
## 侠客风云传句子 (92句)

1. 逍遥江湖,快意恩仇。

1. To roam the world freely, and to seek revenge for past grievances.

2. 武林至尊,宝刀屠龙,号令天下,莫敢不从。

2. The supreme martial artist, with the Dragon-Slaying Sabre, commands the world, and none dare disobey.

3. 江湖险恶,步步惊心。

3. The world of martial arts is treacherous, and every step is filled with danger.

4. 仗剑天涯,行侠仗义。

4. To wander with a sword, and to uphold justice and chivalry.

5. 浪迹天涯,不问世事。

5. To roam the world, unburdened by worldly affairs.

6. 醉卧沙场君莫笑,古来征战几人回。

6. Don't laugh at me as I lie drunk on the battlefield, for how many warriors have returned from ancient wars?

7. 天下英雄出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。

7. From among us arise the heroes of the world, and our time in the martial arts passes quickly.

8. 一壶浊酒喜相逢,古今多少事,都付笑谈中。

8. A cup of turbid wine, a happy reunion, all the happenings of past and present, we laugh them off in the midst of it all.

9. 十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。

9. Ten years of life and death, lost in the vastness of time, though I do not dwell on it, I cannot forget it.

10. 人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。

10. Life is like a dream, I offer this cup of wine to the moon on the river.

11. 侠之大者,为国为民。

11. The greatest chivalry is to serve your country and your people.

12. 心怀天下,侠肝义胆。

12. To have a heart for the world, and to be a righteous and valiant hero.

13. 笑傲江湖,无拘无束。

13. To roam the world freely, laughing at its constraints.

14. 风云变幻,世事无常。

14. The winds and clouds change, and the affairs of the world are unpredictable.

15. 江湖恩怨,情仇难解。

15. The feuds and loves of the martial arts world, entangled and impossible to unravel.

16. 刀光剑影,血雨腥风。

16. The flashing of swords and blades, the bloody and fierce winds of battle.

17. 名利双收,功成名就。

17. To achieve both fame and fortune, and to reach the peak of success.

18. 名满天下,威震四方。

18. To be renowned throughout the land, and to intimidate the four corners of the world.

19. 一剑在手,天下我有。

19. With a sword in my hand, I possess the world.

20. 快意恩仇,江湖无悔。

20. To seek revenge for past grievances, and to have no regrets in the martial arts world.

21. 心之所向,无所畏惧。

21. Where my heart leads, I have no fear.

22. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。

22. The road ahead is long and arduous, but I will tirelessly seek and explore.

23. 天命难违,命运多舛。

23. The will of heaven is difficult to defy, and fate is often unpredictable.

24. 逆天改命,舍我其谁。

24. To defy fate and change my destiny, who else but me?

25. 知己难求,知音更难觅。

25. True friends are hard to come by, and true companions are even harder to find.

26. 兄弟情深,生死相依。

26. Brothers bound by deep affection, supporting each other through life and death.

27. 红颜知己,相知相爱。

27. A soulmate, understanding and loving each other.

28. 情深缘浅,天意弄人。

28. Deep love, but fleeting fate, a cruel twist of destiny.

29. 爱恨情仇,恩怨纠缠。

29. Love, hate, and revenge, entangled in a web of grievances.

30. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

30. Life is short, seize the day and enjoy yourself.

31. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。

31. When life is good, enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty.

32. 人生如戏,戏如人生。

32. Life is like a play, and the play is like life.

33. 心若向阳,无畏风雨。

33. If your heart is like the sun, you fear no wind or rain.

34. 侠客无名,却留千古。

34. The hero has no name, yet his legend endures through the ages.

35. 纵横江湖,快意人生。

35. To roam the martial arts world, and to live a life of joy and freedom.

36. 江湖路远,一路同行。

36. The path of the martial arts is long, let us walk it together.

37. 天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。

37. The heroes of the world arise from among us, and our time in the martial arts passes quickly.

38. 十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。

38. Ten years of life and death, lost in the vastness of time, though I do not dwell on it, I cannot forget it.

39. 人生如梦,一樽还酹江月。

39. Life is like a dream, I offer this cup of wine to the moon on the river.

40. 侠之大者,为国为民。

40. The greatest chivalry is to serve your country and your people.

41. 心怀天下,侠肝义胆。

41. To have a heart for the world, and to be a righteous and valiant hero.

42. 笑傲江湖,无拘无束。

42. To roam the world freely, laughing at its constraints.

43. 风云变幻,世事无常。

43. The winds and clouds change, and the affairs of the world are unpredictable.

44. 江湖恩怨,情仇难解。

44. The feuds and loves of the martial arts world, entangled and impossible to unravel.

45. 刀光剑影,血雨腥风。

45. The flashing of swords and blades, the bloody and fierce winds of battle.

46. 名利双收,功成名就。

46. To achieve both fame and fortune, and to reach the peak of success.

47. 名满天下,威震四方。

47. To be renowned throughout the land, and to intimidate the four corners of the world.

48. 一剑在手,天下我有。

48. With a sword in my hand, I possess the world.

49. 快意恩仇,江湖无悔。

49. To seek revenge for past grievances, and to have no regrets in the martial arts world.

50. 心之所向,无所畏惧。

50. Where my heart leads, I have no fear.

51. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。

51. The road ahead is long and arduous, but I will tirelessly seek and explore.

52. 天命难违,命运多舛。

52. The will of heaven is difficult to defy, and fate is often unpredictable.

53. 逆天改命,舍我其谁。

53. To defy fate and change my destiny, who else but me?

54. 知己难求,知音更难觅。

54. True friends are hard to come by, and true companions are even harder to find.

55. 兄弟情深,生死相依。

55. Brothers bound by deep affection, supporting each other through life and death.

56. 红颜知己,相知相爱。

56. A soulmate, understanding and loving each other.

57. 情深缘浅,天意弄人。

57. Deep love, but fleeting fate, a cruel twist of destiny.

58. 爱恨情仇,恩怨纠缠。

58. Love, hate, and revenge, entangled in a web of grievances.

59. 人生苦短,及时行乐。

59. Life is short, seize the day and enjoy yourself.

60. 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。

60. When life is good, enjoy it to the fullest, don't let the golden cup face the moon empty.

61. 人生如戏,戏如人生。

61. Life is like a play, and the play is like life.

62. 心若向阳,无畏风雨。

62. If your heart is like the sun, you fear no wind or rain.

63. 侠客无名,却留千古。

63. The hero has no name, yet his legend endures through the ages.

64. 纵横江湖,快意人生。

64. To roam the martial arts world, and to live a life of joy and freedom.

65. 江湖路远,一路同行。

65. The path of the martial arts is long, let us walk it together.

66. 金盆洗手,退出江湖。

66. To wash one's hands in a golden basin, and to retire from the martial arts world.

67. 武功盖世,天下无敌。

67. To possess unparalleled martial arts skills, to be invincible in the world.

68. 身怀绝技,独步天下。

68. To possess unique skills, to be unmatched in the world.

69. 心狠手辣,杀人如麻。

69. Cruel and ruthless, killing without hesitation.

70. 心机深沉,城府极深。

70. Cunning and scheming, with deep and unfathomable motives.

71. 阴险狡诈,不择手段。

71. Deceitful and cunning, using any means necessary to achieve their goals.

72. 恩怨分明,是非分明。

72. To distinguish between kindness and resentment, and between right and wrong.

73. 肝胆相照,生死相托。

73. To be completely open and honest, entrusting one's life to another.

74. 情义无价,肝胆相照。

74. Loyalty and righteousness are priceless, sharing a bond of brotherhood.

75. 江湖险恶,人心叵测。

75. The martial arts world is treacherous, and people's hearts are unpredictable.

76. 身世飘零,命运坎坷。

76. To be adrift in the world, with a life full of hardships.

77. 身负重任,义不容辞。

77. To bear a heavy responsibility, a duty that cannot be shirked.

78. 舍生取义,大义凛然。

78. To sacrifice one's life for a just cause, with great righteousness.

79. 正邪之争,势不两立。

79. The struggle between good and evil, irreconcilable and incompatible.

80. 江湖传说,流传千古。

80. Martial arts legends, passed down through the ages.

81. 武林秘籍,天下奇珍。

81. Secret martial arts manuals, rare treasures of the world.

82. 绝世神功,威力无穷。

82. Unparalleled martial arts skills, with boundless power.

83. 奇门遁甲,神机妙算。

83. Mystical arts of concealment and strategy, clever and ingenious tactics.

84. 神兵利器,威力无匹。

84. Divine weapons and powerful implements, unmatched in their might.

85. 武林大会,群雄争霸。

85. A gathering of martial arts masters, competing for supremacy.

86. 名门正派,正义凛然。

86. Reputable and righteous sects, upholding justice and virtue.

87. 邪派魔教,阴险狡诈。

87. Wicked and evil sects, deceitful and cunning.

88. 江湖奇遇,机缘巧合。

88. Unexpected encounters in the martial arts world, serendipitous opportunities.

89. 命运之轮,无情转动。

89. The wheel of fate, turning relentlessly.

90. 人生无常,世事难料。

90. Life is unpredictable, and the world is full of surprises.

91. 江湖再见,后会有期。

91. Farewell, my friends in the martial arts world, until we meet again.

92. 侠骨柔情,荡气回肠。

92. A hero's heart, filled with chivalry and love, a tale that stirs the soul.

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