** 孩子是父母的幸福,他们会用全部的爱去爱护孩子,让他们拥有幸福的人生。

Children are the happiness of their parents, they will love them with all their hearts, enabling them to have a happy life.

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