
## 妹妹长大了的句子 (70句)

1. 妹妹终于不再缠着我玩过家家了,她开始有自己的朋友和秘密了。

My little sister finally stopped bugging me to play pretend. She has her own friends and secrets now.

2. 妹妹学会了骑自行车,她兴奋地像一只小鸟,在院子里飞来飞去。

My sister learned how to ride a bike. She was as excited as a little bird, flying around the yard.

3. 妹妹开始喜欢阅读,她常常沉浸在书本的世界里,忘记了时间。

My sister started to enjoy reading. She often forgets about time, lost in the world of books.

4. 妹妹的个子长高了,她的衣服也开始变得不合身了。

My sister has grown taller, and her clothes started to fit poorly.

5. 妹妹开始有了自己的想法,她不再总是听我的话了。

My sister started to have her own ideas. She no longer always listens to me.

6. 妹妹的性格变得更加独立,她开始尝试着做一些自己想做的事情。

My sister has become more independent. She started to try things she wants to do.

7. 妹妹开始懂得照顾自己了,她不再需要我时时刻刻地陪伴。

My sister started to take care of herself. She no longer needs my constant company.

8. 妹妹的脸上不再只有天真无邪的笑容,她开始懂得喜怒哀乐。

My sister's face no longer only shows innocent smiles. She started to understand joy, anger, sadness, and happiness.

9. 妹妹开始有了自己的梦想,她努力学习,想要实现自己的目标。

My sister started to have her own dreams. She works hard to achieve her goals.

10. 妹妹不再是那个只会哭闹的小女孩了,她已经成长为一个懂事的小姑娘。

My sister is no longer the little girl who used to cry and make a fuss. She has grown into a sensible young girl.

11. 妹妹的头发长长了,她开始喜欢扎各种各样的发型。

My sister's hair has grown long. She started to love wearing various hairstyles.

12. 妹妹的脸上开始有了青春痘,她开始变得更加在意自己的外表。

My sister started to have pimples on her face. She started to care more about her appearance.

13. 妹妹开始喜欢化妆,她会偷偷地用我的化妆品。

My sister started to like makeup. She would sneakily use my cosmetics.

14. 妹妹开始喜欢穿高跟鞋,她总是偷偷地穿上我的高跟鞋,在房间里走来走去。

My sister started to like wearing high heels. She would sneakily put on my high heels and walk around the room.

15. 妹妹开始喜欢看偶像剧,她会模仿剧中的角色说话和穿衣。

My sister started to like watching idol dramas. She would imitate the characters in the drama, talking and dressing.

16. 妹妹开始喜欢听流行音乐,她会跟着音乐跳舞。

My sister started to like listening to pop music. She would dance to the music.

17. 妹妹开始喜欢玩手机,她会花很多时间玩游戏和刷社交软件。

My sister started to like playing with her phone. She would spend a lot of time playing games and browsing social media.

18. 妹妹开始喜欢交朋友,她会和朋友一起出去玩。

My sister started to like making friends. She would go out to play with her friends.

19. 妹妹开始对异性产生好感,她会偷偷地关注一些男孩子。

My sister started to develop feelings for the opposite sex. She would secretly pay attention to some boys.

20. 妹妹开始有了自己的小秘密,她不会再像以前一样什么事都告诉我。

My sister started to have her own little secrets. She wouldn't tell me everything like she used to.

21. 妹妹开始懂得体谅父母了,她会主动帮父母做一些家务。

My sister started to understand and sympathize with her parents. She would take the initiative to help them with some chores.

22. 妹妹开始懂得感恩了,她会经常感谢父母的付出。

My sister started to be grateful. She would often thank her parents for their dedication.

23. 妹妹开始有了自己的责任感,她会认真完成自己的学习任务。

My sister started to have a sense of responsibility. She would complete her learning tasks seriously.

24. 妹妹开始懂得如何与人相处了,她会主动与他人沟通。

My sister started to understand how to interact with others. She would take the initiative to communicate with others.

25. 妹妹开始懂得如何处理自己的情绪了,她不再像以前一样容易生气。

My sister started to understand how to handle her emotions. She no longer gets angry as easily as she used to.

26. 妹妹开始懂得如何规划自己的时间了,她会合理安排学习和玩耍的时间。

My sister started to understand how to plan her time. She would arrange her study and play time reasonably.

27. 妹妹开始懂得如何照顾自己的身体了,她会注意自己的饮食和睡眠。

My sister started to understand how to take care of her body. She would pay attention to her diet and sleep.

28. 妹妹开始懂得如何保护自己了,她会注意自己的安全。

My sister started to understand how to protect herself. She would pay attention to her safety.

29. 妹妹开始懂得如何面对挫折了,她会从失败中吸取教训。

My sister started to understand how to face setbacks. She would learn from failures.

30. 妹妹开始懂得如何追求自己的梦想了,她会为自己的目标努力奋斗。

My sister started to understand how to pursue her dreams. She would work hard for her goals.

31. 妹妹的脸上多了几分成熟,她的眼神也变得更加坚定。

My sister's face has gained a touch of maturity. Her eyes have become more determined.

32. 妹妹的言行举止也越来越像个大人了,她已经不再是那个天真烂漫的小女孩了。

My sister's words and actions are becoming more and more like an adult. She is no longer the innocent and carefree little girl.

33. 妹妹的成长让我感到欣慰,我也相信她会越来越优秀。

My sister's growth makes me feel relieved. I also believe she will become better and better.

34. 妹妹的成长也让我看到自己的不足,我应该更加努力,成为一个更好的姐姐。

My sister's growth also makes me see my own shortcomings. I should work harder to be a better older sister.

35. 妹妹的成长是一个奇迹,她像一朵花一样,在阳光下绽放。

My sister's growth is a miracle. She is like a flower blooming under the sun.

36. 妹妹的成长让我感到自豪,她已经成为一个独立自主的女孩了。

My sister's growth makes me feel proud. She has become an independent and self-reliant girl.

37. 妹妹的成长让我更加珍惜我们的亲情,我会永远爱她。

My sister's growth makes me cherish our family affection even more. I will love her forever.

38. 妹妹的成长充满了欢笑和泪水,但最终,她还是克服了所有的困难,成为了一个优秀的女孩。

My sister's growth was filled with laughter and tears, but in the end, she overcame all difficulties and became an excellent girl.

39. 妹妹的成长是一个不断学习和成长的过程,我相信她会越来越优秀,越来越自信。

My sister's growth is a continuous process of learning and growing. I believe she will become more and more excellent and confident.

40. 妹妹的成长让我对未来充满了希望,我相信她会创造一个更加美好的未来。

My sister's growth fills me with hope for the future. I believe she will create a brighter future.

41. 妹妹不再需要我帮她穿衣服了,她已经可以自己穿衣服了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her get dressed. She can dress herself.

42. 妹妹不再需要我帮她吃饭了,她已经可以自己吃饭了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her eat. She can eat by herself.

43. 妹妹不再需要我帮她洗漱了,她已经可以自己洗漱了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her wash up. She can wash up herself.

44. 妹妹不再需要我帮她整理房间了,她已经可以自己整理房间了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her tidy up her room. She can tidy up her room herself.

45. 妹妹不再需要我帮她做作业了,她已经可以自己做作业了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her with her homework. She can do her homework herself.

46. 妹妹不再需要我帮她上学了,她已经可以自己上学了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her go to school. She can go to school by herself.

47. 妹妹不再需要我帮她买东西了,她已经可以自己买东西了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her buy things. She can buy things herself.

48. 妹妹不再需要我帮她交朋友了,她已经可以自己交朋友了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her make friends. She can make friends herself.

49. 妹妹不再需要我帮她处理事情了,她已经可以自己处理事情了。

My sister no longer needs me to help her deal with things. She can deal with things herself.

50. 妹妹不再需要我保护她了,她已经可以自己保护自己了。

My sister no longer needs me to protect her. She can protect herself.

51. 妹妹不再需要我担心她了,她已经可以照顾自己了。

My sister no longer needs me to worry about her. She can take care of herself.

52. 妹妹的成长是一个漫长的过程,但也是一个值得期待的过程。

My sister's growth is a long process, but it is also a process worth looking forward to.

53. 妹妹的成长让我看到了生命的奇迹,也让我更加珍惜生命的意义。

My sister's growth shows me the miracles of life and makes me cherish the meaning of life even more.

54. 妹妹的成长让我明白,人生就是一个不断学习和成长的过程。

My sister's growth makes me realize that life is a continuous process of learning and growing.

55. 妹妹的成长让我更加理解父母的爱,也让我更加懂得如何爱别人。

My sister's growth makes me better understand the love of my parents and also teaches me how to love others.

56. 妹妹的成长是一个美丽的旅程,我也期待着她的未来。

My sister's growth is a beautiful journey. I also look forward to her future.

57. 妹妹不再是那个只会黏着我的小女孩了,她已经有了自己的生活和梦想。

My sister is no longer the little girl who used to cling to me. She has her own life and dreams.

58. 妹妹的成长让我感到欣慰,她也让我对未来充满了希望。

My sister's growth makes me feel relieved. She also fills me with hope for the future.

59. 妹妹的成长让我看到了生命的无限可能性,也让我更加珍惜生命的美好。

My sister's growth shows me the infinite possibilities of life and makes me cherish the beauty of life even more.

60. 妹妹的成长是一个伟大的旅程,我也相信她会走得更加精彩。

My sister's growth is a great journey. I also believe she will have an even brighter future.

61. 妹妹不再是那个需要我照顾的小女孩了,她已经可以独立生活了。

My sister is no longer the little girl who needed my care. She can live independently.

62. 妹妹的成长是一个自然的规律,也是一个值得珍惜的奇迹。

My sister's growth is a natural law, but also a miracle worth cherishing.

63. 妹妹的成长让我更加懂得,爱是生命的源泉,也是成长的动力。

My sister's growth makes me understand that love is the source of life and also the driving force of growth.

64. 妹妹的成长让我更加珍惜与她的相处时光,我会永远记得她的天真和可爱。

My sister's growth makes me cherish my time with her even more. I will always remember her innocence and cuteness.

65. 妹妹的成长让我更加明白,生命充满了无限的可能,也充满了无限的希望。

My sister's growth makes me understand that life is full of endless possibilities and endless hope.

66. 妹妹的成长让我看到了人生的真谛,也让我更加懂得生命的价值。

My sister's growth makes me see the true meaning of life and makes me understand the value of life even more.

67. 妹妹的成长让我更加珍惜我们的亲情,我也相信我们会永远在一起。

My sister's growth makes me cherish our family affection even more. I also believe we will always be together.

68. 妹妹的成长是一个充满奇迹的过程,我也相信她会创造属于自己的精彩人生。

My sister's growth is a process full of miracles. I also believe she will create a wonderful life of her own.

69. 妹妹的成长让我看到了生命的无限可能,也让我对未来充满了期待。

My sister's growth shows me the infinite possibilities of life and makes me look forward to the future.

70. 妹妹的成长让我更加明白,生命是宝贵的,也是值得珍惜的。

My sister's growth makes me understand that life is precious and worth cherishing.

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