
## 好难搞哦句子,76句,并把内容翻译成英文,然后把结果内容的段落带上html标签中的p标签

1. 好难搞哦,这道题我完全不会做!

It's so difficult, I can't solve this problem at all!

2. 今天的作业好难搞哦,要做到什么时候啊?

Today's homework is so hard, when will I ever finish it?

3. 这个软件好难搞哦,我完全摸不着头绪。

This software is so difficult, I have no idea what I'm doing.

4. 现在这天气好难搞哦,一会儿热一会儿冷。

This weather is so unpredictable, it's hot one minute and cold the next.

5. 这家店的东西好难搞哦,价格贵得离谱。

The things in this store are so expensive, they're outrageous.

6. 这个任务好难搞哦,不知道能不能完成。

This task is so difficult, I don't know if I can complete it.

7. 这段代码好难搞哦,看了好久都没看懂。

This code is so difficult, I've been looking at it for hours and still don't understand it.

8. 这件事好难搞哦,需要慎重考虑。

This matter is so complicated, it needs careful consideration.

9. 这本书好难搞哦,看得我头晕脑胀。

This book is so difficult, it's making me dizzy.

10. 这个游戏好难搞哦,我已经玩了好几个小时了,还没过关。

This game is so difficult, I've been playing it for hours and haven't even passed the first level.

11. 这些事情好难搞哦,简直是让人头疼。

These things are so difficult, they're a real headache.

12. 这台机器好难搞哦,我总是弄不明白怎么用。

This machine is so difficult, I can't figure out how to use it.

13. 这个程序好难搞哦,我已经尝试了各种方法,都无法解决问题。

This program is so difficult, I've tried all kinds of methods, but I can't solve the problem.

14. 这张地图好难搞哦,我总是找不到路。

This map is so difficult, I can't find my way around.

15. 这道菜好难搞哦,我从来没有做过。

This dish is so difficult, I've never made it before.

16. 这个项目好难搞哦,我需要花很多时间去研究。

This project is so difficult, I need to spend a lot of time studying it.

17. 这些材料好难搞哦,我需要好好整理一下。

These materials are so difficult, I need to organize them properly.

18. 这个模型好难搞哦,我总是做不好。

This model is so difficult, I always make mistakes.

19. 这些数据好难搞哦,我需要用电脑分析一下。

This data is so difficult, I need to analyze it with a computer.

20. 这本书的作者好难搞哦,他的思维方式太复杂了。

The author of this book is so difficult, his way of thinking is too complex.

21. 这家公司的管理层好难搞哦,他们总是喜欢刁难人。

The management team of this company is so difficult, they always like to make things difficult for people.

22. 这些事情好难搞哦,我需要好好思考一下。

These things are so difficult, I need to think carefully.

23. 这些想法好难搞哦,我需要花时间去消化。

These ideas are so difficult, I need time to digest them.

24. 这个理论好难搞哦,我需要再深入研究一下。

This theory is so difficult, I need to do further research.

25. 这个方案好难搞哦,我需要仔细评估一下。

This plan is so difficult, I need to carefully evaluate it.

26. 这段历史好难搞哦,我需要查阅更多的资料。

This period of history is so difficult, I need to consult more resources.

27. 这些艺术作品好难搞哦,我需要花时间去欣赏。

These works of art are so difficult, I need time to appreciate them.

28. 这个话题好难搞哦,我需要谨慎发言。

This topic is so difficult, I need to speak carefully.

29. 这个问题好难搞哦,我需要请教一下专业人士。

This problem is so difficult, I need to ask a professional for help.

30. 这些规则好难搞哦,我需要认真学习一下。

These rules are so difficult, I need to study them carefully.

31. 这项任务好难搞哦,我需要集中注意力去做。

This task is so difficult, I need to concentrate on it.

32. 这些步骤好难搞哦,我需要仔细阅读说明书。

These steps are so difficult, I need to carefully read the instructions.

33. 这些公式好难搞哦,我需要认真推演一下。

These formulas are so difficult, I need to carefully derive them.

34. 这个软件的界面好难搞哦,我总是找不到我要的功能。

The interface of this software is so difficult, I can't find the function I need.

35. 这些参数好难搞哦,我需要调整一下。

These parameters are so difficult, I need to adjust them.

36. 这个操作好难搞哦,我需要多练习几次。

This operation is so difficult, I need to practice a few more times.

37. 这些文字好难搞哦,我需要仔细阅读。

These words are so difficult, I need to read them carefully.

38. 这些符号好难搞哦,我需要弄清楚它们的含义。

These symbols are so difficult, I need to understand their meaning.

39. 这段音乐好难搞哦,我总是听不懂。

This piece of music is so difficult, I always don't understand it.

40. 这部电影好难搞哦,我总是看不懂。

This movie is so difficult, I always don't understand it.

41. 这个作品好难搞哦,我需要好好思考一下它的内涵。

This work is so difficult, I need to think carefully about its meaning.

42. 这个道理好难搞哦,我需要多思考一下。

This principle is so difficult, I need to think about it more.

43. 这本书的主题好难搞哦,我需要多读几遍才能理解。

The theme of this book is so difficult, I need to read it several times to understand it.

44. 这些信息好难搞哦,我需要整理一下才能记住。

This information is so difficult, I need to organize it to remember it.

45. 这项任务好难搞哦,我需要认真计划一下。

This task is so difficult, I need to plan carefully.

46. 这些步骤好难搞哦,我需要一步一步地去做。

These steps are so difficult, I need to do them step by step.

47. 这道题好难搞哦,我需要参考一下答案。

This problem is so difficult, I need to refer to the answers.

48. 这件事好难搞哦,我需要寻求帮助。

This matter is so difficult, I need to seek help.

49. 这项工作好难搞哦,我需要努力学习才能胜任。

This job is so difficult, I need to study hard to be qualified.

50. 这个系统好难搞哦,我需要花时间去学习它。

This system is so difficult, I need to spend time learning it.

51. 这些知识好难搞哦,我需要不断学习才能掌握。

These knowledge is so difficult, I need to keep learning to master it.

52. 这些技术好难搞哦,我需要不断实践才能熟练掌握。

These techniques are so difficult, I need to keep practicing to master them.

53. 这个项目好难搞哦,我需要认真思考才能找到最佳方案。

This project is so difficult, I need to think carefully to find the best solution.

54. 这个问题好难搞哦,我需要用逻辑思维去思考。

This problem is so difficult, I need to use logical thinking to think about it.

55. 这个挑战好难搞哦,我需要不断突破才能获得成功。

This challenge is so difficult, I need to keep breaking through to achieve success.

56. 这个关系好难搞哦,我需要谨慎处理才能维持。

This relationship is so difficult, I need to handle it carefully to maintain it.

57. 这个局面好难搞哦,我需要冷静分析才能找到出路。

This situation is so difficult, I need to analyze it calmly to find a way out.

58. 这个选择好难搞哦,我需要权衡利弊才能做出决定。

This choice is so difficult, I need to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

59. 这些事情好难搞哦,我需要调整心态才能顺利面对。

These things are so difficult, I need to adjust my mindset to face them smoothly.

60. 这个目标好难搞哦,我需要坚持不懈才能实现。

This goal is so difficult, I need to persevere to achieve it.

61. 这些压力好难搞哦,我需要放松身心才能缓解。

These pressures are so difficult, I need to relax to relieve them.

62. 这些情绪好难搞哦,我需要控制才能保持冷静。

These emotions are so difficult, I need to control them to stay calm.

63. 这些烦恼好难搞哦,我需要找到解决方法才能摆脱。

These troubles are so difficult, I need to find solutions to get rid of them.

64. 这些变化好难搞哦,我需要适应才能更好地生活。

These changes are so difficult, I need to adapt to live better.

65. 这些困难好难搞哦,我需要克服才能取得更大的进步。

These difficulties are so difficult, I need to overcome them to make greater progress.

66. 这些挑战好难搞哦,我需要勇敢面对才能获得成功。

These challenges are so difficult, I need to face them bravely to achieve success.

67. 这些挫折好难搞哦,我需要从中吸取教训才能更好地成长。

These setbacks are so difficult, I need to learn from them to grow better.

68. 这些失败好难搞哦,我需要从失败中总结经验才能取得成功。

These failures are so difficult, I need to learn from them to achieve success.

69. 这些事情好难搞哦,我需要找到一个合适的解决方案才能解决。

These things are so difficult, I need to find a suitable solution to solve them.

70. 这些任务好难搞哦,我需要合理安排时间才能完成。

These tasks are so difficult, I need to schedule my time properly to complete them.

71. 这些问题好难搞哦,我需要积极思考才能找到答案。

These problems are so difficult, I need to think positively to find the answers.

72. 这些情况好难搞哦,我需要保持乐观的心态才能坚持下去。

These situations are so difficult, I need to maintain an optimistic attitude to persevere.

73. 这些事情好难搞哦,我需要保持冷静才能做出正确的判断。

These things are so difficult, I need to stay calm to make the right judgments.

74. 这些事情好难搞哦,我需要发挥自己的潜力才能克服困难。

These things are so difficult, I need to use my potential to overcome difficulties.

75. 这些事情好难搞哦,我需要不断努力才能取得成功。

These things are so difficult, I need to keep trying to achieve success.

76. 这些事情好难搞哦,我需要相信自己才能战胜一切挑战。

These things are so difficult, I need to believe in myself to overcome all challenges.

以上就是关于好难搞哦句子76句(好难搞哦句子英文)的全部内容。 欢迎大家转发到抖音朋友圈,与朋友一起分享。
