
## 学礼仪讲文明的句子 (57句)

**1. 礼仪是人际交往的桥梁,文明是社会进步的阶梯。**

Etiquette is a bridge in interpersonal communication, and civilization is a ladder for social progress.

**2. 举止得体,语言文明,处处体现素质修养。**

Proper manners and polite language reflect one's quality and cultivation everywhere.

**3. 礼貌待人,尊重他人,是中华民族的优良传统。**

Being polite and respecting others is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation.

**4. 讲文明,树新风,共建和谐社会。**

Let's advocate civilization, cultivate new trends, and work together to build a harmonious society.

**5. 良好的礼仪,是人生成功的基石。**

Good etiquette is the cornerstone of success in life.

**6. 言行举止,一举一动,都应体现文明。**

Every word, every action, and every movement should reflect civilization.

**7. 学会尊重,学会宽容,学会感恩,是文明的体现。**

Learning to respect, to tolerate, and to be grateful is a manifestation of civilization.

**8. 礼仪之邦,文明之源,让我们共同传承。**

Let's inherit together the tradition of a nation of etiquette and a source of civilization.

**9. 不说脏话,不乱扔垃圾,从我做起,从小事做起。**

Let's refrain from using foul language and littering, starting with ourselves and small things.

**10. 尊老爱幼,助人为乐,是文明的体现。**

Respecting the elderly, loving the young, and helping others are manifestations of civilization.

**11. 文明礼仪,贵在坚持,贵在行动。**

Civilized etiquette is valuable in persistence and action.

**12. 文明素养,需要我们每个人共同维护。**

Civilized qualities need to be maintained by all of us together.

**13. 文明礼仪,不仅是个人修养,更是社会风尚。**

Civilized etiquette is not only personal cultivation but also social custom.

**14. 让我们用文明的言行,创造美好的生活。**

Let's create a better life with our civilized words and actions.

**15. 从小事做起,从细节做起,做文明的传播者。**

Let's start with small things, from details, and be the spreaders of civilization.

**16. 文明礼仪,让我们生活更美好。**

Civilized etiquette makes our lives better.

**17. 礼仪是金,文明是宝,让我们共同珍惜。**

Etiquette is gold, and civilization is a treasure; let's cherish them together.

**18. 做一个文明人,做一个有礼貌的人。**

Be a civilized person, be a polite person.

**19. 文明是城市的灵魂,是社会的进步。**

Civilization is the soul of a city and the progress of society.

**20. 让文明之花,在社会中处处盛开。**

Let the flowers of civilization bloom everywhere in society.

**21. 做一个有教养的人,做一个文明的人。**

Be a well-educated person, be a civilized person.

**22. 文明礼仪,让我们生活更加和谐。**

Civilized etiquette makes our lives more harmonious.

**23. 文明的种子,需要我们用心播种。**

The seeds of civilization need to be sown with care.

**24. 文明的习惯,需要我们不断培养。**

Civilized habits need to be constantly cultivated.

**25. 文明的行动,需要我们共同参与。**

Civilized actions require our joint participation.

**26. 用文明的行动,点亮社会的光芒。**

Light up the glow of society with civilized actions.

**27. 做一个文明的使者,做一个文明的代言人。**

Be a messenger of civilization, be a spokesperson for civilization.

**28. 文明礼仪,是我们社会进步的标志。**

Civilized etiquette is a sign of our social progress.

**29. 文明行为,让我们生活更美好。**

Civilized behavior makes our lives better.

**30. 让文明的阳光,照亮我们前进的道路。**

Let the sunshine of civilization illuminate our path forward.

**31. 文明礼仪,从我做起,从现在做起。**

Let's start with ourselves and now with civilized etiquette.

**32. 文明的行为,就是最好的语言。**

Civilized behavior is the best language.

**33. 文明的社会,需要我们共同建设。**

We need to work together to build a civilized society.

**34. 让文明之风,吹遍祖国的大江南北。**

Let the wind of civilization blow across the rivers and mountains of our motherland.

**35. 做一个文明人,做一个善良的人。**

Be a civilized person, be a kind person.

**36. 文明礼仪,是中华民族的瑰宝。**

Civilized etiquette is a treasure of the Chinese nation.

**37. 文明的道路,需要我们共同探索。**

We need to explore the path of civilization together.

**38. 文明的未来,需要我们共同创造。**

We need to create the future of civilization together.

**39. 文明的种子,需要我们精心呵护。**

We need to carefully nurture the seeds of civilization.

**40. 文明的果实,需要我们共同分享。**

We need to share the fruits of civilization together.

**41. 文明的道路,充满了挑战和希望。**

The path of civilization is full of challenges and hope.

**42. 文明的旅程,需要我们不断学习。**

We need to keep learning on the journey of civilization.

**43. 文明的力量,来自于我们每个人的行动。**

The power of civilization comes from the actions of each of us.

**44. 文明的未来,需要我们共同努力。**

We need to work together for the future of civilization.

**45. 文明的社会,是我们共同的梦想。**

A civilized society is our shared dream.

**46. 文明的道路,充满着希望和光明。**

The path of civilization is full of hope and light.

**47. 文明的礼仪,让我们生活更美好。**

Civilized etiquette makes our lives better.

**48. 文明的素养,让我们更自信。**

Civilized qualities make us more confident.

**49. 文明的习惯,让我们更优秀。**

Civilized habits make us better.

**50. 文明的社会,需要我们共同维护。**

We need to work together to maintain a civilized society.

**51. 文明的理念,需要我们深入人心。**

The concept of civilization needs to be deeply ingrained in our minds.

**52. 文明的行动,需要我们持之以恒。**

Civilized actions need to be persistent.

**53. 文明的进步,需要我们不断创新。**

Civilized progress requires constant innovation.

**54. 文明的社会,充满着爱和希望。**

A civilized society is full of love and hope.

**55. 文明的道路,充满着挑战和机遇。**

The path of civilization is full of challenges and opportunities.

**56. 文明的未来,需要我们共同创造。**

We need to create the future of civilization together.

**57. 让我们一起努力,共同创造一个文明美好的世界。**

Let's work together to create a civilized and beautiful world.

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