
## 迪奥香水句子,77句


1. Miss Dior,甜美花香,初恋的甜蜜。 / Miss Dior, a sweet floral fragrance, the sweetness of first love.
2. J'adore,优雅迷人,自信女人的选择。 / J'adore, elegant and charming, the choice of a confident woman.
3. Sauvage,野性魅力,充满男性荷尔蒙。 / Sauvage, wild charm, full of masculine hormones.
4. Dior Homme,沉稳优雅,展现男士魅力。 / Dior Homme, calm and elegant, showcasing masculine charm.
5. Poison,神秘魅惑,性感女人专属。 / Poison, mysterious and seductive, exclusive for sexy women.
6. Fahrenheit,热情奔放,充满活力。 / Fahrenheit, passionate and unrestrained, full of vitality.
7. Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet,清新花香,如同少女般美好。 / Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet, a fresh floral fragrance, as beautiful as a young girl.
8. Dior Addict,甜美性感,让人难以抗拒。 / Dior Addict, sweet and sexy, irresistible.
9. Diorama,轻盈优雅,如同花瓣般轻柔。 / Diorama, light and elegant, as soft as a petal.
10. Dior Homme Intense,深沉迷人,彰显男士魅力。 / Dior Homme Intense, deep and charming, showcasing masculine charm.


11. Joy by Dior,清新愉悦,带来无限活力。 / Joy by Dior, fresh and joyful, bringing endless vitality.
12. Forever and Ever Dior,永恒之爱,浪漫与甜蜜的交织。 / Forever and Ever Dior, eternal love, a blend of romance and sweetness.
13. Rose N'Roses,浪漫花香,如同花园般美好。 / Rose N'Roses, romantic floral fragrance, as beautiful as a garden.
14. Gris Montaigne,神秘优雅,彰显独特魅力。 / Gris Montaigne, mysterious and elegant, showcasing unique charm.
15. Dior Homme Sport,清新活力,充满运动气息。 / Dior Homme Sport, fresh and energetic, full of sports spirit.
16. Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming,甜美花香,如同盛开的鲜花。 / Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming, sweet floral fragrance, like blooming flowers.
17. Poison Girl,甜美性感,充满少女气息。 / Poison Girl, sweet and sexy, full of girlishness.
18. Sauvage Elixir,浓烈迷人,散发男性魅力。 / Sauvage Elixir, intense and charming, exuding masculine charm.
19. Dior Homme Parfum,奢华优雅,彰显男士品味。 / Dior Homme Parfum, luxurious and elegant, showcasing masculine taste.
20. Miss Dior Rose N'Roses,玫瑰香气,浪漫而优雅。 / Miss Dior Rose N'Roses, rose fragrance, romantic and elegant.


21. 迪奥香水,是奢华与魅力的象征。 / Dior perfumes are a symbol of luxury and charm.
22. 迪奥香水,散发着迷人的香气,令人难以忘怀。 / Dior perfumes exude a charming fragrance that is unforgettable.
23. 迪奥香水,是每位女性的梦想。 / Dior perfumes are every woman's dream.
24. 迪奥香水,是优雅与自信的完美体现。 / Dior perfumes are the perfect embodiment of elegance and confidence.
25. 迪奥香水,让您散发独特的魅力。 / Dior perfumes make you radiate unique charm.
26. 迪奥香水,是您不可或缺的魅力武器。 / Dior perfumes are your indispensable charm weapon.
27. 迪奥香水,让您在人群中脱颖而出。 / Dior perfumes make you stand out from the crowd.
28. 迪奥香水,让您更自信,更迷人。 / Dior perfumes make you more confident and charming.
29. 迪奥香水,是您最好的选择。 / Dior perfumes are your best choice.
30. 迪奥香水,带您进入香氛的世界。 / Dior perfumes take you into the world of fragrance.

**Miss Dior**

31. Miss Dior,甜美的花香,如同初恋般美好。 / Miss Dior, sweet floral fragrance, as beautiful as first love.
32. Miss Dior,充满活力与自信。 / Miss Dior, full of vitality and confidence.
33. Miss Dior,是优雅与活力的完美结合。 / Miss Dior, a perfect combination of elegance and vitality.
34. Miss Dior,是每位女孩的梦想之香。 / Miss Dior, the dream fragrance of every girl.
35. Miss Dior,让你散发独特的魅力。 / Miss Dior, let you radiate unique charm.
36. Miss Dior,是你的秘密武器。 / Miss Dior, your secret weapon.
37. Miss Dior,让你在人群中脱颖而出。 / Miss Dior, let you stand out from the crowd.
38. Miss Dior,让你更自信,更迷人。 / Miss Dior, make you more confident and charming.
39. Miss Dior,是你的最佳选择。 / Miss Dior, your best choice.
40. Miss Dior,带你进入香氛的世界。 / Miss Dior, take you into the world of fragrance.


41. J'adore,优雅迷人,如同女王般高贵。 / J'adore, elegant and charming, as noble as a queen.
42. J'adore,是自信与优雅的化身。 / J'adore, the embodiment of confidence and elegance.
43. J'adore,是每位女性的梦想之香。 / J'adore, the dream fragrance of every woman.
44. J'adore,让你散发迷人的魅力。 / J'adore, let you radiate charming charm.
45. J'adore,是你的秘密武器。 / J'adore, your secret weapon.
46. J'adore,让你在人群中脱颖而出。 / J'adore, let you stand out from the crowd.
47. J'adore,让你更自信,更迷人。 / J'adore, make you more confident and charming.
48. J'adore,是你的最佳选择。 / J'adore, your best choice.
49. J'adore,带你进入香氛的世界。 / J'adore, take you into the world of fragrance.


50. Sauvage,野性魅力,充满男性荷尔蒙。 / Sauvage, wild charm, full of masculine hormones.
51. Sauvage,是自信与魅力的完美体现。 / Sauvage, the perfect embodiment of confidence and charm.
52. Sauvage,是每位男士的梦想之香。 / Sauvage, the dream fragrance of every man.
53. Sauvage,让你散发迷人的魅力。 / Sauvage, let you radiate charming charm.
54. Sauvage,是你的秘密武器。 / Sauvage, your secret weapon.
55. Sauvage,让你在人群中脱颖而出。 / Sauvage, let you stand out from the crowd.
56. Sauvage,让你更自信,更迷人。 / Sauvage, make you more confident and charming.
57. Sauvage,是你的最佳选择。 / Sauvage, your best choice.
58. Sauvage,带你进入香氛的世界。 / Sauvage, take you into the world of fragrance.

**Dior Homme**

59. Dior Homme,沉稳优雅,如同绅士般迷人。 / Dior Homme, calm and elegant, as charming as a gentleman.
60. Dior Homme,是自信与优雅的完美结合。 / Dior Homme, a perfect combination of confidence and elegance.
61. Dior Homme,是每位男士的梦想之香。 / Dior Homme, the dream fragrance of every man.
62. Dior Homme,让你散发迷人的魅力。 / Dior Homme, let you radiate charming charm.
63. Dior Homme,是你的秘密武器。 / Dior Homme, your secret weapon.
64. Dior Homme,让你在人群中脱颖而出。 / Dior Homme, let you stand out from the crowd.
65. Dior Homme,让你更自信,更迷人。 / Dior Homme, make you more confident and charming.
66. Dior Homme,是你的最佳选择。 / Dior Homme, your best choice.
67. Dior Homme,带你进入香氛的世界。 / Dior Homme, take you into the world of fragrance.


68. Poison,神秘魅惑,如同毒药般致命。 / Poison, mysterious and seductive, as deadly as poison.
69. Poison,是性感与神秘的化身。 / Poison, the embodiment of sexiness and mystery.
70. Poison,是每位女性的秘密武器。 / Poison, every woman's secret weapon.
71. Poison,让你散发迷人的魅力。 / Poison, let you radiate charming charm.
72. Poison,是你的秘密武器。 / Poison, your secret weapon.
73. Poison,让你在人群中脱颖而出。 / Poison, let you stand out from the crowd.
74. Poison,让你更自信,更迷人。 / Poison, make you more confident and charming.
75. Poison,是你的最佳选择。 / Poison, your best choice.
76. Poison,带你进入香氛的世界。 / Poison, take you into the world of fragrance.


77. 迪奥香水,是香氛中的艺术品。 / Dior perfumes are works of art in the world of fragrance.

## 英文版

Classic perfumes

1. Miss Dior, a sweet floral fragrance, the sweetness of first love.

2. J'adore, elegant and charming, the choice of a confident woman.

3. Sauvage, wild charm, full of masculine hormones.

4. Dior Homme, calm and elegant, showcasing masculine charm.

5. Poison, mysterious and seductive, exclusive for sexy women.

6. Fahrenheit, passionate and unrestrained, full of vitality.

7. Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet, a fresh floral fragrance, as beautiful as a young girl.

8. Dior Addict, sweet and sexy, irresistible.

9. Diorama, light and elegant, as soft as a petal.

10. Dior Homme Intense, deep and charming, showcasing masculine charm.

New perfumes

11. Joy by Dior, fresh and joyful, bringing endless vitality.

12. Forever and Ever Dior, eternal love, a blend of romance and sweetness.

13. Rose N'Roses, romantic floral fragrance, as beautiful as a garden.

14. Gris Montaigne, mysterious and elegant, showcasing unique charm.

15. Dior Homme Sport, fresh and energetic, full of sports spirit.

16. Miss Dior Absolutely Blooming, sweet floral fragrance, like blooming flowers.

17. Poison Girl, sweet and sexy, full of girlishness.

18. Sauvage Elixir, intense and charming, exuding masculine charm.

19. Dior Homme Parfum, luxurious and elegant, showcasing masculine taste.

20. Miss Dior Rose N'Roses, rose fragrance, romantic and elegant.


21. Dior perfumes are a symbol of luxury and charm.

22. Dior perfumes exude a charming fragrance that is unforgettable.

23. Dior perfumes are every woman's dream.

24. Dior perfumes are the perfect embodiment of elegance and confidence.

25. Dior perfumes make you radiate unique charm.

26. Dior perfumes are your indispensable charm weapon.

27. Dior perfumes make you stand out from the crowd.

28. Dior perfumes make you more confident and charming.

29. Dior perfumes are your best choice.

30. Dior perfumes take you into the world of fragrance.

Miss Dior

31. Miss Dior, sweet floral fragrance, as beautiful as first love.

32. Miss Dior, full of vitality and confidence.

33. Miss Dior, a perfect combination of elegance and vitality.

34. Miss Dior, the dream fragrance of every girl.

35. Miss Dior, let you radiate unique charm.

36. Miss Dior, your secret weapon.

37. Miss Dior, let you stand out from the crowd.

38. Miss Dior, make you more confident and charming.

39. Miss Dior, your best choice.

40. Miss Dior, take you into the world of fragrance.


41. J'adore, elegant and charming, as noble as a queen.

42. J'adore, the embodiment of confidence and elegance.

43. J'adore, the dream fragrance of every woman.

44. J'adore, let you radiate charming charm.

45. J'adore, your secret weapon.

46. J'adore, let you stand out from the crowd.

47. J'adore, make you more confident and charming.

48. J'adore, your best choice.

49. J'adore, take you into the world of fragrance.


50. Sauvage, wild charm, full of masculine hormones.

51. Sauvage, the perfect embodiment of confidence and charm.

52. Sauvage, the dream fragrance of every man.

53. Sauvage, let you radiate charming charm.

54. Sauvage, your secret weapon.

55. Sauvage, let you stand out from the crowd.

56. Sauvage, make you more confident and charming.

57. Sauvage, your best choice.

58. Sauvage, take you into the world of fragrance.

Dior Homme

59. Dior Homme, calm and elegant, as charming as a gentleman.

60. Dior Homme, a perfect combination of confidence and elegance.

61. Dior Homme, the dream fragrance of every man.

62. Dior Homme, let you radiate charming charm.

63. Dior Homme, your secret weapon.

64. Dior Homme, let you stand out from the crowd.

65. Dior Homme, make you more confident and charming.

66. Dior Homme, your best choice.

67. Dior Homme, take you into the world of fragrance.


68. Poison, mysterious and seductive, as deadly as poison.

69. Poison, the embodiment of sexiness and mystery.

70. Poison, every woman's secret weapon.

71. Poison, let you radiate charming charm.

72. Poison, your secret weapon.

73. Poison, let you stand out from the crowd.

74. Poison, make you more confident and charming.

75. Poison, your best choice.

76. Poison, take you into the world of fragrance.


77. Dior perfumes are works of art in the world of fragrance.

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